Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Silence is the absolute poise of body, mind and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood is ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence.... If you ask him: ''What is silence?'' he will answer: ''It is the Great Mystery. The holy silence is His voice.'' If you ask: ''What are the fruits of silence?'' he will say:''They are self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity and reverence. Silence is the cornerstone of character.''

OHIYESA (Dr Charles Eastman), Santee Sioux
02/Mar/14 2:25 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good afternoon people.

My FIL was brought to hospital on Thursday and he is still in acute care. He has pleurisy, touch of pneumonia, and he had had a minor heart attack. Hubby and Maggie spent the afternoon yesterday, and Maggie is gone down again today with her ex. It's not looking good, and he is 90, but he has surprised us in the past with his strength. He has always been more of a father to me than my own father. Please keep him in your thoughts.
02/Mar/14 4:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS )))))
Theresa & family.
02/Mar/14 5:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Finally got the 2 calves buried. I spent most of the day running errands to help out. Gil's assistant, Sheila, lost her husband last night after an extended illness, and we're both doing everything we can to help her. Richard's illness wiped out every penny they had, and Sheila & family can't afford any funeral. I've told Gil that we're paying for it, and he's arguing with me. He only wants to make a hundred dollar contribution towards it. So I'll have to go behind his back and do it.
02/Mar/14 10:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... How is Alie/Alien doing now?
02/Mar/14 11:09 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone. Hope you are all fit and well.
We have just had over 4 inches of rain yesterday and last night. Lovely to see and hear but do hope it is getting to the drought areas.
02/Mar/14 12:59 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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I see Kathy and Jane are in Oz. I am sure they will enjoy their trip immensely and meeting up with all the Sudokuists.
02/Mar/14 12:59 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Well must get back to my sewing jobs. I did some sewing jobs for a neighbour but after breaking 4 needles I said that is it. It needed an industrial sewing machine I think. lol
02/Mar/14 1:01 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Heidi I see you are still as busy as ever. How is your back holding up lately?
02/Mar/14 1:01 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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How is your FIL going Theresa?
02/Mar/14 1:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed by midnight tonight. Sere and the cow are both fed and watered and bedded down in their warm stalls. My back is now going to get some much needed rest. ''See'' you later.
02/Mar/14 3:53 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday everyone.
Big Hugs Theresa
Heidi, very sad that the cow lost her twin calves, but now you have more things to cope with, with Sheila and the funeral. Hope you have a restful pain free sleep. Yeah right.
Hi Viv,, good to see you posting again.
Suzy. By now, Alie should be home and doing better daily.
We all returned from our week-end away after a really good time. The kids especially enjoyed it.
Very warm here today, and dry. Needing rain.
I bought myself a Buddhas Belly Bamboo plant. Not the really tall one, but it will get big and non invasive.
02/Mar/14 5:16 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gee, I must have broken the site.
Catch you tomorrow.
02/Mar/14 9:26 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I cannot believe the weather forecast I just saw. Today a spring like 74, tomorrow a high of 45, and low below freezing with ICE PELLETS falling from the sky! Winter will just not go away! Our first days of March were mild and gentle, so not looking forward to the end of the month here. Think heavy thunderstorms and tornadoes. Old saying is, March: In like a lamb, out like a lion!

Now many areas of US it was the opposite, huge snowstorm across many states, with the requisite highway pileups, closed airports that affect the entire US because airlines cannot keep to schedule in so many areas. Hopefully the northern states will find March going out like a lamb with wonderful spring weather.

Not a lot going on here. I am not fit company at the moment, trying to just soldier through. Hope tomorrow is an improvement.

I need to get out today and go to grocery, since tomorrow will not be a fit day to be out and about. Why does my body have to feel the weather change that is coming? Would it be to much to ask to confine that to the day of the bad weather only?

Two more weeks till I have appointment with pain management. How I hope they have some good answers for me. I am trying to fill out their paperwork. Not enough room to list all I need to list. Questions I cannot answer, like when did you start having pain. I honestly cannot remember, been so tong ago.

OH, I did get out Friday and plant the new pansies, they are looking fine. It is nice to see something blooming, even if only a few plants.

Heidi, so sorry for the loss of twin calves. I am glad you got the vet out and saved the cow. What a generous and caring person you are, helping Gil's assistant with funeral. I am not surprised at Gil's response, typical Gil.

Good to see Viv posting. I hate breaking needles when sewing, did that just recently making that bag. It is good sometimes to walk away and come back later refreshed. Good luck finishing the sewing job.

Theresa, sorry to hear your FIL is in hospital. I hope he is better soon.

Time for meds, and I shall go back to bed. sending huge hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
03/Mar/14 5:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another winter storm is hitting us. We're at the freezing rain stage right now, and it's soon to deteriorate to snow and sleet. I'm glad we're well stocked up with foods and drinks for people and critters. I do need to go outside now to feed and water Sere and the cow (Her registered name is SLGN Doll, and it fits her. The Vet was able to walk up to her when she was loose in the barn and give her some shots. She just looked at him calmly and stood there. Very sweet tempered cow.) Doll will be staying in until she cleans (passes the afterbirth). If she doesn't clean in 3 days, she needs a Vet to reach in and carefully remove the afterbirth so it doesn't decay inside her and set up an infection. It's less trouble to keep her in than it is to get her up into the barn again. Plus, she seems happy in a warm, dry stall with plenty of hay, grain and water in front of her.
03/Mar/14 6:21 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Afternoon all... Tricia, we must be kindred souls...I too am going through a difficult time trying to do what needs to be done. I've been sleeping so much the past few days and still can't seem to feel rested. My eye has been giving me pain like needles and pins over the top add in a little pressure and one will know how uncomfortable that can be. The double part is almost cleared up though so hope things are improving.I'll be seeing doctors on Wednesday, Friday and the following Monday...all will have reports of the test I've had so I hope something will come from these visits. I do hope you will be on the mend soon...sure no fun trying to solider your way through the aches and pains for long. Sending gentle hugs and healing vibes.
Theresa, I do hope your FIL is recovering or at least not in undue pain.It's a good thing to be realistic at his age, knowing that we can't stay forever, but we do want our loved ones to not suffer needlessly. Sending prayers for the best outcome that is his to claim. Peace to you and the family.
Heidi, I think you must keep that little part of Kentucky on its toes with your kindness...certainly good things are in store for you along the way since you live in such a giving way...You live what many only claim to feel. Stay blessed! Sorry about the loss of the calves and the back pain...may both soon be a distant memory. Viv, glad you and the family had a great get away and that you are staying busy with your sewing. Will you be buying an industrial sewing machine in the near future? Or is that just on your wish list to avoid broken needles? I suppose it will depend on how much sewing you'd want to be doing...good luck which ever way you decide.
May all be aware of the good in their lives and rejoice, but know when we are faced with challenges that they only reinforce our blessings. Peace.♥
03/Mar/14 6:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama.... I just do what I feel is the right thing to do. What else is money for? If I have a little extra, and a good person desperately needs some help, why should I hoard? It makes no sense to me.
03/Mar/14 7:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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03/Mar/14 7:57 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Tricia..good luck with your pain management appointment.Surely something can be done to make your life enjoyable. Have you planted the pansies in pots? I couldn't imagine them surviving in the snow.
Mama..hope you also, get some answers to your health problems and successful treatment.
03/Mar/14 8:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's SNOWING again!!! It rained all day, then switched to sleet. Everything's been covered in ice again. Now it's snowing. Only a fool would be out on the roads right now. It's supposed to continue snowing through tomorrow. I have had enough of this winter. When will it end???
03/Mar/14 2:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, greetings and salutations to all of you!

I have just done a quick read of pages 83 and 84, so lots of 'old' news.

Nola, enjoy your semi-retirement and visit with family!

Belated birthday wishes, Brenda! I hope your family are all enjoying the visit. Needing a nana nap is not surprising. Hubby and I were both exhausted during the 4 days our D and 3 grandies (age 8 and under) were here. At one point, the 3.5-year-old was crying. When I asked her why, she said she didn't know. I started laughing, and luckily, she joined me in the laughter.

June, I hope Ken is doing well. Sorry abut the bowls. Good luck with refinishing the cabinet. Hubby sometimes uses a French policy on pens he makes, but we haven't had experience with it on anything larger. Is it a glossy finish? I imagine you're glad the puppies have gone back to Belinda's!

Suzy, belated birthday greetings for Dana! I hope Alie Anne is recovering well from her tonsillectomy!

Mamacita, I can't imagine what it was like for your MRI. I'm quite sure I wouldn't hold up well in those circumstances. I think you did remarkably well, all things considered.

Heidi, I'm sorry to hear about the flood damages at IH's office. Too bad it didn't occur to him to get insurance. I seem to remember that he left papers on the floor when his office was in the basement, so I guess it's not surprising that he might leave papers on the floor in his new office. The dinner you made for those attending his meeting sounded yummy!

MizT, I hope the sudden return of freezing temperatures doesn't damage the trees and bushes that were beginning to open their buds! I also hope the flowers will make a good transition to being planted outside in a few days!

Heidi, do you think the lack of cooperation from calves during sorting and from horses for the shoeing have anything to do with the weird weather? I hope the rest of calving goes well!

Theresa, I hope your insulin injections are getting easier!

CynB, I totally understand the horror of the naso-gastric tube! I had one inserted (NOT under sedation) in the ER, then they pulled it out and did it again! That's something I hope not to repeat!

We had 2 days of temperatures above freezing, and went almost a week without snow. Over Saturday and Sunday, we got about 7 or 8 more inches of snow, and the predicted temperature tonight is 6 * below zero. I hope spring isn't too far away!

I can't remember the rest of the comments I was going to make, and it's time for bed. Prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and are coming your way!
03/Mar/14 6:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all, on my pad so this will be short.

Theresa, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope he recovers quickly.

Heidi, sorry to hear about your friend and the twins,

Nola, I'll have to google the plant so I know what it looks like.

MizT, I hope you were able to get the supplies you need. Will the form take the date 'as long as I can remember'?
03/Mar/14 7:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ewww time. Ignore if your stomach isn't feeling good,

Alie was very worried because her throat looked like it had more puss than earlier. I called her doc about that and Metamucil (she has been on codeine). I laughed when he told me what the 'puss' was, Alie nearly cried! You know the scabs you get when you graze your knee? Now imagine what the graze looks like after having a long bath. That's what it is -a soggy scab! Eww gross!
03/Mar/14 7:58 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Sorry I have been awol, but apart from work and catching up on my friend's books been well and truly snowed under. Oops snow and my topsider friends may not be funny.
Will finish Bella and Broni's Adventure but not tonight.
Luv and Jugs.
03/Mar/14 9:34 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gross Zusy!
03/Mar/14 9:35 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Our visitors are on their way to the airport. Peace has descended in the house. It has been lovely to see the grandchildren and in a way their parents (Helen is Richard's step daughter. She had caused a lot of trouble years ago) They have decided that the next time they come over will be to move back to live here.
My tongue is quite sore from having to bite it at the way they feed the kids (instead of proper meals the seem to eat a lot of junk food, or giving then treats not long before we were going to eat.)
All in all it wasn't too bad but oh I am longing to get back into my own bed tonight.
04/Mar/14 3:34 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all can sometimes be hard not to interfere but I keep reflecting on if I would have appreciated input in my children's up- bringing. It will probably settle itself down when the kids get bigger. With my kids, I knew what they would or wouldn't have,and rarely did they have junk food.Good on you, for being tolerant!
There is nothing quite like your own bed.Never, will I give up mine for visitors.
Probably selfish, but visitors are probably prepared for roughing it occasionally.
04/Mar/14 5:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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No large, I wouldn't normally give my bed up either, but ours is the only room we could put two adults and two children. The kids slept on mattresses on the floor. My daughter gave us her room and she slept on an air mattress in the small study upstairs. Richard and I were going to sleep on the bed settee but the eat her was a little cold and wet to be out in the new cabin.
04/Mar/14 5:05 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Stupid auto correct again. .. no large was Nola.
I caught it this time it auto corrected to Nolan.
04/Mar/14 5:07 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...that was enlightening news about Alies throat and it makes sense. Renae got a pea stuck in hers for a short time which I was concerned about, but it eventually cleared itself.
Heidi...when will the warmer weather come to you up there? It must be just awful.
Thanks I start orientation in the treatment room at the Drs surgery and I am quite
apprehensive. The last time I did an ECG was at prac, I know nothing about the sterilization machine,baby inoculations and the list goes on.
Oh well, another lot of stuff to learn.
I am not a quick learner and need many goes at new procedures to get the hang of it. Once I understand the logic,it should click.
04/Mar/14 5:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That's what she gets for looking, Suzy! I never looked down my throat after the tonsillectomy.

Lousy morning. Everything is covered in an inch of ice with 2 inches of snow on top. And it's bitterly cold. Gil woke me up to tell me that Patch fell through the ice in the pond (he loves to take running starts and sliding across the ice over and over again) and Gil actually waded in and pulled him out! So I spent a while toweling him off while Gil changed into dry clothes and boots. Then we went out to fire up the tractor to pull Gil's truck out of some deep frozen mud where he left it stuck last night. As I turned the corner of the barn, I spotted a cow that had just given birth... in the worst possible place... and the calf (a bull) was frozen, soaked, and barely alive. So we grabbed some towels, got the calf into a warmer area and tried to dry and warm it up. It died before we could do anything. I then pulled the truck out of the frozen mud with the tractor, then fed hay to the cows. I was not happy when I discovered that the front end of my tractor is leaking some bright green liquid (I suspect transmission fluid) so I fed as fast as I could, then parked the tractor inside a barn. Then I went and tagged a new, and healthy heifer calf. She's up and nursing. I don't know why these silly cows couldn't have given birth 2 days ago when it was in the upper 60's. I need to go back out in another 15-20 minutes to turn off the water for the cows, break the ice for the horses, and feed and water Sere and Doll. I'm just warming up for a little, and finally having my brekky at nearly 1:30 in the afternoon.
04/Mar/14 5:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Heidi, the weather is really giving you problems. I hope it soon changes for the better. I have daffodils in flower in my garden now, so hopefully we are really in spring.
04/Mar/14 5:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good grief Heidi. Thats a few calves that have died this season. I wonder why they calve now and not in good warmer weather when they have more of a chance at surviving. Just nature I suppose.
04/Mar/14 5:57 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Heidi - Just in case you check in here before easy - Bright Green is more likely anti-freeze, unless you have a type of transmission / hydraulic oil, I'm not familiar with. Correction could be as easy as tightening a hose clamp.
04/Mar/14 6:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks, DOA. I can use all the help I can get.

I just checked my calendar. My next epidural is one week from tomorrow! I NEED it.
04/Mar/14 7:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When is your appointment with Pain Management, MizT? I'm sorry that I've forgotten.
04/Mar/14 7:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I would have had a sore tongue too. My kids got very little junk food for a long time. Don used to nag me to lighten up as I was turning it into something mysterious and exciting. The girls have both thanked me for being strict, especially as they have wonderfully healthy teeth.

04/Mar/14 11:51 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Hi all! I've been missing for so long and missed many special events, birthdays etc. Life has been so hectic. Between work, home, church and my mother there is little down time. I get it when I can.
We've just been down south for 10 days. Took my corolla down to Canberra and left it with the youngest niece. Then drove her Getz back to Maclean and left it with another neice. In between we stopped in to visit my sister for a few days, stayed with SIL in Canberra and had one night to ourselves in Coffs Harbour. Arrived home on Saturday and now I'm back at work. It must be time to start planning another holiday.
I'm looking forward to meeting Kathy and Jane at the end of the month. It looks like they are being kept busy by out Melbourne contingency.
Suzy, I hope Alie is feeling better.
Nola, how is semi-retirement going? Kevin doesn't seem to get much done during the day. Yesterday he did one load of washing and went to the Main Roads dept to cancel the registration on the Corolla. When I got home, I went grocery shopping, put all the groceries away, unpacked the dishwasher from the night before and cooked dinner while he did some paperwork (non essential) and then he sat back until I had served up the dinner. I could have had words with him but what's the use. Oh and he didn't go to the bank because he couldn't find one cheque although he had two that were worth quite a bit of money. Aaaaaaaaaagh, Men!!!!!!!!!!!
04/Mar/14 12:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Missed you, too, Vickie. Your life does sound hectic.
04/Mar/14 2:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, what a great TOPP!

Theresa, so sorry to hear about your FIL! Prayers for the best possible outcome for him - and your entire family! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi, I'm so sorry about Gil's assistant's husband passing. As usual, you know the right thing to do and he knows the cheap thing to do. Good for you! Maybe he will learn something from you one day . . .

Viv, it's nice to see you again! You must be doing some heavy-duty sewing to break those needles!

Nola, I'm so glad you enjoyed your family weekend getaway! I had to look up Buddha's Belly Bamboo and found this: It can grow to 55 feet with 2.25 inch diameter canes if not contained. Canes grow very tightly together with many lower branches, which can form an impenetrable barrier or block the view of something tall. Dwarf Buddha Belly can grow 12-15 feet with 3-inch diameter canes.

MizT, your weather is as crazy as the rest of ours! A friend said March came in like a polar bear, not a lion. I read today that spring may be delayed in arriving in the upper midwest because there is so much ice in the Great Lakes. (Chicago is on the southwestern edge of Lake Michigan.) I'm so sorry weather changes are accompanied by pain for you. As you fill out the forms for the pain management doctor, can you indicate that further information is listed on a separate sheet of paper which you attach to the official forms? We have had to do that with hubby when it comes to listing hospitalizations/surgeries and his list of medications. Crossing fingers that when you finally are able to have the appointment with pain management that something can be done to bring you relief! I hope you will soon feel better!

Heidi, I'm glad to hear that the cow whose twin calves died is doing well. She sounds like a sweet cow, who will hopefully have better luck next year. In the meantime, a few days in a warm dry barn must feel very good, especially with the rain, then sleet & ice, then snow!

Mamacita, you will certainly be busy with your upcoming doctor appointments! I hope test results will lead to treatments that will bring relief and comfort to you! I hope your eyes will be less of a problem and pain even before your doctor appointments!

Broni, we can certainly understand your being 'snowed under!' We will enjoy the further adventures of Bella and Broni whenever you find the time to share them! In the meantime, it's nice to see you pop in with a cheery Hello and Luv and Jugs!

Brenda, you did well to keep your thoughts to yourself - and that with insufficient sleep. I'm glad you enjoyed the family visit and will be able to return to your own comfy bed! By the way, while auto correct can be very frustrating, it can also be fun, so please don't worry about any of its 'miscorrections.'

Heidi, what an awful morning, with Patch sliding into the pond, finding a calf that didn't make it, retrieving Gil's truck and having a possible leak with yours. And all that on top of the sn
04/Mar/14 4:53 PM
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