Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''The color of skin makes no difference. What is good and just for one is good and just for the other, and the Great Spirit made all men brothers.''
- While Shield
09/Mar/14 6:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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YES HEIDI, you are invited back to visit me. I enjoyed your last visit so much! Both of them! I hope that Gil can correctly intubate the calf. To bad you do not have one hand free to check position of the tube, with a stethoscope, but it would become a 2 person job with that wiggling calf, that is growing daily.

OH, forgot to tell you, I found out yesterday that I will keep my housekeeper. My level of disability did it. Terrible to have that, but since I do, good I get to keep her. My niece who I was hoping to get to come help with a few things has not been able to come. when she started the job she has, she was not getting enough hours. Now, she is getting way more than she wants! Someone quit, and she is taking hours for both of them.

Pansies are blooming nicely. the new ones are so much bigger than the old, but old ones are putting out new leaves, and a couple of plants have blooms. the blooms are small compared to new ones, but they are coming along.

I got so upset yesterday. The mow, blow and go yardworkers that EP hires were out with weedwhackers yesterday morning. I stood at my window, helpless to change what was coming. One of them ran that blasted machine right over the tiny shoots coming back from the daisies! No way I could get down there soon enough, even if I had not been in my short robe. And no way I could make him hear me either, considering the distance and the noise the machine made. I did go out to check them later in the day, only a few got nipped, mostly still close enough to ground to escape. I had some twine and stakes last year, Margaret (the OCD hoarder) had found a place to store them on the back patio, but I could not find them. she admitted she might have taken them to her apartment to store them in her closet. I hope she can find them! My BIL had sent them down for me to hold the damaged ones upright last year, but I had already done it with other materials. I want to mark the area with stakes and twine between them to keep them from cutting again. I do think they come eery 2-3 weeks in early spring before the grass gets to growing. I would like to meet with them and tell them, but Shannon was going to inform Chris, who handles the hiring of them.

I did not get over the page, and there was more I wanted to comment on, but it is time for fun and games with UAB students downstairs. I have missed being around people, and back is sort of OK at the moment. So I am going down for a couple hours, and probably have to make an adult decision about eating their snacks. BTW, I am wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller than I was 2 months ago! current slacks, knit and elastic waist are 14/16W, I was wearing 22/24 same kind same brand even, just 2 months ago! Even more drastic looks with tops. I might have to take up some tops for spring or even buy some new ones how terrible is that hehehe.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
09/Mar/14 7:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Bad day with the back. I spent almost all day in bed. Meanwhile, IH tagged 3 new calves.
09/Mar/14 11:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope your back is better tomorrow. Did Gil feed the calf? Or is that why your back is so bad today? You got out there and did it?

I saw a bit of a piece about cattle rustling on TV yesterday, how modern day cowboys are out stealing cattle with huge trucks. Load the trucks, and head for the sale barn. They caught one pair, who had worked for the rancher that they stole from. Repeated trips, got his whole heard of 100 head before he noticed. He sounded like Gil to me hehehe, the not noticing part, but I think it was in Oklahoma, and cattle were grazed on open public land or something.

I was wondering, could calves not be micro-chipped? Is that too difficult or expensive? The Deputies hunting the rustlers said a lot of the animals in his areas were not branded, siting the growing trend of considering branding inhumane treatment of animals. These two rustlers were not skilled at what they were doing, used their own names at the cattle sale barn. Someone happened to know them, know they were not ranchers, got to wondering where they got the cattle.

We had fun at the games day. these students have to do 8 hours of community service for something, their sorority? A class? they were cute, young and fresh, but a bit shy with the old folks here. OH, they had snacks I could legally eat, broccoli and cauliflower with dip, (carrots too but a no no for me) diet sodas, a trail mix I ate the nuts from and left the chocolate, do you believe that? So glad I no longer crave carbs, and usually do not get hungry, either.

I meant to drop in with one comment, and look at this. Medication has loosened my tongue, or rather my fingers in this case, instead of putting me to sleep hehehe, and it is working for pain relief today, too, yeah!

SPRING HAS SPRUNG! and yes I am shouting with excitement. The huge pear tree has opened a few blossoms, and over night too, they were not opened yesterday. and I saw a few shy violets. If al the plants I saw growing as a ground cover under and around the shrubs in the garden produce flowers, we will have thousands of blooms. Reminds me of home, I had violets naturalize in the sun, even, but under the AC unit where condensate water kept them watered. One spring I did have thousands of blooms, a large area that was totally lavender and purple.

I need to work on that paperwork for the Pain clinic. I must look up information about one doctor who has records they might need. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Mar/14 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil didn't show up to help feed the calf this morning. He ''forgot''. My back didn't enjoy it. I will have to do it myself tomorrow morning. He has been informed that he will be doing it by himself tomorrow night, because I know my back will be screaming. But the calf is starting to show a little bit of suckling reflex, so we may be able to encourage her to take a bottle soon.

I envy you your flowers, MizT. Nothing here is blooming yet.

Remember, Daylight Savings Time starts tonight. Stupid, really. I wish everyone would leave the clock alone. If they want more daylight, get up an hour earlier.
09/Mar/14 4:20 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
Never worry Heidi about thinking you post too much.
You have a very busy productive life, which is always interesting.
It would ease a lot of your concern, if the calf started drinking from a bottle or bucket.
We all hope that the epidural gives you quick results. Healing vibes sent your way.
09/Mar/14 9:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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One step forward, two steps back with the calf. Or maybe 10 steps back. She isn't doing well. She's stopped fighting, is cold to the touch and has bloody p00p. Don't think she is going to make it.
10/Mar/14 4:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just been undoing the mess the blender made and am now on a coffee break...

Broni, how are you going?

Nola, it's so great to see more of you! I love that you are semi-retired.

Vicki, you have a very full life, but at least some of it always seems to be a short holiday! You've got good priorities!

MizT, your pain management appointment is on my wedding anniversary! I hope that's a good omen...

Cereal, I used to do this thing with the kids that they could have silly cereal in school holidays. We don't have a single block of almost 3 months like topsiders do so it wasn't as bad as it sounds...and half the time they wanted the regular cereal anyway, they could just have coco pops, or whatever I bought that week, if they wanted it.

Heidi, hoping I find out how your silly cow is doing as I go... I was sad to hear that Maxine has something else to tie her to the monster. But at least she has something to give her joy too.

Rolanda, do you have an air conditioner in your caravan? When mum was doing trips with her man they bought one the first week they went out. He was older and it was too hot to be healthy.

Julie, hoping I hear more about what you have been up to by the time I catch up. Nope.

June, that's a big job! The sanding in particular will be tough. I bet the end product will be worth it though. Hawaiian night sound like fun. Did you wear a hula skirt? hehe

Mamacita, what fantastic news about your MRI!! And a great day with family too. Sad origins, but it sounded wonderful anyway.

Theresa, I'm sending you a great big squishy hug! Let us know when your surgery is scheduled so I can send vibes... If I'm not confused (which is always a possibility), your FIL shouldn't have been home alone and not going home to his place would be a good thing. I hope he makes it to the same place as your MIL though. Please forgive me if I've messed that all up.

Wow MizT, that's a lot of sizes! Congratulations!!

Heidi, poor calf, I wonder if, no I won't go there, surely he'd tell you if he stuffed it up. It's not the hour in the morning that counts, it's the one at night when you get home from work! Unfortunately they won't move working hours for us.
10/Mar/14 10:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, I hope your schedule for the coming week will be less hectic. You are so often up and out so very early. but you seem to handle it better than many of us could.

Nola, I am happy that you are enjoying your weekends off now. Bet they just fly by too, eh?

Broni is another one who is very busy at the moment. Hope things settle down for you, we still want part 2 and 3 and 4 of your holiday.

Nola, I also think that Kathy and Jane are having a great trip, squeezing in so very much every day. That trip has been planned out in military precision! They do seem to be enjoying it. I love the photos that are going up on TOS.

Heidi, I do hope the calf makes a miraculous turn for the better, but like you, I think her chances are limited. So sorry to hear of her turn for the worse. Is your Epidural appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday? I cannot remember when but know it was close. I do hope it is a doozy, and you get immediate relief, whenever it is. And like Nola, I do not think you post to much. I am interested in what you are doing, want to hear how your day goes. And on the off chance anyone does not want to read you so often, they know how to scroll on by so please, when you check in, go ahead and say what is on your mind, please?

I am enjoying the flowering plants, went out to see them again today. LOVE springtime!

FYI, I have doctor's appointment tomorrow. May not have tome to log on till late tomorrow. Because of bus schedule, I have to be downstairs at 8:25 for my 9:30 appointment. First it was to be 8:50, he could have me there and be back to take the Lakeshore people at 9. but he also has a resident who needs to be at a UAB location, so we both have to leave that early. I sure would hate to be the one to figure out his schedule, who goes when. AND it is always subject to change. I was on the bus one morning, when he got a phone call. A resident he had delivered to the location for treatment that doc's office scheduled for her, was told they had given her incorrect information. she needed to be an entirely different place, several blocks sway. Now, if it were me, I would have phoned the people doing treatment the day before, confirmed location cause I know how often these office workers get things wrong. (that is far greater than they want you to know about).

Bedtime here now, hope to catch you again sometime late in the day tomorrow. Hugs to each of you with extras.
10/Mar/14 2:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil showed up this morning to help with the calf after all, so I helped with tonight's feeding. She's really lethargic now, and cold even inside the mouth. I tube fed her only 1 quart of warm milk (instead of the normal 2) tonight because of all the blood she's passing.We have pretty much decided to put her down if she doesn't improve, but we're giving her every reasonable chance to do so. (An unreasonable chance would be to take her to a large animal hospital and have them do major exploratory tests and surgery to try to save her, to the tune of thousands of dollars.) I'm convinced that the lack of suckling instinct indicates that she has something seriously wrong with her inside.

The epidural is scheduled for 32 hours from now. I really hope it's a lulu.
10/Mar/14 3:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I wore a sarong but I did have coconuts under the sarong and kept flashing them. (they were on top of a bright coloured T shirt!)
I had dinner almost cooked and Hubby just had to go to the club to copy something. Only be 10 minutes (20 minutes ago). We have two copy/printers here. He was impatient and it did not work the first time he tried.
I have an appointment for a remedial massage tomorrow as my shoulders ache at night and I cannot get my hands behind my back.
I just have to put the door back on the cupboard. It looks good (if you do not look too closely!) It has come up with a lovely shine.
10/Mar/14 6:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Yes been busy and tired, finishing the accounts for my friend took longer that I expected but after the passing of my cousin and trying to help her children, then Christmas and Bella's and my adventure have not really settled.
But still make time to read, commenting I keep promising myself I will do.
So here I am.
Miz T we already have parts 1, 2 and 3 I think, but scrolling back is not gunna happen.
10/Mar/14 7:29 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Bella and Broni's Adventure.....Part 4
(for those who might actually be interested Part 1 is on page 81 and 2 and 3 on page 82)
Forgot to mention that Bella was my protector, she was always at my feet except when she needed to have a swim and cool off. Even when I went to loo she was outside waiting for me, no one could attack me on the loo!
After all the hungover stragglers left on Monday my cous, brother and I sat back with a quiet drink and watched the river go by. Was really good to catch up with my brother, even though we talk often it is not the same as spending time with him. Was an early night for all of us after a big weekend.
Next day Bro had a look at my overheating problem with the car and we went to town to get supplies and a thermostat and other things for my car, did the repairs and started packing up to leave the next day.
Finished packing the next morning so with daylight saving still had a hour up my sleeve but alas the overheating problem was not fixed and was not going to put Bella and I through another day of heat stress. Bit the bullet that night and we left really early the next day and travelled for 12 1/2 hours covering almost 1100km to get home in one day instead of two. Was worth it to sleep in our own beds.
Hey Heidi, you reckon you can waffle???? Get in line girl.
10/Mar/14 8:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Broni, pleased that you were able to find the time for a visit. Like me, you will be getting ready for a visit from J&K.
Heidi, I do hope this epidural last right through to the next one. Sorry about the calf. Now your weather is improving I hope the rest of the calving goes well.
Tricia, I hope you get some good pain management. I am pleased your flowers are starting to bloom. A good 'pick-me-up' for you.
Suzy, enjoy celebrating your anniversary.
I took a tumble in the garden tonight. Stepped on a hidden round log, and it rolled. A grazed knee and a few extra aches to the joints, so I got off lucky.
10/Mar/14 8:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you get over the tumble quickly, June. Once we start getting a few years on us, we find we don't bounce back as easily.

I had been wondering about the overheating problem in your car. When you say you bit the bullet, does that mean you took it in to a mechanic?

Epidural .... only 21 hours, 20 minutes until my appointment.
11/Mar/14 2:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Second comment was addressed to Broni. Sorry.
11/Mar/14 2:22 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Heidi..hope the epidural has a massive good effect for you!!!
You certainly gave the calf your best effort for survival.
June.. you are lucky that the fall only caused minor injury. You must be proud of the new look cupboard.
MizT....glad that spring is showing up in the plants budding. Your garden enthusiasm is a joy to read.
Suzy..Happy celebrating for your upcoming anniversary. What happened with the blender? is FIL progressing?

I should be going to bed. Enjoy your day/night all.
11/Mar/14 2:58 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good MORNING from Illinois! I have a few minutes and decided to try to read when I'm more awake! I have some catching up to do.

Mamacita, what wonderful news that the MRI found nothing to be concerned about! I'm very glad that the weather cooperated for the memorial celebration for your niece! It's so important to have the time to share happy memories and hear from those who were touched by the good she did!

Nola, I loved your CP! You covered a lot of ground in those comments! So glad you had a weekend to 'recover' from your busy week of learning new procedures! Too bad about Greg's bad back and the wasp nests that delayed further outdoor work, but wonderful news that you'll be getting solar power!

Theresa, it's good to hear that your FIL is holding his own. Sometimes being away from home can be very confusing. We also learned that time of day can affect functioning, as my MIL experienced 'Sundowners' (more confusion from late afternoon into the evening) while in a rehab facility. While I suspect you're discouraged that cataract surgery has become a necessity, it seems that it can produce quite an improvement for most people! We'll keep you (and the doctor) in our thoughts and prayers! {{HUGS}}

June, do you have a photo of you in your best-dressed clothing from the luau? Congrats on the bottle of wine. (Sorry, I don't remember if you prefer red or white.)

Suzy, Alie is so multi-talented! Of course, we knew she is very artistic, but the 'canvas' when decorating nails is much smaller than the canvas she usually uses.

Heidi, that calf is certainly making life difficult for you and IH. Thank goodness IH has finally realized that you are in pain and could benefit from his help!

MizT, hopefully spring will finally and completely arrive and give you some pain relief. I also hope the pain management doc will be able to prescribe something that will truly work in all situations for you! While sleep can be helpful, it's difficult to get a truly good night's sleep when you're still aware of the pain while asleep. Sending gentle {{HUGS}}. Congrats on your great Scrabble word score!

I have decided to submit this before turning the page. See you later!
11/Mar/14 3:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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How very strange. Now that I'm on page 87, I don't see my quick comment from last night - just sending good wishes for all, as I didn't have time to read. Do you suppose I was so tired that I typed it, but forgot to submit?
11/Mar/14 3:30 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I distinctly remember commenting on Heidi's TOPP, which I love! Thanks for sharing it, Heidi!
11/Mar/14 3:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I recently bought a little book called ''In Beauty May I Walk... Words Of Wisdom By Native Americans''. It's a treasure trove of inspiration that is in accord with my soul. I'm enjoying sharing bits and pieces of it. I'm glad that you enjoy the extracts, too, Julie.
11/Mar/14 3:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Home from the primary care doc. He was much better today , not sure why. He had a student nurse practitioner with him today, and asked if she could talk with me and do the exam. She was from Russia, and so nice to talk with. Pretty young lady, who spoke great English. Maybe doc was on his best behavior because of her?

doc offered me a pain shot while I was there, my hip was hurting so badly and not relieved by my pain meds. A different attitude than last visit. Maybe because he got my records and read them? He told the student I had a history of very complicated pain issues.

and yes, I took the shot. good thing too, cause when I mentioned that I had received a letter from old PCP saying I needed a follow up cat scan looking at a shadow they see, making sure it has not grown, they got it scheduled right then! No going back another trip. Having had the injection made the laying on the table with arms up over my head much easier for the test. Had to have a lab, too, because of a dye they were using, and me being diabetic, had to check kidney function. that is how the drug clears, and could be a problem if one had reduced kidney function. All that done and dusted in 2 hours, they are on the ball!

Time for a nap, perhaps that will help this hip some. I moved wrong way yesterday and it has hurt since.

I did read, will be back to comment later.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

11/Mar/14 4:39 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All...Well it seems as if this is the day to share good medical news...As difficult as it was to have that MRI, I'm now so glad I did. Besides the good news re bad stuff of great concern, I found out today while visiting my primary doctor that it also showed infected sinus' that are causing continued quantity of life issues. I've been complaining about this for awhile, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears until now...the doctor is attacking the infection with both prednisone in large doses to break the hold and Amoxicillin( similar to penicillin )to kill off the infection. So many have become immune to the antibiotics due to overuse that the doctors seem afraid to prescribe it anymore...and a chest x-ray to make sure that she gets to the root of the problem...And rescheduled me to see her in just 4 days time...with all of this I do hope I will have more energy, appetite and find my 'get up and go' self once again...I don't like the person I've become very much. glad the new doctor was much improved...perhaps you can let him know how much you appreciated the change in a sly way so as not to offend but encourage a continuation of good bedside manner. I think they must have stopped teaching the importance of being professional,yet caring people who are able to relate to the myriad of issues that folks are faced with today.We want competent care but a sweetness of manner helps us to let the medical needs more acceptable.BTW...your comment about confirming time,place and other pertinent information ahead of time was a very good tip for all of us to follow. I use to have to tell Sully to write stuff that was bothering him between visits down to discuss with his doctors...this helped him have better outcomes from his visits. I do hope your hip pain has now responded to the shop and all of your pains have eased.
Heidi, I add my voice from all who care about you that you have the best response from your epidural that anyone has ever had. Hope too that it holds fast until time for the next one...but as active as you must be at times, It will really have to be extra strong. Sorry this year's calving is not going as you would have hoped. This crazy weather has a way of affecting every thing. I do hope the warming trend continues and we get to have a nice spring prior to jumping into the hot,humid summer weather, and it brings relief to all who have been adversely affected by weather woes.BTW...keep posting...we like it! We look for your post and learn from lots of the stuff you share...I also am glad you shared where all of the great topps, you've posted for us to enjoy, have come from.I'll have to be on the lookout for the book...sounds like something I'd enjoy reading.
June, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall...and do hope

it really was just minor aches and pains. I'm scared of falls and thus far have been lucky...please be careful. The cupboard sounds as if it has turned out well beyond your expectations...perhaps it has added
11/Mar/14 6:03 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well I see that not only have I included many errors that will go uncorrected, but that I ran over and didn't finish the post. I'll try to finish my thoughts, but of course I hadn't copied the post...Okay, June I was saying that perhaps all of the work done on the cupboard added to your shoulder pain and I hoped that the massage would help relieve the pain.I also wishes that since you and Broni had been through so much recently, that you try to get in some good rest before the meet up with J and K. I know all will have a great time and I hope that you two will be at your best to enjoy. Broni, I also was so happy that you and your brother and cousin had a chance for some quiet,quality time together before the long trip home... those moments always seem to make the best, long lasting memories of special times, no matter how often you talk to each other.
My last comment was for Nola,Theresa, Julie and Suzy...each of you said something in your post that I wanted to make a specific response to...but addled brain can't recall what it was I wanted to say...I'll have to take a page from my own book and write down stuff I want to ask about when I post...Please ladies, forgive me...I promise to try and do better. Now time to take my meds and do some puzzles...Know that I care..Peace.
11/Mar/14 6:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That calf we worked so hard to save didn't make it. Another one,born yesterday, didn't make it through the night, either. That's 5 calves we've lost now. I am NOT happy. And my back is so bad today that I can't even make it out to the calving pasture. I am SO looking forward to that epidural in 12 1/2 hours. I need relief.
11/Mar/14 11:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH HEIDI, I know it must be bad if you are unable to go check on your calves. This is the worst calving season you have had since talking to us here. I do hope it improves. Just wondering, do you keep records of which cows had calves that did not survive? In case it happens again and might be somehow coming from the mom? I imagine you do, being a zoo keeper and having studied animals. I know this is a big hit to your bottom line for the year.

Mama, loved your long post. So glad they found the sinus problem and are now treating it. If treatment is successful, gets rid of that bug, of course you will feel MUCH better! that is something to look forward to, isn't it?

Back/hip is better after the bed rest. If it had not been, I would be like Heidi, counting days and hours even till my visit to pain management.OK, you get better too Mama, shoot if all of us sickies get better, this place is gonna rock!
11/Mar/14 11:40 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Just a quick post in the hopes Heidi see it and knows we are all hoping for the worst/best epidural of all! Hoping it truly lasts until the next scheduled one! (I know that's asking a lot, especially with the ongoing calving season.) Very gentle {{{HUGS}}} being sent your way!

I hope to get back later.
11/Mar/14 3:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm back for a bit.

MizT, good news that you will be able to keep your housekeeper! Also good news that the pansies are coming along well and the 'mow, blow and go yardworkers' (great descriptive name for them!) didn't do too much damage to the daisies! Congratulations on your on-going weight loss and general trimming down! So glad the games with college students went well and nice to know that higher education sees the value of encouraging service hours!

I had hoped by starting early today that I would be caught up by tonight. Unfortunately, that is not to be. I will surrender to my tiredness. (Is that a word?) I hope to read and comment tomorrow.

In the meantime, I am sending cyber {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and for everyone!
11/Mar/14 4:58 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Once again..GOOD LUCK HEIDI,,with the epidural.
11/Mar/14 4:59 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - sorry about the calf. Hope the epidural is a lulu! I'll be thinking of you until we hear afterwards.
Nola - have we let you know final details of the gathering to meet J&K? It is on the Friday evening (28/3) at Broni's place any time from 5.30 pm - bring a salad or dessert. If you need any further info contact Broni or I.
Looking forward to meeting our American friends. Broni and I are going to spend a few hours with them next Thursday (20th) as they have an extended stopover here on their way from Perth to Cairns. Then the following Tuesday, it's back to Brisbane for 3-4 days.
Hugs and love to everyone, have been reading comments but forgetting what I read.
11/Mar/14 5:07 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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As usual, I just lost a long post with comments to many. Not going to re-write, as it would probably happen again.
Thanks Cyn...I didn't have all the info either.
See you there.
11/Mar/14 5:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well I had a lovely weekend with my friends from Noosa.
Those who are coming to my place will just have to take me as I am.
My friend is going to fix my step leading up to the side deck (don't want any Liability claims from someone hurting themselves)
Bella has a problem with her foot and will not stop licking it, I also have an imbalance from burning the candle at both ends. so will get as much done as I can.
Heidi, really hope this one is a doosy.
Heidi, bit the bullet and drove for 12 1/2 hours in the heat without aircon to get home.
Love and Jugs.
11/Mar/14 7:36 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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received a phone call from new doc office at 8:30 this morning. they are already doing follow up from CT yesterday. I am impressed. Maybe fewer things will fall through the cracks with this doc. I can hope.

Thinking of Heidi, hope she has had the epidural and is on way home feeling no back pain!
12/Mar/14 1:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the epidural. They got the right spot, and it was a lulu. Time will tall if it worked.

Off to bed.
12/Mar/14 2:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I have a new gardening project. Well, actually two projects. I found someone who would volunteer to do the digging, and I got permission from our director, so I am going to remove the gravel left by road crew, amend the soil, and plant cleomy seed and some other plants in the area where the daisies are growing. Tim B the director asked me if I could also plant something in urns they have at front of building. He suggested Boston ferns, and EP will pay for this, yeah! I have found the ferns listed at local building supply store, IF they are in stock in store yet. I have never grown ferns, but I looked them up and they seem well suited for area, if I can give them rich moist, well drained soil. I need to go down and check out the containers, when this medication kicks in.
12/Mar/14 3:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Anyone heard from Heidi? I am a bit concerned. I hope it means she went home and straight to bed, because it was a doozy today. It is 5:15 PM Eastern Daylight time.
12/Mar/14 8:14 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Ahhh, her post did not appear until after I posted. good to know they got the right spot. Feel better soon Heidi!
12/Mar/14 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I'm glad the epidural was a doozy ... hope it lasts a good long successful time.

My appointment with the eye surgeon is in July, so I've got a while to wait. The right eye has been quite blurry the last few days. It has been difficult at times to see the screen on the computer.

My blood sugars are back to normal range now that I'm on insulin. After nine days on the stuff, they were normal and I am staying steady with the dosage for now. All in all, I seem to have a bit more energy, so as time goes on I should feel increasingly better. Having said that, it's not yet eight o'clock and I'm ready for bed. But I haven't been having too many naps, so it's an improvement.
12/Mar/14 10:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, hope you are not too sore after your tumble.

Broni, I have enjoyed hearing about your getaway vacation. It sounds like an ideal vacation to me, meeting up with family and just getting away by yourself for a while. Next time, can I tag along?

MizT, it will be quite a while before any planting goes on around here. The snowbanks from where we shoveled are three to four feet high still. Plus we are expecting another winter storm tomorrow. Enough already, Mother Nature.
12/Mar/14 10:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, so pleased the blood sugars are under control. That should help with a lot of your problems. Take care of your eyes. We will understand if you give the computer a miss. just drop by occasionally to let us know how things are with you. No after effects of the fall BUT I am so sore after the remedial massage. I had trouble turning the steering wheel when going around a round about! I know it will soon feel better, until I go again next week.
12/Mar/14 2:12 PM
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