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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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Patch passed away in his sleep about an hour ago. He was in no pain in the end. I will REALLY miss him.
20/Feb/18 4:33 PM
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Hugs Heidi! No easier just because it was expected.
20/Feb/18 11:49 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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So sorry to hear that Heidi, even though it was coming. Big hugs!
21/Feb/18 9:24 AM
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So sorry Heidi - a terrible time for you with Patch and Daisy and your own health. Thought your annus horribilis was last year.
21/Feb/18 10:12 AM
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Hi, DOrA! What a great 'BOPP' on page 307!
Warm {{{HUGS}}} and condolences to you, Heidi! Patch was an important family member. Keeping you in our thoughts.
Midge, I'm in complete agreement with you. Heidi, I hope there will be an upturn in your luck most of the rest of this year. You certainly deserve for things to dramatically improve, including your health! Wishing you the best!
To all of our Sudokuaholic Friends, I am sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
21/Feb/18 12:38 PM
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Can YOUR cat do this?
21/Feb/18 2:48 PM
Alabama, USA
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Posting without reading. Just wanted to let you know I got results of the MRI late afternoon . bulging disk at L3 L4. They are now trying to get insurance approval and get me scheduled for the epidural. Said they were 'expediting' the request, I hope that reduces time it takes to get me scheduled. Today I am now feeling pain down my 'good' leg too, oh dear.
My friend Rosa will be going with me, said did not matter when it was scheduled, she would make it work. that is a good friend
21/Feb/18 4:13 PM
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MizT, I hope it’s fast!
I only remember waiting for one preapproval, though I’m sure there were more. And I waited about 15 minutes. The doc took one look at Alie and had someone on the phone to get her approved for an X-ray. I went from his office straight to wherever we got the X-ray done. That was on Monday, she was scheduled to go to hospital on Thursday, but only made it to Wednesday. We never did find out what was wrong. She was just over 2 weeks old. Don got snipped, we weren’t going through that again.
21/Feb/18 5:54 PM
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One of the hens is broody! We don’t even have a rooster anymore!
21/Feb/18 5:54 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Update on Col's visit to see his surgeon. It is 1 week tomorrow morning since this happenned. He has 3 months of just rest and recuperation before they decide when he can return to the workforce and in what capacity, and if they will let him drive again - only a car - no trucks, forklifts, cranes etc that he was using daily, ever again. After 3 months, they will review what they will do about the eye, if they think it's worth putting in a new lens or transplanting a cornea. They are concerned that the retina could still detach.
His Workers Comp claim has been approved.
His sense of humour is still intact. He will need it.
21/Feb/18 7:30 PM
SW Michigan, USA
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Hi. Suzy, sorry to hear the story of Alie and your tragic loss. About the flute, no. It had been a second hand instrument when I used it in school. It gradually lost its tone (it was always a bit sharp according to the band leader's oscilloscope--I had to keep adjusting it), the keys were sticky and the pads needed replacing. I looked into getting it fixed because a friend's responsible daughter asked if she could borrow it. I was dismayed by the cost. I ended up selling it to the girl for a fair price and her parents paid to get it up to school band quality again.
I was too 'uptight' in high school. I took French and flute. I should have taken Italian and oboe. lol
22/Feb/18 6:26 AM
SW Michigan, USA
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DOrA - I like your caterpillar philosophy.
22/Feb/18 6:28 AM
SW Michigan, USA
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Heidi - so sorry. I can't imagine a better place to be in if I was a dog at the end of my days than under your loving care.
22/Feb/18 6:29 AM
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Plum, I’m so sorry I was ambiguous! Alie went to hospital on Wednesday, we never did find out what was wrong, but she is 21 now and still has problems that we think are related, but don’t know for sure. We both, hubby and I, had family histories of birth defects and never wanted to go through the hell that was that hospital trip again, or put another child through it, so hubby got snipped. She’s just been diagnosed with PCOS, but has symptoms that don’t fit that along with it.
22/Feb/18 12:30 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
DOrA, that's an amazing cat (and a very patient owner)!
MizT, thanks for the update. I'm glad you now have a diagnosis. I'm also glad that it seems they are willing to get moving on scheduling the epidural as soon as they have insurance approval. I certainly hope that will come quickly! I'm so glad your friend Rosa has volunteered to accompany you whenever the epidural is scheduled!
Suzy, that must have been frightening when Alie was a baby. And now, I'm so sorry to hear of her diagnosis of PCOS. I hope her other symptoms aren't indicative of something else. I don't know what treatment there is for that, but hope something can be done to alleviate symptoms.
CynB, keeping you and Col in my prayers and sending positive thoughts. I hope he won't go stir crazy during his 3 months of rest and recuperation. Does he have any hobbies, or would he like to take up a hobby? I'm pretty sure waiting 3 months for doctors to decide the next step would drive my hubby crazy. I hope Col will deal with it well! I'm glad to hear he still has his sense of humor!
Plum, it's too bad you don't still have your flute, but refurbishing it could be quite expensive, and I guess it wasn't much use without the refurbishing. You know, it's never too late to try to learn Italian; your could probably find an online course that is free or low-price.
Plum, you're SO right! I also can't imagine any place better to be than with Heidi if I were a dog nearing the end of my days! Heidi, we all know you are a very special human being!
Thinking of everyone and sending positive and cheerful thoughts, healing energy,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
22/Feb/18 4:50 PM
Alabama, USA
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Special hugs to Heidi, know you did all you could for Patch. Hugs to Cyn and Collin also. Very happy the workers comp is approved. As long as Col still has his sense of humor, things will be easier for both of you,
No word from pain clinic about the epidural. I think I shall phone insurance in AM, see if they have request. Sometimes these holdups are because there is only one person at pain clinic to send off all the prior approval requests. If it has been sent, my calling insurance in the past has got them moving faster. Not so if it if the scehduling person at pain clinic, nothing hurries her up. Takes them in the order received no matter what doc puts on request, exppidite, STAT, does not matter.
sorry cannot sit the computer chair longer. I went outside to enjoy the 80 degree temp this afternoon, and came in with back to toe talking to me, it is saying now I cannot sit in a regular chair, bummer.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
22/Feb/18 5:06 PM
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Julie, when she was a baby they did a biopsy and a barium enema series of X-rays, no diagnosis. She spontaneously projectile vomited for years. As an adult it has taken a year to get her PCOS diagnosis. She is currently at 140+ days without a period, only with the symptoms of having one for about 110 of those days. This is not the first time, this has been her norm. She’s been put on a strong pill, hoping it will end up with her getting her period regularly. It won’t fix the problem, but it might make it more bearable.
22/Feb/18 5:58 PM
SW Michigan, USA
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Good mAen, SA Addicts. My posts for MizTricia and CynB/Col didn't post. I have a finicky computer. We got a new one for business but it's just for business. I am waiting in a Dr exam room so I will try to catch up when I have time to concentrate. But the good news is that my daughter is passing the almond trial so she can eat coconut, carrots and almonds. We are slowly taking back foods she hasn't eaten for a long time!
23/Feb/18 7:52 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all. It's raining, it's pouring - and other than anyone having to drive in it, it is glorious! After weeks upon weeks of hot humid weather and the garden looking awful, finally some rain and it looks like there will be floods in those areas that normally flood. Not here though. Only downside is that we had organised for someone to mow our lawn today. That's not going to happen!!
23/Feb/18 9:29 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, yes Col has hobbies, his favourite is fishing which he won't be able to do for a while but I have had some mosaic projects that have been sitting around for a long time and we have decided to start work on them soon.
In the meantime, it gets better every day as we get used to things and get into a routine. His worst problem is the bad headaches he is getting from his left eye trying to do all the work and the right eye still trying to see with no results. Going to the GP this afternoon to get stronger painkillers for the headache. It recently became the law here for strong painkillers to only be available on prescription due to widespread misuse/abuse of them. Sigh!
23/Feb/18 9:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hopefully in time, as the left eye adjusts, Col's headaches will go away. In the meantime, he might want to place a cold, damp washcloth over the left eye when he doesn't have to use it.
We are having so much rain that the whole property is covered with deep mud like an oversaturated sponge. I just had to feed hay to the cows and I left deep ruts everywhere I drove in the tractor. It looks awful.The temperatures are incredibly warm for this time of year... more like mid-to-late Spring. Highs in the mid-70˚F's and lows around 50˚F. Normally, it should be well below freezing.
23/Feb/18 9:50 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, that's not good about Alie and her health problems. I hope the pill helps with it. It is such a worry for you all when health problems cannot be diagnosed.
Plum, I'm glad to hear that your daughter is being able to add more food to her diet. Food that most of us take for granted. Good luck to her.
MizT, I hope you hear news of that epidural asap. IT is terrible that you have this long wait in such pain!
Heidi, we haven't seen you here since you lost Patch. Hope you are okay and that Daisy is doing as well as possible.
Hello to Midge, DorA and any other lurkers.
Love and hugs to all whether you need them or not!
23/Feb/18 9:50 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh there is Heidi! We posted at the same time!
23/Feb/18 9:51 AM
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Plum, I have read that there is now an approach that is ‘curing’ nut allergies. Is that what they are doing? Whatever they are doing, I’m glad she’s able to expand her diet. Or at least not risk hospitalisation every time she eats out.
Cyn, has Col started getting angry yet? He will, though he may not know what he is angry about.
Heidi, are you still dealing with calving in that mud? I hope you have someone you can call for help if you have to pull a calf out of the mud. It’s too long until you can have the shot again!
MizT, warm hugs. Hoping you get some relief soon.
23/Feb/18 10:28 AM
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Yesterday was Tahli’s 6th birthday. Can you believe it’s been that long? I called in the morning and Tahli asked was I going to be there for her birthday. Broke my heart. In the afternoon I got to FaceTime with all of them. Later Dana sent videos of her opening her presents. I’ll see them in a week or so. Dana turns 25 on Sunday. How did that happen?
23/Feb/18 10:31 AM
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I’v been asked to help present the Don B**** memorial trophy on the 3rd. Yeah, nah. I’ll get one of the girls to do it. They are coping much better than I am.
23/Feb/18 12:55 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, maybe next year for the trophy? These things take time and there is no set time limit. Do what you can to get through. I wish I lived closer to you but assume you have friends to give you a hug when you need it. Unless you're like me and too stoic to let them.
23/Feb/18 6:23 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, I think it's beginning to dawn on Col that his sight isn't going to miraculously return. A few people, early on, gave us the impression that maybe he'll get near full sight back. Now they're talking about 'severe damage' and that the original wound was a 'gouge'. I'm coming to the realisation that he may be lucky to get anything better than what he has now and that they won't even replace the lens unless they are sure it will be worth it! His GP today when he looked at it, said 'Wow, there's a lot of damage there!'
23/Feb/18 6:34 PM
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Greetings to All! So sorry I don't have time to read or comment, so I'll just send a boatload of healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
Hope to see all of you here tomorrow!
23/Feb/18 7:40 PM
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Cyn, they want us there because it is the first time it will be awarded. Sigh, I’ll be there, but I’ll probably be hiding. Col will take a while to mentally adjust, but there must be a bunch of people living full lives with sight in one eye. I’ve seen a few around here. Not driving trucks, obviously, but doing well. Ghost hugs, you can’t feel them, but they’re there
23/Feb/18 8:16 PM
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Anecdote: Alie got a letter from the electoral commission, sent to this address. It’s come to our attention that you have moved from this address. It is illegal to move and not update address details. If you have moved, send this back with your new address. If you’re still living at this address, the one they sent the letter to, do nothing. Sigh. This is our government. If you’ve ever tried forwarding your mail, you’ll know only about half of it actually gets forwarded.
24/Feb/18 10:58 AM
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Hi, Everyone! I made it here much earlier than last night, so will try to quickly get caught up on my reading.
Hi, Plum! sorry you're having some computer issues. However, that's really good news that your daughter if now able to add back some foods to her diet, like coconut, carrots, and almonds. I hope there will be other foods that she'll be able to return to her diet.
Cyn, keeping you and Col in my thoughts! I'm glad he has some hobbies and also that you'll be able to do some of the mosaic projects that have been on hold. Also, hooray for the rain! Here's hoping there wasn't any severe flooding. Here's hoping that Col's headaches will diminish as he and his good eye become accustomed to functioning together while his other eye heals.
Heidi, it's too bad that things are so muddy, and the need to feed hay required caused fields to be torn up by the tractor. It's not as if there was any other alternative. Are you continuing to recover! Don't forget to take care of yourself.
Suzy, it doesn't seem possible that Tahli has turned 6 already and Dana will be 25. Time stops for no one! Thank goodness for FaceTime and/or Skype to help keep families in touch with each other, in spite of the distance separating them.
Suzy, it's nice that they thought to ask you to present the award. I hope it was phrased as, 'Would you like to . . .?' (And not, 'We want you to . . ..) Will both of the girls be able to attend? As Cyn said, there is no time limit for beginning to feel a bit more normal. You need to think of yourself and only do the things you feel ready to do. If one or both of the girls is comfortable to help with the awarding of the trophy, good for them.
Suzy, it may be aggravating that Alie got the letter from the electoral commission, but if the U.S. did something similar, there would be a lot fewer people listed at 2 or more addresses when it comes time to vote.
MizT, I hope you heard from the pain clinic today with an appointment for early next week! Obviously, you'll need to get through the weekend, no matter what. I hope the pain becomes less severe!
Thinking of Midge, DOrA, Broni, Tami, and others we only occasionally hear from. Sending them and everyone healing energy, warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, and prayers! Happy Weekend to everyone!
24/Feb/18 1:43 PM
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I don’t think it’s possible to be registered at two addresses here. Not without two identities. I never told the electoral commission where I live, I tell our equivalent the the DMV. When I was at uni I just voted at home because that was the address on my license.
24/Feb/18 4:58 PM
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It’s raaining and I’m cold! Yay!
25/Feb/18 10:48 AM
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My baby is 25 today. She got the most amazing birthday cards from the kids. Nick asked them what their favourite things about her were and wrote them on the cards.
25/Feb/18 11:26 AM
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Greetings to all! Looks like it has been a quiet day here today.
Hi, Suzy! So glad to hear that it's raining and you're actually feeling cold!
Happy Birthday
to Dana! What a great idea for birthday cards to her from her children. I bet she'll find someplace special to save them. I hope she had a great day!
Nothing so far today from MizT, Heidi, CynB, or Plum Also nothing from our occasional commentersI hope that means they're all enjoying a quiet day and finding a way to relax!
Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, and positive thoughts for each and every one of you!
25/Feb/18 2:27 PM
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3” of rain in 2 days! This is almost like normal summer weather!
25/Feb/18 9:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I think we've had more rain than that, Suzy.
26/Feb/18 4:15 AM
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Bragging or complaining, Heidi?
26/Feb/18 5:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I haven't been around much lately. My internet was down and I had to get service people out to completely rewire the house.
26/Feb/18 5:50 AM
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