Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''Hills are always more beautiful than stone buildings, you know. Living in a city is an artificial existence. Lots of people hardly ever feel real soil under their feet, see plants grow except in flower pots, or get far enough beyond the street light to catch the enchantment of a night sky studded with stars. When people live far from scenes of the Great Spirit's making, it's easy for them to forget his laws.''

Walking Buffalo (Tatanga Mani), (1871-1967)
26/Feb/14 5:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All!

Wonderful TOPP, Heidi, and so true!

Running late tonight (too much needing to be done), and I'm about to crash. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
26/Feb/14 5:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I know the feeling. Tahli and Daniel for a day is exhausting, even with Dana there. Several days would wipe me out!

I hope the weather guessers are wrong and you don't get any S.

Sitting in a hotel room using slow, but free, wifi. Alie's tonsillectomy is tomorrow morning.
26/Feb/14 8:41 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzie,All the best for Alie tomorrow. Which hospital? I think you are in Sydney and you know you could have stayed here.(Except the pups have the back bathroom )
26/Feb/14 9:47 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thinking of Alie and wishing her the best!!!!
27/Feb/14 12:59 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning... Just a check in visit and to wish the best for everyone. Snowing again and we have about an inch of the new stuff...Spring is around the corner right???
Hoping all goes well for Alie today and to anyone in need of healing vibes and prayers...plenty are being included with this post. Peace.
27/Feb/14 1:24 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suze, today has been a lovely spring day. I have had doors open to let the fresh air in.
Family are up in York today.
Hope Aliens tonsillectomy goes well.
27/Feb/14 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to tag a new calf. The dumb cows had NO calves during the delightful warm spell, but now that winter is back....

I love the typo, Brenda.

Good Luck to Alie. I hope her tonsillectomy and recovery are uneventful.
27/Feb/14 3:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another heifer calf. Nice and healthy.

The count is now : 3 bull calves and 7 heifer calves. I would rather have bull calves than heifer calves because they're worth more on the graded market as feeder calves. They sell from 5¢ to 10¢ a pound less. I may keep a few of the best as breeders this year. It's been a few years since I've kept any.
27/Feb/14 4:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It is winter again here, 34 degrees (1C)with a wind chill of 24 (-4C). No snow seen, if any fell it was while I slept. I slept in today, been doing a bit of that lately. Woke at 2 am hurting all over, but I could have meds, so a pill and back to sleep. Same at 6 am. My body knew it had turned cold outside although apartment was toasty warm and under my mink blanket (a kind of fleece fabric that retains one's own body heat, not fur)I could not be more comfy temp wise. Something about cold fronts make the pain go up.

I am glad I got errands run before the cold snap. There is no reason for me to go outside and I do not intend too. Will go upstairs to play scrabble. . . NO WAIT, we moved back down to the public room on my floor, it is within walking distance for me, except my made to measure power chair is much more comfy than the chairs provided.

Heidi, wishing you more bull calves than heifers in the future. Too bad there is no way to encourage cows to have males instead of females. Do some bulls sire more males? Or some cows birth more males than females or visa versa? Anyone know how to spell that? Spell check does not recognize versa, but has no suggestions for a spelling.

Good luck to Alie. May she have a speedy and uneventful recovery. Suzy, glad you have free wifi, even if it is slow. Do keep us informed during her recovery.

Brenda, enjoy your spring day. I am envious, even though we had spring just yesterday. Yesterday was one of the best days pain wise I have had in what seems like forever. Perhaps once we really get spring . . . . Less than 3 weeks now till my pain management appointment. I really wish I knew what to expect. I want more than just someone to write me pain med scripts, although I do need those too. I want something that has better results, but not holding my breath till it happens.

My sister and BIL are in Texas. They have a caravan/camping trailer that needed a new awning, so they took it back to the factory for a professional job. Of course on the way out (sis cannot tolerate a straight drive through, she does not travel well, just like me)they are camping at bird friendly campgrounds. They have really got into birdwatching after BIL retired. He photographs them too, some of his photos have shown on one of the birding sites. Their home and property is a mini bird sanctuary, they feed good food and the birds come back year after year. They plan on doing bird watching along the Texas coast for the next 2-3 weeks.

Sis posted a photo of a huge tree covered in white blooms. No one seemed to know what it was, guesses were apple and a local said cherry. It seemed too early for either, it looked like pear to me, and a fast check with Mr Google showed that to be correct. Old native pears are the first to bloom in our area, figured they would be also in Texas.

Time to get some dishes washed and then make myself presentable for our Scrabble game. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Feb/14 4:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, spring has come to the Texas coast, so it will work it's way on up toward you. I hope you have no problems with your new batch of snow.
27/Feb/14 4:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June,I'm just down the road from you. Hunters Hill private. I thought about asking you for a bed and actually had an offer from a friend in West Pymble but it was an early start and we decided it was to much to ask.

Brenda, your typo was funny because that's her nickname. Alie Anne Alien.

27/Feb/14 9:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita I hope you are well today.

Okay on the move. Back later.
27/Feb/14 9:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congrats on getting post # 3333, Suzy.
27/Feb/14 9:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzy...I hope all goes smoothly for Alie this morning and she quickly recovers.
27/Feb/14 10:47 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - thinking of Alie today
27/Feb/14 11:21 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Today was a mixed kind of day for me... I had a MRI, not a cat scan done to check on the double vision. I had never had one before...and I am claustrophobic...Thus being stuck in a tube where one is tethered at the neck and head and told to stay still for almost an hour , hearing aides removed requiring the nurse to yell at me when giving me treatments or instructions.... and on top of that having to have needles given meant that this was not just the first time, but the last time I will ever go through this again..It was also the first anniversary of my niece's sudden death and she couldn't rest in peace because she was hard at work getting me past the horror I was going through.....but I made it with her help and support. Whew...The thought kept going through my mind as I lay in the tube unable to communicate what would happen if a person had a medical problem that resulted in not being able to let them know...such as when I coded on the operating table, and died...and they didn't know until the test was over...this was not done out of fear but curiosity and using distraction as suggested by the y'd find some better ways to stay in touch with All folk... When I told my daughter what I'd been thinking she fell out laughing and saying how upset they would be...since they had reported to her that I had been upset.. But all ended well once it was over and I'm still hear to gripe about the horrors...LOL. BTW...the snow is gone for now with more expected on Sunday...Hope spring doesn't stay in Texas but spreads its self around for all of those who have had such a cold winter will be able to enjoy... nuff for now folks...have a great day/night where you hang your hat. Peace.
27/Feb/14 1:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MRIs are NOT fun. I've found that the only way for me to get through them is by taking plenty of pain meds beforehand, refusing to open my eyes, and transporting my imagination somewhere far, far away. Sometimes I like to think of a fantasy, and sometimes to I like to relive one of the happiest days of my life. It's really hard to freak out in that MRI noisy coffin that way.
27/Feb/14 2:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope everything is going OK for Suzy and Alie.
27/Feb/14 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read again tonight. The alarm is set for 5 a.m.

Sending healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
27/Feb/14 3:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, I also hate MRIs. the last one I had had to be in the smallest tube imaginable. As I was starting into that thing, my shoulders touched on both sides! I made them take me back out. They assured me it would get larger once I got past that and I only had to be in for 12 minuets that time, not the 30 I had once before. It took all my concentration to transport me to another place, and I too have vowed not again. There is such a thing as an open MRI, not in such a confined space. I am told it does not give as clear a picture, but that will be what they will have to work with if ever I must have another. That or do it under anesthesia. Lying on my back is about the worse position for me, so Mama I know what you went through and I am so sorry you had to endure that. Glad it is over, and now for the wait on results. I hope it is something minor and easily fixable.

I got a postcard today from dermatologist. all biopsies were benign. I have mixed feelings about this. Yes, I am glad I do not have to go back for the scrape and burn, but why the heck did she do what turned out to be 4 unnecessary biopsies? Cannot tell better than that? Not a good track record. Maybe I am spoiled by my former doc. He could always tell by looking.

It is very late. I came home from Scrabble today and after eating, fell asleep in my recliner. I slept the early evening away. but I am now getting sleepy again, so good night to each of you. I do hope Alie Anne is doing OK, and on the road to a easy and fast recovery.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
27/Feb/14 5:35 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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My excuse for the typos is that I am using my phone to post and it 'corrects' mistakes. What it actually is is very annoying. Most of the time I notice and go back and correct the correction.
27/Feb/14 7:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The pups have gone home. I have picked up the newspaper off the floors. just have to wash the floors over tomorrow. Off to lunch tomorrow with some ex workmates. Celebrating one of them turning 80.
Jane and Kathy are now 2 hours after take off. they should have a good fun holiday.
27/Feb/14 8:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Quick drop in as it's late. Alie's surgery went well, she had quite a bit of pain and was very teary. That would have been the effects of the anaesthesia though. We had dinner with some Uni friends tonight and pick Alie up in the morning.
27/Feb/14 11:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, so glad the surgery went well. I hope the morning finds her less teary and less pain also. thanks for letting us know.

Brenda, my sister has that auto correct on her phone also and her tablet. It is so funny some of the things it 'corrects'. she also swears it will correct them AFTER she pushes the send button, so no chance to manually correct the correction. I think that app is something that needs more work.

June, thanks for the update on Jane and Kathy. They do have a long long flight ahead of them. That flight would hold me back from a trip to Oz even if I did win the lottery. No way I would put my body through that. Now if I won a HUGE lottery, like the last one, 400 mil, I could charter a plane with a bedroom and a recliner in it. That might be doable hehehe. Dream on, Tricia.

Happy the pups are back where they belong. They are cute, but much like babies, at my age i want to hold them a bit, play with them some then hand them back to their owners. I do hope your daughter appreciates all you do for her. You go far beyond the call of duty.

Lovely sunny day, very deceptive, as it is COLD outside this morning. Currently 27 (-2.5C) with a feels like of 23 (-5C), up from an overnight low of 21 (-6C). Tonight is forecast low of about 27, then back to springtime. I did not see frost, but we have been below freezing for 10 hours now. I hope it has not hurt all the things that were in bud already.

Off to start my day, I need breakfast. then maybe make some more zucchini muffins. so easy to have those on hand for breakfast and they freeze well, so the 18 muffins last a long while, even if I am hungry and have 2 of them!

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

28/Feb/14 1:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Getting ready to sort out the 5 calves going to Iowa (sort them again) and take them in to the Vet clinic for shots. They will need boosters in 2 weeks, then off they go to Iowa.
No new calves born last night or this morning.
28/Feb/14 2:43 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all...back from the hairdresser's and look less witchy with my fresh haircut and all. I've lost so much weight and now the face is wrinkly and dropey so the haircut makes it look better than it did. Boy is cold there...the temps aren't too much higher than they are here. It's cold and sunny here too and I don't know when we'll be getting warmer weather. We are looking at a forecast of snow again on Sunday. Hope it comes sister is having a two-day gathering to celebrate my niece's life. Yesterday was the first anniversary of her passing and lots of work has gone into this hope the weather doesn't put a real damper on it. We want it to be uplifting and joyous....Oh well. the people will be anyway I suspect.
Suze, hope Alie feels much better today and that
complete recovery will come quickly for her. Belated Happy Birthday greetings to Dana...hope she enjoyed her special day as much as Talie did. Heidi and Tricia...thanks for letting me know that I wasn't being a big baby about the MRI makes me feel better knowing others experienced the high level of discomfort and I wasn't just being a nennie. June, now that the pups are gone I hope you have a chance to rest a bit and that the weather helps by being nice with comfortable temps...Brenda...Are your family members still visiting? If so, I hope the kids have been able to get outside to release some of their excess energy...we do need more space from kids as we age a bit or don't have them around us a lot.I understand the needed naps...Enjoy them as much as possible. Thinking of eveyone and hoping all is well with most of us...and for those who will get to meet Jane and Kathy...enjoy the visits...they are two very nice people. Take care...I care. Peace.
28/Feb/14 3:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH, wish we have cyber smell, my house smells delicious! I just took the zucchini muffins our of the oven. think I will have one for desert with my lunch a bit later today.
28/Feb/14 4:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, I think I would have a great deal of trouble with an MRI ... I too am slightly claustrophobic. Years ago I had to do an oxygen volume test where my nose was pinched closed and I had a huge tube in my mouth. I got claustrophobic at that time and kept pulling the tube out of my mouth because I was panicking. I was more or less accused of being childish by the person administering the test after the third time. Hey, I gotta be me.
28/Feb/14 5:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, that was better than some oxygen test thingy I did. they locked me in this box, sitting position, and I could not get out until it was complete. Only saving grace, the box was plexiglass, and I could see outside and the technician was in sight. But still sitting there knowing I could not open that door. . . what if the technician passed out or something?? What we do put up with to try to stay healthy. Now having my nose pinched off would not bother me as much as not being able to breathe through my mouth. Nose stops up or flow is reduced, I need to open my mouth to get enough air.

Muffins taste as good as they smelled!

More Hugs.
28/Feb/14 7:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have fond memories of your muffins, MizT. You've got my mouth watering.

Jane and Kathy should be getting near Australia. I wish I was with them.
28/Feb/14 10:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi, they landed a couple of hours ago but nothing has been posted yet - hope they're not held up in customs.
All those procedures - MRI etc - ugghhhh! I am claustrophobic also which is why I hate flying (locked in a tin can). I would need to be heavily sedated. I once had a brain scan which just meant that they lay me down, strapped my head and just put my head in an MRI type thingy. I screamed, put my hand up and knocked the machine - put it out of order! My bad! They were NOT happy but, hey, they didn't ask whether I was claustrophobic.
And Theresa, I too once screamed and woke an entire hospital ward when nurses tried to reinsert a naso-gastric tube which had originally been inserted in the ER under sedation.
28/Feb/14 12:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Another long day and no time to read. Hopefully I'll find time tomorrow, because I can already see that there won't be time on Saturday.

Take care, Everyone! , positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
28/Feb/14 5:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We got most of the horses feet trimmed (2 refused to come in), and Pandora is now being weaned. I'm tired now and my back feels like it's on fire. I still have a few chores to do before resting, and I figure I'll crash once I'm done.
01/Mar/14 6:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I NEED to crash, but there's a cow in labor, and I need to take a 50 lb bag of horse feed back to the horse barn. I'm keeping Serenade in her stall for a few weeks while I try to pack on the pounds she lost while nursing Pandora. Mares normally wean their foals themselves around 6 months old. Sere refuse to and has been nursing Pandora still at 8 1/2 months old. That needed to stop.
01/Mar/14 8:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One heifer calf born, and another cow in trouble. We've got her up in the barn and are waiting for the Vet to arrive. It's been a long day, and it's gonna be longer.
01/Mar/14 2:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Vet just left. The poor cow had dead twins in her. Both heifers. I've got her up in a horse stall for the night to let her recover and rest. My back is killing me, but I need to go back to the barn one last time, after I rest, to give everyone fresh water for the night. I was hurting too much to be able to do it all while I was down there.
01/Mar/14 4:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I have just read page 82 & have a few minutes to comment.

Midge, your TOPP reminded me of a friend who used to say we had to quit our 'stinkin thinking,' get our heads on straight, and not wallow in self-pity. Sometimes I need to kick myself in the butt and get on with it, as you said! You're right; strength comes when you think of all you have to live for!

It sounds like there are still some weather extremes that many of us are facing! Heidi, I hope the warmer (and hopefully drier) weather last throughout calving and you don't need to be bothered by any more mud! MizT, your warmer temperatures sound appealing, as long as you can avoid extremes of wind and rain! I hope the pear trees don't bloom too early!

Broni, I'm sorry about the burned pizza, but for a good cause! Your camping trip sounds wonderful and relaxing (at least the first part).

June, so glad you enjoyed the High Tea, in spite of the aches. I'd be tempted to go through the box of your Mum's stuff to see what else is of interest. I hope you find time to do some bowls practice before the next tournament. I also hope Ken can remain pain-free until the stone can be 'pulverized.'

Theresa, I enjoyed the story about the 86,400 (minutes)! Congratulations on being able to administer your insulin (and it probably took no more than a minute or two)!

Suzy, you are a wonderful (and brave) bargain shopper! To get a drum set for $12.50 (even a child's drum set) is amazing. But you're also brave to get a drum set for a two-year-old!

Nola, I'm sure whatever decision you make about job offers will be the right one! Good luck!

I'm falling asleep, so it's time to say, 'Good Night!' Feel free to share these {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes!

I hope to get back tomorrow or Sunday to read more!
01/Mar/14 5:20 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I did think I had matured enough not to get one of my brilliant ideas when I know I have visitors coming. About 6-7 years ago I was given an old cabinet which I keep between the twin beds in one of the spare bedrooms. The cabinet is very old, looks dirty and not a very interesting piece. However I decided to do what I was going to do when I first got it and strip it back and 'French' polish it. I have just about got it cleaned back using methylated spirits and steel wool. A lovely mess! I did put on gloves but of course they got holes in them so I have some very dirty looking nails.
I always used to decide to paint or something else at the last minute when we were having a party or visitors etc. Then everything else becomes a rush. I can see I have not changed!!!!!
(It will not be a very professional polish but will look OK)
01/Mar/14 6:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I do hope Alie is doing OK.
We have had some nice rain today.
I hope all you Northerners soon have some spring weather. I did notice the Decorah eagles were getting covered in snow.
01/Mar/14 6:34 PM
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