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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, feel better soon. I hope it clears up or you find some way to see a doctor. I cannot believe the health system over there and the lack of support. Over here a homeless person on the street can go into a public hospital and get treatment for nothing!
11/Jun/19 7:33 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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A kind word never broke anyone's mouth.
_ Irish Proverb
That what I love about this site and the people on it!
11/Jun/19 7:35 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, thank you for the Anniversary wishes.
31 years! Poor man, when he married me he took on a 15yo girl and a 17yo boy. He knew it was 'love me, love my kids'. To his credit, he did. They love him back and our 5 grandchildren adore him.
He truly is a good man.
11/Jun/19 7:39 PM
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Heidi, feel better soon!
Julie, one of the benefits of not being a youngun is you don’t have to be perfect on things like the cello. You can get away with being a bit forgetful. I can’t think of any way to remember all the pieces other than playing them regularly. Along with learning the new pieces that’s a lot of work!
12/Jun/19 8:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just reported the above as spam.
12/Jun/19 12:28 PM
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Heidi, great idea to take it easy and stay hydrated. Along with that, be sure you're getting plenty of sleep as well. I hope you'll soon be feeling better!
I love your TOPP (plus one), CynB! You're right, it's what is great about this site. I haven't said or written this in a long time, but we owe Gath a great deal of thanks. Thank you, Gath, for what you created and encouraged.
Cyn, you did well in finding Col! Happy Anniversary! You have both been through a lot and seem to have thrived (either because of or in spite of it).
Thanks, Suzy, for your encouraging words. You're so right! I would need to play through everything I've learned on a VERY regular basis. That wasn't so hard when it was just 10 or 15 short songs and I could review everything in a couple of days.
The kids go to a weekly group class where songs are reviewed and polished and technique and tone are stressed. I considered joining the appropriate level class based on the song I was learning. The head of the Suzuki department strongly advised against it. The class I would have been in was a group of 'squirrelly boys' who mostly enjoyed telling 'fart jokes,' he said. He didn't think I would benefit from the class, or others at various levels of advancement. Plus, the songs are increasingly longer and more difficult, and when I add in the other etudes and exercises and scales I need to practice daily, two hours isn't enough practice time to get through all of it.
Thanks for reporting the spam, Heidi.
After a meeting that ran late, it's time to head to bed. Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and <3 <3 to everyone! (The Smilies aren't working again for me.)
12/Jun/19 3:10 PM
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In the states, illegals get free health care, also...
12/Jun/19 3:46 PM
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A quick google suggests that is only partially true DorA
12/Jun/19 11:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie, I love the term 'squirrelly boys'! I could see them in my mind instantly. Haha!
Thanks for reporting the spam, Heidi.
13/Jun/19 5:12 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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There has been a nice side-effect to having my daughter back here with us, despite the fact that she is a drama queen. We can ignore that and leave her to it these days. But we are seeing more of her kids which is lovely. Now that they are working, driving, have partners and friends they lead busy lives, but they miss their Mum and come over to see her often. Spent a lovely evening last night, just the 5 of us, laughing and talking for hours.
These are the days I enjoy most.
13/Jun/19 5:17 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I love to see some of the places where our Sudoku members live, even if very few of them ever get involved enough to join the conversation.
There are new members listed now from Casablanca and Ukraine. How exotic!
13/Jun/19 5:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm glad to see that the spam has been removed.
Still nauseous. At least I've finally dropped below 238 lbs./17 stone. That's a 50 lb loss so far. I want to get down to at least 170 lbs, hopefully lower.
13/Jun/19 6:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm so glad you're having a good time with your daughter and grandies, CynB. And Happy Anniversary, belatedly. I think both you and Col are lucky.
13/Jun/19 8:07 AM
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The SPAM, on this page was removed but the footprint is still all over the ''Forum'' Page...
13/Jun/19 11:54 AM
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CynB, I'm so glad there's such a nice positive to having your D staying with you! How wonderful to have more opportunities to spend with your grandies!
Heidi, thanks again for reporting the spam! I'm glad it has been removed from this page!
Hedi, I'm sorry to hear that you are still nauseous. Hopefully that will soon pass, and also hoping your ear's better! You are making wonderful progress with your weight loss! Congratulations!
Hubby and I are both scheduled to spend extended hours in the dentist's chair tomorrow. (Sigh) It needs to be done.
Sending many {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers,
and healing energy to everyone!
13/Jun/19 3:21 PM
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Good on you Heidi - hope your nausea and earache go but great about the weight.
Suzy - are you having the grandies to visit for the holidays?
Julie - your cello playing sounds wonderful - don't worry - it will end up like riding a bike.
No 1 son is in Seoul (made it to there instead of Jejus). Still having problems focussing which is a worry since it is 7 weeks since the assault.
As usual, no-one heard from him for 10 days grrr.
Glad all is well in the household CynB - I would love the company. The day my no 1 son left no 2 son grabbed some things and abandoned us to look after his apartment. So quiet at home now with just 2 of us and not even a dog anymore. I have even taken to feeding some crows that have been hanging around. Cockatoos are banned at the moment - they ate all the window edges upstairs and the edge of a balcony whilst we were away for a weekend. Shame - I just love those cheeky birds.
Lost a very good friend of 48 years 3 weeks ago and they finally had his service last Thursday - disgraceful mess with 2 parties contesting his will - he hasn't been competent for many years and changed his will every few months so don't know how far back the lawyers will go. A week before he passed one revolting lady came to see him with her friend (solicitor) and would not leave until he signed a new will, so that is opening a can of worms!!
13/Jun/19 4:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have an appointment tomorrow with my bariatric surgeon, just one of the regular follow-ups, but i will discuss the nausea with him.
14/Jun/19 4:13 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, glad you are seeing the bariatric surgeon tomorrow, he may know how to fix your nausea. I hope so.
Julie, have fun at the dentist. Never something to look forward to.
14/Jun/19 5:52 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Midge, nothing worse than people fighting over a will. We expect trouble like that when my hubby's step-father passes away. Col's Dad died in the mid 80's, a few years later his mother married the step-father who had never married before. He has been a wonderful and much loved step father and grandfather. When Col's Mum died, her estate went to him and his will leaves the lot to Col and his siblings. We expect that the odds and sods of his nieces and nephews will challenge the will. They keep asking him out for the day and trying to get him to solicitors to 'make sure his will is up to date'. He may be old (91) but he's astute. He knows where he wants it to go - his 'kids'!!
14/Jun/19 6:02 AM
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That is horrible CynB - I wish triple Karma to all who do this. Let's hope he stays astute.
Best wishes for the surgeon visit Heidi. How is the earache? Hope that has subsided.
How is the hound DorA? I really miss having a dog - my beautiful old Truman has been gone nearly 4 months and I still expect him to jump in my car when I get home from work. He was featured in a TV series called Pooches at Play and we have that on tape.
14/Jun/19 10:04 AM
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Midge, I can imagine your worry when your son doesn't check in at least occasionally when he is away on holiday or business. Does he have a special friend that he checks in with who could update you? I hope he will be able to focus better as time goes on. Does he have plans to check back with a doctor as a follow-up?
So sorry to hear about your special friend who passed, Midge. What an awful predicament with a contested will and the revolting lady and her solicitor. I hope he had a good and responsible solicitor working on his behalf!
Cyn, I'm so glad Col's step-father is of sound mind and has a will in place. It can be so awful and divisive when a will is contested.
I'm so glad you have an appointment with the bariatric surgeon tomorrow, Heidi. I'm sure he'll be pleased with your weight loss, and will hopefully have some suggestions for dealing with the nausea!
Midge, how wonderful that you have a tape of Truman on the Pooches at Play series. We have entertained the idea of getting a dog off and on for a number of years. The responsibility and not being able to travel without kenneling is a concern. We have 'puppy sat' for one 'grand puppy' fairly frequently and love her. She's always excited when we visit with them or she comes to stay with us. I think that will have to suffice.
I just remembered that I need to get a load of laundry done tonight, so I'm off to the laundry room. Sending healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
14/Jun/19 12:42 PM
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Midge - the hound has completed 11 swim therapy sessions and is off of his ''doggy downers''. He is doing well, though I think he is starting to slow down. That makes two of us. He is great company, but as Julie mentioned, travel means kennel. He seems to enjoy the place he stays, but it is an added expense...
14/Jun/19 2:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The appointment went great. Everybody was thrilled with my weight loss (287 down to 234 lbs in 3 months), I look much better and feel better. The nausea just means I need to take my dietary changes slowly, and go back to the previous level if I need to. They said that everybody heals differently, and my stomach is just adjusting slowly. I have been OKed to eat some fresh fruits and well cooked veggies now.... so I stopped on the way home and bought some fresh cherries and a small bag of tangerines, as well as some meats I'm allowed. They want me to try to eat as much as a cup full of food each day, which sounds like a massive amount to me. I have a bunch of asparagys in my freezer, from my garden, and they say I can have some now if it's VERY well cooked.
15/Jun/19 6:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I go back again in another 3 months. I'm just trying to imagine how good I'll look then!
15/Jun/19 6:27 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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So pleased to hear that all is well Heidi, and that the nausea is easily explained. Your weight loss is wonderful. Best wishes for getting the rest of the pounds off. Sounds like you are doing what you are told and taking it seriously. Good for you!!
15/Jun/19 6:42 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Because we didn't go out to dinner on our anniversary on Tuesday, we planned to go out tonight. That plan has been extended to a night away at the Gold Coast and dinner at our favourite revolving restaurant in the same hotel where we are booked for the night. Missed out on a sea view from our balcony. Mountain view will be fine. I'm already imagining breakfast on the balcony. Weather here is not too cold for winter, only about 12c overnight.
Nice break - and daughter will be here to feed the dog.
15/Jun/19 6:49 AM
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I now have 4 dogs who depend on me for food and apparently a warm place to sleep since I end up in a doggy sandwich most nights. The only place I might travel is to see Dana and the kids.
16/Jun/19 12:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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FOUR dogs????
I knew about 3. What's the story? And I'm glad you have constant company that gives you unconditional love. You deserve and need it.
16/Jun/19 11:41 AM
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2 poodles and 2 chihuahuas. Sisters. 10 and 11 years old, like Jasper
17/Jun/19 1:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good for you, Suzy! The older ones are particularly in need of love.
17/Jun/19 2:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We're about to be under severe thunderstorm watch. They're calling for ugly stuff to hit here in a couple of hours, and thunderstorms for 12 out of the next 14 days. I wonder how accurate the forecasts will be.
17/Jun/19 5:48 AM
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DOrA, what good news that the hound has completed 11 swim therapy sessions. How long has he been off his 'doggy downers?' It may take him a few days to get back to 'normal' or the 'new normal.' I don't remember how old he is, but slowing down a bit may be what's to be expected at this point. I'm glad he enjoys the kennel where he stays if you need to be away for a bit! That's a big relief!
Speaking of relief, Heidi, I'm sure it's a relief to know that the nausea is completely normal at this stage of recovery. Does the doctor want you to try for a cup of food in just 3 meals, or are you allowed to eat a tablespoonful at 2- or 3-hour intervals? Its great that you can begin to add some fresh fruits and well cooked vegetables! You will look and feel terrific in 3 months!
CynB, the overnight get-away sounds wonderful! I hope you both enjoy it! How nice that your D will be able to take care of the dog for you!
Suzy, how nice that you get to enjoy the dogs' company both during the day and the night. I guess that means that they have all adjusted to being around each other, if they're willing to share you and your bed! A poodle puddle and chihuahua . . . (Darn, I can't think of something starting with ch to go with chihuahua right now.)
Heidi, I'm sorry to hear about the awful weather headed your way! But, I wanted to mention that I like your alpaca Smilies!
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
17/Jun/19 12:59 PM
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Seems like Heidi's Alpaca smilie appeared pretty quickly. Does that mean she planned well in advance or that the approval process has improved or that she has a fast track???????
Inquiring minds and all that..........
17/Jun/19 4:08 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It took a month to get the alpacas approved. I finally had to contact Gath and ask him what was taking so long.
The storms just missed us, They skimmed to the west and north by a few miles. I could see and hear them, but we got no wind or rain.
18/Jun/19 2:43 AM
SW Michigan, USA
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Hello, good people. I wanted to say
to MizTricia where she was more likely to see the greeting.
18/Jun/19 11:20 PM
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Hi, Plum! How are you and your family? It's nice to see you here occasionally!
I'm hoping MizT has been reading the comments. I know it has been difficult for her to find a comfortable position to post, as she can't do it on her phone. So I'll add my birthday greetings. Happy Birthday, MizT!
Heidi, I'm glad the storms missed you. It seems like you have had more than your share of precipitation this spring! I hope all of your four-legged animals and birds are doing well!
We have been having some computer issues lately - seems like we can do one or two activities or searches and it wants to 'take a break,' so we need to turn it off and re-boot. It's getting annoying.
Thinking of all of our fellow Sudokuaholics and sending warm healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Take care, Everyone!
19/Jun/19 11:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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20/Jun/19 4:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm having the same problem with my computer, Julie. It's frustrating.
20/Jun/19 4:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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NOW we're getting pouring rain and thunder boomers.
20/Jun/19 11:12 AM
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You might need to do a defrag Julie. It’s something you can do yourself. Heidi, you use a Mac so I’m not sure about you
20/Jun/19 1:17 PM
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