Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well close to being ready for the gathering.
Jane is having a power nap, Kathy is having a shower and I am??? I have no idea???
Should be about a 20 odd crowd tonigh, so glad I have the house to accommodate them.
Luv and Jugs
28/Mar/14 3:17 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good friends, good wine....lets party!
28/Mar/14 3:17 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Be there soon, Broni!! Woohoo!
28/Mar/14 4:23 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld
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Just going to make the salad and head off to Broni's house.
I'll be there in a bit over an hours time.
28/Mar/14 4:38 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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I wish I was going too

Have a great evening Queenslanders at Broni's and meeting K n J.
28/Mar/14 4:46 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Wish I was going too. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
28/Mar/14 7:56 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, I hope the meeting was a rip-roaring success! No need to let the rain outside put a damper on the gathering. Someone please do post and let us know if Nola and Cyn B and others arrived safely, and safely home. Rain, darkness and driving, not my favorite combination.

Heidi, Do you think Sandy would harass the cows and newborn calves? Hope you can figure how to keep her inside her fenced-in doggy yard.

I was not a happy camper today, when a couple of hours before the Residents Association (RA) meeting, While Loraine and her daughter and I were touring the garden making plans for the year, our President asked I limit my remarks to 2 minuets. If there were to be limits, why spring them on me last minute. I tried cutting it down from the 4 minuet version, got it to 3 minuets, but still was cut off before I got my to my last point. AGGHHH, It seems our leader is turning into a control freak!

My HUGE day out yesterday left me only feeling a bit sore, not in pain and in bed today, yeah! Still needing pain killers, but at least they are working now!

I did not hear from pain doc's office today re: scheduling of Epidural block, hopefully they will phone soon. I am also still having almost daily bout of face chest and upper back rash. Lips feel cooked, and usually day after first layer of skin peels away on lips. Happened today earlier than usual, before the RA meeting, just after i came in from the garden and took pain meds once again, and I even wore sun hat and long sleeves today! Wonderful spring day, temps around 60, warm in the sun, chilly in the windy shady areas. Now we have a slow soaking rain over night. Cuts down on what I need to water.
28/Mar/14 8:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I think I lost a post from last night, abut flowers I found while shopping. If this is a repeat, then I am having a senior moment, just scroll on down.

I saw this lovely red, pink and burgundy leafed plant, called Hawaiian Ti plant, Red Sister. It is said to be a good luck plant, we all could use a bit of good luck! It is a tropical perennial, used here as an annual or a house plant that vacations outside after danger of frost is past. I keep getting conflicting reports on what it likes. Full sun, but no noon day sun, shade but more color if in sun, humidity, evenly moist but let it dry out between waterings, no frost, sandy well drained soil. a nice south facing window in the winter and mist it or humidifier in the room. I just loved the color. Will re-pot it into a better looking heavy planter and see if I can find a spot it likes. easy to propagate, take cutting and put into wet sand.

I am thinking of rooting some cuttings of our plants here, for a cheap way to gain plants, and a way to perhaps raise funds for the garden, selling plants. Plant got ohhhs and ahhhs from residents when I carried it through building to back patio. One person told me today, it seemed to look redder, more colorful today. I thought so too, and attribute that to some sun yesterday afternoon and this morning.

I got a little plant, Million Bells, a variety of small bloomed petunia, for the area back by the alley. Bright red, to go in with the white daisies and pink to lavender cleomies. One plant will grow to fill a hanging basket, or an area about half a meter diameter if in ground. NO deadheading, and blooms spring to frost. I hope it lives up to it's billing. flowers and leaves are miniature, not nearly as large as most petunias.

Found a flat of 6 geraniums at a price I was happy with, quart (litter?) sized containers of red or salmon geraniums. For containers or for the alley's tiny garden spot.

Marla and i had a lovely lunch at a well known restaurant. since last I was there, it has changed from a sit-down and order restaurant to a cafeteria, take your tray and move along the line, being served up some yummy dishes. I had grilled lemon pepper catfish, and Brussel sprouts, with sugar free apple pie, left the crust, and not a problem for my blood sugar.

I got a chuckle about this. while in line, I told Marla I was buying lunch, and she was arguing no, she was not gonna let that happen. Young man behind us chimed in, well, you can buy MY lunch if that will settle your debate. Funnier in the happening than the telling

Bed time again, to add to my already 5 hours of good sleep. Catch you all later, hugs to each of you, with extras, and special hugs to all who were at Broni's house.
28/Mar/14 8:52 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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All arrived safely and got home the same way, MizT.
Was a roaring success if I say so myself.
Wonderful company and good food provided by everyone.
Last lot of dishes being washed by the dishwasher. Girls are in bed and that is where I am going.
Goodnight, Luv and Jugs.
29/Mar/14 2:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, I am so happy that the party was a roaring success! Thank you for letting me know everyone was safely home. Because I have trouble driving at night and in rain, I worry more about anyone who is out and about in those conditions.

Rain has stopped here for a few hours, then ANOTHER rain filled system will come in over night. It is cool and damp, mid 50's now. the damp and no sun lets it feel cooler to me. Still in my robe and enjoying brunch here at noon, I am in no hurry to get out and about early today!
29/Mar/14 4:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're getting the same weather you are getting, MizT. I'm not going to complain about the rain, tho' as long as it isn't really cold. Temperatures in the 50's are OK for calving. We had 2 heifers born today.

Broni.... from what I've heard, your events are always a success. Congrats. I hope June relaxes and has fun at her gathering.
29/Mar/14 10:13 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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What a wonderful night last night! Thanks to our lovely hostess Broni. Kathy and Jane sure got to see Qld hospitality at it's best.
PHOTO on my page for those who missed it on FB, (Nola and Heidi).
29/Mar/14 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Great TOPP (page 92), Heidi!

Have read all posts on page 92, but brain isn't processing much.

Heidi was dealing with a blizzard and a new calf, plus Sandy (Angel's daughter) found her way out to the calving pasture.

Mamacita is feeling better and has a follow-up eye exam scheduled.

MizT has been making progress with spreading topsoil and covering and uncovering new plants to protect them from weather.

K and J have experienced rain, but not complaining. Broni is feeling better.

Nola was looking for Broni's address for the gathering, and CynB provided it in a timely fashion.

June's team won at bowls, but she will not bowl while hosting K and J. June, I hope you're not over-doing with all the work that is getting done. (It's good to know that someone else tucks things away in boxes when time runs out before guests arrive. We still have some boxes that haven't been emptied since doing that in the past.)

Suzy is a pedant. Truth be told, I think many of us are. I know I would be bothered by the types of errors Suzy reported. I also see Mama's point, that often the free books are the ones that are poorly edited. (I think I would be tempted to make a list and send it to the publisher and author.)

Brenda, did I read correctly that you have just had the first snow of this winter/spring season? Wow!

June's Ken had his first op, a lengthy one, that pulverized a large portion of the stone. Hopefully he is feeling well for the trip to his appointment in the city.

I am having trouble staying awake, so will save page 93 for tomorrow. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, , healing vibes, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone! I hope those who will be gathering at Broni's and/or June's has a wonderful time!
29/Mar/14 3:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Update on our cat: we are taking her for weekly or more frequent fluids. She has some blood in her urine, but vet says it isn't an infection. We have finally found a food she is interested in eating (at least today) - freeze-dried chicken. She appears to be happy and comfortable, so we will continue on the present course.

Update on the hubby: still problems with sciatica, but less severe and more manageable.

And now, JUGS to all and Good Night!
29/Mar/14 3:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Picked up Jane and Kate, a few detours on the way home and tonight we went to Manly Beach, North Head, a couple of other look outs and Fish and Chips at Dee Why beach with the seagulls looking on and the waves breaking about 20 meters in front of us. Lovely and relaxing.
29/Mar/14 9:31 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Not a way I like to start a Saturday morning. I was upstairs putting laundry away when I heard a bunch of explosions ... our neighbour's garage blew up. He is a part time mechanic. Fire department is still there. It's like 200 feet from our house, if that. Some tense moments. At least no one was hurt (I talked to the neighbor). I thought at first someone had run into our house with a vehicle ..... thump thump thump ...... calm down my heart.
30/Mar/14 12:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow, Theresa. Explosions are never good in a residential district, and worse when so close. Very scary!!! I hope they keep the fire from spreading. You're lucky that flaming debris didn't land on your roof when the garage exploded.

I'm glad the three of you could relax a bit, June. J & K have got such a hectic schedule, and you've been overly busy, too. Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses, or sea air.

Raining here. Hard. We can use it since IH just finished reseeding the pastures.

I hate sinus headaches.
30/Mar/14 4:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Very scary Theresa! Pleased everyone is OK.
I have put one photo from last night on my page.
I have had two sleeps so far tonight. Must see if I can go and get a couple more hours.
30/Mar/14 4:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Well, our house is fine, and so is the neighbour's ... I am so glad that this fire didn't happen in the summer time when everything could be tinder dry. Only the steel frame is standing. BTW the garage was a stand alone one, not attached to their house. One large maple tree is also very scorched. I offered our back yard to them for their dogs, a Bernese mountain dog and a black lab. They already have the ex-garage cordoned off so the dogs can be out in their own yard.
30/Mar/14 8:01 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - just answering your question on the 'gathering' photo - the sign said 'Axe Murderers', it was one used when Rolanda was here, but it was laminated and got the reflection of the flash.
30/Mar/14 9:48 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, your Ax Murderers sign reminds me of one our cyber quilting group had. It was Serial Quilters hehehe, and came about I am sure much the same as your sign did. Most of our families kept saying, how did you know these people you are going to meet are not serial killers.

It was very funny for me. Early on, I met 2 local gardeners through a gardening board, but when one I wanted to met was MALE, and we planned for him to come to my house to see my gardening efforts, everyone, family and friends, had fits! So at last we decided that Al would go with me and we would meet in a restaurant. Well Al and my gardening friend hit it off first thing, talked the whole lunch time about other than gardening interests the two of them shared. We did the exchange of plants, cuttings and other things in the parking lot. Jim brought me an old compost thermometer he had, it had become inaccurate, but he calibrated it with his new one, and it was very useful to me for a long time. I shared seed and cuttings, mostly of mints, to some plants he did not have, and he brought me plants he was clearing from his greenhouse. No one in my family questioned me later when I wanted to travel to Nashville, Tennessee to meet with the Serial Quilters, gee, they were FEMALE, but many of my quilting friends' families did question them. hehehe.

Theresa, such a frightening thing, to hear explosions from the neighbor's garage. I imagine the police were all over that site, checking to be sure it was not a meth lab gone bad. That would have been their first thought, you know. Nice of you to be able to offer your backyard to contain their dogs, but very good they already had enclosed the gap in their fencing. So very happy no one was injured. Have they found the cause of the explosion yet? Spontaneous combustion from greasy rags that set off some stored flammable liquid? So many things it could have been, gee.

June, saw and left comment on the photo page. GREAT view there, I could have sat and looked for hours. The fish and chips at the beach is something I would have enjoyed. when my friends visited almost 2 years ago, on my, how time flies, one of our fondest memories was stopping for coffee and desert at a restaurant on the lake, water lapping almost at our feet from the covered back porch dining area. Dry county, no alcohol served, but we could have it at our condo. Quite a few meals were had on our balcony, with a bit more distant view of another part of the lake, and a few nightcaps also. seeing the lights from piers and other condos outdoor lighting reflecting in the water, nice nice. What wonderful memories you stirred up, big thanks for that!

Posting before I loose this, more later. Hugs.

30/Mar/14 11:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today I slept most of the day. Even after 3 different 2-4 hour sleeps last night, the first in my recliner right after I ate, today I would fall asleep every time I sat still for more than 10 minuets. I was achey from 2 days of rain, so I really needed to sit more than 10 minuets at a time. I would wake up to find I had napped one to 2 hours.

At 3 pm, I decided to shower, shampoo and then get outside a bit. The sun was out, and weather website said it was 58 degrees. They did not take into consideration the high wind whipping through our 'tunnel', the area between the 2 buildings with the bridge going over. It seemed COLD out there. Did not help I had hair still damp from shampooing. I quickly pulled up the hood of my hoodie, got what I needed from my auto, and took all to the back patio. The building was shielding from the wind, and the sun was warming the area a bit. I took the very last bit of potting soil left from filling containers for pansies in the fall, and filled two hanging baskets that had previously held the ferns I bought earlier. I am going to plant them with purple Wandering Jew that I have rooted from my huge indoors pot of them, and hang them from a double shepherd's crook kind of support. That will add some interest to the most neglected part of the garden.

I am told by long term residents that once there were many ferns in that area, planted by Ollie and another gardener, but this person has been gone a long time. Before that, he was unable to garden a while. Some of these older residents I have spoken with just do not realize how long others have been gone.

It was so sad, the lady I talked with today was saying how fun and caring this place was 12 years ago, not a bit like it is now. There were always card games and someone gardening, bridge,bingo and poker, and so many activities and they were like family. I just could not understand. there is poker night twice a week now, and bingo two afternoons. There are always card games going on either downstairs or up in Jackal Room across hall from me, and scrabble and rumeyque. It was puzzling until later when she said she just would not get out and make new friends, cause they would just die also!

She and so many of the older long term residents just cannot or will not get out and do anything any more, but then lament that this is not a caring, fun place any more, never realizing their attitudes, the not wanting to make friends with the new residents, is the major cause of this. (whew, convoluted sentence, glad you made it to the end hehe) How terribly sad for them. I hope I am able to make friends and be friendly with newcomers till the say I die, or have to leave for a nursing home. I cannot imagine not making friends just because they might die.

Time for a bedtime snack, and hope it will settle my tummy. the last meds are not sitting easy. You know, I do think I am loosing weight faster now I am eating MORE, when I thought weight loss would slow down. Thi
30/Mar/14 3:42 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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This second phase is easier for me to follow for some reason.

June, what an unusual name for the beach, Dee Why. Is there some explanation for that name? Some native words that were phonetically spelled, or some other story behind it? I think it is a lovely name, just curious about its history.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
30/Mar/14 3:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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No time to read tonight. (Oops, Hi, Everyone!) We are FAR behind on preparing information for our tax person, due primarily to hubby's sciatica and not being able to sit or stand in one place for more than a few minutes. We absolutely must get them to the tax man's office ASAP, as our meeting with him is in just over a week. I think I may be AWOL for several days. Hubby says I can't even take a break and practice cello. I'll be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, please feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and JUGS, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers and !
30/Mar/14 5:37 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Morning everyone...It's 2:30 in the morning and here I sit, unable to sleep.Perhaps spending a little time here and about will lull me back into lala land..I'll give it a try. I think I'm coming down with a cold, yet other than chest congestion and a bit more shortness of breath, I don't feel bad thankfully.Trica, I enjoyed your nice post and sure wish I had some of your purple Wandering Jew plate...I don't see it around this area much any more. I feel about those long term folks as you do...sad. I do understand that folks who have lost a lot of friends fear death so much and see their own mortality that they become loners but have not really known those who separate themselves. They end up with what they really don't want...but it seems you have at least gotten some of them to talk so your reaching out is good for them. I do hope more will discover that people need people more as they grow older and when older friends die, we need to keep living. You go girl. I like what you do for others.
Well, I think I'll surf the net for awhile to see what's going on around the world, and if still wakeful, I'll do some more reading. I've downloaded lots of books and have a good collection to chose from. Hugs and jugs to all packed in with good vibes and friendly smiles..share as wanted. Peace.
30/Mar/14 5:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I uploaded a photo of today's meet
30/Mar/14 7:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So did June.

Theresa, how scary! It would have taken a while for my heart beat to return to normal!
30/Mar/14 9:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hope you sleep better tonight June! Mamacita, MizT and anyone else having trouble
30/Mar/14 9:49 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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A quick call in. Internet is random. Got home after an awesome time with you all.
Your hospitality, cooking and welcome, was unbelievable.
Please pass on that we got to see you all and had a great time meeting all who attended, especially, Jane & Kathy.
If I dont post straight away, I will loose it.
Much Love Nola
30/Mar/14 11:33 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Suzy and June...thanks for the quick upload of the meet...great seeing all of you and you both looked great after some of those hectic post you've had. I was able to squeeze in a couple more hours of sleep before having to start my day completely...perhaps I'll be able to nap later. June and MzT, hope you two were also able to add a few more hours of sleep. Theresa, forgive me for not letting you know how happy I was to read that the explosion left everyone unscathed...such a scary and potentially dangerous situation to be in.You handled it far better than I could have I'm sure. Hopefully Julie will get her tax stuff in order and have a chance to relax a bit soon. I'm sure she will need to play catch up with her cello practice too...also hope her hubby finds some relief from the bothersome sciatica. Sully suffered from that and I know how painful it can be.This rainy weather is having a chilling affect on the spirits of many and after the snowy, cold winter we are so in need of a long string of warm sunny days to lift the clouds of despair for many. While I'm not in a state of depression, I too would gain much from improved weather...just gotta learn how to trap it so that when we have periods like this I can just pull out that jar of sunshine and share it...Well I can dream on...but sending as much sunshine and comfortable weather to all no matter where you are is my wish for all of you...enjoy! Peace.
31/Mar/14 2:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am confused. How is Nola posting on Broni's ID?
31/Mar/14 3:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to a Lions Board meeting as soon as IH returns with my truck. He broke the gear shift lever and steering column on his truck, and it's gonna be in for repairs for a while. I told him he could use mine, since I do have the RV here for alternate transportation. But where the board meeting is doesn't have parking room for the RV. So I need my truck. Plus, this will give IH a chance to repair the damage on it that he did last time he used it.
31/Mar/14 3:40 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sorry Heidi, Nola emailed me and I just copied and pasted her message before I went to bed.
Luv and Jugs my friends.
31/Mar/14 7:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That was probably one of the best basketball games I've ever seen! Kentucky just beat Michigan in the last 2.6 seconds to go on to the Final Four. Next Saturday, it'll be Florida vs Connecticut, then Kentucky vs Wisconsin. IH plans to be cheering for Wisconsin, and I'm cheering for Kentucky (who WILL win).
31/Mar/14 10:31 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi broke it!
31/Mar/14 7:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A very busy day. Ken was not feeling 100% so K&J and I went to the city where I walked there legs off! Late in the afternoon we took the ferry to Manly and back and the ferry back down the Parramatta river on the trip home. With Ken waiting for us when we got off to drive us home.
We will now do the Blue Mountains tomorrow and Wednesday will be for anything that Jane still wishes to see. So far I have not even looked at the photos I took today but Jane will probably post some on FB.
31/Mar/14 9:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I DIDN'T break it. It's just hard to follow an exciting game like that.

I don't think J & K will ever forget this trip. They've been entertained, wined and dined in true style and grace. The Aussie Sudoku friends have proved themselves outstanding folks. But then we knew that!
01/Apr/14 12:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... Maybe I DID break it.
Darn it.
01/Apr/14 9:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. what a lovely spring day today has been! I went to the pool for the first time this year! Thought they might have cancelled my membership, so I had a nice letter from doc asking that I please be reinstated, that I was out so long due to pain. But I just swiped my membership card, and no bells rang, no nets fell from the ceiling to snare me, and I went on in. The water was wonderful, but I was exhausted by time I got home. I had a cheese sandwich and cup of coffee to go with my pain meds and straight to bed for a couple of hours.

I went downstairs for a educational opportunity about COPD, very nice doc talking and answering questions. Won a useful door prize (people here must be bribed to come down for activities, either door prizes or food served), a nice calendar with plenty of space for keeping appointments and such. I know I can use that. Then I solved the puzzle for connecting the sprinklers for the shade garden under the 'bridge'. Loraine had tried this morning. turned on the faucet and water 'just ran onto the ground'. I attached the appropriate hose to the correct end of the Y connector, turned all the valves the correct way and viola! the sprinklers worked, though not very well. too much water where only a little is needed, and not enough water where watering a much larger section. I got out the garden hose and watered by hand. Only problem with that is the hose is across the sidewalk, and makes it difficult for residents to wheel in their walkers, grocery carts, or other wheeled conveyances. And difficult for Millie, our blind resident to get out. Luckily Elmo was there and escorted her out to the auto of her friend, so no mishaps.Now I must ask our leader if maintenance man can clear the area around the sprinkler heads, so it will work as it should once again. Did some more cutting out of winter killed plant material, it is looking lots better. Many things popping up once I started watering again. Someone here decided plants did not need water in winter when they were dormant. I imagine just cause no one really wants to get wet watering in the winter months!

So that is how I spent this lovely day. Now, for a few mundane chores, like cooking something for dinner. I think I will just thaw some vegetable ham soup, easy and nutritious both.

So how did you spend your day, or what do you plan to do tomorrow? Hugs to each of you, with extras.
01/Apr/14 9:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Not broken Heidi, we seem to have posted same time.
01/Apr/14 9:21 AM
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