Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on.
23/Oct/13 11:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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'If you still have your life, the rest is just stuff'

quote from someone who lost everything in a bush fire, not these ones, older ones
23/Oct/13 11:59 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning everyone!
Rolanda and hubby have left this morning. We had such fun in the last hectic 3-4 days - exhausted now. We even saw a pod of whales at Coolangatta, and went to the 77th storey viewing tower at Q1 on the Gold Coast and watched the magnificent view as the sun set with a glass of bubbly in our hands. Breathtaking!!
They're flying into Sydney on their way to Gosford, into the hot weather, high winds and bushfires (which they should be able to avoid). The news on the fires has been scary and awful the last few days.
Our Sudoku meeting went well - it was lovely to see everyone and to meet you especially Nola. I do feel that I didn't get enough chance to have a good chat with you though, which is the trouble with having a gathering like that in a Restaurant rather than at someone's home where it's easier to move around. Nola - in the end, you were the only one to get photos that day, so maybe you can post them on here when you get a chance.
Broni, you were missed, hope you enjoyed Phillip Island.
23/Oct/13 12:30 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy to hear that Tricia and Heidi had a good time together. Tricia, I love playing Quiddler!!
June - hope you are OK at Belinda's! Keeping all Sydneysiders, especially those in the Blue Mountains in my thoughts. I sincerely hope some wonderful miracle happens to stop and further damage or loss of life.
Probably more I wanted to say but have lost my train of thought. Ciao for now.
23/Oct/13 12:35 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Sorry I have been missing for a few weeks. I had a schedule change at school. I am covering for a teacher who is on maternity leave for the next 6-8 weeks I am teaching High School Algebra. I went from the worst kids in the school to some of the best kids. I have 150 students and no break. Hubby has a good job and does not get home until 11:30 so I am single parent during the week. Between baseball, Hebrew school, youth group and club meetings I am constantly on the go. I also ended up with a bad cold and was miserable for 2 weeks. Luckily I am better now. I will come back soon and try to catch up. Hope all is well with everyone.
23/Oct/13 1:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda rang to say someone has contacted her about a fire t Siverdale. About 10k down the road from here. Everything clear here and the wind would blow that fire AWAY from where I am.
Very windy and hot outside. I will do some jobs outside later after sunset. Suzy,I have not been doing anything much this afternoon.
23/Oct/13 2:46 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone!
June, Happy 50th Anniversary!!!!!!
Cyn, it was a great lunch on Sunday and fabulous to meet Nola. You are right. It is hard to speak to everyone at a long table and much easier at someones house but it was fun just the same.
It was lovely to see Rolanda again. I will definitely be visiting her in Perth as soon as I can find some cheap(ish) airfares. Probably next year.
The house move has happened. Mum is now in her unit (everything is unpacked and mostly sorted out). We only have 2 boxes of photos to sort out plus the box of paperwork that she couldn't be bothered to go through. I suppose I'll have to do it.
We went back to the house on Monday and it took me all day to sort out the top of her wardrobe. I only needed yes/no answers about whether she wanted to keep something or not. That woman has the attention span of a 2 year old! Anyway, we eventually sorted it out. I'll be going back on Friday to clean and meet the new owners to sort out what furniture they want us to leave.
There is an end in sight! Woo Hoo!
23/Oct/13 4:36 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, congratulations on the unexpected arrival of Daniel. I hope that the shock has worn off and the blessing that a baby brings is taking over.

Heidi and MizT - Your sudoku meet sounded like lots of fun.

Mama, best wishes with your gall bladder op. That may be on the cards for my Mum in the future (no more turns since her 2 weeks in hospital luckily).

Tami, I felt like a single mum for a while. Hubby worked 11 days straight starting at 3pm. He was half awake in the morning and gone all evening. He had a Friday - Sunday off fortnightly. We did get used to it but I hated the weekend that he worked. You just do what you have to do and it works out in the end.
Eventually he got a different job with better hours.
Mind you, now that he is retired he is never home anyway. I think he works harder now than when he was paid to go to work.
23/Oct/13 4:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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EXCITEMENT!!! But not the kind I'd recommend. A red belly black snake tried to come in under the front door - I've looked and can't work out how it fitted!

Hubby wrangled it - for a while there I thought I'd be calling an ambulance, but he got it behind the head and walked it to the bush and tossed it away.
23/Oct/13 5:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I looked on the site and can't work out which fire that is, unless it's Gulguer nature reserve. If it is I can breathe out as that one looks like it was quickly brought under control.

Vicki, I'm glad most of the work is done. That must feel like a huge load off your shoulders.
23/Oct/13 5:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I hope you are enjoying teaching the 'better' kids, is not seeing your hubby at night a permanent thing (well, you know what I mean)?

23/Oct/13 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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For the topsiders who are curious - fire info without the hype.

Somewhere on the page is an explanation of the different colours. Simply put blue is bad, yellow is worse and red is holy cr@p.
23/Oct/13 5:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Nola, so glad the visit with your sister was/is good! Is it an outdoor pool on the 34th floor - or at least partial open to the elements (read 'wind'? I hope your relaxation continues, as you certainly deserve it! I hope Sonny (the dog) isn't too spoiled when you return home!

Rolanda, i hope your holiday/visit with CynB and others is enjoyable!

Broni, I hope you're getting a chance to relax!

June, stay safe, please! People (especially you) are more important than things! I'm glad you saw Spew having some breakfast!

Heidi, it's the continuing saga of life in the dental chair) I hope the implants can be remade quickly and correctly!

Suzy, I think you need to schedule some time for you! Put it on the calendar and don't let anyone or anything intervene! I hope you were able to get a cup of tea while you were out chauffeuring Dana and babies.

Now I'm reading that Broni has returned home (well-rested, I hope)!

Cyn, it sounds like you're the hostess with the mostest! We're so glad you were able to meet with/host Rolanda & Peter!

Tami, what a busy few weeks! Do you get any extra pay for working without a break? Certainly doesn't seem fair! I'm glad hubby's job is working well! Too bad he can't be around to help with all of the chauffeuring! duties! Hang in there! I'm sure the boys appreciate all you do for them, even if they forget to tell you.

June, I'm glad you're pacing yourself, especially with the high temperatures!

Vicki, good for you! You're making progress! Later you will be gad for taking the time you need to 'get it right!' When you were talking about all of the time your husband is working, I was thinking that he had retired. He has obviously found out what we found out - people are more than happy to 'offer' things to keep you busy every minute of the day!

Suzy, YIKES! I am also not a fan of snakes. I'm glad Don was home to provide his services!

Time for me to call it a night. Prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
23/Oct/13 5:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Note to self. Check your inbox occasionally. Sorry people I didn't answer....
23/Oct/13 6:25 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, those snakes can go extremely flat. Belinda had one in her bedroom and I am sure the gap was less than 1/2 inch and it got out.(and disposed of). I know you are not to kill them but when they get around the house I think it is necessary.
That fire was Avoca Rd Silverdale but was not given a colour and now not listed.
Cleared a bit more of the overgrown plants/weeds but will eventually have to find where I can dump them.
23/Oct/13 7:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, the bush is at least 150m from the house so I think this one won't be back. I hope.

I'm glad the fire is gone!
23/Oct/13 7:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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up for intermission, hope I get sleepy again soon, because I am trying to get to pool again tomorrow. If I could go to sleep right now, would have 3 more hours fore alarm.

SUZY, snakes, yuck. I would never have been able to snap a photo of it, I would have exited the room and shut as many doors as possible between me and snake! She got TWO photos and posted on TOS.

Heidi, so sorry the dentist trip was not successful. How long must you wait for the replacements? do they have a date promised?

Rules against killing snakes? Even the poisonous ones? Yikes, I agree with June, when they get into my house, they would have to go! permanently!!

I agree with Julie, Suzy needs some scheduled ME time. I think Tami does too, lots of time consuming taxi service on your schedule it seems.

I went on the bus Monday, found the pool closed for cleaning when we arrived. As we have many disabled people using the therapy pool, there was probably some accident soiling to have the pool closed for cleaning at 8:30 am without prior notice.

Elmo, my favorite of all the drivers, was on duty Monday. He decided power chairs on this trip. It was no problem, as both of us are very good drivers and can move into and out of confining spaces without problem. The only problem was, I was closest to door, as pool passengers were to be delivered first, then on to the hospital on same campus for Stephanie's appointment for physical therapy. As pool was closed, I wanted to return to EP, with the others who only use pool. Poor Elmo had to get me unbuckled and down the lift, go deliver Stephanie, and come back for me! he was feeling stressed as his schedule was tight, no extra time for these changes. We made it back for him to pick up his other passengers (Monday and Wednesday are days he drives residents to doctor appointments)only one minute late!!

I had a busy morning socializing downstairs M0nday , stayed down till lunch was delivered at almost 1 pm. After lunch I was too tired to move, achey and tired combined with a full belly and a nice warm throw to snuggle put me to sleep.

I continued in my lazy mode Tuesday morning, doing a few things, trying to find large flower containers off season on the computer wasted over an hour. But i was out again by 4 and visited around till 6 pm. Friend Myra picked up a package that arrived for me Friday afternoon, and kept safely in her apartment. Not a good system for packages arriving via mail or FedX, etc. they go on a counter (bench) in the bird room, no security. some of our residents are a bit addled, and remove packages not their own, so not a good idea for it to remain out all weekend. BUT it is against rules for another resident to pick up your package for you! Catch 22. I had asked her to just keep an eye on it, but she was able to sneak it to her apartment and keep it safe for me.

OK, I have rambled enough, pain meds working again, back to bed for me. Everyone keep safe.

Hugs to each of you, with e
23/Oct/13 9:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was able to snap photos because hubby was taking care of the problem. And because I was actually leaving the house and had my phone (with camera) in my hand ready to call Dana to let her know I was on my way.

The second set where hubby is holding the snake was because I still had the phone in my hand when I went to grab the broom. The bloody snake still tried to bite him. Luckily our snakes don't have very long fangs. I would love to have video of the whole thing - me losing it and squealing like a total whimp and hubby manfully trying to trap it with the broom (oh my god that was scary because it looked like it would get away), eventually succeeding and grabbing it with the oven mitts.... Bloody hilarious now that it's over. I do think that I let down feminists everywhere!

Tomorrow is my day!! I haven't had a call to work, so it's going to take an extreme illness or similar to get me to Dana's house tomorrow!
23/Oct/13 11:49 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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You need some you time Suzy. From what Dana has posted on FB she seems to be coping.
Well I have booked another short break away. Richard left it up to me to do this one (oh how I wish it was more than a few days and that we had won the lottery). I have booked into a pub called The old Nags Head in Castleton, which is in Derbyshire. We visited there a couple of years back for an hour or so, Richard had said he wouldn't mind going back. I got a good deal 3 nights for the price of 2. It would have cost £100 but I up graded to a delux room for an extra £30. That includes breakfast for the two of us. Going away on the 12th November just after Richard's birthday.
24/Oct/13 12:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow! A busy night of posts, and lots of friends heard from! I just woke up and can't really think of any new comments to add. PLEASE be cautious around those bush fires, everyone.

Today I'm taking the RV in to empty the holding tanks, and run a few errands in that same neighborhood. I'm also gonna question them about what precautions I need to take for winterizing it safely. I know they told me before, but I forgot.
24/Oct/13 1:08 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning To All.
Just checking excitement here such as Suzy has had....Thank Goodness. A scary sight indeed. The report I've seen re the fires state that most don't seem to be over the top for today in destruction, but the crisis is far from over. I know they are bad because I've not seen this most information about all of the danger and damage in my area recently. Our media would rather play up the stupid actions of our so called 'leaders' continuing to talk about shutting down our government.Boy, I hope these idiots get whats coming to them soon for what they are putting regular folks through!
So very glad to hear from Victoria and Nola, and to see that Broni has returned safely.The vacations and meetups all sound wonderful, and progress is being made in all of the other needy areas.I will simply add my voice to you who are suggesting that Tami and Suzy need to schedule some 'me time, and hope it happens soon. Suzy...more than just one day too at a time...perhaps a whole weekend just for the two of
Brenda...I'm going to sneak myself away in a trunk and claim to belong to you in November...your get away sounds dreamy and I could use that.
I've an appointment with the surgeon on Monday to set up the surgery....things seem to be moving and I appreciate all of the good wishes being sent my way.
Hoping all near the fires continue to stay safe, especially you June, and hope they all feel as those who Suzy quoted at the top of the page...Life is far more important than things...Thinking of all of you and may your challenges continue to not have the same hold on you as your joy. Peace.
24/Oct/13 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got nothing done today. The back decided to be uncooperative and not respond to the pain meds. I'm OK as long as I lay down, but even sitting up in a chair gets ugly after a few minutes. I don't know why it decided to do this today.
24/Oct/13 8:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I know the pain meds allow you to do things but how much damage do you do to your back because the meds are masking the pain?
Much cooler day today. Back out to do a bit more clearing from around the house. As well as fires it helps keep away the snakes.
24/Oct/13 9:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby just walked in to the house in the middle of the morning. I knew he'd been to have his stitches out and was hoping there hadn't been a problem. No problem, he'd just left something at home.
24/Oct/13 11:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks Suzy. Pleased Hubby's visit was for a good reason. I have been cleaning in and around the wood heater. Removed a bucket of ashes and have vacuumed the bricks and around the bac of it. The jobs Belinda never has time to do. I also installed the indoor fire alarm that I bought 6 months ago because the old one did not work any more. The outside plant removal is a slow job. I do about 20 minutes and then need to pace myself!
Oh and there was a baby red bellied black snake in the back yard but under where the tank is so I could not get it. Unfortunately where there is one baby there are generally more. Black snakes give birth.
24/Oct/13 3:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I feel your pain! I look nervously around the door every time I come in now. I did the ashes thing with my fireplace yesterday. It looks so much better. Great minds and all that.

I was planning on getting stuck into the gardens this weekend - I haven't done any real gardening since my first stroke. Instead I will be traipsing over to kangaroo valley for Alie.

3 weeks with no work. 5 if you count the holidays. It's good because I'm gradually catching up with stuff, but the money would come in very handy...
24/Oct/13 4:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! A late night here, so better get going. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone! Take care of yourselves!
24/Oct/13 4:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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There is a kangaroo that has come for a feed in Belinda's bottom padock the last couple of evenings. Love watching it from her kitchen window. I am slowly moving some furniture and cleaning and washing the floor.
Suzy, once the year 12 students leave, the teacher who took those classes are expected to fill in for teachers away. Makes it hard for relief teacher to get work. It would be nice, especially with Christmas coming.
24/Oct/13 6:26 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I just arrived home safe and sound. I will catch up tomorrow. Too tired now after the 5 hr drive and it was a hot trip.
See you and hope you are all well.
24/Oct/13 6:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The fire service page on facebook just shared a photo apparently taken from a US TV network showing fires all over Australia. It's so far from accurate that it's a wonder they even got the cities in the wrong place! If you want to know where the fires really are check out the link I shared above. It's bad, but not as bad as the American photo made out.
24/Oct/13 9:32 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I hope this is not a new page because I just wanted to chat.
Still haven't been to sleep even though I am really tired. Our washing is in the machine,and I have been to visit our neighbors to let them know we are home safely.
We have had 73 snakes on our property (I keep count)but luckily never any inside Suzy.
Usually, we dont try to grab them, we kill them,if close to kids,pets or the house.
It has been one of the reasons that I wanted the doggie door for Sonny. Keeps flies and snakes outside. Sonny has mastered the door while at Renaes because he wanted to get inside for all the action with kids and her dogs.
Byee again
24/Oct/13 11:36 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Phew. Not a new page!
24/Oct/13 11:38 PM
   Lizzy G  From Gosford, Aus    Supporting Member
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all is well in my neck of the woods concerning bush fires. Our house has a bush view but there is a big sports oval and school between us and it so embers would be our biggest concern. Thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost everything, and words cant praise enough all those fire fighters who have worked so hard to save so much.
25/Oct/13 3:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad to hear that the fires aren't as bad as US news is reporting them. I was given the impression that Sydney was engulfed in thick, choking smoke!!!

The back is feeling s bit better today. I've spent a lot of time in bed today, and pretend to be sound asleep every time IH comes in, so he can't harass me into doing any heavy work. I don't want to risk that right now. I'm doing brain work only. For instance, last night IH told me that the TV remote stopped working, he tried to put in new batteries, but it still didn't work, so he wanted me to repair it. I looked at him and said ''You've been randomly pushing buttons again, haven't you?'', and he denied it. So I picked up the remote, pressed the button to reset it to the TV, and it worked perfectly after that. He HAD been randomly pushing buttons again. It's like dealing with a child, except children understand technology better than he does.
25/Oct/13 5:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think we just set a record. We just had a few snowflakes come down.... a week before Hallowe'en!!! It was still SUMMER last week!
25/Oct/13 6:52 AM
   Rolanda  From Australia
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Morning everyone
Lizzie, it is quite Hazy (smoke) in The Entrance and worse at Norah Heads. We were there yesterday.
Had lunch with Peter's Aunt and Uncle (they are at The Entrance).
,last night we had dinner at P's cousin and her family, they live in W? Near here along the coast before you get to Forresters Beach.
We are having a lovely time here in Terrigal, such a pretty place. Today we will be day tripping and being tourists in Avoca, Ettalong and further a field,
25/Oct/13 8:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're supposed to be getting a hard freeze tonight, the first of the season. I'm not ready for winter!!!!
25/Oct/13 8:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Given a choice, tho', I'd rather have the cold than the smoke and fires.
25/Oct/13 8:49 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, Sydney has been engulfed in thick smoke, blown down from the fires in the mountains. I even had whole burnt leaves on my lawn in Epping. Had to put a light on in the house as it was so dark. Not sure what it has been like the last few days, as it depended which way the wind was blowing. I will pick Laura up after school and spend the night at home. Be back here with Laura and Ken tomorrow (he can help me clear away the plants I have been pulling away from the house).
25/Oct/13 8:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Most of the worst nightmares I had as a child involved fire and thick smoke. That stuff still makes me nervous, but I've learned to face it. I haven't forgotten the day I spent at a friend's farm, rescuing hogs from a burning barn. We kept it up until the firefighters physically prevented us from going back into the flames. We saved about 600 of the 2000 hogs. I wish we could have saved more.
25/Oct/13 9:03 AM
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