Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though EVERYTHING is. - Albert Einstein
26/Mar/18 4:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, it's amazing that Alie got a job so far away from home. I hope it pays well! I'm glad the storms that were predicted didn't materialize near where you had to drive. Strong winds are bad enough to deal with, especially at night and on dirt roads!

Oh, Cyn, I'm sorry you had such a scare to deal with! So many things to worry about with a new boyfriend, parents you don't know, no contact information or address, and no reassuring call from Hayley to anyone in the family. Apparently no one on the boat had a phone with them. They're lucky they were rescued. Certainly not the way you would want to spend your day! I'm guessing she'll be sure to provide contact information the next time she's out of the area. I'm so glad it all ended well!

DOrA, yep, we can learn a lot from animals!

Heidi, thinking of you and hoping the epidural is a doozy! Gentle {{{HUGS}}} for you - and for Daisy!

Great Easter avatar, Cyn!

Suzy, I also wonder how police could take control of a drone. I can imagine why they don't want any around the Commonwealth Games venue!

I finally have stuff ready to go to our tax person. Time to hit the hay and try to recover.

Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
26/Mar/18 4:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, Alie worked 8 hours yesterday for about $34 an hour. A higher rate because it was Sunday. Don and I gave her an RSA course for her birthday one year. Responsible service of alcohol, so she can work these kinds of events.
26/Mar/18 5:08 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I don't know why or how they got the drone. I'll check the local news tonight. But I think the use of them without permission over the games area has been outlawed for security reasons. Security is very tight. This is just the kind of event that is a security nightmare.
I won't be going, did try for tickets early when they were first released, had to go into a ballot. Dont know a soul who got any.
Bit different to when Brisbane hosted them in 1982. The swimming was 5 mins up the road from where I lived. It was school holiday time and my parents took my kids to watch the marathon. They just parked on the side of the road, took drinks and a picnic lunch and waited. I was at work. I did walk up to the end of the street one evening to watch the Queen and Prince Philip drive past. They waved at us. Kids were happy.
We didn't get many royals, celebs etc visiting Qld in those days.
26/Mar/18 5:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I’ve read that the safest place to be will be at the games, security will be incredibly tight.
26/Mar/18 6:07 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Some 'insight' into the drone thing... s-during-commonwealth-games-next-month/news-story/d4d0aff3563e9e9754c7848b55ec7d33
27/Mar/18 3:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Dropping in without reading to share a funny to me story with you.

I had seen a package downstairs for a new neighbor on Friday and Saturday. I saw her in the hall, stopped her to ask if she knew she had to pick up packages downstairs. A simple yes would have answered my question, but she tells me she had been away, her daughter ----- had picked her up on Thursday to spend 2 nights with her, she did not get home till Sunday. When she got home she found so much mail in her mailbox, she thought maybe her package might be here too, so she went over to building 1 to check. PBS had a fund raiser and she had ordered 2 cassettes from them. No one had told her she had to check daily for packages. And no one had told her that it could take so long to get a washer to do laundry, there were jusst so many things they did not tell, just left for you to stumble into yourself. she had been ready to go to laundry an hour ago, but a friend ------ that she had not seen in forever phoned. She (neighbor) had once had a salon, and friend had found a book where she (neighbor) had taken out a full page add with a half page photo of her Mom and her children ----, -----, ----, and friend wanted to send a copy to her. Friend had gotten her new phone number from her(neighbor's) daughter, so she called me for my address. she kept me on the phone for an hour, and I really needed to get to the laundry room, you know. Have you ever known anyone who just goes on and on and on and you cannot get away from them.

With a very straight face, I said, Yes, I have. hehehe.
27/Mar/18 7:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Thanks DorA, I'm pleased that they're not going to shoot them out of the sky with high powered bullets or rockets. Haha!
MizT, yes, I do know people like that and avoid them at all costs. Difficult if it's a neighbour.
27/Mar/18 9:15 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Made a start on our renovations. Got a Kitchen reno guy coming to give us a quote this afternoon. It will be nice to get a new kitchen, the one we have now is 90's timber and makes the area look dark. White for me this time!
27/Mar/18 9:27 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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I just noticed - yesterday I was googling kitchen appliances so I could give the kitchen man an idea of what we wanted. Today I have ads for range hoods and microwave ovens on this page.
Sends a shiver up my spine....
27/Mar/18 9:30 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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CynB, Welcome to the 'brave new world'.........
27/Mar/18 10:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It’s like my ads don’t even know me! Dresses and face masks? Seriously?
27/Mar/18 10:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And now Asian women.....
27/Mar/18 10:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've been resting after the epidural. It was a good one, tho' not the most painful ever. I am feeling considerably more comfortable now.

Daisy can barely walk. She's very weak and shaky, and is not aware of her surroundings, but does not act like she's in any pain. I will be very surprised if she lasts 2 more days. This is heartbreaking.
27/Mar/18 11:06 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi best wishes for your epidural - hope it was a doozy too - now rest for a few days (think that was a joke with all of the animals you have to tend to).
CynB - the security around the Gold Coat is over the top. My sil and bil live in Broadbeach and their whole area is cordoned off - no vehicles allowed for the entire time. Very hard as bil has a very rare condition where his whole muscular system in his back has disintegrated because of radiation treatment many years ago (only 3 recorded cases to survive this condition) and he gets around with the aid of crutches as one leg has no support and he wears a 'shell' on his back. Also on the most incredible regime of painkillers.They will be totally housebound for the entire time - appalling!
Love the TOPP Julie. Einstein was a most interesting man.
Suzy - Alie is lucky to get the higher wages for Sunday work. Down here my daughter manages a bar and a function venue and her boss only pays casual wages for the bar staff. She is permanent but works the most horrible hours (like 2.30pm until 4am the next day on Fri, Sat and Sunday afternoons - as well as doing stocktake and staff rosters). She has been with this co. since 2011 and they don't want her to leave but the pay is lousy for the responsibility she has. Starting her Masters mid year so that will be a challenge.
Went to Albury last Friday (4hr drive)- our horse (True Kisses - we didn't name her) came 10th in a field of 16 - very disappointing. Not a good ride and she was ready to run again afterwards. She is in beautiful condition so maybe next time another win. At least I got to pat and scratch her ears - she is so gentle. The trainer is so good with his horses - we are very lucky to have him. We know she is getting the best of care.
MizT - sounds like you have a new friend, even though she is a bit garrulous. Best wishes to everyone.
27/Mar/18 11:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can rest for a few days. I loaded everybody up with food and water yesterday, and Debbie will be here tomorrow to check on them all again. The only thing I will have to do is put out hay for the cows tomorrow.
27/Mar/18 11:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody!

Darn, I refreshed the page and lost the post I had started. luckily it wasn't as long as a book's chapter!

Suzy, it seems like the birthday gift to Alie has paid for itself with good wages when she gets scheduled to work. I hope she isn't required to do as much and with as much responsibility as Midge's daughter.

Midge, it's too bad your daughter isn't paid as well, especially since she has a lot of duties and responsibilities. Will she continue in her job while working on her Masters? That would be a lot of time take from her studies. Will she need to have time to work in a lab for her Masters?

It's interesting to read about the security for the Commonwealth Games. Cyn, I was also wondering how they could take control of a drone or 'shoot it down' safely. DOrA, thanks so much for the link that did a good job of explaining all of this!

MizT, thanks for the story about the new resident/friend who goes 'on, and on, and on . . .' Maybe as she makes more friends there, she'll be able to rein it in a little.

Cyn, good luck on the kitchen reno! It will be so pleasant and bright when it's finished!

Heidi, I'm so glad you're feeling better after the epidural, but so sorry to hear how quickly Daisy is worsening. At least she waited for you to get back home after your epidural. I'm so glad to hear that she doesn't seem to be in pain.

Midge, how fun to see your horse. Too bad it didn't do better in the race. Hoping the next one goes better. I'm suspect it's very reassuring that you have faith in the trainer and his way with his horses.

Midge, garrulous seems like a perfect way to describe the new resident near MizT!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive energy, and !
27/Mar/18 3:50 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Julie my daughter has been working part time then full time (but odd hours) for nearly 7 years and they say they can't do without her!! I think the final straw was last AFL Grand Final when she arranged a street party in Richmond (where the final is held and who won this one) and made over $40k profit for them and they didn't give her staff any bonuses. She gave them part of hers. She just txt me - she is at an interview for another job - will serve them right if she leaves, only she will miss her 'regulars' - they are a really nice bunch of retired men who treat her very well.
Heidi - so sorry to read about Daisy - my thoughts are with you. You are a good mum.
27/Mar/18 4:00 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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CynB - I too am looking for a new oven - want one that opens sideways so I don't have to bend down and burn my face every time I use it. Hubby and son used my oven to try to separate some samples of laminated glass and there is PVB melted all through it now - I refuse to use it as they haven't bothered to clean it out and therefore have not cooked a proper meal for the past 4 weeks. I don't think men realise how expensive these items are - let me know if you find a good one.
27/Mar/18 4:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge, casual work def pays better, and she’s not under the hospitality award, which apparently pays less. I hope your daughter gets a better paying job with less horrendous hours!
27/Mar/18 9:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Free day, nowhere to be, lots to do but bugger that, I’m going to read!
28/Mar/18 11:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So much for my free day. Bob has just arrived.
28/Mar/18 1:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Midge, your daughter's employers may say they can't do without her, but they sure don't seem to back up their words with decent pay or an occasional bonus! I hope her interview for a different job goes well. If they offer her a better-paying job and benefits, would that give her 'ammunition' to go back to her current employer and bargain for a better arrangement?

Midge, I think that's an understatement that you need a new oven! I'm not sure that any amount of cleaning would make it really safe to use for food again. I hope you and Cyn both get a wonderful new oven!

Suzy, hooray for you! I think you deserve to take a day for yourself and enjoy reading! I hope Gizmo stayed close by so you didn't need to worry about his activity level.

Heidi, thinking of you today and hoping you're feeling better. I hope Daisy is still free of pain. Sending you both gentle cyber {{HUGS}}

Hubby and I made the 'trek' to see my sister and get haircuts today. BIG improvement! We get up early tomorrow to go watch a morning open rehearsal of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It's interesting to watch a rehearsal, as opposed to a concert, though a professional orchestra is much better, even on the first read-through, than some orchestras.

Sending much , healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
28/Mar/18 1:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, so sorry Bob arrived and interrupted your free day! Can you say, 'Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just about to leave for an appointment.'
28/Mar/18 1:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slept all day. The back feels great.
28/Mar/18 5:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Heidi, that's wonderful news! Now, if you can just take it easy for the next week or so! Sending gentle cyber {{HUGS}}

Suzy, I hope Bob didn't stay too long and ruin your plans for reading and relaxing!

MizT, I hope all's going well for you!

Midge, have all your family members recovered from their bugs and now back to normal? I hope all's well! And I hope your daughter's interview went well!

Thinking of everyone as I send healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
29/Mar/18 12:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't quite get to sleep all day today. Just before dusk I got a phone call that I had a calf out on the road. When I got outside, the cows started bawling at me that they were hungry. So I fired up the tractor and put out 4 rolls of hay. That distracted the cows so I was able to open the gate and drive the calf back in without any escapes.
29/Mar/18 2:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just back from taking Gizmo to the vet. He now has a half cast instead of a full cast and is adorably loopy. Holiday weekend traffic started a day early and it took half an hour to travel 2km on the way home. After that it was quicker because once I got across the bridge I could take side streets. Town is nuts today as it always is before a holiday. People shop as if the stores will be closed for a month instead of a day. We didn’t shop, but had to drive through- that side street thing. Aaarggh
29/Mar/18 2:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Checking in when I should be sound asleep, just cannot get there. No idea what is keeping me awake tonight, well now this morning.

Talked to my oldest daughter today, found out my oldest grandson, in his late 20s, is very sick. his condition has deteriorated rather fast in the last 6 weeks. At last the docs no longer think he is malingering, or having anxiety attacks. they have found his diaphragm is not functioning as it should, muscle weakness, and he has trouble breathing. Now escalated to severe fatigue, tremors, he can no longer shop for his own groceries even if his mom or dad drive him . Docs agree now it is a neurological problem, but will be end of May fore he can be seen by a neurologist. They are so very worried about him. Some of the possible diagnosis mentioned are life threatening. My daughter is trying to make plans to bring him to live with them if/when he continues to get worse. for time being, he is still living in his apartment, doing what he can for himself, with a lot of family support.

My knee is doing better most days, but today decided to complain. a lot. I did too much Tuesday and today, but I now have three huge containers of pink impatiens, in clean containers with new potting soil out in the shade garden at the entrance. Found a nice sale, 24 pack of impatiens, mostly larger plants, for only $5. They were mixed colors, but I sorted them and got these 3 containers with light and dark pink. The salmon colored ones will go in another pot, just did not like the contrast of those with the shade of pink, I thought they clashed together. I think the salmon and the white ones will go into hanging pots for the other part of the shade garden.

Easter Parade tomorrow, wearing our hats we decorated last week. I did not have much time, was outside washing containers and amending soil instead of making a hat. Hope to get someone to snap a photo with MY phone so I can get it online.

OK< I will never go to sleep sitting up here typing, so good night friends. Hugs, with extras.
29/Mar/18 4:23 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Great news Heidi - your epidurals have been hit and miss sometimes - glad this one is good. Good thinking with feeding the cows to keep them occupied. Hope Daisy is still not in pain.
CynB - Choice magazine at your local library is always a good start to selecting appliances - I usually pick something from the mag and then buy online - I detest buying any sort of 'whitegoods'. Good luck with your new kitchen.
Suzy glad Gizmo is happier.
Julie - your symphony sounds wonderful - would love to attend.
Just back from the beach - went there for the night with daughter - a bit cool but lovely to just get away. Finished reading 'Sanctus' - very interesting book. Can't get much reading done at home - too many interruptions. One horse racing next Tuesday at Ballarat so looks like another 2 hour trip.
Happy Easter to all
29/Mar/18 4:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I cannot believe the amout of rain we're having. The ground is at total sturation and is like a sponge to walk or drive on. And more rain is predicted. A LOT more.
30/Mar/18 5:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, the first thing that I thought was MS. But second thought said no, those symptoms would only fit advanced MS and he hasn’t been sick that long. It’s awful he has to wait that long to see the neurologist. It’s about the same in this country city though.

Heidi, glad your back is doing better, at least one thing is going right for you.

Midge, I looked up Sanctus on iBooks. An “apocalyptic conspiracy thriller “. Is that the one? I was curious as to why there were three different prices. Turns out it’s cheaper to buy in Italian or German.
30/Mar/18 12:15 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning to everyone on this Good Friday. Wishing you all a happy Easter break. We will have the whole family here on Sunday night. I keep saying never again and then I keep putting my hand up for it!
Otherwise we have no plans. It is difficult because any light getting into Col's bad eye gives him a headache. So limiting. He does wear sunglasses (and he has TAC glasses) when we go out but too long in the bright light still affects him.
30/Mar/18 1:17 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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We are so bored! So I started on a new mosaic table - round table using many Delft tiles i have collected over the years.
We have glued down the outer edge, and have positioned the tiles where I think they should be, but I'm waiting on my artistic advisor, grandson Lachlan, to look before i glue them in. Just in case he can think of better positioning. He inherited OCD from his mother and me. Poor boy.
I will post a picture of the finished product.
30/Mar/18 1:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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My father's sister, my Aunt, who is the only survivor of my parent's generation of family and friends, turns 99 years old today. Despite having dementia and sleeping a lot these days, she is still in perfect health and still eating everything put in front of her. We think she has a good chance of reaching 100, which was always her aim, to receive her letter of congratulations from the Queen.
Fingers crossed that they both survive the year. I don't think it would have the same meaning from King Charles III!
30/Mar/18 1:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That’s wonderful Cyn! My great grandmother lived to 99 and a half. She never intended to live to 100 though. She signed herself into a nursing home at 72 so she wasn’t a burden to her kids, and would only buy her clothes from vinnies or sallies because ‘she wasn’t going to live long enough to wear them out’. Nearly 28 years she lived like that.
30/Mar/18 2:01 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, MS was one of the tiings docs were talking about, he has been sick for a lot longer than family was aware. Extreme fatigue, was the start, just going to work and back home, not doing laundry, dishes, taking out trash, to work, and home to bed, maybe order a pizza. not inviting his family or friends in, meeting them at car ( he lived second floor, his mom has breathing problems, so it did not seem too strange at the time). Another talked about Guillain barre, and mitochondria disease. there are only two or three top rated neurologist in CT, and with his insurance he cannot go outside state for treatment, where there are more neurologist, and not so long a wait.

Heidi, yeah for the good epidural. Hope it lasts till next one with no problems. I saw the radar of rain going over your area today, Thursday. We got off light, 2 or 3 nice thunder showers, watered the plants, but no flash flood warnings. Really bad storms, straight line winds or a cat 1 tornado just 99 miles south of me. Damage was mostly trees and power lines down.

today I got 2 hanging pots of impatiens ready, moved out the shepherds crook plant hanger only to find there were already 2 of those out front where I wanted them . One of the residents asked if I needed help and I got her to move, rearrange the ferns and impatiens pots into a more pleasing arrangement. OH, the hanging pots were all the salmon color. Have enough pink and white for another large pot, maybe this weekend. then the wave petunias, but I have those watered well and in a protected area, they should wait on me.

Cyn, hope both your aunt and the Queen make it another year. Suzy, like your G GRandmother, I do not intend to live to 100. Not another 25 years of aches and pains, please. Now if they find something better for pain control, perhaps, but only if I am able to get around, plant flowers and travel. I found out this spring how hard it is to scale back on doing flowers. I am not planning nearly as many as last year, it is just to much for me. One more thing taken away from me, one more thing I love(ed) to do that I no longer can do, bummer.

beginning to get sleepy, must take that long journey to the bed, 2 steps away from computer hehehe. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

30/Mar/18 3:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, Everybody! I'm getting a late start tonight.

Heidi, I guess it's a good thing the cows were hungry when you found out about the escaped calf. Their eating kept them occupied so you could retrieve the calf without further escapes. Since the ground is saturated, I hope the rain will be ending soon. Is calving done, or do you still need to be out walking the fields? I hope Daisy continues to be pain-free!

Suzy, it seems like Gizmo must be healing well, if they changed his full cast to a half cast. I hope he doesn't do anything dangerous while he's loopy. I also hope you won't need to do any shopping tomorrow.

I was quite busy with cello practicing and wood turners club business today, so hubby volunteered to do some grocery shopping . He wasn't gone too long, (and it was Thursday here), so apparently the store wasn't as busy here as it will probably be tomorrow and Saturday.

MizT, I'm so sorry your grandson isn't doing well and hope he will be able to see a neurologist soon and they will find something that will help him. Also sorry to hear that your knee is complaining today. You'e probably right - just have been doing too much the last couple of days. I'm sure the impatiens are beautiful (and I'm glad you decided to sort the salmon colored ones away from the pinks).

I suspect your Easter bonnet is beautiful, even if you didn't have much time to work on it. Sometimes a simpler design is more pleasing than an elaborate one. Have fun in the parade tomorrow.

Midge, have you found the oven of your dreams? Good luck with your searching. How nice that you and your daughter were able to get away to the beach for the night. It sounds relaxing! Good luck next Tuesday to the horse (and jockey) that will be racing.

Cyn, I hope you have a wonderful (and relaxing) family gathering for Easter! I hope Lachlan approves of the design for the mosaic table top! If not, it sounds like he has the talent to make suggestions to improve the design. Happy Birthday to your aunt, Cyn! How wonderful that she continues to be in good health. I hope she will be able to get her letter from the Queen next year!

Thinking of everyone and hoping you have all had a great day, evening, or night! Sending healing energy, prayers, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
30/Mar/18 5:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT, I meant to say yesterday that I hope they find what is wrong with your nephew soon. It's terrible that he has such a long wait for proper diagnosis and treatment. Over here, even in the free public system, anything urgent gets puts to the top of the line.
I wouldn't want to live to be 100 unless I was in perfect health and, with my family history, no dementia either. Col's step-father always said he intended to live until he was 120. Now he is 90 this year and a lifetime of being a dairy farmer has made him decide he's happy to go much earlier. He can barely walk any more.
31/Mar/18 9:14 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Next one is the TOPP!
31/Mar/18 9:15 AM
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