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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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Just got all the cows and horses fed their hay. A total of 8 rolls. That should hold them for a few days. The grass hasn't started growing to the point where there's any grazing yet, so they're still going through hay. Thank goodness we still have plenty.
01/Apr/14 11:39 AM
Alabama, USA
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HI JULIE, I hope gathering information for tax man is going smoothly for you. sorry to hear that your hubby is still suffering from sciatica. That makes one just miserable. Hope he is not sharing his misery with you. What? No breaks? A hard task master you have there.
Mama, tonight it is my turn to sit here at puter when I should be asleep. Once again, I fell asleep after dinner and slept over an hour in my chair. when I woke, I quickly took night time meds and got back to bed, slept another hour.Yoyo sleeping tonight, up and down, up and down
Mama, I do not think reading about what is going on around the world makes for a good bedtime story for you. I do hope you got back to sleep, whatever night this was.
Suzy, did J and K leave one gathering straight into another with just a plane ride separating them? Back to back gatherings as it were? If not, I am a bit confused, but then what is new with that?? I am amazed at the size of the welcome mat you DUGs have put out for those two, and so envious. How I wish I was with them, until I think of the fast pace they are moving through so many wonderful experiences. I would have fallen by the wayside days ago! Truly a Sudoku marathon!
OH MAMA, I think you are that jar of sunshine you were talking about. Your posts are always so uplifting, I always leave with a smile after visiting with you here in Sudoku land!
Heidi, did Gil return with your truck in time for your meeting? And did he really repair the damage he did to it? I surely hope so, but not holding my breath. His track record is not so good. Heidi, I thought about you when I heard that Kentucky has won the basketball game. Into the final four, correct? I just do not follow sports like I did when Al and I watched together. Just not the same watching alone.
One of our residents here, a younger man who is a paraplegic, came in using his power chair. He had been out either to a sports bar or the near-by home of a friend to watch with a group. He was all excited about it. Usually Ron is in his in his Ron-powered chair here in the building. Said it is his exercise, and uses the power chair only when he goes up the hill beside the park. That is a bit difficult in his manual chair.
Ron shared his story of the bicycle accident that left him paralyzed. He went off the road into a ravine, could not be seen from the road, and lay there for 36 hours before being found. I cannot even imagine that.
JUNE, I could have enjoyed the ferry rides, but you would have left me in your dust with the walking tour! What a wonderful treat, seeing Sydney from the harbor. Thanks for all the photos of that, whomever it was who posted on TOS. Wonderful views! How the opera house changes depending on where you are standing to view.
Heidi, I think the Aussies are all resting up from the gatherings this weekend past. Or it is some April Fools Day thing keeping them away? Hope to see everyone posting again and soon.
OK, I think my glass of
01/Apr/14 4:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Over just a bit, here is the remainder:
OK, I think my glass of milk has called for the sand man. I hope this sleepy feeling lasts once I tuck myself back in bed. Huge hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
01/Apr/14 4:53 PM
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We went to the Blue Mountains tody. Great day but I am too tired to say more.
01/Apr/14 10:06 PM
Mamacita 2
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Hello and a bright sunny day looks like its about to make my day. I've had a fair amount of sleep...not good but not bad, and should be headed to shower and start my day but wanted to see what you all were up to. I have been watching movies and doing lots of reading, but little else, so I enjoy hearing about the walks, gardening and other everyday happenings you share. I am really looking forward to getting out of the house and doing things again when the weather makes it easier. Mostly I've just driving Angelique to school and doing a little shopping..but am in need for more than that at the moment... guess it's typical...when nothing is going on, one wants to be busy and when things are available one starts looking to time I talk about being too busy, please remind With nothing going on here I'm just rambling, so I'll stop for now . Sending a shout out to all of you for a great day filled with whatever floats your boat and fits your mood today. Enjoy all that comes your way. Peace.
01/Apr/14 11:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Lousy night. I got very little sleep because I kept having leg cramps. My body is playing a not-so-funny April Fool's Day gag on me. I got up for some breakfast so I could take a pain pill. That MIGHT help. Then again, it might not.
Tricia..... They had a big gathering at Broni's, then I believe a bigger one at June's 2 days later. Those two are keeping up a pace that would kill a mere one of us! I don't know how they do it.
02/Apr/14 1:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, Kentucky is in the FINAL FOUR. Kentucky is also last year's defending Champions. (Louisville the year before that) We have NO pro sports in this state. The population is too devoted to the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky. I have said for years that the NCAA Championship Tournament should be renamed the Kentucky Invitational.
02/Apr/14 1:49 AM
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Just popping in to say Hello! Nearly all materials are gathered and organized for tax person, thank goodness! Tomorrow we have a meeting in the morning and take the cat to the vet in the afternoon. I'm still concerned about her, as she's eating very little & hasn't pooped since Friday. (Sorry to be graphic.) I bought her a few different foods to try on Saturday: freeze-dried chicken treats, a soft salmon & chicken treat, kitten food (small pieces and higher calorie content than senior food. Tomorrow she will be given fluids and whatever else she needs. She generally seems to be acting normally and spends a fair amount of time in hubby's lap, as he tries to find some relief in the recliner.
Maybe I'll even find time to practice the cello tomorrow!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and JUGS, positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and
for everyone!
02/Apr/14 1:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I discovered today that Angel's daughter Sandy, does NOT like riding in the RV. I had to run to the bank today, and Sandy insisted on hopping in the RV with me (IH still has my truck.). Once I got moving, she freaked and clung to me the entire time we were inside. She clung so tight that she kept moving the gear shift lever into neutral. She's been acting traumatized and abused ever since. I don't think she'll be riding with me to Florida.
02/Apr/14 2:21 PM
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We all had a relaxing day. Jane was going to go to the city but changed her mind. They caught up on washing and other things. I saw the Doc as my shoulders are getting worse. I will have an MRI and some X-rays on Saturday. We then had dinner at a very nice restaurant overlooking the Harbour, watching the ferries etc. Ken gave them another night time tour on the way home. Soon into bed as I have to bowl tomorrow and J&K get a bus to Canberra. We have enjoyed having them stay with us.
02/Apr/14 11:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sounds great, June.
My left leg, in particular, has really been hurting for a while. I didn't know why. I think I do, now. I happened to touch the area right over the hip socket, and nearly went through the ceiling. I think it's bursitis. So I'm gonna have to go call the doc.
03/Apr/14 11:13 AM
qld, australia
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Common causes of bursitis include injury and overuse. Treatment may include rest, painkillers and gentle exercises.
So why am I not surprised Heidi?
Luv and Jugs to you all.
03/Apr/14 8:37 PM
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Heidi, sorry about the bursitis. I do hope you can see the Dr. and get some relief.
Jane and Kathy are now in Canberra. Ken dropped them at the bus station yesterday morning.
I had to play competition bowls (I had arranged a replacement for last Tuesday). However this problem with my arms and shoulders is now effecting my hands so I did have trouble delivering the bowl. However my team lost by 1 shot and the other team won. When the scores were added together my club got 4 out of 5 points.
I then had a two hour dental appointment so I was very tired and went to bed very early.
I am still only getting a couple of hours before the pain wakes me up. I have appointments for X-rays and an MRI tomorrow morning. It is important to find out just what is my problem.
04/Apr/14 2:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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VERY important, June. I really hope it's something fixable.
04/Apr/14 3:07 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello my friends.
Sorry to read about all of the problems you are having June and I do hope these test will find the problem so that it can be sorted out. Heidi, I also hope that you are able to be free of the bursitis pain quickly. It will be difficult for you to get the rest you need with the farm, but I do hope you find a way. I'm okay, but have lost my voice due to a cold and doing the yo-yo sleep thing. Angelique has just been too free with her sharing of her germs and I seem to keep picking them up...Will I ever learn? Sending loads of healing vibes and gentle hugs for all who wish to claim them...and hope the sun is shining brightly for all. Peace.
04/Apr/14 5:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What a day!!!!! It's been coming down in buckets all day, everything is more than saturated, and I've had to spend a lot of time outside today. First, I had to take my finish mower in to the repair shop.... and since IH still has my truck, I drove it there using the tractor. Then I got a call from some neighbors who ran out of hay and asked if I had any extra bales to sell them. Yes and no. Yes, I had a little extra, but they could have it, I wasn't going to charge them. I offered to take it over to their place, but they said that they didn't want to inconvenience me, they'd come pick it up. I told them to follow the driveway behind the house to the horse barn, where the bales of hay are. Instead, they drove to the tobacco barn next to the house, which does not have a paved drive, and got hung up in DEEP mud. With their horse trailer behind their 4WD SUV.They had gotten stuck with the front bumper up against a fence, and no place on the trailer to attach a tow strap to. So we hooked the tow strap to the back bumper of the SUV, I pulled the tractor alongside the trailer, put the tractor in low gear and 4WD, and pulled them both far enough back that I could reposition the tractor perpendicular to the SUV. I then connected to it's front end, and pulled it around so I could tow the SUV and trailer through the empty, but flooded, hay barn, and out onto the paved driveway again. THEN we went back to the right barn and filled the trailer with hay for their horses. All of this in an absolute downpour and thunder boomers. I'm wet to the bone, even though I've changed clothes.
04/Apr/14 10:03 AM
qld, australia
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Are the X-Rays and MRI today or tomorrow June? You posted at 2am today.
04/Apr/14 12:27 PM
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Saturday 9.30 Broni. I do hope they find something that can be fixed. Dr. keeps insisting it is not polymyalgia. I just want to get a good nights sleep.
A prawn and chicken dinner at the bowling club tonight. I have just made the seafood sauce.
04/Apr/14 3:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Shoot, I lost a post yesterday, not sure how, but do not see it and I just lost another today, operator error. Today I was just saying that I went to Lowe's for more garden soil and insecticide for the roses, looked for bedding plants but not much available. bought a few coleus for 2 containers, and some begonias for another. Some salvia for the new flower bed out back. Walmart did not have anything that caught my eye either, hope it is just still early.
Terribly tired when I got home and pain highest it has been in a few weeks, not fun. I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day!
Roger, Al's brother is having a stint put in tomorrow. He had the arteriogram today. I hope this fixes him up.
June, I do hope they can find your problem and an easy solution for it. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
Heidi, always fun at your place, the day of the mud today. A pity some folks cannot follow directions. Being soaked to the skin is not good for bursitis, you know. I hope you had a long hot shower to warm the muscles back up again.
Big ole horse fly is buzzing around, not sure how THAT got into my apartment. May have to go down to car for the rose insecticide, do not have any fly killer handy. Huumm, hair spray? Stick his wings together so he cannot fly, then the trusty shoe
. DRATS, stupid thing just bit me!!
Think I will climb under covers so I am not food for it, till I can wage war on it tomorrow. Hugs to each of you with extras.
04/Apr/14 3:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The neighbors were horribly embarrassed about getting hung up. They couldn't believe they'd done something that stupid. I told them that we all do dumb things once in a while. We did have a good laugh. Especially after they said that they hadn't wanted to inconvenience me initially.
Give Roger my best wishes, please, Tricia. I hope this fixes him up, too.
I hope your pain abates quickly. It's never fun. Ever.
04/Apr/14 4:02 PM
qld, australia
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Where is the arteriogram being done MizT and where is the stint being put in?
June, my thoughts are with you and really hope they find the cause of your pain and is treatable.
Vent coming be afraid!!!
Still so angry....... that 50yo female from work who has not only been causing me problems but has been causing issues with the rest of the staff in the company has not been at work for a week. We received a Workcover claim yesterday in the mail claiming she is off for a month due to 'stress at work' Going to fight this one tooth and nail!
04/Apr/14 4:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Wait a minute..... She's causing all the stress in the workplace then blaming it on everybody else? And she's trying to get a paid vacation for a month while putting it on official record that she's the victim? What a b*tch!!! Yes, you NEED to fight this.
04/Apr/14 5:38 PM
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Greetings and Good Night from here.
Sending lots of gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}} , healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts and
for everyone!
04/Apr/14 5:51 PM
qld, australia
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Heidi, was not game to call her a b*tch after you chided me the other week hehe! Any other words I wanted to use would have the hall monitor booting me off the site.
Don't worry, think I have her on the back foot as long as my boss does what I tell her.
04/Apr/14 6:37 PM
qld, australia
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Julie is still busy, now isn't that unusual?
Luv and Jugs
04/Apr/14 6:38 PM
qld, australia
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Guess I broke it :-(
05/Apr/14 8:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry.... Haven't felt talkative since the ordeal in the mud. My hip and back are killing me. IH has offered to take me out to dinner, even!!!!
05/Apr/14 10:00 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Broni, that woman is looking for a big payout!!
A guy who used to work with Col accused several of his fellow workers, including Col and a part-aboriginal guy(!!!), of being racist. He has Indian blood somewhere in his ancestors.
It seems this guy has done this at a couple of other places he's worked at.
This has been ongoing at Col's work for over 2 years now and the case still hasn't been resolved. They all went to court in January, the company's barrister told them that even this guys legal team admitted they had a flimsy case. Workcover are involved as well.
So we all wait for the decision from the court, while everyone's stress levels stay high. It's not nice to be wrongly accused of being a racist.
This guy did not even face them in court, instead staying in one of the small conference rooms while the proceedings were being held. Coward!!
05/Apr/14 10:03 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I should have added that this was the cause of Col's stress attack last year - the one that originally looked like a heart attack. It's not enough that they work him long hours - then he gets to with with a psycho!
05/Apr/14 11:46 AM
qld, australia
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Cyn, worked late yesterday just so I could speak to Workcover about this, fortunately it is up to her to prove that work caused the stress, so we are innocent until proven guilty.
I know, I know if the big boss has sacked her on the spot a couple of weeks ago when she abused and swore at one of our excavators or if my boss had retrenched last week like I had organised we would not have this problem.
Yep as you can probably tell this is screwing with me big time. Just hope I can get them out of this.
05/Apr/14 12:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sometimes, the human race confuses me. You all remember my late friend Helene? She had problems keeping jobs because she accused everyone who disagreed with her, over anything, of being antisemitic. Nothing was ever her fault. Ever. She even accused her next door neighbors of being Nazis!!! She was a hard person to have as a friend. I would have hated working with her.
05/Apr/14 12:39 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have my truck back!!! As we were on our way to the restaurant, IH got a call that his truck was ready. So we drove straight there (only 4 miles away), I dropped him off, and we met up at the restaurant each with our own vehicles. The food was great, by the way.
05/Apr/14 12:43 PM
qld, australia
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She sounds exactly like Helene, Heidi.
Glad you enjoyed your meal and rest from cooking. Have you checked the truck yet?
05/Apr/14 1:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's dark out. I'll have to wait until morning.
05/Apr/14 1:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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Boy this is not fun, just like you said Heidi. I beat down the pain, it lasts a couple of hours and rears it's ugly head again.
IF my insurance has approved it by this coming Thursday AM, I get my epidural. I hope that will relieve some of this reoccuring pain.
Can someone explain what Workcover is? Broni, it sounds like this woman is a piece of work. I hope she is shown up to be just what she is. Thinking of you as you must face this daily. Not fun for any of you.
Heidi, glad you have your truck back once again. Good for Gil taking you out for dinner. Hope your pain is under control soon.
I know I did too much yesterday, and then followed up today with doing laundry. how can something so common as laundry make me hurt? I wish I could hire my laundry done, tried a couple of times, no one wants to work it seems. I know a young lady , high school aged, who just made her school's dance team. It is going to be expensive, way too expensive in my opinion. I shall see if she wants to do laundry for me to help her parents pay for this honor. Wish me luck.
Today I opened my big mouth and I have a job to do because of it. A lady was in the laundry room, using the table to go through some things stored in adjacent storage rooms. One of the things she had found was a quilt, made by EP residents in the 80's. she wanted to take it to the cleaners to have it cleaned and then boxed in a safe way. I was looking at it with her, noticed a small tear in the backing, and told her that needed to be mended before any type cleaning was done. Guess who now has the quilt to do the mending? It was hung for display for some time, and the front is very sun faded. I do hope the sun has not damaged the fabric enough it comes to tatters in the cleaning. I did find thread to match, in my stash of threads. Al would buy me these small spools of thread, 100 different colors, just enough on each spool to do a repair job. They have come in handy over the years.
OK, meds are beginning to work once again, I am thankful for the hours they do help. Hands are objecting to typing, my rear is complaining I have sat too long. It is time to stop for now and go to bed. How I hope this is not another yo-yo night
Everyone keep safe and hope you are all enjoying your day or night to the fullest. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
05/Apr/14 2:38 PM
qld, australia
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MizT, Workcover is an insurance the employer pays to cover an employee who injures themselves whilst at work, this covers their average pay while they are unable work. The more claims you have in a year the higher the premium the next year.
05/Apr/14 3:16 PM
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Broni, I understand your angst. Lets hope she gets her just desserts!
I had the MRI. Keeping still for 20 minutes was agony. That is when my shoulders hurt the most. My Doc should get the results on Monday.
I have posted more photos of Kathy and Jane on my page.
Tomorrow my son and family will be in Sydney for the day and we can see them in a local park.
There are other people in this world besides Helene and Broni's work mate who cause other people untold stress!
05/Apr/14 4:53 PM
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Here's hoping all of you are feeling well and happy! Sending positive thoughts,healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for all of you!
05/Apr/14 4:55 PM
qld, australia
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June, keeping my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross for a positive outcome for a treatable result for you.
Totally understand people causing untold stress, even though I do not know the details. Had to remove some stressful people from my life recently, hope you can do the same.
05/Apr/14 8:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The bursitis seems to be getting better. I'm resting as much as possible, even neglecting some work. It's helping.
06/Apr/14 5:18 AM
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