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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Switching focus from your own needs to the needs of others brings out the best in you.
29/Sep/13 6:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK.... my participation in the LMGI is over. Everything went smoothly today, the burgers & sides drew rave reviews, and a great time was had by all. My RV is back home in one piece, as well. The next LMGI will be on a different date and place to correspond with celebrating Gil's father's 90th birthday. It will be held in southern Wisconsin on June 21st and 22nd of 2014.
29/Sep/13 7:38 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - Glad the RV survived in one piece and didn't encounter any more mattresses.
June - thanks for posting more photos - so interesting. Really makes we want to go back - lots of places I've been to before in that lot of photos plus other places I missed seeing.
29/Sep/13 8:46 AM
Mamacita 2
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June, Just a word of thanks for the sharing of your trip...I enjoyed the pictures a lot and only can dream of ever seeing these sites in any other way at this late time in my life...but then again...who knows what I'll see in my next least you've given me something to reach, glad all went well with the golf project and the RV didn't sustain any problems either... a win-win all around...great.
loved the topp June...Peace all.
29/Sep/13 9:15 AM
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Hello, Everyone! Too tired to read on page 34 or look at any more of June's photos. I hope to get back earlier tomorrow.
Lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts for all!
29/Sep/13 3:25 PM
qld, australia
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June, just looked at your photo's and loved the commentary that went with them, how do you remember it all?
29/Sep/13 3:41 PM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn, I have put names to faces on June's photo, as you requested.
29/Sep/13 8:22 PM
Lizzy G
Gosford, Aus
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30/Sep/13 1:32 AM
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Now at Belinda's.She is having a new front fence as the old one was rotten.
I have some photos to do next week to put on the puzzle sites. Some will make great jigsaws! Unfortunately you will not see them for ages.
30/Sep/13 10:05 AM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Welcome back June.
I am trying to pack my Avon here but think it might be a bit much for me to tackle today.
I collapsed at FIG restaurant Sat. morning and when I came round was covered in vomit and flat out on the floor. They called an ambulance and took me to h ospital. But as usual nothing wrong with any of the tests I had there. This is the exc ruciating stomach pain problem that I get now and then. Anyhow I have made an appt. with a gastro-enterolgist and will see what happens then. I cannot get in until Nov. 12th. But I am going to my GP tomorrow morning who should have the results of my trip to hospital so maybe he can get me an earlier appt. It is worth a try.
30/Sep/13 12:27 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Must go and view your photos June.
30/Sep/13 12:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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How horrid, Viv!!! I'm shocked that the people at the hospital could find nothing wrong. What you're going through is not normal!
I'm still feeling cruddy. I slept almost all day today and am going back to bed in a few. It's just a lousy head cold.
30/Sep/13 2:02 PM
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Good Evening, Everyone!
Welcome back, June and Ken! I like your TOPP, June! Good advice to follow! Your photos are amazing! Forgive me for not commenting on all of them. Too bad we don't have a 'Like' button here.
Or even a thumbs up smilie.
Heidi, I'm glad the golf tournament went well and you and the RV survived.
Mama, I understand how you feel. I doubt that I'll ever see any of those places in 'real life,' but certainly enjoy June's photos!
Broni, you and your cousin accomplished a lot! You must be relieved to have so much fixed! I hope you're feeling well!
Viv, what an awful experience. I hope your GP can find something - or at least find a way to get your gastro-enterologist appointment moved sooner! I hope you are currently feeling OK!
Hi, LIzzy G. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods with you and your family!
Brenda, thanks for identifying people in photos where you could!
Heidi, I hope you will soon be on the mend. I'm glad you're getting as much sleep as possible!
Hello to others I neglected to mention. It's time to head to bed. Sending an abundant supply of positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
30/Sep/13 4:00 PM
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Amazing photos June! I didn't comment on all of them... but I opened them all and oohed and aahed over them...
Not at home so kind of awkward typing etc.
Viv, I hope the specialist can help you! That would have been terrifying!
I've enjoyed reading about the reasons kids don't do well in school. When it's generational it's especially sad because you know they haven't had the support they need at home. This is a fun thing to listen to:
30/Sep/13 8:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I finally had a chance to view June's photos. WOW!!!!! I'm not a tourist type, but these make me wish I had been there with June and Ken. It's the natural wonders that enthrall me.
Feeling a little better today. I need to run up to town to get bird food today, but other than that, I can take it easy.
01/Oct/13 2:09 AM
Alabama, USA
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Back from the pool. Our session was cut short, someone heard thunder. Pool must close for 30 minuets past the last thunder heard. I kept hearing people say, it was just thunder, I thought they only closed if there was lightning. DUH! Doesn't thunder always still come after lightning?
Eating a quick lunch, and now am off to Commons for the story telling lady. I read all the new posts, thought of you, and will comment on them later, as I am late.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
01/Oct/13 3:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Still feverish and congested. No appetite. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
01/Oct/13 12:45 PM
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Hi all. June your photos are amazing - you and Ken will have many memories to share. My friend and partner have also just returned from Turkey and Greece - makes me turn green!! Heidi hope you feel better soon. Glad your RV trip went well - and you are able to enjoy your travelling. My dream was to pack up and just go in one of these with my dogs and a map. Viv I hope you are feeling better and they find out what is going amiss quickly. I had a similar experience a few years ago and it was my gall bladder which can easily be remedied. MizT wht a pain to have to finish your short time in the pool - is it indoors or outdoors? We don't seem to worry about lightning and thunder here with indoor pools. Hope you enjoy your 'holidays' Suzy - they go all too quickly and then back to the grind. I am heading off to Townsville on Thursday for a wedding on the wekend (my D is bridesmaid) and then to Brisbane for a couple of days for work and pleasure - hope to catch up with a dear friend from when we lived there in the '70s. Had a lousy time with dialysis this past month - Drs told me I have been on unapproved treatment for a year - took them 9 months to find out - what is wrong with these poeple - they seem to just coast along playing with other people's lives. Have now lost confidence in renal dept. so trying to find some other option. Anyway I will enjoy my trip this week as I have never been there and my dear lifelong friend lives there and I will be seeing her. Best wishes to everyone.....
01/Oct/13 1:36 PM
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Hi, Friends! Another late night and too tired to read and comment. See you tomorrow! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers,
and healing vibes for each of you!
01/Oct/13 3:42 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone. Another hot day here. Got to about 32c, now 25c and we are supposed to have thunderstorms on the way. It is very very still at the moment. Son is coming home for a week apparently. He has been in Port since lunchtime I think but I have not sited him yet. No doubt I will shortly when it is about time for him to have something to eat. He gets the couch in the lounge now as his old room is most definitely mine now lol
Hope all those not feeling well get better soon.
01/Oct/13 4:43 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Oh forgot to say I went to my gp this morning and explained what had happened and could he get me in earlier. He made a phone call and I have an appt. now for Oct 8th.
01/Oct/13 4:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Midge.... Unapproved treatment for a year, and they didn't know?????!!!! Maybe doctors should be forced to study the Hippocratic Oath carefully before getting their degrees, and have regular refreshers on it. ''Above all, do no harm''. Putting you through treatments, and not knowing what they're doing is potentially VERY harmful. The world has gone nuts. Even medicine has gone corporate instead of caring. Medicine should NEVER be a business! You can't ethically put a price on lives.
01/Oct/13 11:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's better, Viv, but I was hoping that they could get you in even sooner. If one of ''them'' went through what you're going through, there would be no wait.
01/Oct/13 11:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My voice is almost back to normal. Still husky, but above a whisper now. I must be on the mend.
01/Oct/13 11:32 PM
Small Town Canada
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Lovely pictures, June!!! I will never get to those places, so it's nice to see them through your eyes. Thank you so much.
Everyone feel better ... now ... that's an order!
02/Oct/13 2:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I spoke too soon. My voice is about gone again. I sound like a quiet sea lion.
I went out to get some bird food and other items, and by the second stop noticed my cell phone was gone. I drove back to the first stop and asked if anybody had turned in a cell phone. I described the case. Yes, they had it! What a relief!
02/Oct/13 4:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think IH is happy that I've lost my voice. He was using my tractor again today, and I discovered that when he was done he left the cab door open. There are lights that go on when the door is open, just like a car, and he was running the battery down. I had a hard time yelling at him over it, and could get no volume at all. I think I did a good menacing whisper, tho'.
02/Oct/13 8:54 AM
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Midge, how awful to find out that you have been receiving the wrong treatment for so long! Is there no oversight! Did no one question the treatment? I am so sorry! Hopefully your health will be greatly improved when the right treatment and protocols are followed! {{{HUGS}}}
My goodness, Viv! What a day you had! I hope your symptoms can soon be sorted out correctly and an appropriate treatment plan put in place! Feel better soon!
Heidi, I hope you are soon feeling better! IH should NOT be taking advantage of your health and using your tractor unless he has permission and can be responsible for correctly using it and returning it correctly to its rightful location.
June, your photos are amazing! Thank you for letting us share vicariously in your vacation!
Theresa, I hope you are feeling well! Thinking of you and your family and MIL and FIL!
Happy Birthday
, Tami! Enjoy some virtual cake
and/or brownies! I hope your day is rewarding!
MizT, I hope your next trip to the pool is not interrupted with poor weather! Take care and get plenty of rest!
To our Aussie friends dealing with severe winds and weather, I hope you are staying safe and unscathed!
To all those I have missed, I apologize.
Please feel free to share these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
02/Oct/13 4:01 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hello everyone. Well about all I have done today is the grocery shop etc. I had to have a nanna nap this arvo. I have two days of Avon deliveries coming up so must not overdo it.
The weather really does not know what it wants here lately.
Birthday Wishes to you too Tami.
02/Oct/13 4:38 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Beef stir fry here tonight for the evening meal. Nice and easy.
02/Oct/13 4:40 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
Viv, glad the appointment got moved up. I hope they find what is wrong and can help you.
Midge, hoping they get the treatment right and you are doing better soon.
Heidi, I am sure IH is glad that you lost your voice. Hoping you get it back soon. When you do, maybe you should make a recording of you screaming so if you ever lose it again, you can just play the recording for him
02/Oct/13 8:05 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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HI to everyone else. I read the posts but it is too early for me to think.
Thanks for the birthday greetings. My hubby's birthday is tomorrow. We are celebrating over the weekend. He is turning a big one and I am throwing a little surprise party for him on Saturday night. Shhhh don't tell anyone.
02/Oct/13 8:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami . I hope you have a great one.
02/Oct/13 10:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The voice is still at a scratchy whisper. Darn.
Off now to drop the RV off at the dealership for repairs. I suspect that once it's fixed, I will be driving out to New Jersey to pick up some of Helene's collies.
02/Oct/13 10:58 PM
Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I got ready to go on the early bus to Walmart. I thought the time to leave was 10:30, it had been for some time. We had not received the calendar for Oct, it being the first day of the month (it was delivered later Tuesday), so I could not look up time on our activities calendar. So I leave my apartment about five after 10, get off the elevator to see the bus pulling out of the drive.
I missed the bus! It now leaves at 10, has for about a month, since they added an afternoon trip due to more people wanting to go. So here I was all dressed up and nowhere to go kind of thing. I decided I had time to do a load of laundry.
Now I hate laundry day, cause it hurts. But I got it done, washed undies and towels and pillowcases. No room for sheets this load, but good, no big items to fold. Made myself a quick lunch and then down to go on the bus.
Since I missed the morning trip where I had reserved the ONE wheelchair space, I had to leave my chair at home. You know, there is a difference in how that bus rides depending if I am in my chair or if I am sitting in one of their seats (think riding in a school bus). I much prefer my chair, more comfortable, roomier, and no strain on back from the way I am sitting.
At walmart, no riding carts when I get there, in fact there is a person waiting for one ahead of me. I was lucky, two carts became available in about 5 minutes, and I got to do my shopping.
by the time I got home I was TIRED, and my back ws complaining terribly. I was so glad I had my chair waiting for me in the lobby and I did not have to get me and my purchases upstairs under my own steam, cause I had run out. Only two grocery items to refrigerate and take meds and to bed.
I never did get to sleep, but oh that bed felt so good! I could feel muscles relaxing, pain subsiding, stiffness meltingaway. It is a good thing I never went to sleep, cause I got a call from one of my friends. she had a skin cancer removed from her between chin and lower lip. It was done cut and stitch, and had a pressure dressing on it that she was to remove. She has a problem with near vision, she could not see to inspect it and to follow her doc's cleaning and dressing procedure. She phoned me for help, so I get up and off to play nurse again. This is the same friend, Molly, that I accompanied to her epidural for back last week.
So, now do you believe that I did too much yesterday?? Hips and back a bit sore today but I can live with that. I am happy It is not worse.
Time to sign up for flue shots and do the paperwork involved with that. I hope to be back later to comment on posts.
thinking of you all. Hugs to each of you with extras.
03/Oct/13 1:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, what repairs now? Is this from the mattress episode just now being resolved? Or something new? It seems you bought that RV just in time, lots of use from it already!
03/Oct/13 1:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This is repairs from the mattress attack. This was the earliest opening their service department had. None of the repair work is a major job, it's just that the generator can't be safely used without it's exhaust pipe. It looks like a simple weld job only.
After I dropped the RV off, IH picked me up at the dealership in his truck. I really should have suggested we use my truck. On the drive home, his truck started making this horrible raspy, grinding noise.... kinda like my voice right now... and we decided to stop at our favorite repair place instead of trying to get home. We ended up getting a rental to get home instead. Hopefully, it's just something simple, like bearings. That truck has 440,000+ miles / 709,000 kilometers on it. That's a lot of wear and tear. He's trying to get it to half a million miles, at least.
03/Oct/13 2:39 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Life is slowly getting back to normal.
Hope everyone is well.
03/Oct/13 6:25 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - not sure whether this is late or the right day in the US. Hope it was/is a good one!
Broni - your life is getting back to normal after your visitor, I have my visitor this week, Hayley.
It's great fun to have her, she's cooked Beef Massaman Curry last night and she and I are doing some mod podge artwork for the upcoming birthdays of both her sisters, she is helpful, good company etc, so why am I exhausted??
Love to all - I've read but have forgotten everything.
03/Oct/13 8:35 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Tami. I hope you enjoy your double celebrations.
03/Oct/13 1:18 PM
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