Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, so glad to hear you have your blood sugar under control. July is a long time to wait - sounds like our system. Oh well, we'll wait with you!

MizT, look what you have started with your gardening!! You have inspired everyone!! Hopefully you will get the volunteers to help you because the work seems to be growing exponentially... Your salad bags were a bargain! A large bag would be 4 or 5 dollars here. i hope I find out what happened with Myra by the time I catch up.. I wonder which plant is making you break out in a rash? If you can work it out it will make your life a lot easier.

LizzyG, just checking if you are reading... I'd love to hear what you have been up to!

Nola, it is wonderful seeing you have weekends off! I love that you are visiting more often! Dana has an old fashioned TV - the ones as deep as they are wide, but needs a set top box to go with it as it is analog and we're all digital now. We told her we'd buy her one. A set top box I mean, not a TV!

June, hope you are feeling better. I've been trying voltaren on my shoulder. Because I'm on plavix and not warfarin it's apparently okay though I may find I bruise easily. I'm not sure if it's helping or not. The improvement is more overnight than instant.

Heidi, I know i wouldn't enjoy working outside in that weather!

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. Would you believe there is nothing on in town tonight - or even over last weekend that we could have gone to to celebrate. We'll make do with dinner at a nice restaurant, Thai I think.
17/Mar/14 2:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oops, should pay more attention.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many time, always with the same person.
17/Mar/14 2:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How's Tahli feeling today, Suzy? I hope she's forgotten all about it.
17/Mar/14 2:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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17/Mar/14 3:01 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary Suzy and Mr Suzy....Thai sounds like a great way to celebrate your 24 years... and I do love your topp...just the thing to do to reach where you have gotten! I raise a glass to you both and here's something to go with the wine.. Enjoy!
17/Mar/14 3:26 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy Anniversary Suzy. (I have sent you a Jacquie Lawson card). I have been doing some mending etc so that I can pack my machines away. I have to get the sunroom tidy for the gathering with J&K.
17/Mar/14 3:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Thank you friends for asking about Myra. I did not hear from her till about 2 pm today, she did not answer earlier. The ER treated her pain and sent her home about 2:30 am. Our other friend Molly went for her In the rain. I am truly glad I did not have to go. medication, night time with rain and Tricia would be a poor driver.

Injection of course did not last long, but pain was still reduced from yesterday. A fibro flare can do that after meds that break the cycle of hurt, tense, hurt more. she had a script for pain medication to last till she can contact her PCP on Monday, but it had not been filled. she also had not eaten. I carried her some home made turkey noodle soup and went to pharmacy for her. Luckily they did not ask for my ID, maybe cause the insurance card and script had same info as in their computer. I did not volunteer that I was not Myra hehehe,

When I got back, she was sound asleep, slept several hours, and was feeling much better when she got up about 4 hours later. So one more crisis over. Her visiting nurse was to come first thing tomorrow so that will be a good follow up. I do worry about her a lot, she seems to be going downhill pretty fast. She was in hospital just 2 weeks ago with a severe lung infection.

Way late, or early AM, so off to bed I GO. tomorrow afternoon is ain management. wish me luck, and may the doc be having a good day tomorrow hehehe.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/Mar/14 5:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Pain Management, duh!
17/Mar/14 5:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MizT, I thoroughly enjoy your gardening stories! Good for you for speaking up to let the person know your gardening group would benefit from volunteers! I hope there is a way to accept donations! What a kind-hearted individual! Hooray for your new helper! I hope your friend Myra is improving! Hopefully your rash will improve quickly!

Suzy, I hope Tahli is OK! I suspect it was more painful for the adults to see it happen than it was for her.

June, get the rest you need for your shoulder! Don't worry about painting before J and K arrive! I'm sure it will not be important to them!

Mama ( and Theresa and Heidi), I hope the weather soon improves and begins to resemble spring!

Heidi, another busy day for you with the calves. Hopefully you got a good price for the calves - then got home and got some rest before going out again to check on calves.

I'm running out of steam. Please feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, and !
17/Mar/14 5:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'll read p. 89 when I come back tomorrow. Good Night!
17/Mar/14 5:47 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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A quick call in. I have run out of data allowance since changing companies. Got to wait until I pay more. This is so slow
Thinking of you all
17/Mar/14 7:24 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I think I may have left the eagle cam running causing this massive use of data.
Hope Tahli,Suzy, Myra, Theresas FIL, Heidis back, Junes shoulder, MizT, Mama and everyones pains are easing.
17/Mar/14 7:28 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Wish I could just talk to my computer as I read your comments instead of having to type them and I had so much to say but have run out of steam.
MizT, sure you could suggest a lot more things those volunteers could do as well.
Like June(not painting the third bedroom), running out of time for J&K but have a couple of special times I hope as long as they like
local caught seafood.
Luv and Jugs to you all, I miss you.
17/Mar/14 7:34 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary Suzy And Don. Enjoy your dinner.

Heidi,, how is the back feeling. Bummer about the spring weather being just a tease of what is to come.
MizT,,as Julie said, it is great to hear of your gardening exploits. Many hands make light work so when you are busy, others can do some watering etc and it is not left all to you.
June...Have a lovely gathering with K & J, and hope you aren't stressed about what you couldn't manage to get done before their visit. Easier said, than done though.
17/Mar/14 7:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni I can just talk to my computer with my comments but it doesn't help because this is what's happened

My anniversary dinner was yummy home now with a nice bottle of wine
17/Mar/14 8:41 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Happy anniversary Suzy & Don. I think you found a nice way to celebrate.
Hoping anyone suffering aches and pains soon find releif.
Our weather has settled down for the moment. Not sure it will ladt long but I'm enjoying having the doors open and even hangingbthe washing out tobdry.
17/Mar/14 9:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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+Woke again with shoulders aching. Have to feel better today as it is the start of our 'pennants' season where we play the other clubs in our district. If we win (Ha Ha) we then go on to higher things. We now play twice a week till Easter. I am just glad we do not have to be drug tested! One lady in our team is 81 and another other 86. They are both better bowlers than me.
18/Mar/14 1:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Did not get much sleep last night, a bit anxious about this appointment today. Kept thinking of things I had not put on my paperwork. At last I took a good friend's Mother's advice. If you are fretting about something and it is something you can do something about, get up and do it. If you cannot do anything about it, say a prayer and let it go. I did the get up bit! Paperwork is as good as it is going to be. Other thing I was fretting about was a note I needed to write to our residents association officers, asking to speak at the next meeting. Might not have got a lot of sleep, but I got a lot accomplished

My plan to go to appointment in my power chair might change. It is cold windy and raining off and on. think I will drive down, I can park at the door, a stand alone building with off street parking out front.

Gotta run, I did read. June, hope shoulder is better soon, Enjoy your bowls, whether you win or loose.

Hugs to eacch, with extras.
18/Mar/14 2:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tricia... If you are driving to the Pain Management appointment, they won't be giving you an epidural injection. I hope they tell you they can help you, though. Fingers are crossed.
18/Mar/14 3:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another bloody cold day. Just warm enough that the ground wasn't frozen, creating cold mud. And the wind is blowing so that it cuts through you and seems colder. I MISS OUR ONE DAY OF SPRING!!!!
18/Mar/14 11:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The house at least smells good. I have a pot roast simmering away (our own beef) and am preparing stewed tomatoes (from my garden) with cheese & garlic croutons, and baby peas. My tummy is rumbling.
18/Mar/14 11:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Last years tomatoes Heidi? Canned or frozen? Sounds Good.

Knew no epidural today, had not been approved by insurance either. Nope I did not drive auto, I motored down in my power chair.
Windy and cold here too Heidi. But they are phoning for approval for one. Had back x rays too. I have my script for meds, one month this time. Had to pee in the cup, and will again next month too to be sure I am taking the meds, not selling them. They do not know a lot about people with fibro, no way no how would we sell our meds. Next week could be a lot worse and we would need them. I got an X ray today though and will be going for MRI. Open MRI, thank you please. He said the facility they use has a high resolution magnet open one, pix as good as closed MRI.

Very tired, it is 8 pm, headed for bed, to at least stretch out a while. Someday soon I hope to catch up reading.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

18/Mar/14 12:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Last years tomatoes. Frozen. Supper was a success. Mmmmmmm
18/Mar/14 1:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all alleys a lot better chicken single all night without having a joke which you having a good do for very long time.

Try again Ali is a lot better she can sing all night without having a sore throats and she hasn't been able to do for a very long time.

That's a lot closer Broni I'm talking at my computer.

Nola, I think June did that one time she used up a lot of her allowance on the eagle cam.

June I hope you're okay playing bowls with a sore shoulder.

MizT, I was looking for the comment about liking your pain management doctor couldn't find it then remembered it was on the other page.

This talking to the computer thing works well except it doesn't like punctuation I have to add that myself.
18/Mar/14 1:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! Sorry, I need to get some sleep and have an early alarm in the morning. Sending lots of , healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and prayers for each of you! I hope everyone experiencing pain soon finds relief!
18/Mar/14 3:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Busy day tomorrow. I have to nip down to the sale barn in the early AM, to pick up the cattle checks, then deposit them. Right after lunch, I have to hook up my trailer and take Sere in to the Vet clinic. Something is seriously wrong. Instead of gaining weight after Pandora was weaned, she has continued to lose weight. And she has just developed a cough. She won't be in any condition to go to Florida in April, I'm afraid. I can substitute mares, and take Whimsey there for a breeding instead. She's old enough now, and is in great shape. But I want to get Sere well. I'm really worried.
18/Mar/14 4:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH NO, Heidi, I hope that vet can find the problem with Sere and the treatment fast cures the problem. You do not need to loose another horse!

Suzy, I thought I was here when I posted hehehe. I need to copy that over here.

Anyone on FB, this is a repeat:

Home from doc. I like him, got my meds for one month, had X ray, going for an MRI later, and asking approval for epidural. But he was 2 1/2 hours late to appointment. Nurse said had never happened before in the year she has been there. why my day?? Some hold up in surgery at outpatient clinic, they said. Very tired, going to bed to at least stretch out a bit. If I fall asleep . . .z z z
18/Mar/14 6:48 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Really a doozy of a day. I was asked to get to appointment early, and glad I did, cause I found out when looking for my debit card, I had lost my lanyard with building, apartment, mailbox and car keys plus small card holder with debit card and some folding money. I had stopped just outside the door to building 2 when leaving, to put on my outdoor gear; my polar tec cape and scarf , my gloves, and wrap my wind and water proof jacket around shoulders and pull up hood. Felt sure that was when I lost keys. So I retraced my steps, well, not steps, was in my power chair, and found keys back at office of my apartment building. Someone found and turned them in, how lucky is that! That was trip 2 over some very rough sidewalk and street, bumpy ride.

After I had been back in waiting room a bit the receptionist told me doc would be late, would I like to go back home to wait. YES, need my recliner, even for 15 minuets, need to heat my rice sock, and get a bite to eat. Trip 3 commenced.

Well, coming home after appointment, when I got to the bumpy street section, now going UPHILL, my chair did not have power to climb it! Battery previously said I had 3 of 8 bars on energy gauge, I thought that sufficient for 2 blocks. But now flashing from 3 bars to an empty gauge and back. Lady drove up the seldom used street. Heidi, the street beside my building, how you drove out of parking lot, when you visited in the truck. She was behind me as I was stuck in the street. She slowly drove past, and asked if I was OK. I told her NO, not really. My battery was not strong enough to get me up hill. SHE GOT OUT OF CAR AND PUSHED! Her push was just enough extra umpth to get me over the bumps, up the hill, and into the new nicely paved smooth alley, all down hill from there! Glad she came along, or I would be trying to phone a neighbor or 911 to come help! Besides, it was COLD! I am sure wind chill was near 0* C.

Now, at that time I had been up in my chair for about 5 hours, way too long, pain causing long, and that penetrating cold always makes pain worse. Why 5 hours? Had a really LONG time with doc's assistant, going over everything I had answered on my packet of paperwork. Then doc and a doc in training came in, and asks more questions and does exam, really long amount of face time with doc! Next, lying on the torture bed for X rays, well no wonder I did not know where I was posting when I got home hehehe.

18/Mar/14 7:39 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Back to bed now. Might have a sleep in this morning, I think I deserve it! Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later today.

3:40 AM local time.
18/Mar/14 7:41 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Reckon we should have a Sudoku retirement village, one where we have the assistance we need but with friends, or is that SA just virtual?
Zusy, you talk to your computer??? Not up with technology. Help!
Figured out why Bella the Basset has been chewing her paws, she takes on my stress.
Heidi, how is your back? Have you been doing too much again? Pace yourself girl.
Julie,MizT and June, you amaze me with how much you do, admittedly I am still working and doing most of it by myself but not sure I could do that without working.
That is that for the brain tonight.
Seeing J&K with Cyn in two days for their stop over, then it will be full on for four days next week.
Luv & Jugs.
18/Mar/14 7:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A very exhausting day Tricia, but I would say a lot was achieved.
Heidi, I do hope the problem with your horse is soon resolved. How is your back?
We won our bowls today. I played a reasonable game, using a lot of 'rub' on my shoulders. I was tired tonight (sent hubby out for pizza). Feel OK as long as I do not put my hands behind my back!
Broni, enjoy meeting J&K when they have their stopover. By the time they get to Sydney they will have tried most different foods, seen all Aussie animals etc. I just hope I am able to keep up!
18/Mar/14 9:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, Suzy is right. A couple of years ago I used up over half our allowance (which was huge) by not turning the eagles off properly. I still check them several times a day. They will be more interesting once the eggs hatch.
18/Mar/14 9:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I'm sitting here on edge as my daughter Elaine is having an interview for a new teaching position. She is hoping to get a Head of Chemistry position in a school in London. She will have done her teaching part of the process already, as I haven't heard anything she must be having an interview. She had been told that interviews would only be given if the teaching part of the process was to their liking. That was two and a half hours ago.Fingers crossed for now.
18/Mar/14 10:32 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Well just found out she is at the interview stage. There is one other candidate (who already teaches at the school) being interviewed. One candidate didn't get through.
18/Mar/14 11:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Keeping fingers crossed for Elaine to get the job.
19/Mar/14 12:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My fingers are crossed, too. Elaine!
19/Mar/14 2:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just lost another calf. Gil was directly responsible for this loss. I'll explain later. I just discovered that my trailer is dirtier than I've ever seen it inside, so I'm gonna try to hose it out as quickly as I can before leaving for the Vet's in 2 hours. I don't wan Sere to ride in that muck.
19/Mar/14 2:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Will join you June in crossing fingers, too. Good Luck Elaine.

Wow, I slept almost 8 hours when I went back to sleep early AM! That after about 4 hours last night. And I am still sleepy! Was awakened by maintenance man and painter. they came to look at my damaged wall. Now only waiting to find materials, that might take a while, but still they are working on it. Same damage I showed the maintenance man twice previously is now 'hazardous, she might injure herself on that exposed metal.' Thank goodness for the talk I had with the painter last Friday.
19/Mar/14 3:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got the trailer hosed out..... I did no scrubbing..... so it looks a LOT better, though far from perfect. I can scrub it in a couple of days, once the back feels a little better. I've been overdoing it the last 2 days, and the back just feels stressed, but not really painful. Once I get back from the Vet's, I think I'm gonna nap.
19/Mar/14 4:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am MUCH relieved. Sere's problems were mostly due to a serious dental problem. Her teeth have been worked on now, and the long, sharp spikes growing on her molars have been removed and the teeth smoothed out. We also have her on antihistamine for her cough. Her lungs are clear. The Vet says she should start piling on the weight now.
19/Mar/14 6:31 AM
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