Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There is only one way to achieve happiness on this terrestrial ball, and that is to have either a clear conscience or none at all.

Ogden Nash
15/Jan/19 5:45 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, I do hope that the new chairmen don't opt out on you. 10 years is more than enough for you both to have done it. It is often so difficult to find people who are willing to take on these jobs. I don't get involved any more. Many times over the years I have been stuck with positions like this when no-one has been willing to take over. Hope it works out.
15/Jan/19 8:59 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Happy Celestial Birthday to our lovely June.
I can't believe it's already been over 1 year since she left us. I miss her being around.
15/Jan/19 9:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You are still loved by us all, June, and very much missed.
15/Jan/19 11:00 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I guess Smokey is home from the Vet Clinic. Heidi, I hope you're right that, because he's still a puppy, he won't know what or how to impregnate one of the collies.

DOrA, the photos from the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival are beautiful. The temptation would be to stay out in the cold for a long time. Hopefully tourists will be sensible and dress for the weather!

Good TOPP, Heidi! My mind immediately went to the orange-skinned wonder, who seems to be one who has NO conscience.

Cyn, I'm feeling more confident after meeting with the people who will replace us as Membership Chairmen. We have really tried to make things easier and more logical for them. One is the wife of the past president. She types well and seems to enjoy it. She proposed that she will keep the database up-to-date and let the other person (a male) collect the dues, write receipts, and draw door prize tickets, and make announcements at the meetings. (We had suggested the door prizes to get people to pick up and wear their name tag at the meeting - just their name & home town printed on an address label, but it helps people get to know each other.) The prize might be a Tee Shirt left over from a previous event or a $10 gift certificate for a company many members order from. (They're donated by the company, and the $10 comes close to covering shipping costs.) Neither of them seemed concerned about the amount of work, which probably isn't as much as it seems. It just wore us down after 10 years.

Cyn, thanks for reminding us of June's birthday. I see that it's posted on the right, but I don't always remember to look there. I'm hoping June can feel the {{HUGS}} we're sending her! She was such a lovely person whose presence here was enjoyed thoroughly and is now missed! Happy Heavenly Birthday, June!

We have another busy day tomorrow. Hubby has an eye check-up and probably will have his eyes dilated. That means I will need to go with him. Then has another PT appointment. We'll be lucky to make it on time. I'm not sure that we'll have time for lunch in between.

Sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for Everyone!
15/Jan/19 2:55 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Good Topp, Heidi
15/Jan/19 5:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The kids and Dana are gone so I should finally have some quiet, only I don’t. Alie hasn’t stopped talking!

When I’m sane again
15/Jan/19 5:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, when I’m sane again I’ll catch up with all your news
15/Jan/19 5:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy, hope you enjoyed your days with Dana and the kids! I'm sure they did!
Julie, I'm glad the new people sound enthusiastic about their new position. We all wear nametags at Art class especially when we have new members, so that we all learn who is who.
16/Jan/19 8:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I hope you enjoyed having everyone with you for a bit. On the other hand, after our recent Christmas, I can understand longing for some quiet. We didn't have any bickering or fighting. It's just a higher energy level than we were used to, which brought louder (and more) voices. It won't take long to regain your sanity. Sounds like Alie enjoyed all the activity and news!

Cyn, we added home town to the name badges about 5 or 6 years ago. Since we draw members from a very wide area - probably at least a 100 mile or more radius - as we have had members from Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa. Sometimes it's nice to spot someone who lives fairly close to you and discuss possible car pooling.

Cyn, how is Maddy's tattoo coming along? Is it completely healed? (I have no idea how long that takes.) How is Col doing? I hope he'll be in great shape and comfortable for the cruise!

MizT, I hope you're feeling much better now that you have the correct medication! I hope all's well!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
16/Jan/19 3:11 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all!
Julie, Col is doing really well. He's back at work 3 days per week and driving, but not at night yet. We go back to the Opthalmologist on Monday to have one row of stitches taken out. Depending on how the healing process is going, they will decide when other row will come out and then when to do the lens. It will be 12 months on Feb 15 since this happened. But to see how he's going, take a look at the photo of him I posted last night. He's okay!
17/Jan/19 9:00 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Thank you everyone for your wishes. Ended up having 2 stents as the blockage was much longer than expected. Leg is still painful but dr says it will take 6-8 weeks to recover so I am not going to whinge about it. Just consider myself very lucky, Weather is hot here (37C today and humid)- one of my sons rigged up an electric fan on our front doorstep for Truman for when he is not home He cannot go down the stairs anymore and I cannot lift him so he is only inside when someone else is there.
Glad to hear Col is doing well - look forward to good news about the lens.
Must be peaceful without your grandies Suzy, Kaylee is a pretty name. Alie will quieten down when she runs out of patter - hope you still have your sanity. Is she working still?
Heidi feel for you with the ear infection. It sounds like you have a very resistant one - is there any other treatment for it other than the usual antibiotics which eventually stuff everything else up?
Julie - you are such a busy person - I wonder what you will take up now you have relinquished some of your duties with the wood-working club?
Cheers to everyone, I am now going home - have been at work for 2 hours and that is long enough.
17/Jan/19 11:03 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, that is fantastic news about Col! I hope the ophthalmologist appointment on Monday goes extremely well!

Midge, I'm glad your surgery went well! The wonderful news is that such options are available. So sorry your leg is still painful. Six to eight weeks may seem like a long time now, but will probably pass by relatively quickly! Hoping for quick and painless healing process for you! Well done to your son for rigging up a fan to help Truman deal with the heat.

Heidi, I've been thinking of you and hoping your ear infection clears up soon! Younger D was diagnosed with a sinus infection, followed the next day with her hubby's ear infection. By the time he got home from the doctor, he had a bloody discharge. A day later, their little one had a scheduled check-up and had a fever and ear infection. D texted a photo yesterday showing her little one's bloody discharge. She was told that it was good that the ear was draining. None of our kiddos (or hubby or I, for that matter) ever had a discharge like that with an ear infection. But I could tell her I knew someone who did. I'm not sure that was very reassuring for her.

Suzy, are things getting back to normal at your house? Did Alie know about the baby in advance, or did Dana keep the news from both of you? I like the name Kaylee - very pretty.

DOrA, how are temperatures and snow in your area? Take care and hopefully stay healthy!

MizT, hoping all is well with you and you're feeling more mobile and enjoying Scrabble and Canasta!

It's getting way past my bedtime, so I'm heading to bed. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, healing energy, and positive thoughts for each of you!
17/Jan/19 6:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, I'm glad all went well with the surgery even if it became a bit more complicated. Have a smooth recovery. I hope the heat has eased down there. It's hitting us now, we escaped it until now. Our temps are only in the low 30's but the humidity is a killer!
Julie, I hope the ear infections in your daughter's family clear up quickly. I, too, have never had an ear infection with a discharge. It would alarm me too. As long as the doc is onto it, all should be well.
Love and hugs all around
18/Jan/19 7:49 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Somewhere the overnight lows have ranged between 25 & 45°F. No snow that stuck, but did see a little, that was nearly melted, one morning on a vehicle hood. Cold & clear or warmer with rain is the norm. The wind has knocked down a few trees, some across a fence that will require repair, as well as removing the down tree.
18/Jan/19 8:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's raining again. I've never seen mud like this. And Heidi has learned a few new tricks. She stinks to high heaven of skunk, especially when wet. And she has discovered that she can jump the fence when I'm not looking, rush to the barn, grab an entire dried horse pile in her mouth, jump back in the yard and carry the nasty stuff into the house. It makes quite the mess.
18/Jan/19 10:36 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Thas quite a girl you've adopted, Heidi. Obviously, cultured. Eau 'd skunk and a 'road apple' diet. And she's athletic - runs the hurdles too.

I had a pair, one time that liked to roll in anything odoriferous. Each time they came around, stinking, they unceremoniously, got a cold water bath out in the yard with soap & a garden hose.
18/Jan/19 11:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Midge, I hope temperatures there have moderated a bit (or a lot, as needed)! CynB, I'm sorry to hear that you're now having higher temperatures and/or humidity.

DOrA, I'm glad your night-time temperatures have been warm enough that snow doesn't stick. We had some, and with our temperatures in the 20's, it has been sticking around. More snow (a lot, I think) is predicted starting tomorrow and lasting into at least another day. We're NOT looking forward to it.

Oh no, Heidi, more rain! You really don't need it! It needs to end! How is Smokey doing since his surgery? I hope he isn't doing any major jumping. I'm sorry to hear that Heidi is now into jumping. Worse yet, seems she enjoys strong odors. You do NOT need all the skunk and horse piles. How can you break her of that habit? Would DOrA's solution help?

Keeping everyone in my thoughts and sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and !
18/Jan/19 5:14 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Julie, I don't know what it is, but some dogs are attracted to the feces or decaying remains of other animals. This 'attraction' is, not infrequently, manifested by either rolling in or eating said attractant. Living in the country, I have a multitude of 'interesting items' about. For the most part my hound has learned to 'leave it' alone, although smelling is allowed. Any wonder why I don't do doggy kisses on my face?
18/Jan/19 5:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gizmo: boof. You can’t tell me thunder isn’t a threat! Listen to it!

Unfortunately the radar says we’ll get about three drops and it’ll move on

Still not sane, though I could be waiting a long time for that
18/Jan/19 8:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge, many years ago my grandfather had something like you had done. Since it was over 30 years ago, I’m assuming the procedure has changed a lot. Hope you are doing well with not too much pain or discomfort.

Heidi, the videos I watched of those dogs included them climbing trees. I’m not surprised yours can climb fences!

DorA, right now I could move to somewhere and be very happy. With heating and thick blankets of course. I was feeling miserable in the middle of the day today, then read a Facebook post about a place in western NSW that had overnight lows only a degree or two lower than today’s highs here. I have decided I can’t complain.
18/Jan/19 8:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I’m thinking of the hours of extra time you’ll have when you don’t have to do all the membership stuff anymore. Knowing what I do about you, I’m guessing the extra time will be filled anyway
18/Jan/19 8:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I tried several times today to post a photo of Kaylee from my phone. It didn’t work. Sigh
18/Jan/19 8:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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This was just posted on FB from MizTricia: Greetings friends I have not been on here or the other site for some days. I've had problems with my back and knee since I really overdid walking and driving a week ago. Using my power chair even in my apartment which I never do. Just discovered I can get here from my smartphone but not to Sudoku page , so if someone would please let the other site know that I will be back I'm doing okay I've got medicine but right now I can't get to my computer that often thanks a lots. Huge hugs.
19/Jan/19 9:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I wish those who need the rain would get a nice slow drenching rain and cooler temperatures - and those who don't need the rain would get a few warm breezy days to dry up the mud!

Cyn, thanks for sharing MizT's facebook post. It's good to get an update and know she's doing OK!

Suzy, I'm pretty sure you're right. Any 'free' time will probably be filled pretty quickly. I could always practice more, read some of the books that have been waiting for me, try to keep the house tidier, etc., etc. Plus, we're WAY overdue and need to get back to doing water aerobics!

And now, it's time for bed. Good Night, All! Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , prayers, and positive thoughts!
19/Jan/19 5:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's pouring down rain here right now. But that is supposed to change later today. The temperature is supposed to plummet later today, and the rain is going to change to sleet and eventually snow. Which means we're going to have another ice storm. At least the cold will freeze the mud. It's supposed to get down to 10˚F / -12˚C by tomorrow.
20/Jan/19 3:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm sorry the rain is persisting. At least the colder temperatures will turn it to snow and freeze the mud. At least that is an improvement.

We had about 10-12 inches (about 25.5 to 30.5 cm) of snow from yesterday afternoon to this afternoon. The wind increased and the temperature dropped, so the snow drifted. Our driveway and sidewalk are still not completely cleared, and it's predicted to be even colder - around 5 degrees F (about -15 degrees C) tonight and tomorrow.

I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight, so will sign off for now. Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , and prayers for all!
20/Jan/19 3:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's now down to 27˚F / -2.7˚C and snowing heavily. Everything outside is white, which is MUCH better than muddy brown. This temperature will be tomorrow's high temp, so the mud underneath will freeze, thank goodness. Cold mud is the hardest thing possible on calves. They fare better on frozen ground than in mud. Of my remaining cows, more than half have calved already... the youngest is only 3 days old.
20/Jan/19 4:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie just sent me a photo of a baby bat on her shoulder. They’ve called a rescue organisation, but it isn’t looking good
21/Jan/19 11:25 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, three cheers for the snow. I hadn't realized that snow and frozen mud would be better for the calves than cold wet mud. I guess since they don't sink into the frozen mud, it's less likely that the heat will be drained from their bodies. I also remember reading that snow can have an insulating property. If someone is caught in extreme cold and snow, he should dig a 'snow cave' for protection. I hope all of the cows and calves fare well during this crazy winter!

Suzy, apparently Alie isn't afraid of bats. You mentioned she was at a rescue organization. Are bats also endangered in Australia? There are some diseases, like White Nose Syndrome, causing widespread bat deaths.

I hope everyone is well! Midge, I hope your recovery is speeding along! Thinking of saltie, DOrA, MizT and others.

The cold is really affecting both hubby and me. I think I must have had frost-bitten hands when I was younger. Now that I'm older, the cold quickly gets to my hands. They get ache-y, and I have trouble keeping them warm. I have some thin finger-less gloves that I sometimes wear when I'm practicing. My hands are also very dry, crack and split, even though I haven't been outside in a few days. Frequent washing makes them worse. I always put moisturizer or lotion on them at night, but find it's not much help to put it on during the day because I wash my hands so often.

Thinking of everyone and sending warm thoughts to our northern hemisphere friends and cooler thoughts to our friends in the southern hemisphere. I'm also sending a supply of
, healing energy, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to Everyone! Stay well!
21/Jan/19 4:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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(Copy of my FB post for those who may be interested and are not on FB.)
Colin had half of his stitches from the corneal graft removed today. All went well, the rest don't come out for months. The graft is more susceptible to rejection after this procedure so this next week he has to be extra careful. Otherwise the light sensitivity has gone, he is working 3 days per week hoping to pick it up to full time in the next weeks/months. He is also driving - a car, but no truck ever. Life is getting back to normal finally and we are looking forward to our Cruise to NZ in March. Remainder of stitches and insertion of new lens still 9-12 months away. Light at the end of the tunnel, woohoo!
22/Jan/19 8:49 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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How wonderful CynB. Col must be relieved.
Are you doing a cruise to New Zealand? Have friends who have done this several times and absolutely loved it (maybe not the onein the news last week - gastro on board).
Some bat species in Australia can carry the lyssavirus which is very serious (bit similar to rabies and can be fatal) so great care must be had in handling them.
How many cows do you have now Heidi?
Julie, have you tried pure lanolin on your hands at night?
Hope MizT is getting better and is back on her feet soon and she is well cared for until then.
22/Jan/19 11:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to go out and count, Midge, but I think it's just 10. It could be as many as 12.

It is COLD outside! We have 2 inches of snow on the ground and it's supposed to get down to 8˚F / -13.3˚C tonight. The dogs are glad to have a nice warm house to live in. I'm so glad Smokey and Heidi are here. They had been full time outdoor kennel dogs in their previous home. Smokey has now discovered that my bed is soft and warm and has taken up sleeping on it with me.
22/Jan/19 1:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That is really good news, CynB. I really hope he gets some good quality vision in that eye.
22/Jan/19 1:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge, Alie had a box with a tea towel to put it in, but it climbed up her shirt and under her collar. She did put it in the box and we drove it to the rescuers house. So mostly her shirt was in contact with the bat. According to her google search, bats in rural areas are less likely to carry disease than city bats, but she was still careful.
22/Jan/19 4:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!!

Such wonderful news for Col and you, Cyn! He needs to take it easy and get plenty of rest for the next 10 days or so. There's no point in taking any chances. I'm SO glad the light sensitivity is gone!

Midge, I have some special gloves that I think have lanolin in them, but haven't tried pure lanolin. I think it may be time to get some. Thanks for the suggestion!

Heidi, I'm glad you don't have as many cows as you used to have, especially with this cold weather. Thank goodness you have a doggy door for them to have easy access! Yep, Smokey is a smart one. Is he the only dog who has discovered your bed?

Suzy, thank you for the further explanation about Alie and the bat. I didn't realize you and she were delivering it to a rescue organization. Somehow I thought she was visiting a rescue and holding a bat while there. I think this is confirmation that I was up too late reading comments and didn't get things straight. Seems like I better head to bed soon.

Sending healing energy, prayers, warm and positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you!
22/Jan/19 6:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, we lost something like 30% of the bat population to the heat. So not technically endangered, as far as I know, but the heat puts them at risk.
22/Jan/19 7:49 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi! Stopping in for advice. I can't guarantee that I will be able to see MizTricia in a couple weeks but I'm going to try to stop by for a quick visit. Depends upon weather and how exhausting the drive is plus the interstate near her that I'll be wanting to take is closed. Still ...

Anyway, I haven't kept up here and you all know her better. My question: If there was one thing I could do for MizTricia, what might that be?
23/Jan/19 2:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you do get to visit MizTricia, Plum, She's a wonderful person.

It's now warmed up above freezing and the ground is turning back to mud. The next round of rain is due in about 14 hours. I'm REALLY tired of all this mud and rain.
23/Jan/19 3:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Probably gardening or shopping Plum.
23/Jan/19 12:40 PM
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