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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Fernlands Qld
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I'm not sure how long it's been since I called in but here's an update of my life over the last 6 weeks.
I know I told you that both mum and MIL went to hospital. My mother stayed a total of 2 and a half weeks before they let her out. End result was that she really needs to have her gall bladder removed at some stage.
MIL was only in overnight before she made them let her go home after her fall. She was in agony but wouldn't stay. We all tried to convince her to go back but no way. About a week later she had another fall and ended back in hospital (private this time) and they refused to let her go home. She had an ACAT assessment and they deemed that she needed to go to high care as she had dementia and was at too great a risk of falling as she wasn't under any supervision. After 2 weeks or more, we were forced to accept a placement as the hospital wanted her out. She now is in a retirement home at Algester (40 minute drive from home) until a place becomes available at Mitchelton (5 minute drive).
She was happy to go but a week later wanted to leave as 'it's not what I thought it would be like'. She seems to have really slipped in the last 6 weeks - refusing to have her tablets and generally depressed. They are currently talking about moving her to a lower care area in the home where there is more interaction between the patients. We are going to check it out tomorrow.
03/Oct/13 3:08 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Part 2.
Mum's house sold quickly and the buyer (new owner) wanted a 3 week contract (gulp) but allowed Mum to stay for a further 8 weeks at no charge. Yippee!!! We have to clean out 49 years of accumulated stuff.
We have started cleaning out but boy is it hard. She wants to keep everything and a lot of it is just rubbish. We've made up boxes of stuff to give to charity, stuff to be sorted through by the family and stuff for her to take.
We've taken 2 ute loads to the dump and more still to come.
I'm sure that all the stuff she wants to take will not fit but we'll have to deal with that when the move happens.
The unit settles tomorrow and then we can start to move her things in. The major problem is that we are waiting for new furniture to be made and goodness knows when that will happen.
She has just had her second cataract operation and it has not been successful. More treatment is required and another visit to the surgeon tomorrow. He believes he can get it right - I really hope so.
03/Oct/13 3:13 PM
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Greetings to all of you!
Tami, please extend birthday greetings
to your hubby and enjoy your shared celebration on the weekend!
Sending lots of positive thoughts and healing vibes for those on the mend and/or recovering!
Broni, hope you're enjoying the fruits of all the effort put in by your cousin and you getting things done around the house!
Cyn, enjoy having Hayley with you! So glad she can be of help!
Hi, Vicki! I hope all is well with your Mum, MIL, hubby, sons and work!
MizT, it's no wonder you were exhausted! Take care and pace yourself. It will be easier now that you know the bus schedule for Walmart!
Now I've turned the page and read the rest of your posts, Vicky! My goodness, you have your hands full! Moving your Mum's stuff is certainly a challenge, and of course there won't be room for everything she thinks she should take with her. It seems you are making progress, though, so good luck! Sorry about your MIL. At least you found a place for her, until something opens up closer to home. I hope that happens soon! Part of her going downhill could be that she is in an unfamiliar setting without the security and comfort of her home. It adds a lot of stress, especially following 2 recent trips to the hospital and an extended stay. Wishing you more luck and hoping the move closer to you can happen soon!
Time to head to bed here. We have another early morning. Please feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
and healing vibes with anyone who needs them!
03/Oct/13 4:03 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Part 3.
My niece was married last Friday. It was wonderful - relaxed, loving and lots of fun.
We had a real family weekend. My sister arrived on the Tuesday before and spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mum - sorting and cleaning. On Thursday she picked up Mark (her partner) from the airport and came back to our house bringing Mum with her.
#1 son Shaun was a groomsman. He looked very smart in his suit. He had to read a poem during the ceremony.
We went back to the golf course where the wedding was held for lunch on Saturday and then had a bbq at our place on Sunday. I was absolutely exchausted by the end of the day. Plus Mum had a hissy fit when we took her home over some keys. I left my sister to deal with it and sat in the car. Mum phoned to apologise the next day so all is ok again.
Anyway, the packing continues this weekend. This is my life at the moment so I just have to take the down times when I can get them.
Looking forward to meeting up with the Qld sudoku gang when Rolanda and Peter come to visit later in the month.
03/Oct/13 4:07 PM
qld, australia
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When is Rolanda and Peter arriving?
Opps, Gekko my friends.
In the three weeks my cousin was here very little swearing was done (except under my breath as he is a morning person and I like quiet)Every job he did made mess, not that I am complaining as I am so grateful for a cousin who travelled from South Australia in his small combi van just to make sure I was safe.
Love and Hugs to you all.
03/Oct/13 5:33 PM
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Broni.. I arrive Sat 19th Oct. leave Wed 23rd Oct. the luncheon is on Sun 20th Oct.
I am looking forward to catching up with the Qld Branch of Sudoku Friends.
and spending time with Cyn and Col
03/Oct/13 7:17 PM
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'I' as in 'Peter and I'
03/Oct/13 7:18 PM
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Vicki.. It is exhausting.. cleaning out years of 'stuff'.
Hope all goes well your mum's move to the 'Care Facility'
and your MIL settles in the 'Care Facility'
03/Oct/13 7:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Vicki.... you have my sympathy and best wishes that things go a lot smoother from now on. I think that's the best I can realistically wish for you right now. You've got too much going on in your life. Good luck!
03/Oct/13 10:40 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, I am determined to have a quite day today, but my list of stuff here in apartment is getting longer and longer. I am trying to do a bit, rest a bit, hope it works. Back is MUCH better today so far, I am happy to say.
I have washed up the accumulation of dishes and cleaned kitchen, except for the floor. that is next. sitting to rest, I see more and more that needs done. I need to remember, I do not have to do ALL of it today
Vicki, that moving out of any place one has occupied for many years is always a chore. It took me forever to sort, discard, donate and pack for my downsize. I had a yard sale and enough left over for a second, but decided it was not worth it. Most all the big ticket items were sold already. I hope as Heidi said, your life gets as smooth as possible as you continue this clean and pack. BTW, I did not know a 'hissy fit' was Australian talk hehehe. It is used a lot here in the south.
Heidi, how is the cold today? Can you speak?
Rolanda, hope you and Peter have a great time and a safe trip to Queensland. That is a long trip if I remember my geography? Well, in Australia, traveling to most anywhere is a long trip.
Broni, I know how any home repairs can leave a mess. Some handymen are a bit neater than others, but always something to clean up. I am glad the repairs are finished and remember, you can now take your time cleaning. ?Do the things that bother you most first. Or like I do, the ones that SHOW the most progress, makes you feel better about things.
Gee, time is up, back to stuff again. Rest time goes quickly
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
03/Oct/13 11:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have been able to speak nearly normally today. But I'm still coughing and sneezing. I know where I got this bug. Gil's sister came down with it the day after the wedding, and is just getting over it. The wedding was 12 days ago. So I have a few days of the bug yet. I'm 4 or 5 days behind her.
04/Oct/13 12:16 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello All,
MzT....You make me smile. Thank you. I know that stuff piling up needing to be done is greater when it can't be done then and there by you....but am glad that at least 'you' know it doesn't really have to be don right away, and think you are smart enough to continue to pace yourself....good onya.
Vicki, your plate is running over, and a difficult fill it is...I too wish that things will quickly and quietly get done in the best way possible and enable you to move on.Good that you got to enjoy the wedding as a way to break up some of the more difficult stuff you are going through.
To those who have been dealing with the resent weather extremes, I do hope things are returning to normal and there wasn't too much area damage. For those traveling and meeting, have a blast and for those not feeling their best, hope the bad feelings move quickly, cause we know they will disappear...they might be replaced by other things...but this illness that's here now will be Heidi...I'm with Tami...record a rant so you can have it handy next time you lose your voice and Gil does something he should know not to do. Broni and Julie...get some rest!At least you now have your quiet back Broni...I know how good that feels. All is well here...I'm off to Washington,D.C this weekend. I had hoped to visit the M.L.King Memorial and the Smithsonian Museum while there, but now that they're closed down thanks to greedy politicians, I will not be able to do so...otherwise, life goes on. Tami, enjoy the party and combined celebrations. Birthday greetings to hubby from me. Peace
04/Oct/13 12:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's kinda hard to come up with a rant that covers every one of IH's messes.
I need to go check out a cow in labor.......
04/Oct/13 9:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't find her. The pasture the cows are in has too many hiding places.
04/Oct/13 10:12 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Hope all is well and health is improving for many! No time to read, but hope to do better tomorrow! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes, positive thoughts and
for all!
04/Oct/13 4:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm heading out in the UTV in a few to go look for that cow and her newborn. The UTV is my only transportation today since the RV is in the shop and IH has my truck for the day. His is in trouble. The differential is shot and it's not always easy to get a replacement for an older vehicle. Nor does he want to spend much money on it. I tried to convince him that it'll be cheaper to replace the differential than replace the truck. The down payment alone is more than the differential + labor.
05/Oct/13 12:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I found the cow and her newborn daughter on the other side of the creek, in the woods. This cow is the best mother in the herd. She had twins as a first time mother, and raised them both herself. (I usually have to bottle feed one twin.) She's a heavy milker and her calves grow really big and fast. Her calves always grade choice or better. And she has a wonderfully sweet and gentle disposition. And she's one of the prettiest cows in the herd. I'd love a dozen cows just like her.
05/Oct/13 3:14 AM
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Hi honey, I'm home!! Well, we got home last night but I didn't go online until this morning...
05/Oct/13 9:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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How'd it go, Suzy?
05/Oct/13 10:32 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi everyone! Been missing for days, had Hayley with me for the week and then due to asbestos being found on the premises next to the Vacation Care Centre on Thursday, I ended up with Em and Chloe for Thurs afternoon and Friday. Totally exhausted last night. Now today we are starting on a big tidy up ready for our visitors.
Oh Vicki - it's hard enough to deal with one elderly person going into care - but 2 must have been awful. Hopefully things will settle down soon. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks when Rolanda and Peter are here.
05/Oct/13 12:30 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Sending encouraging words to Vicki! You can do it! The most important things will be done first, and as much as possible will be done next. Whatever doesn't get done isn't important. When we moved MIL from condo to assisted living (an hour away from us, but she chose where she wanted to be), we spent multiple days going back and forth as she changed her mind about what she wanted to take with her. Some things were brought to our basement, as she was sure she wanted and needed them, but there wasn't room. They're still in our basement. Someone may need to take the role of the bad guy. My suggestion (based on MIL's assessment that everything she owned had a high value) is to say that items 'were sold to a young deserving couple for a good price.' (Yes, a few things WERE sold.)
Rolanda, hope all is well in your part of the world! I'm sure you're relieved that your son arrived home safely.
MizT, we expect that you will continue to pace yourself and take rests/naps as needed!
Heidi, the same goes for you, young lady. I'm glad you found the cow and her calf! She sounds nearly perfect! I wish all of your cows were like her!
Welcome home, Suzy! We missed you. Hope everything went as planned!
Mama, I hope your visit to DC is enjoyable. Hopefully something you want to see will be open!
Heidi, hopefully IH will make the right decision about his truck!
CynB, what a nightmare! You certainly had your hands full this week. Hopefully you will find time to rest while preparing for the arrival of Rolanda and Peter! Do we need to advise you to pace yourself?
Tami, I hope you and Mr. Tami are enjoying your birthday celebrations!
It's time I should head to bed. Wishing all of you a pleasant weekend! Healing vibes, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
for each of you!
05/Oct/13 4:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't believe IH's luck!!! He got a call from the mechanic.... it turned out to be an easy and cheap fix! This is why I love this place. They're both good and honest. They were convinced it was his differential, but when they got into it, it was just a blockage. IH is only being charged for the labor they put into it. We're leaving in a few minutes to go pick up his truck.
05/Oct/13 10:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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On the other hand, my luck stinks like a dead skunk. I started to move hay using the hay hauler, and as I was turning into the driveway, my tractor got a flat tire. So I walked the furlong to the house to get the number for the tire repair guy, since I had forgotten to put that number in my cell phone. He'll be here soon. The tractor is off the road, but not in a good place to work on it. But I don't dare try to move the tractor any further. That tire is flat as a pancake.
06/Oct/13 3:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This happened on the first load I was moving.
06/Oct/13 3:57 AM
Lizzy G
Gosford, Aus
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Hope your luck in on the improve Heidi....though it was good news about the cow and calf....I love reading everyones posts, the good, the sad and everything in between.
06/Oct/13 4:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The tire is now fixed, and that load of hay stacked in the barn. I also re-stacked some that IH had messed up. I like to stack the rolls as tightly and neatly as possible, to fit the maximum number of rolls inside. IH just tumbles them in haphazardly, so they take up almost twice the space. He can't be bothered to take the extra few seconds it takes to do it right. I'm now taking a break.... maybe for the day.
06/Oct/13 6:31 AM
Alabama, USA
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Cooking here this afternoon. I am in the middle of making a lemon meringue pie. Last place I could stop for a rest, so took advantage of it. Tummy is much better after a rough start today. IBS and a new medication. Today it worked too well
Did I say we had a wear pink day yesterday, for breast cancer month? I wore pink crocs, my pink flowered hat and pink shawl. Have you been squished within the last year?
Joy should be picking up a new microwave for me today. Mine is cooking less and less well. I told her it is not an emergency as long as it still heats coffee
Glad to report Tropical Storm Karen, in the Gulf, has slowed down and lost strength. We were in for rain tomorrow, but now predicted for Monday. I think even the tropical depression she will be after landfall will track further south and leave us on the good side of the storm. Most wind, tornadoes, heavy rain is on the south east side, we will be north west of it. I just did not want to see either flash floods that flooded our first floor once again, or blowing rain that found a way to get into my apartment.
I did read, and hope to return soon to respind to the posts. It is back to cooking now, my back has rested. I need to make an entree for dinner tonight after the pie. Only other necessity is to go pick up my mail, I am expecting a small package today.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
06/Oct/13 7:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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Here I am again, I have a lovely pie cooling, and I am cooling in front of the fan. Either my AC is not working as it should, or having oven on for just 20 minutes has over heated my house, but it is almost 80 degrees in the living room. I wonder what it was in the kitchen? A bit warmer than I like, and I am sweating profusely.
Heidi, I am glad you found the cow and calf and both healthy. I wish for you that you had 2to dozen cows just like this one! I am glad that Gil's truck was an easy and inexpensive repair, hope your tire is easily repaired also. Over your cold now?
Lizzy G, good to see you post. Won't you come tell us more about your world? We also like to hear the good and the sad and the in between. Hope yours is all at least in between, and good would be even better
Julie, what is up with you? I know you stay busy, can you tell us something about what you did this week? We love your summaries of the posts, but also want to hear what and how you are doing.
Cyn, having a grandie visiting is hard work, even if she does make you dinner! Having multiples is even harder, especially an odd number. It seems often two will pair up and leave someone out. did they get along well together, or bicker? It was good that you could come to the aide of the children and their parents when their arranged care was not available. I can't believe they 'found' asbestos only after demolition started!
Hi Suzy, glad you are home again, hope the trip was as good as could be.
Mama, as you can see, I am still pacing myself, even taking a break in middle of making a pie hehehe. It took years for me to learn, but I can get a LOT more done if I will do and rest. Once I over use legs or back, it takes a LONG time to recover and get back to what I was doing, sometimes many days.
Vicki, sending hugs to you. Downsizing for yourself is pain enough, but having to abide at least some of your mum and MIL's wishes has to be doubly hard. Remember, baby steps, and you will eventually get there.
Now to go down and check my mail. then perhaps back to the kitchen, if it has cooled down. I have exhaust fan going to try to pull out the heat. Catch you all later.
Hugs to each of you with extras.
06/Oct/13 7:57 AM
Alabama, USA
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Forgot to say, local peaches are GONE for the year, so I removed my peach avatar. I think I had a peach a day all through the summer, they were wonderful!! I did get a few pricey ones from veggie man Wednesday, they came from North Carolina.
06/Oct/13 7:59 AM
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Daily anecdote (told to us in the car on the way home from Melbourne): Alie dresses down. Her favourite clothes to wear are way too big tracky dacks (sweat pants) and oversize shirts or jumpers and, of course, her beanie with her hair covering the sides of her face. Remember the 4 day music camp she went to last year? One of the coaches they had was someone who works with musicals, I can't remember what role, a choreographer maybe, but he was giving them all parts in a song. He apparently looked at Alie and kind of scowled. Then she sang. 'You can sing!' he said, very surprised. At the end of the day he gave her a long lecture about dressing the way she does hiding what she can really do - stop hiding behind your hair and clothes??
As an aside it turns out that Alie probably started wearing her hair over her face as a reaction to the dyslexia - it stops too much light from reaching her eyes.
Oh, and she dressed up for lunch with the girls...
06/Oct/13 10:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hadn't heard that about dyslexia and light reaching the eyes. Maybe that's why I started wearing hats with large brims or visors starting when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, and still won't go outside without one. And frequently wear caps inside when I read, to shade the eyes. Or even look at the computer.
06/Oct/13 2:12 PM
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Greetings to all!
Heidi, it's a puzzle how IH can be lucky and you get the opposite too much of the time! Well, at least he won't be complaining to you about having to spend too much money on repairs! I'm glad the tire could be fixed quickly and you could get back to putting hay in the barn. (Why am I not surprised that his approach would be haphazard, as opposed to your neat and efficient way? Hang in there and remember to pace yourself so your back doesn't act up!
MizT, so sorry the fresh peach crop is at an end! On the other hand, your lemon meringue pie sounds yummy. Too bad baking it overheated your kitchen. I'm glad you're remembering to pace yourself!
We're glad you're back, Suzy! Your observation about Alie may be correct. Do you think a slightly tinted pair of glasses with no correction (or light sunglasses) help? As to the oversized clothes, it's not uncommon with young teenagers as their bodies change. I remember our girls were the same. Sweaters/jumpers, T-shirts, etc. all seemed to be in men's extra-large.
Vicky, I keep thinking about you and the packing/moving/discarding process. It's not fun, but you will feel like you accomplished a lot when you are finished. Good Luck!
I think I told you all about the 'Quartet Strings' class I am taking this semester. I honestly must say it is 'over my head' and extremely challenging! The class is 2 hours, immediately followed by my 1-hour lesson. The first 2 weeks my teacher and I spent the entire hour reading through the music and trying to choose the easiest fingerings for the music. Unfortunately, she has had to be out of town this past week and next week, so I'm 'on my own.' I am practicing multiple hours a day and trying to find fingerings that work. Sometimes the fingerings I chose one day make absolutely no sense the next day. The thing is that I want to be able to play in a group of some kind, so I am truly motivated. It would be easier if I could find several people who are all at the same level of 'advancement' as I am. These people have been playing together for a number of years and also play in an orchestra together. I was told that there is a very easy adult orchestra, but it's on another day, and I already have 2 or 3 classes (almost an hour drive each way) each week. So, that's what I've been doing - practicing, working on fingerings, trying to make sense of what I'm doing. My teacher said I may like the class by the end of the semester. The fact is, I like it now, even though I'm exhausted, especially on the day of class. The house, unfortunately, is looking like I'm not doing anything in it, and I haven't even been able to read the newspaper we get on Sunday.
Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
for all of you!
06/Oct/13 2:34 PM
Stevenage UK
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I have just put a recent photo of the Cabin and Patio. The rest of the garden needs sorting but that will probably be a job for next year.
07/Oct/13 1:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks for sharing the photo, Brenda. It looks wonderful!!!
Julie.... don't worry about the house. It's not going anywhere. It's more important that you enjoy life than do stuff that will just have to be done again and again anyway. The world will not end if YOU don't clean the house that frequently. But your happiness always matters.
07/Oct/13 2:41 AM
Stevenage UK
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Heidi, you are correct in what you commented in the photo of the cabin. I love sitting out there, relaxing and knitting, even when the weather isn't too good.
07/Oct/13 4:43 AM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, thank you for the newsy post about you and your class. I admire you for hanging in there even though you feel it is over your head. Playing with a group is a wonderful goal. wishing you the best of luck in finding a group that is the perfect fit for you. It sounds like a big job 'finding the fingering' that works for you. Only stringed instrument I ever tried was guitar, and from what I remember, fingering was pretty standard for whatever chord you were playing. It must be a while new ball game with a cello. Can you explain more about 'fingering' please? It sounds very interesting.
Brenda, Love your patio and cabin. It really turned out nicely. All it needs are some containers of flowers! You know me, I am all about container gardening. I need to take a photo of our little cluster of containers, before first frost. It is a hodge-podge of colors and flower types, because residents kept bringing me other filled pots to add to it. It just goes to show that all flowers go together.
Heidi, like you, Al wore a baseball cap or one of the larger crowned billed hats all the time, inside and out. It was the first thing I brought him after his open heart surgery, cause I knew he missed his cap. He said the light bothered his eyes. He always wore sunglasses outside. We bought him him the tinted glasses that change according to strength of the light, after I talked him into trying them. I can't remember the name now. those helped, saved on buying so many pairs of sunglasses cause he always lost them, or laid them down and they were scratched. Some eyes are just more sensitive than others. I wear the tinted glasses, have for many years, back to the first days of them, when they could only apply it to glass lenses. They were called Photo Gray back then. OH, I think they are called Transitions now.
Well, Joy did not come with the microwave last night, or phone me either. It worked out for the best, cause I went to bed at 8:30 last night, and that is about the time she arrives for a visit. I hurt my back trying to fill my jugs at the outside hose bib, for watering flowers. Weekends we have to use a magnetic key to get in and out of the building, and that is more difficult for me in the chair. So I thought I would not go to kitchen where I do not have to bend and put undue pressure on back, I could get away with this just one day. WRONG, I did not get away with it filling jugs one time, it takes 3 refills or 6 gallons to water plants I water. So, I went in and out for the others, and got them watered. Kitchen is on first floor, just off Commons, and easy for me to fill the jugs, either standing or sitting. Everyone remind me, I should not do that again! Besides, the hose attached and rolled onto a reel must have a leak, water goes everywhere across the sidewalk, and on me when it is on.
One o'clock already and all I have done is wash dishes and cook french toast with cinnamon applesauce for brunch.
07/Oct/13 5:07 AM
Stevenage UK
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Tricia, you cannot see the planters on the photo of the cabin but there are some. Unfortunately most plants have lost their blooms here. I need to get some pansies and violas to brighten them up.
07/Oct/13 7:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Mmmmmmm... french toast with cinnamon applesauce. Sounds out of this world.
07/Oct/13 7:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Brenda, I did see just the corner of some planters in photos on TOS. They will be lovely with pansies and violas in them. They were around the corner,on the side of the cabin. I think there were one or two long planters there, right?
07/Oct/13 8:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The heat wave is over here. Thank goodness. It's 62F right now.
07/Oct/13 8:27 AM
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