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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Afternoon everyone.
K n J are getting tired (especially K), not much rest inbetween going here there and everywhere.
K is getting quite homesick, missing her husband and family.
Both Ladies are having a fantastic time!!!
21/Mar/14 6:34 PM
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I can understand K. Especially now that the holiday is getting towards the end. As Ken and I both have health problems we may slow things down a bit from what I had planned.
The Doc phoned to say that I did not have the polymyalgia but the pain is probably coming from trapped nerves in my neck. Told me to take anti-inflammatories and pain killers! Keep up the physio. That will be a bit like putting a plug in the other end and not really solving the root of the neck problem. Today I was affected right down to the finger on my right hand.
21/Mar/14 8:00 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
I am sorry to hear of all the health problems from my cyber friends. Please take care everyone ... I care. Gentle hugs to all.
Julie, my problems with life are when all the smaller things seem to bundle up and up. I am sorry for the loss of your friends. Hope your hubby feels better soon. We have a cat with liver damage (Frasier), so I know what you are going through. I got up this morning and he threw up 4 times, each one massive. He has not done that for quite some time. I am hoping it is just a flare up and not severe progression of the disease. Hugs to you, my friend.
June, if people come to your house to see what it looks like, they are not really friends. True friends do not care what your house looks like, they care about you. I in fact enjoy going to someone's house and seeing that 'lived in' look because then it looks more like my place.
21/Mar/14 9:11 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, when Maggie and the grandies are not home, I truly feel like I have a day off. I understand where you are coming from.
Maggie has got her driver's license and bought a car, a Fiat. This will definitely help her in getting full-time work when the girls are a bit older (old enough to be by themselves for a while anyway). Her ex took her driving on Wednesday for two and a half hours. She thoroughly enjoys it.
My eyes are getting worse and I am getting more headaches. July seems like a long way off. Suzy, it does sound like our health care systems are similar. In July I see the surgeon, but then the surgery will have to be scheduled after that. It is free health care maybe, as long as you don't mind the waiting.
It is currently snowing AGAIN. Spring is not just around the corner for us. I really, really, really want to sit outside with my morning coffee, but I would need to find a flat snowbank to put my lawn chair on.
Off to face the day. BTW, the insulin shots are helping me feel better. It took only 9 days of injections to get my blood sugars back to normal and they have remained consistently normal for the last 3 weeks or so. Yay.
Take care one and all.
21/Mar/14 9:17 PM
Alabama, USA
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Up from my short sleep, but I did sleep some. Recliners are good for what hurts. Time for meds, cause I woke up to pain constant now. Was thinking of calling my sister to come help me to doc, but she has microplasama, AKA walking pneumonia. Hard to get rid of, and something I want to avoid, even if she could manage to come here.
21/Mar/14 11:15 PM
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MizT, I do hope you can get that hip seen to very soon. It does not sound good.
22/Mar/14 3:44 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, I already am scheduled for a MRI Monday ay 8:15 AM. I talked with my primary care doc's nurse, and he said i was doing everything as the doctor would have told me. Ice alternate with heat, muscle relaxer, pain meds, my rub on anti inflammatory. Rest it and move it. they could not get an MRI scheduled any faster than Monday either. Lucky I already had one scheduled.
I am so happy for you that your diagnosis is not polymyalgia. That is not a fun ailment.
I phoned pain doc first this morning, have not heard from him yet! Hope there is some logical explanation for that. Person answering said she would try to locate him, perhaps he takes Friday off all day??
Time for ice and recliner, this chair is more and more uncomfy. Cup o tea to encourage meds to work faster. Maybe even a little nap in recliner.
22/Mar/14 3:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June.... Looked up polymyalgia. Sounds very unpleasant, but it's treatable, and even without treatment, it goes away in about 2 years. Meanwhile, you hurt, and you have my utmost sympathy.
22/Mar/14 5:08 AM
Mamacita 2
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June and Tricia...I do hope that you both are able to be a little more comfortable as you get through the weekend...and am so glad the Mri Is Scheduled for Monday Tricia...make sure they add the hip view to the testing...of course its also lucky that you knew to use ice/rest and movement, as well as pain relievers to help...glad you were on top of things. Well it seems as if Angelique's school had a change of heart and she was able to get to her Spring Fling after all. She looked so cute all dolled up and smiling widely. I do hope she has a blast. My SIL looked quite handsome too. I'm so happy for the support you showed and agree that schools should not exclude little ones from these types of activities...planning is difficult, but common sense has to be a part of it. I'm just happy things worked out. There are two pictures on my page right now showing Angelique posing..more will follow, but I don't know how to share them help is needed..If anyone can tranport the pictures to this site please do...just let me know please. Thanks. Have a great weekend all. peace.
22/Mar/14 11:35 AM
Small Town Canada
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Such a pretty person, Mama. I love the pictures. I am so glad she got to go to the dance.
22/Mar/14 12:30 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
MizT, so sorry to hear about the mis-step and accompanying pain. You're probably right that the pain doc is the one to call. Someone in his office should be able to walk you through the steps to getting treatment. So glad Joy came for a visit and could help. Also, it's nice that you found a new friend who is also interested in gardening!
Suzy, hooray for you and a chance without requests and interruptions! So sorry that your dishwasher is being uncooperative!
Had a busy day today - didn't even practice the cello. But when we got home around 5 p.m. from taking hubby to chiropractor and then to PT for out-take paperwork and while waiting for vet to call back, I fell asleep in the recliner and got a 45-minute nap.
I'm going to post before turning the page.
22/Mar/14 4:08 PM
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I did not take anything like the amount of painkillers the Doc suggested but I did have enough that I was able to wash curtains, clean the window, shower recess and some other jobs. I ordered a new mirror for the back bathroom about 4-5 weeks ago. It should have been ready about two weeks ago. I will be disappointed if I cannot get it and mounted before next weekend.
I may not have painted the back bedroom but at least the windows, curtains etc are all nice and clean!
That is my break, now back to work!
22/Mar/14 4:49 PM
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Hi, Rolanda! You're right, K and J have had such a hectic schedule! A day or rest/relaxation certainly seems to be in order!
June, I'm glad to hear that you don't have polymyalgia. Having trapped nerves in your neck sounds like what hubby had in January, which was quite painful. His pain most days didn't go below his upper arm. Seems the PT explained that they needed to get the pain to go back up to his neck and address it there. His neck and shoulder are almost completely back to normal. I hope the PT, anti-inflammatories, and painkillers do the trick! Remember, your guests are friends first and won't judge you by your house or if you accomplished the goals you had set for yourself! Take care of you!
Theresa, good for you and getting your diabetes under control! Good for Maggie and getting her driver's license and a car! Enjoy the days when you don't need to watch your grandies. Hopefully the headaches and problems with your eyes will moderate! I also hope your cat Frasier is OK.
MizT, I hope the pain doc finally got back to you! So glad you have an MRI scheduled for Monday!
Heidi, I hope your back has recovered and calving is going better now! So glad you were able to get the RV in for her spring check-up! I hope Sere is continuing to do well and put on weight!
Mamacita, I'm thrilled that Angelique was able to go to the Spring Fling! She looked so beautiful and happy!
Time for me to head to bed. My thoughts are with all of you, even if I have neglected to mention you. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes and
for each of you!
22/Mar/14 5:06 PM
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June, I'm glad you took a break! Since you ordered the mirror so long ago, I hope it will arrive and can be mounted before your guests arrive. If not, I'm sure no one will miss it. Don't work too hard, please!
22/Mar/14 5:08 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, do be careful not to over do your activity while under influence of pain medication. That medication does not cure whatever underlying pathology, it just masks the pain. You could make that worse if not careful. I speak from experience, I do that too often.
Julie, I saw new friend Marla for a bit today. she was back at laundry table with her computer as I went down to check out car. Did I say she can connect with the first floor's wi fi at that location?
OH, we got announcement that our office secretary/assistant to the director has resigned? Rumor is that she will not be replaced, I imagine due to budget problems. I fear so many things are not gonna get done now. Hope scheduling of bus is not one. Usually I get a phone call from Janice Friday before a scheduled ride to doctors on Monday, telling me when to be downstairs to leave. did not get that today.
Boy what a difference a day makes! Instead of sharp pain every time I moved, I have a constant dull ache and a twinge when I move. I can live with that with the expectation it will continue to improve.
So thankful to be so improved, so thankful I have a doc who can get back to me when something unexpected happens. Makes a world of difference.
I phoned both doctors offices this morning as it turns out. Pain doc at 8:30 am, and his assistant phoned back at 3:30. My primary care doc's nurse called me back within 15 minuets. I like that response time. He also asked I check back in with them first of the week and they asked that a copy of the MRI results be sent to them also!
Pulmonary doc wanted a disk of the scan done by my doc. she said, you can just stop by and pick it up. Sure I can! I asked David about that, could they get it sent over to the doc's office. He said not a problem, he would take care of it.
when the MRI office phoned to remind of appointment, I asked how long this would take. she looked up which machine I was scheduled for, OH, you are on our newest one, so only 15 minuets. Good to know that if I have to go through this torture exam it will at least be the latest and greatest technology and shortest time available.
Julie, I had a nap this afternoon also, lot longer than yours! about a three hour nap after dinner
that really helped, I was so tired, just from the pain and lack of sleep. .
I missed a really beautiful day outside today. I went out briefly around dusk looking in car for an item I thought I had bought at grocery, but I must not have got home with it, or only thought I bought it. Have not found receipt to check, oh well. the day was so nice, hate I was stuck inside.
weather guessers had forecast 2 days of near 0C overnight temps. they now say only 1, on Tuesday night, but colder. The ferns do not need colder. I can cover them, but fear weight of the blankets will crush ferns fonds.
Getting sleepy again, I think it will take a few days to recover from loss of sleep. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
22/Mar/14 5:36 PM
Alabama, USA
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Did I break the site? Did I put it to sleep with such a long rambling post?
Writing that post or something put ME to sleep
. Even after sleeping in recliner for over 2 hours after a late dinner, I went to bed soon after writing that post, about 1 am and slept till 9. Good restoring sleep. Back is still improving, the meds are keeping even the dull ache suppressed part of the time, though it comes back before time for meds again. Having a break from the ache is wonderful.
Did I tell you about the long chat I had with neighbor Earnest? This is the man no one else seems to know even lives here at EP. He does not join our group events, calls himself a recluse.
You might remember our social worker Shannon gave tickets to me and asked I invite him to the Cajun cooking lunch and entertainment we had back some months ago, a fund raiser for EP. I do enjoy his company, very interesting man.
He gets out twice a day to walk for health, and I saw him walking and called to him for a chat, during which he said his cardiologist had told him of some problem with his heart. He commented he is ready to go, and at peace with it. But now I worry about him. He has only one sister in law in Germany who phones him occasionally. He does not seem to talk with his children. They abandoned him and his wife when she had Alzheimers. A big disagreement over her care. Earnest wanted her at home with him, that he could care for her and he did till the end. He told me she got so bad he had to lead her around by the hand all day. Children wanted her into care, and when he refused, they said essentially, 'OK, if that is what you want, you take care of her!' Friends also abandoned them, he would not ask for help and none of them offered. So he has been alone so long now, he prefers to stay that way. Says he is happiest when alone.
My fear now is with his heart problems, he will die alone in that apartment, and no one will know for days, until I am the one who complains of . . . . well, you know what happens.
He is a very caring person. When I mentioned I had to get on with my grocery shopping, he misunderstood and thought I was coming in from grocery, not leaving to go to grocery, and he immediately asked if I needed help getting them upstairs. I think the way to get through to him is to ask him for help. I really would like for him to check in with someone daily, send me an e mail if he has computer, or something non invasive to let me know he is up and about that day. I am wondering how to make this something he is doing for me, not for himself. Maybe tell him it would keep me from worrying??? any ideas what might work?
23/Mar/14 2:20 AM
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Help with the gardening MizT?
23/Mar/14 8:30 AM
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Mamacita, I too am glad that Angelique got to go to the dance! And she looked so beautiful!
June, I hope your pain gets better soon!
MizT, I've gone to my laptop so I could say what I wanted to say faster. Is there a job in the garden that needs doing every day that you could ask for help with? Something you'd need to be told how it went? If he gets out for a walk every day it could be a way of touching base with him.
23/Mar/14 8:53 AM
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Just popping in to say Hello! The next few days look rather full; I may not be able to drop by for a Hello. So - Hello, Hello, Hello! I will pop in when I get a moment, but make no guarantees. May not even get back this evening, so thought it best to pop in when I had a couple of minutes.
MizT, it's great that you are feeling better! I hope your meds continue to make improvement. Catching up on sleep is also helpful, as you pointed out. I think I may try it! So sorry that I can't think of anything to encourage Earnest to check in daily, other than gardening/something to check on, especially since he seems to enjoy his walks.
Seems my few minutes have not expired. Sending lots and lots of {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and
for Everyone! Take care, and don't over-do!
23/Mar/14 9:38 AM
Small Town Canada
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How is your kitty, Julie? Hugs.
MizT, if your neighbor uses the computer at all, is it possible to start up a game with him, like Scrabble, where you have to wait for him to take his turn?
FIL has been transferred to another hospital, and there is talk of him going home again with in home care up to 8 hours. Not a good idea because that means he is still alone for sixteen hours.
I am p00ped out today, so I am off for an early night to bed. Take care everyone.
23/Mar/14 11:33 AM
Alabama, USA
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yes, maybe I could ask him to give me a report on the flower pots near the entrance daily, how they are doing. He is not really able to do any chore though, getting a bit frail. I really cannot remember if he has a couputer or not, I remember seeing a desk in his living room (from the door ladies, have not been invited inside) I will keep working on this idea. Welcome any other suggestions, still.
Friend Marla asked me this evening just how I was going to remove the bags of soil from my car and to my project area. She declared herself a worrier and was worried about me. soon after we were downstairs with her hand trucks moving 300 pounds of topsoil I carried out 1 bag at a time on the foot rest of my power chair. As I approched the alley, I heard a male voice behind me asking if he could set that off for me. yes indeed! Nice looking man from somewhere in neighborhood, on his way to the park. Too young for me, if I was even interested, but can still enjoy the view
. I thanked him and told him if he ever did any volunteer work, I was in need of some labor here, I was in charge of the gardens this year. He said he just might come back and bring some of his friends, and drat it, I had no writing stick to give him my e mail address. Would be nice if he did come back again with about 3 able bodies persons, male or female. I am not above asking for help with our gardens.
I am very sleepy, and it is late enough to go to sleep. think I will get my meds and if I am sleepy after that, turn in for the night. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
23/Mar/14 1:26 PM
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Anything I can think of involves you being contacted at times that may be inconvenient for you.
23/Mar/14 3:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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I appreciate all your efforts for a solution for the Earnest saga. I will continue to think in the direction of the computer and hope he has one. I think on his walk he stops at a grocery that has lunch takeaway. I might ask him to check with me to see if I need anything from grocery?? Perhaps the best solution is just to be truthful and tell him I worry about him when I do not see or hear him in his apartment. He would be doing this check in for me, to keep me from worrying??
I have another dern rash. Again today I was out in the garden a while, watering that memorial garden that is under the bridge between buildings. I did not really dig in the dirt to get dirt on my hands. I was in the sun for a while, and the wind was also really blowing. Rash is on areas exposed mostly, is it from the sun? a sun allergy or one of my medicines that is photo sensitive? Face, chest, back and upper arms, warm enough today for a short sleeve low necked peasant top! Must check with doc about this later next week. Find something to calm the rash and I am not open to staying out of the garden.
OH, I did get a phone call giving me time to be down for bus Monday morning. about what I thought, 30 min before my appointment, so 7:45 for a 5 to 10 minute trip if it were not rush hour at the medical center. The university and the medical center associated with it are in an urban setting, and both pedestrian and auto traffic is always very congested around and through the campus, and more so from 6:30 when hospital shifts start, through 9 am when most offices and classes have started. I am seldom awake and aware at that time of day
23/Mar/14 6:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... I always think that honesty is the best policy. Earnest sounds like a wonderful man who has been treated horribly for his loyalty to his wife. He sounds like a person whose friendship is worth cultivating.
I got to pick up the RV yesterday!!! Now I can clean the inside, and start packing it for the next trip I take. But I have been overdoing it a bit, lately, and my back had a flare-up yesterday, so I spent the rest of the day in bed, resting. It's doing better today.
24/Mar/14 12:42 AM
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I have almost cleared all the rubbish that had been dumped in the back bedroom. Stripped one bed to wash the sheets tomorrow. (They were clean). I just have to take a lot of stuff to the op shop out of the other bedroom and then that part of the house is ready for our guests. The aching shoulders is slowing me down and I hope it will not be a problem with all the driving I will have to do. Not sure about Hubby driving after having a full anaesthetic on Wednesday.
24/Mar/14 1:19 AM
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You do need to take it easy and not push your back Heidi. You need to have this epidural to last till the next one is due!!!
24/Mar/14 1:21 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi all, I have been AWOL for days!
J&K arrive here tomorrow, they had a long stopover here last Thursday. Broni and I picked them up and took them away from the airport for the afternoon. MrCee and Grasshopper joined us and we had a nice afternoon. Broni is working tomorrow so I will be picking them up and bringing them down here to the Redlands. Will show them some of our lovely sights, have some lunch and fill in the afternoon before we come back here to collect Col after work and head over to Broni's for a special surprise dinner. So, even though they are staying at Broni's (I only have 1 spare room), I have still been running around getting my house clean and tidy because they will be calling in here.
We're going to Australia Zoo on Wednesday.
After they have a morning off and Broni works, we are going to the Gold Coast on Thursday ending up at the top of Q1 tower to watch the sunset.
Friday - Brunch at Kangaroo Point cliffs overlooking the city on Friday morning, followed by cruising the river in the City Cat (passenger ferry) down to New Farm Park.
Friday night - Sudoku gathering at Broni's place.
And Sat they head off to Sydney.
It is a whirlwind for them.
Kathy had a lovely day to herself on Saturday while Jane soldiered on happily. Hopefully it recharged K's batteries for the rest of the trip.
24/Mar/14 12:40 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I hope everyone is well and happy, I have not read the few pages I have missed. Big hugs to all!!
Nola - are you still okay for Friday night?? I hope so, looking forward to seeing you.
24/Mar/14 12:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, CynB.... That itinerary sounds so wonderful that I wish I was there, too. It sounds like the Ladies Jane & Kathy are being given the royal treatment by our Aussie friends. This site sure has some GREAT people!
24/Mar/14 12:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I had a really relaxing sleepy day today. In bed by 11, but not asleep, that not awake not asleep but I do not really care stage, love it when I am not hurting. Slept from 1 till about 4, intermission, then back to sleep from 6 am till NOON. lots of sleep. Ate a bite, and dozed the afternoon away. I never drissed today, gown and robe. I have been up and aware since 6, cleaned my kitchen, washed the floor even. Getting everything ready for the AM, up at 6:30 downstairs by 7:45 and off for the dreaded MRI. Mama and others, send good thoughts and wishes that I can kind of doze through this. I asked and was told only 15 minuets. They best not be longer or i would be in tears.
I think the increase in the (let's try this med once again) Gabapentin that pain doc suggested for my back/leg pain is what is making me so sleepy.
Huumm, either my keyboard or my right thumb is malfunctional. I keep seeing two words run together when I know I have hit the space bar. either not hard enough at times or keyboard is not working at times.
I agree, Heidi, the itinerary for JandK is wonderful! I wonder if they went into training to be able to do so much in a day?? Great people on this site, yes indeed. How I wish I could make the trip, but I just do not travel well. I would need a luxury private jetliner, with a recliner and bed, and a masseuse on board to work out the kinks and achies, just to keep me going. I will get right on arranging that , as soon as I win the lottery!
Cyn, I will be happy to settle for photos of your planned trip this time, so take lots! I love snapshots overlooking the water, be it river, ocean, or a pond. At sunset would make it perfect
June, I smile reading you tell Heidi to take it easy and help her epidural to last, when you are going like an energizer, with a shoulder that is playing up. I think Heidi pays about as much attention to what we say as you do
, maybe more. I do hope you are taking rest breaks often, more than you mention to us. We keep mentioning this only cause we love you!
Heidi, I too think Earnest is a friend worth cultivating. I will keep trying. He has the most beautiful smile and his eyes will dance, sparkle. All that he has endured has not made him bitter, I can see a lot of the person he was before his wife took ill.
After gaining a couple of pounds when I started phase two of my new eating plan, I am now dropping weight again. Seeing numbers I have not seen in years! Finding more of the things I had been wearing are very large on me, almost to the point of sloppy, wearing things that were too tight just a couple months ago! all this while eating more. but it is very structured, the time of eating is most important. I am doing better with the timing on this phase than the other one, it is easier. and I now get fruit again, I can choose 1 fruit or a starchy veg, or grain, breakfast, lunch, di
24/Mar/14 3:13 PM
Alabama, USA
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I can choose 1 fruit or a starchy veg, or grain, breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime snack. Even one middle of the night if awake, and yep, usually I am. OH, even MILK, I have missed my milk. I am off to the kitchen to get my bedtime snack, think I best eat the strawberries, 7 of them, cause the pound of berries last a LOT longer now hehehe. OH, might make me a blackberry cobbler, I can use the low carb tortillias as the dumplings, and artificial sweetener, it will be a very small serving, I think a half cup of berries? but how long since I had blackberries. Aldi's had them on sale, I must eat or freeze soon, cause I bought two of the small packages.
Huge hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
24/Mar/14 3:15 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - all Sudokuists welcome here in Brisbane. Maybe one day??
MizT - will post pics as I can on FB and a few on here. Will definitely get some shots with the water, be it the bay or the river or the beach at sunset - they're my favourite shots also!
24/Mar/14 3:38 PM
qld, australia
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Heidi, finally realised you are not seeing the pics from the other site. Have uploaded one you may appreciate.
24/Mar/14 4:53 PM
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I have a big pot of lamb curry on the stove. Some for dinner tonight and I will freeze the rest as a stand by meal when the visitors are here.
I have ideas where we want to take them but which days depends on the weather and also Ken and my ability to drive at the moment. Ken will not be able to drive for a couple of days after surgery. If I take the pain pills I can drive OK but do not like driving around he city.
Our trip to the Blue Mountains will depend on weather. No good going there if it is raining or foggy. One morning I would like to drive to West Head. That overlooks the area where the Hawkesbury river enters the ocean. It is quite spectacular and few people go there. There is the Harbour, beaches and the city. I will find out if they want to tour the opera house, go up our tower in the City etc. So much to do and so little time.
Tricia, I do take lots of rests. Even had a sleep during the day. That was needed because I am not sleeping well at night. I can do things as long as I do not have to put my hands behind my back. Ken left before I had a shower today and it was agony getting dressed.
24/Mar/14 6:33 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello All.
Greg, today updated our internet. Pay more but we missed it so much that think it is worth it.
Cyn & Broni.. We will be coming down on Fri for the gathering. Dont know what sort of a salad I can manage to make in a Motel, but will think of something. OR, let me know if you would like some wine or something else that I dont have to prepare without a kitchen after traveling. Too hot to make something before we drive 5 hours.
Best wishes to you all.
24/Mar/14 7:32 PM
qld, australia
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Nola just buy a tub of coleslaw or potato salad, the only other one that has put their hand up is Mr Cee and Grasshopper tells me he is baking a pav(in our dreams hehe)
24/Mar/14 11:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks, Broni. I like that picture!
25/Mar/14 5:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Another quiet day resting the back. I just did little stuff today, like wash my hair.
25/Mar/14 8:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Lamb curry.... Yummmmmmm.
June, about now, I think Jane and Kathy would welcome quiet time at home instead of at a restaurant. I cannot believe the pace they're going during this trip.
25/Mar/14 8:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I have a Lions Club meeting in about 50 minutes, then I get to feed and water birds & Sere, then an early night in bed.
25/Mar/14 8:08 AM
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