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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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''For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.''
Ralph Waldo Emerson
13/Oct/13 12:49 PM
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Apparently it's disgusting that I don't wash all Dana's clothes for her and do all her housework.
13/Oct/13 4:11 PM
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ARGGGHH! I have just lost a long post and was about to head to bed. Let me see if I can reproduce some of it.
13/Oct/13 5:08 PM
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to all my friends here on SA 11!
Suzy, I can only imagine the shock you must have felt! Nevertheless, welcome to this world, Daniel! We know he will be loved and cared for as well as his sister! Congratulations to D, Tahli, you and Mr. Suzy and Alie.
MizT and Theresa, thanks so much for sharing the information about how a pregnancy can be missed, misdiagnosed, or at least not recognized as such. It can happen to older and more experienced mothers, as well.
Mama, I hope the weather improves, although it’s helpful for the plants and trees to be well-watered before heading into the more extreme temperatures of winter.
As usual, we can thank Mama for her words of wisdom. Young Daniel has arrived and is in need of all of the love and attention that can be given to him. I’m sure everyone will pitch in and offer as much help and support as is possible. There will probably be a roller coaster of emotions for a while. Be thankful for a healthy new life. Suzy, remember to take care of yourself.
Lizzy G, I am so glad you have a massage on a regular basis and you have an observant masseur who let you know about a changed mole! I am also glad you have a doctor who takes the approach to check on it right away! I hope that it is determined to be inconsequential and of no concern. Nevertheless, a big thanks to your massage therapist and your doctor.
June, I hope you are feeling some relief from your pulled back! Please move slowly and gently so that it will not be further aggravated! And though I’m sure you are motivated to get all of your vacation photos organized, remember to do it in small batches so you don’t need to sit for long periods of time without a break. Heidi’s suggestion of a warm bath if the pain is from twisting “wrong” makes sense. I hope it will be helpful for you!
Nola, thanks for the great reminder of how lucky Dana is to have the loving support of two parents! Not all young women are that lucky.
Suzy, if Dana and Daniel are able to come home tonight, will you still keep Tahli with you for a few days? I suspect some major shopping has been done in order to be prepared for another little one.
Heidi, what a great and appropriate TOPP! Thank you!
Suzy, please don’t take to heart that someone has criticized you for not doing Dana’s laundry and housework. At her age, even if she were still living at home, it would not be appropriate for you to do that for her. Sometimes reason goes out the window in stressful times.
Sending {{{{{
}}}}} , positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes for everyone!
13/Oct/13 5:43 PM
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Hooray! It fit!
13/Oct/13 5:43 PM
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I have one disc out 1 cm. I generally know my limitations and do not even use pain meds if I can help it. Not sure if I would be able to get back out of the bath! A hot pack will have to suffice. Was a lot better today as long as I did not sit around for too long.
We got some shopping done and I have also been working on the photos. Just putting them in a folder and will then put them on a disc.
Suzy, have you got Dana and Daniel staying with you for a few days?
13/Oct/13 8:43 PM
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One heck of a weekend. Kind of glad it's over. Home alone tomorrow. Deep breaths and time to catch up with your comments.
13/Oct/13 8:52 PM
Stevenage UK
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Julie, I agree with you that at Dana's age (not picking on Dana here) they should be doing their own laundry/housework. I will admit rhat I still do the laundry for my kids who live at home, but that is for economic reasons. If I do the laundry it is done in full loads and if the weather is right I hang the clothes out. If the kids were to do their own it would be done in half loads and then put into the dryer no matter what the weather. Even the ironing would take them three times longer than I could do it, as the watch tv at the same time.
13/Oct/13 11:01 PM
Stevenage UK
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June hope your back feels better soon.
I had a catastrophe here yesterday. We have floor standing glass sterio speakers. Yesterday I moved one of them to hoover under it. I put it back in position, but had to move it slightly. To my horror the plate glass (about an inch thick) snapped.
I loved those speakers as thehy looked good as well as sounded good, unfortunately they are no longer made so we cannot replaced.
13/Oct/13 11:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Can you replace just the glass, Brenda? What a weird thing to happen. Inch thick glass is usually nigh-indestructable.
Suzy..... Dana has decided to have a life of her own, and makes her own decisions (like unprotected s-x). Her laundry and housework are her responsibility now, by her choice. IF you should ever help her with them, she owes you her most profound thanks. With 2 children, it's time she stopped acting like a spoiled teenager.
14/Oct/13 2:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June.... have you tried a chiropractor for the back? A disc out 1 cm is right up their alley, so to speak. That's what they do best, and without pain meds.
14/Oct/13 2:10 AM
Stevenage UK
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Unfortunately Heidi the cables for the speakers were inside the glass, a special ribbon thin wire and this snapped along with the glass.
14/Oct/13 3:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh,no! That sounds like it's even beyond the repair capabilities of super-glue!
14/Oct/13 4:13 AM
Stevenage UK
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That's right Heidi they have to be replaced.
14/Oct/13 5:19 AM
Small Town Canada
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After a tiring day, a commuter settled down in his seat and closed his eyes.
As the train rolled out of the station, the young woman sitting next to him pulled out her cell phone and started talking in a loud voice:
'Hi sweetheart. It's Sue. I'm on the train'.
'Yes, I know it's the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long meeting'.
'No, honey, not with that Kevin from the accounting office. It was with the boss'.
'No sweetheart, you're the only one in my life'.
'Yes, I'm sure, cross my heart!'
Fifteen minutes later, she was still talking loudly.
When the man sitting next to her had enough, he leaned over and said into the phone,
'Sue, hang up the phone and come back to bed.'
Sue doesn't use her cell phone in public any longer.
14/Oct/13 11:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm gonna have to remember that!
14/Oct/13 11:49 AM
Alabama, USA
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I know I wrote a post this morning, but it is not here. Welcome to cyber space, little post
A do nothing day here. Tummy problem, but all better now. Just left me energyless (spell check suggests genderless, nope I am still a girl hehe)
Friends came knocking at my door today asking if I had called medics. Medics had responded to a call from another Patricia whose last name begins with B. I happened to know her apartment number and they went to check on her.
On weekends, when medics do not find the person they think called, it is whomever is downstairs and sees them enter building that are asked to help check on residents, because no staff here weekends and nights.
I will try tomorrow to answer again all the posts I did earlier. Hugs to each of you till then. I am going to bed early, night all.
14/Oct/13 12:20 PM
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June, it's good that you know your diagnosis and limitations and can monitor that you don't cause additional problems with your back! I hope you feel better soon! It seems that 'Pace yourself' is good advice for many of us.
Suzy, enjoy a quiet day at home by yourself tomorrow! You deserve it! Can you get some extra sleep?
Brenda, you got the meaning of my post correct - that there comes a time when a person's situation begins to dictate the kind of 'chores' they need to do. I also totally understand the economy of large laundry loads and will gladly combine loads for the economy (water, energy use, detergent, time). Several small loads just don't make sense when they could combine into one full load. Sorry, I'm not swearing - just having an esoteric/philosophical conversation.
Oh, Brenda! How awful to have the accident with the speaker! It certainly doesn't sound repairable. Do you suppose there is any chance that a replacement could be found through a shop that has been in business for many years or even eBay?
Theresa, what a cute story! 'Sue' got what she deserved.
MizT, I'm glad you are feeling better and hope the early bed-time helps tomorrow to be even better! I'm so sorry your post disappeared; so annoying and frustrating! I'm glad you could solve the mystery of which Patricia B called for the medics. You would think there would be a master list of residents that could be consulted. Some people are not good with names or only know first names. I seem to recall that there are several buildings where you live. Would the medics need to go from building to building to find the resident who called them? There must be a better way!
It's time for me to put the computer to sleep. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and
for everyone!
14/Oct/13 4:23 PM
Stevenage UK
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Julie, we have been very fortunate in finding some on ebay and the auction finished last night. My clever hubby managed to win it too. We have had to pay £121 to replace speakers that when we bought them cost nearly £800. We have to go to Ipswich which is about 2hours away to pick them up. The irony of the situation is that we had just thrown away the box with the original shaped packing.we will take plenty of duvet s to pad the boot of the car to bring them home.
14/Oct/13 6:49 PM
qld, australia
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Well my friends, will be off on my road trip tomorrow morning so will probably not be in touch for over a week.
According to Mr Google it is 1844 kms (1146.00 miles) both ways, so my butt will be velcroed to the car seat for a few days.
Wishing you all health, happiness and be safe.
Love and Hugs.
14/Oct/13 6:51 PM
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Have a good safe trip Broni, if you need a bed in Sydney please let me know.
I think I may have overdone things a bit. I have been trying not to lift things etc. Although Ken did ask me why I was up the small ladder trying to replace the cords in the curtain tracks. They are rotten and I got a lift to the fabric shop today and bought new cord! I must admit the curtains are on the ground and the tape is not quite in yet!
The back improves when I keep moving about so I am trying not too sit down too much.
14/Oct/13 7:59 PM
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Brenda, sorry about your speaker but so pleased you have found a replacement at a reasonable cost.
14/Oct/13 8:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good news, Brenda! You can find anything on eBay.
Bon Voyage, Broni dear. That drive is about the same distance as the drive I have from here to Ocala, FL. I always look forward to long drives by myself. I keep a large assortment of music CDs, audiobooks and old radio shows to listen to, and love having the uninterrupted time to listen to them. I will not answer the phone while driving (I check for messages during stops for fuel) so nobody can stress me out with their problems while I'm driving. And with plenty of things to listen to, traffic jams can be pleasant, too. The only thing I fear while driving is a rampaging mattress jumping in front of me and attacking the vehicle!
15/Oct/13 3:04 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I hate Epilepsy!
Em hasn't had a seizure for nearly 18 months until 2am yesterday morning, she woke her father up with her screams. 3 hours in the ER, and still recovering today, been asleep since 8pm last night. It really takes it out of her.
Next is to have the full range of tests with her Neurologist.
15/Oct/13 10:03 AM
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Morning everyone.
Cyn.. that is not good. :(.
Hope Em recovers well. ♥
15/Oct/13 12:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, no, Cyn. I've never heard of seizures that bad! I hope they find sone way of preventing any more like this.
15/Oct/13 12:46 PM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, just found your private mail and answered.
Julie, there is such a master list that is updated often as people come and go. I have a telephone list with all the residents here in August. that is where I got the apartment number of the other Patricia. She is known as Patty, is disabled, and does not get around well. I hope she did not fall outside somewhere.
Our Panic Button operates on GPS, which can only pinpoint an address, and our two buildings show up as one address. It cannot show which floor, or if a person is in the parking lot or in a hallway or in apartment. Not perfect, but much better than the 2 pull cords per apartment that were previously here. As staff said, people seldom fell within reach of a pull cord.
Ohhh, my house is smelling good. I am making pumpkin muffins from a mix, bad Tricia, but so much easier. I do modify it though, adding rolled oats, flax seed for whole grains, applesauce instead of oil. Which chef on TV is it that shows her 'almost homemade' recipes doing what I just did? It is heavily spiced, I think it has cloves. Hope my sister does not visit till that smell is gone, allergic to cloves, along with a good third of everything
Brenda, hoow wonderful you found speakers and that hubby won the bid. AND you get a mini road trip to go pick them up also. Wishing you and the speakers a safe uneventful trip. Can you tell us what it is about the glass speakers that is so much better? It is not something I ever heard Al mention, and he was always looking to get perfect sound out of his recorded music.
Broni, how many miles a day will you be trying for> I would think it is a 2-3 day trip each way, depends how many hours a day you want to go, and of course the speed limit. Sounds like you will spend more time traveling than at your destination. Safe and uneventful, but not boring, trip to you too.
Muffins out of oven, to hot to taste test though. Might make a good bedtime snack with a cup of coffee.
Heidi, I have seen trucks and RV's with a cattle guard up front, but you need a mattress guard! Is the trip down a definite maybe? If so, what night(s) do I need to reserve a camp site? I did see the little area of unused land today, 25-30 cars were parked helter schelter today. It is triangular shaped land, so not easy to park in row. It is near one of the medical centers. Weekends and nights, it is almost empty if memory serves. I could not see a drive way onto the land, but if the autos got up there, either curbs are low or there is a driveway somewhere. I was on the bus, we took the scenic route home from the pool (picked up a resident from medical center doctor's office). That would be about a block and half from here. Did you look at a map?
Cyn, How frightening that must be for Em. Good she got to sleep to have time to recoup some of the energy used during a seizure. Hugs to her and to family, including YOU.
OK, sat here long enough and for whoever wished me a better day
15/Oct/13 1:38 PM
Alabama, USA
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Part 2
OK, sat here long enough and for whoever wished me a better day today, would you please wish me a better Tuesday, cause today was MUCH better. I went to pool, watered flowers, and went to our storytelling class. took a nap, washed dishes, found food to thaw for tomorrows meals, cooked dinner and then made muffins. More than I did all last week!! Pain levels are much better, in fact I think I am hours overdue for meds again. It is strange how these rough patches will come suddenly and once they are ready, leave as suddenly. I spent the day in bed hurting, waiting for meds that were not working yesterday, cause when I got up, pain shot down my legs. Go figure.
hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/Oct/13 1:39 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Brenda, that's fabulous news that you found the speakers on eBay and won the auction! Have a safe trip picking them up and getting them home in one piece!
Broni, have a safe and enjoyable trip! We'll miss you!
June, you certainly don't slow down. Good luck with the repairs!
CynB, I'm so sorry to hear Em has had another seizure. It must be frightening for her (and the rest of the family)! Sending positive thoughts for all of you.
MizT, what a productive day you have had - topped off with pumpkin muffins. They sound wonderful; wish I could smell them!
My typing was delayed by the cat, who insisted for the third time that she wanted the chair. The first 2 times, she tricked me into thinking that she needed her food to be replenished or the litter box cleaned. This time, she just wouldn't quit her insistent meow, so I picked her up and held her for a while. Now, it's time for bed.
Sending positive thoughts,
healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prayers for each of you!
15/Oct/13 5:02 PM
Stevenage UK
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MizT, I have no idea what it is about the speakers which gives such good sound quality. Richard is the music person in our house. He was happy with the sound from the speakers but needed to add a sub woofer to make it 'perfect'. I on the other hand loved the look of them, don't get me wrong I appreciated the sound too, they don't 'take over' the room like big solid speakers do. Here is a link to a photo of them
15/Oct/13 7:06 PM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn, I hope Em feels better soon. My friend with epilepsy used to go for about 2 years without seizures. She wanted to learn to drive (you have to be clear of seizures for at least 2 years) and then she would have a seizure. This happened for quite a few years she never did learn to drive.
15/Oct/13 7:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Unusual looking speakers, Brenda. Not what I pictured in my mind. I'm so glad you found a replacement at a reasonable price.
16/Oct/13 3:19 AM
Mamacita 2
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Good Afternoon All,
Brenda, thanks for the link to the speakers. I too had never seen or heard of them, but by looking at them, I can see why you'd like them for their looks as well as the sound. I agree, they don't take over a room.
Not a good weekend here for me...I have had so much pain relating to my gall bladder, but today my pulmonologist said he felt I could undergo surgical removal of it without a real problem, even being ventilated again. He is going to have that conversation with those who will do the surgery if it's done. While I'm scared at being faced with more surgery, especially where I will be vented again..I need to do something since this ongoing pain is far too debilitating not to try to bring it to an end.
To those off on adventure, I'm hoping for fun and safe returns, Cyn, I am hoping Em will fully recover from her scary experience.I'm so sorry she had another seizure...while not the same by a long shot, Jazz has had three seizures this week and I too hate epilepsy.
Hoping(seem to be doing a lot of hoping in this post)everyone who has been experiencing pain,stress,disappointment or any of the many challenges that come with life, find the other side of the coin and can soon be enjoying joy,fun and pain-free time. Hang in there everyone...this too shall pass. Peace.
16/Oct/13 3:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I sent you another PM, MizT.
16/Oct/13 4:17 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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IH all.
Oh Suzy.
Dana is probably quite stressed and shocked at the moment. We do sometimes lash out at those closest to us. It can be very hurtful though.
Could she be overwhelmed at the prospect of 2 young babies to care for at a young age? Just a thought.
Cyn...I hope Em recovers quickly and something can be done to help. must be tiring having to keep moving around. Take care. are very lucky to get the speakers you wanted and at a bargain price too.
Today is the 1st of my holidays and there is plenty to do at home. I would love to get stuck into the garden but must clean the house first.
16/Oct/13 9:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I started a PM reply about noon, got interrupted, came back by 2 o'clock, but a friend came by as I was cooking lunch, we ate lunch together. but you now have a reply on PM. We have reservations for Friday and Saturday nights. I feel sure we could extend if we are having a great time, no backs are miserable and we want more time, weekdays are not as busy. Many weekenders will have to leave to get ready for work and or school Monday AM. That suit you OK?
Don't loose your cell phone between now and then so we can keep in touch as you come in.
Have you looked at a map yet? I just remembered, on the freeway at the interchange, you must exit left lane when changing from I-65 to I-59/20, Then get to right lane in a short distance to exit onto Elton B Stephens Expressway. On Mapquest steps 11 and 12, they say it is 1.2 miles. Plenty of time if you know ahead you must cross all lanes. It could only be a problem during rush hour, which starts about 3 pm on Fridays, or an accident.
I think dogs must be on leash in park, but did not ask. I should phone back again tomorrow and make sure dogs are allowed even on leash, just to be sure.
Weather if as forecast should be delightful, mid 70 days, low 50 nights. Have you used your heater in RV, is it propane? should I bring my tiny electric heater in case it gets chill or damp inside.
Gosh I am getting more and more excited.
I shall wait till Thursday to pick up the few groceries I need to keep me happy. ATM, our alley is closed again, and parking is not easy for me in our lot. I hope they are finished by weekend.
16/Oct/13 10:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My Gypsy Vanner gelding, Challenger, has been over at the trainer's place. She has been using him for a couple of big group rides/drives lately, since he loves working in a team with her big mule. The trainer just called me. Challenger was just found dead in his stall.
16/Oct/13 10:33 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Oh Heidi.
I am very sorry!!!
What happened?
16/Oct/13 11:31 AM
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oh No Heidi
16/Oct/13 12:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Don't know what happened. They just found him dead. He was a young horse.... only 6 years old, and was acting perfectly healthy. I can have him posted if I want, and it's necessary if I'm to try to claim insurance on him. But if I file a claim, my insurance rates will go up. If I don't file a claim, I'll have to eat the full $12,500.00 I paid for him. Nothing I do will bring him back, though. I'll probably just have him buried and forget it.
16/Oct/13 1:04 PM
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