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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Mamacita 2
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Hi All, This is just to say good morning and to wish you all well. I have commented in my head on many of the post...but the general response seems to be that yes indeed children must learn that there are consequences for their actions...and when kids think you are mean for not dealing with their agenda as they'd are going to be though of as mean...and that's a good thing. Hope my comments make sense and are understood...cause that's how my mind is working right Peace.
17/Sep/13 12:29 AM
Mamacita 2
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Well, I should have counted...but I will simply paraphrase here and say...How the child is taught, is the road he/she will generally follow...but not always... ;-0
17/Sep/13 12:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, it's raining, and IH is off with my truck and trailer again. I have a Vet appointment for the 2 boy puppies in an hour and a half, so they get to ride in the RV. Or in IH's truck, if I decide to use that instead. I hate using his truck because the driver's seat is all messed up. But it's only a short drive.
17/Sep/13 3:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The boy pups are home. Both have demodectic mange, which is caused by an immunodeficiency. Their sister doesn't have it. Both boys will have to go through a series of 4 dips, each 2 weeks apart. In the middle of the treatments they will both have to be neutered so they don't have another breakout. I'm about to give them both their first treatments right now.
17/Sep/13 6:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Both Bear and Spike have been bathed and dipped. They're not overly happy right now, nor is my back, but we're gonna get this problem fixed.
17/Sep/13 10:49 AM
Alabama, USA
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So sorry that caring for the puppies got your back complaining again. Hope it is better soon.
Not a lot going on here a very quite weekend. I have done a lot of sleeping. Two weeks of pain and not sleeping leaves some catching up to do. Glad to say pain levels are much better and at times pain free. I like that.
We had a lady come today for a storytelling class. she told a regular fairy tale, then had us imagine other endings, talk about questions never addressed, people who just were no longer mentioned, what happened to them. did we want to rewrite the fairy tale? Lots of things just to get residents talking, thinking. Kind of a fun afternoon. she will be back for the next six Mondays. Oh one unusual question she asked us, was if we could only have one food at every day the rest of our lives, what food would we choose?One of the funniest answers was Pinto Beans! Although many of us had been talking about chocolate earlier, only one person said chocolate ice cream, no other chocolate mentioned.
What would you choose if you could only have one food??
Time to take evening meds and get ready for bed. I need also to text Joy and invite her to dinner. I cooked a small pork roast yesterday, forgetting I had bought my lunch for today. It will keep though and whatever is left after a few days can go into freezer.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
17/Sep/13 12:19 PM
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Greetings to All!
What a shame that so many children & young people have not been brought up to respect others. Too many think they are the center of the universe and everything should be done to fulfill their needs and make them happy. It doesn't occur to them to think of others' needs or wants. Fortunately this is not true of all young people!
Heidi, I'm glad you are on top of the skin condition of the puppies. Unfortunately, it makes more work for you. Hopefully there won't be something else to complicate your back pain between now and your next epidural! I hope the traveling and wedding go smoothly and pleasantly!
MizT, it's always good to hear that you have some pain-free moments! The story-telling class sounds very interesting! It seems like she has tricks up her sleeve to try to keep everyone involved and interested! Enjoy your dinner with Joy!
It's time for me to call it a night. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and
for everyone!
17/Sep/13 4:04 PM
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Evening all,
Still no brain to spare... only 3 days to go!
Anecdote: I find myself liking it when I see and hear kids do rotten things to other teachers because it means it's not necessarily anything to do with my inexperience. Some kids just have no respect for anyone. And then I feel horrible for liking it.
17/Sep/13 4:45 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, you just need to put a different spin on what you are feeling. You are not liking what the kids are doing to other teachers, you are liking the fact that you are not being singled out cause you are a new teacher. Looked at that way, there is nothing for you to feel horrible about.
I am still waiting for some fall weather. Temps are a little lower, but I want the crisp low humidity that marks spring and gives us the October's bright blue weather.
Who knew that getting some real sleep would make all the difference in pain levels? Well, I knew but had forgotten. So wonderful to sleep at night again. Now which came first, the sleep that took away the pain, or the lack of pain that let me sleep? Either way, I am most happy about it at the moment.
Did I tell you I planted 2 pots of mums on Saturday? One was donated by a resident for me to put in a container, the other was one I bought at Aldi's. big 8 inch pot of nothing but buds for $3, I could not pass those up. Both have settled in nicely. Watching for the Pansies now, they should be in here soon. Pansies are a winter flower here, by May it gets too hot for them. We had pansies in one pot all last winter, I know they will do well in this micro-clime. I hope to have several pots this winter. It is so nice to see something blooming when everything is gray. Not even any evergreen trees within sight here.
Last winter we had begonias that over wintered. there are three pots of them this year, I hope all of them will make it through the winter. We could have a nice little winter garden if they do.
I am off to find some breakfast. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
18/Sep/13 12:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I am delighted that you're getting some quality sleep now and are feeling so much better. You really deserve it.
Yesterday was the only dipping before the epidural. The boys need to be dipped 4 times, with 2 weeks between each dip. The epidural is a week from tomorrow. I'll have 5 days to recover from it before tackling the boys again. They're actually pretty well behaved ad don't struggle while I'm working with them, so it's not that hard.
18/Sep/13 1:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just 48 hours from now, we'll be on the road. I am SO looking forward to another trip in my RV.
18/Sep/13 3:30 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT - choosing one food, that is a hard one! Of course chocolate comes to mind but that wouldn't sustain.
I thought of fish, because I love it and could eat it every meal except that's not good for your mercury? levels.
I wouldn't choose bread either.
Maybe oranges - yep, I could eat oranges.
But really nothing sounds palatable if that's you're only choice.
18/Sep/13 9:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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Cyn, you are right. I would even get tired of strawberries if that was ALL I could eat. One of the ladies said lasagna. Maybe I should change mine to chicken pot pie?
18/Sep/13 10:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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If I could only choose one food it would be pasta. I can eat pasta every day.
18/Sep/13 11:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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If I was restricted to one food all my life, it would probably be corned beef. I never tire of corned beef. (I'm planning on cooking up 6 pounds of it tomorrow for the trip to Wisconsin.) But probably, the most nutritious choice would be Gallo Pinto, a dish made with rice and black beans with a little sausage in it.
18/Sep/13 11:46 AM
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That is hard.. 1 food!
I could oranges everyday..
Morning everyone.
raining again (still).
Apparently with all that 'Moisture from the Skies' over the last few weeks.. not much of it has gone into the Dams
Dams are 1/3 full, and most of it comes from the Desalination Plants!
18/Sep/13 11:49 AM
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oopss where did that word 'eat' go..
I could EAT oranges everyday!
18/Sep/13 11:50 AM
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18/Sep/13 1:47 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Darn! Why is it so late by the time I get here? Well, today, we had MANY errands. Tomorrow morning I MUST get up and practice, leave by noon to go where I have lessons. It's my first today in the quartet class (2 hours), followed by a 1-hour lesson, then another hour home. Sounds busy.
Hmmm, one food, so there must be some protein, vegetable, would be nice to get in some fruit, too. Perhaps a pizza with cheese, chicken, peppers, broccoli, pineapple, light tomato sauce, diced tomatoes and minced garlic? Would that qualify as one food - pizza?
Tami, your choice of past could give quite a variety if you're allowed to 'accessorize' it!
Hooray for Suzy and her last couple of days!
Heidi, I hope all goes well with your RV trip! Have fun! I'll be thinking of you as you pass through Illinois.
MizT, I hope all of the flowers make it through the winter! Mums, begonias & pansies could give quite a splash of color!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for everyone.
18/Sep/13 5:02 PM
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Rolanda, what a shame that all that rain didn't help to fil the catchments!
18/Sep/13 5:03 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Still no time to read or comment, so I hope you all well and happy.
Cousin still here working away.
Luv and Hugs.
18/Sep/13 5:41 PM
Magnolia, KY
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for letting us know what you are doing!
I wish I had said pizza. I could happily eat that every day.
19/Sep/13 12:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We leave in 25 hours. Can you tell I love traveling in my RV?
19/Sep/13 12:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am appalled! Remember that little dog, Sassy, whose owners asked me to take care of for 2 weeks? (The husband is the guy I gave the truck to.) Not only have they not picked her up at the shelter, but I've heard that they got another dog! They intended on dumping her on me all along! And after all the favors I've done for them!. I don't like people who take advantage of other's good natures.
19/Sep/13 2:01 AM
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Now in York. It was cold and wet yesterday in Wales but Ken got to have his train rides. We have been walking all afternoon and will be walking again in the morning. I am sure I have worn inches off my legs!
a few more days and I get to meet Brenda and then it will be the flight home.
19/Sep/13 6:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The fridge, freezer and pantry in the RV are fully packed. My clothes are packed. Wedding present is packed. The only thing not ready to go is IH. The only things he's packed so far are 4 bottles of bourbon. We're leaving in 19 hours.
19/Sep/13 6:57 AM
Mamacita 2
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Evening all...Heidi...Hope you have a great trip and enjoy the wedding. I'm sure Gil will be ready in time...hoping to have a good time showing 'his' R.V to his family that will be Stay far as the former family of Sassy...they showed their true colors and now that you've sen them, you should be finished with them...they really repaid your kindness in a very unfair, disrespectful manner and don't deserve any consideration again.
June, bet your leg muscles are stronger by now after all of the walking done...this is not a trip where weight gain would be a problem ,no matter how much good food you would have It dose sound like a great sight-seeing, informative trip filled with beauty and I'm glad you were fit enough to enjoy and share with us.
Yay Julie...a busy day with the cello and we heard it here first!!!!
Food of choice MzT would have to be Shrimp pasta....hopefully I'd have the option to change sauces for variety's
Rola...what a shame to have all of that rain and still have the catchment areas so low...hopefully they will fill more w/o the heavens open up quite as long and hard in such a short period of time so your summer weather will not be filled with a drought. I'm hoping that we, in the U.S. can approach our winter with less cold and snow yet keep our water tables at a good level...yes, I want my cake and want to eat it too....wrong maybe...but real.
I'm out of here...take it easy folks and know that I think of you all...Peace.
19/Sep/13 10:28 AM
Mamacita 2
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And those who follow please read your post prior to hitting 'send'...Some folk sure fill their post with a lot of errors...won't mention that poster's former shh...I won't tell if you agree with me.
19/Sep/13 10:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yeah.... IH is acting proud of his RV. We'll be picking up his brother and taking him to and from the wedding. We're also giving his father a ride home from the wedding. We're both confident that he'll be more comfortable riding in the RV than in a packed car with other family members. We figure that if he gets tired, he can take a nap in the bedroom in the back. He's 89, and takes a lot of naps.
19/Sep/13 11:00 AM
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Greetings to all!
Broni, busy is good, especially with your cousin helping! We know we'll see you more often when life permits. Take care of yourself!
Heidi, I am appalled that Sassy's family took advantage of you like that! I guess they showed their true colors. You sound completely ready to hit the road. Hopefully IH will get his act together soon! Safe travels to you and your passengers.
June, you and Ken must be in amazing shape with all of the walking you have done on your travels. Good for you! Hopefully you will be bringing home many pleasant memories, including your visit with Brenda! Please give her {{{HUGS}}} from all of us!
Mama, it doesn't hurt to ask for a milder winter, and yet a replenishing of the water tables! I'll second that request!
Follow-up to my activities today: WOW! In the 2-hour quartet class, we read through an entire quartet - 4 movements (about 8 full pages) of a mid- to late- Haydn quartet. Until today, the only cello music I have played was written in bass clef. The second movement also included tenor and treble clef. I just followed along, but didn't attempt to play. LUCKILY, there are 4 other people playing cello, including one who is 93, I think. All of them play much better than I do, so I could remain 'hidden' at the back attempting to play quietly. One of the movements was written in D-flat major with 5 flats, which I have never played. I was mentally exhausted by the end of class, then spent most of my hour lesson with my teacher helping me with the music, including where to shift and fingerings that wouldn't be too difficult. It's a good thing my hubby drove, as I slept a good part of the way home. The good thing is that people were encouraging, so I guess I'll keep going, at least for several more weeks. My cello teacher says it will get easier. The class teacher also has another quartet planned for us to work on this semester, but we didn't even get to it, so he didn't hand it out today.
Thinking of all of you, even if I haven't mentioned you. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
. Stay well!
19/Sep/13 4:42 PM
qld, australia
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Have dinner on, and cous is on the phone to his wife.
Julie, remember when others were learning and they showed talent, give yourself a break girl you show talent!
OK out of hear before I burn dinner.
Luv and Hugs.
19/Sep/13 7:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's quite a challenge, Julie. Attempting things you've never done before is a great way to improve. And it sounds fun playing with others. Broni's right. The others were beginners once, too. Don't be hard on yourself.
19/Sep/13 11:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Shiver me timbers!!!! I nearly missed International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!!!
We be slipping the mooring lines and leaving port in 2 1/2 hours. I still be waiting for IH to load his gear aboard. That scurvy dog seems to be trying to scuttle the voyage.
19/Sep/13 11:32 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, a cooler than recently start to the day, it has just reached 70*F after a low of 64. Temps very slowly cooling, humidity a bit better, but not our nice crisp fall weather yet.
Joy came to dinner last night, begged off earlier in the week, too much work, she was just tired. She as always did a check on my computer, updated things that had been nagging me to update. Heard a fan struggling to work, and removed a LOT of dust from fan blades and inside of computer. Like Joy, I wonder where so much dust came from. We had a nice dinner together, even if it was 8:30 before she got here :). She stopped at grocery for milk and colas for me, so I do not have to go out today now.
Julie, I hope you enjoyed the 2 hour quartette lesson. Having teacher show you some of the needed skills for that piece should make it easier. Didn't you say it was an hour drive to class? No wonder you were tired on the way home, an hour drive up, 3 hours of heavy brain work along with the physical that goes with playing. I would have slept all the way home also. I am glad your hubby drove you. What did he do to entertain himself during your class time?
Heidi, I kept waiting for you to report that Gil came to you at time to leave and asked why you had not packed for him
. You know, make it not his fault he was not ready to leave.
Broni, glad you checked in, even at risk of burning your dinner.
Mama, what mistakes? I think I have a self correcting mind, I read things as you intended them to be hehehe. I do check back for red underlined words fore I post, means spell check has flagged something as incorrect. Now it does not catch mistakes where I misspell one word, but it becomes another acceptable word.
June, almost to the end of your holiday. You have walked enough to shorten your legs a couple of inches, just worn them down. Looking forward to photos once you are home and sort them.
Time for some breakfast here, just finished my first cup of coffee. Nothing sounds good for breakfast today, perhaps I can find something. I would like a muffin, but enough to go and bake some? Naw, not that much.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
20/Sep/13 12:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Congrats on getting #1234, MizT.
We leave in 40 minutes, and IH isn't packed yet. I won't pack for him and he knows it.
I'll see you all on Monday morning. Byeeeeeee
20/Sep/13 1:21 AM
Small Town Canada
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Have a fun time, Heidi.
20/Sep/13 3:02 AM
Small Town Canada
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At 3:30 this afternoon (app. 2 hours and 20 minutes from now) Snowball will be making his final trip to the vet. He is not doing very well right now and I don't like to see him like this. His neurological problems would take several thousand dollars to investigate and then there is a good chance nothing could be done anyway. I will surely miss that little goofball.
20/Sep/13 3:04 AM
Mamacita 2
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Oh Theresa, I'm so sorry...but please know that you are doing the right thing and snowball will join the pups and cats who have gone before him so he will quickly learn the ropes of a pain free good time once more.
Julie, I can only echo what others have said...go easy on yourself and know you can only improve...why already you can play that cello way better than any of us I'll bet...I'm even willing to bet real money on relax as much as possible and enjoy the experience of beautiful music being made.
Heidi, hope you are on the road by travel to and fro.
Peace folks...I'm out of here.
20/Sep/13 6:35 AM
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I'm so sorry Theresa. Sometimes the right thing to do can feel so wrong. Long distance hugs....
20/Sep/13 1:04 PM
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Last class on my last day! It will take me a week to recover and get my house back together. Then we're off to spread mum's ashes and then a few days in Melbourne.
20/Sep/13 1:07 PM
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