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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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'Only two things are infinate: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former.'
~ Albert Einstein.
25/Mar/14 8:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Like your TOPP, Heidi, agree totally. I am glad you had a slow day today. I think you have mentioned more of those this epidural time than usual, I hope the rest is going to make this one last longer.
going to bed with a movie tonight?
Broni, I need to go see your photo also. I might have seen it if on FB, might not. FB chooses what it will let me see. Sometimes I do not agree with it's choices. I hope everything is going well in the planning of the Sudoku gathering at your house. It sounds fun.
Nola, now that you have a bit more time for the internet, I think an upgrade is in order. Enjoy your new plan. I think like Broni, you are traveling, just stop in a grocery and buy already made salad. Lots easier and perhaps safer too, than doing up something makeshift in motel room!
June, your Lamb Curry sounds good, I am sure JandK would enjoy it. I hope the weather is just what you want it to be for their visit and both you and Ken are well enough for driving. Back over a year ago, when my friends came up from Oz, one day while we were on the lake, I was not well enough to drive them around. They wanted to pick up some groceries and some wine. I gave them my car keys, and Fran drove. Grahame was co pilot, reminding her to stay on the wrong side of the road. small country town, roads infrequently driven, they did just fine and they still talk about their experience driving in Alabama.
Cyn, so happy that you ike my kind of photos, would not want to make it a chore, getting them just for me. something about a sunset over water that is very photographable.
The MRI went well, I was highly medicated, and once I got settled lying on my back, not too bad. No claustrophobia, my head was not inside the machine, I only went through head first at end, and feet first to exit. Of course I got ear plugs to keep out the noise. I was OK till my morning meds wore off, about 6 hours later, then felt like I had been hit by a wagon load of bricks.
Our bus driver, Elmo was appoligizing for forgetting his gardening tools again today. He had volunteered to remove the gravel left in my newest flower bed by the city, at the time of paving the alley. Because Marla and I had unloaded the topsoil yesterday, it ws easy for me to slice them open and he spread them over the area. A bit more sticks than I would like, but adding a bit of nitrogen should compensate for what the breakdown of the sticks will remove from the soil.
Another cold night tonight, but not below freezing. that is tomorrow night, and I was all ready to cover plants tonight!
Just had a nice dinner, and getting very sleepy. I know it is only 7 pm, and not completely dark, but I am headed for bead. I did not sleep much last night, up and down all night, maybe slept 4 hours if I am lucky. what do I expect after sleeping all day Sunday. good night all, catch you again soon. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/Mar/14 11:01 AM
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Morning everyone.
K & J plane is due in Brisbane at any tick of the clock.
(been conversing with CynB this morn)
Finally, some (read not much) moisture from the skies here in Perth ( no rain for almost 100days)
but all it has done is made the place realllly mugg/humid!! Twas very uncomfortable sleeping weather overnight.
( there is a cyclone up the NW Coast, which produces this sort of weather down here in the Big Smoke).
What would be noice, is a BIG downpour!!!!
25/Mar/14 12:57 PM
Alabama, USA
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I forgot something in the above post. A bit nonsense without it.
Our bus driver, Elmo was appoligizing for forgetting his gardening tools again today. He had volunteered to remove the gravel left in my newest flower bed by the city, at the time of paving the alley. I LET HIM USE MY TOOLS, he got area cleared of gravel today.
I slept a couple of hours and up again. do not want another yo-yo kind of night, please and thanks.
25/Mar/14 2:24 PM
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We won our bowls again today. I am pleased we are not drug tested as I was full of pain killers!
We have a bye on Thursday and I will not play next Tuesday as K & J will still be here. We play twice a week till Easter in this competition.
I got the new mirror for the bathroom today. Just have to get Ken to help me put it onto the cupboard. Not quite what I wanted but looks much better than one with two cracks across the bottom.
Took lots of books and some clothes down to the OP shop so that was another job done!
Now I must get the saw out and cut two slats for the garden seat and give them a couple of coats of paint.
25/Mar/14 3:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, your house and garden will be looking great. Is it time to have second party, while all looking it's best?
So far I am having that up and down kind of night, second time awake, but some good sleep in my recliner between first and second time up. Getting sleepy once again, so another 'good night' to ya'll.
25/Mar/14 5:59 PM
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That sounds like the kind of nights I am having Tricia.
My house is anything but tidy. I have got some gardening done but there are a lot of weeds that will be there for some time. I id ring a gardener the other night but he has not got back to me yet.
I still have to put away my sewing machines and lots of sewing bits and pieces as I need that desk to put out the food on Sunday. I have put away a lot of the tools I was using. Like the circular say, sander electric drill (Things I probably should not have used with my sore shoulders!) Have to give the timber I cut and drilled today another coat of paint and then fix up the bench seat in the back yard. There is also some bits in the bedrooms I will be using that have to find homes somewhere else.
The computer room is absolutely full of junk and papers and my large laundry has enough rubbish that needs sorting to fill one weeks garbage bin.
Hubby does not have to be at the hospital till midday so I will get some jobs done in the morning. What does not get done before Saturday will get the usual treatment. Dumped in a box to be sorted later. I have too many of those boxes mounting up!!!!!
25/Mar/14 10:00 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I woke up this morning to a world covered in white!!! And more is falling from the sky, still!!! The weather guessers said that this was going to go to the north of us, and miss us entirely! Were they wrong. This is the Winter That Wouldn't Go Away! It's supposed to be Spring, tho'.
25/Mar/14 11:26 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good Tuesday Morning here...hope all is well where you may be no matter the day. Heidi...we too are expecting snow...only because I've just taken Jazz to be groomed for his Spring look.sigh...he had another seizure yesterday so am hoping he's alright getting bathed...I did put them on notice and he seemed just fine. June, you made me smile talking about the dope testing...I know its been said a lot that we older folk could break the machines with all of the drugs we need to use just to keep going at a decent rate...I suppose that might be true looking at my pharmacy bills...outrageous...I do wish we could reign in the cost of these drugs...but there is just too much money for those who are making the fast buck to let go.From the sounds of things around your house, once you get everything back in place, you will be ready to enjoy your guest. It may be enough rest from bowls to ease the pain in the shoulder. I know the ladies will enjoy your garden with all of the birds and other visitors you might have...the weeds will not be noticed...or if they are...both J and K like garden work and just may enjoy digging in and pulling them way,no matter what is done or all will have a great visit.
MizT...How is your garden growing? I do hope this cold snap didn't catch your new plants uncovered since the weather guessers may have been wrong about your temps too. Heidi is right...this has been a Winter that just doesn't want to go away. Its cold here...25 degrees at 9 a.m. with sun shining brightly...but it's not expected to go much above freezing today...sorry to say...hope I heard that part wrong. However by the weekend the temps will be more normal for this time of year..50-60 range...boy am I looking forward to those temps over a long period of time...with perhaps a few 70's thrown in...priceless! I do hope the dry areas get needed helpfully replenishing rains and wet areas have time to absorb the moisture, and temps moderate to a comfortable level for all. If I could, I would make it happen...but since I'm not I send my wishes. Have a great day, hugs,jugs and good nana naps for those who want and thoughts for better days ahead. Peace.♥
26/Mar/14 1:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IT'S A BLIZZARD OUT THERE!!!!!! I'm getting tired of this. Really, I am.
26/Mar/14 3:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, if you have wind anything like ours, it is indeed a blizzard. No snow here, but ground in the patio garden is covered in white! The huge pear tree dropped all it's blossoms. another fruit tree is in bloom,not sure which, may be a cherry . I have covered the ferns already, that wind was whipping them something fierce. Brought in 3 containers of spring flowers, and gave my hoodie to a neighbor who was waiting on her bus transport, and no time to get back to room for heavier clothing, when she found out how cold the wind was outside! Picked up about haof a dozed new to me books, at a book fair one lady put on for us. Their church collected them and brought to us, very nice.
Did I say all in all, I slept from 7 pm till 9:30 this morning? I think the increase in one of my meds is putting me to sleep. I made myself get up once the phone woke me, got outside a while and took care of flowers. But I got cold, even with my hoodie, and cannot get warm now, so I am thinking nice warm bed now that my tummy is full and happy.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Mar/14 6:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The snow has stopped, but it's still cold. At least the snow stopped in time for the latest little bull calf to be born a little while ago. I just finished tagging him. Now I need to feed hay to all the cows. We still have one barn full, so we're OK.
26/Mar/14 7:59 AM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
J and K are safe and sound, still sleeping even with Bella clod hopping around the house. Had a lovely dinner of local caught mud crab and fish that my friend caught and cooked for them last night.
We are off to Australia Zoo today, just hope the rain holds off.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
26/Mar/14 8:03 AM
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or comment. Hope all of you are well!
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
26/Mar/14 4:38 PM
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Hubby had his operation. They blasted 70% of the stone in almost 2 hours. Longer and more than expected. May now only need two more visits. I thought I would go to nearby shopping centre, have some lunch and do a bit of shopping. Expected about 5 hours but took 8. Went to a nieces to wait the last couple of hours. Hubby is a bit doppy and I am very tired. I had not taken any pain killers with me and driving home was very hard on my arms.
26/Mar/14 10:07 PM
Mamacita 2
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What a long, tiring day June...but so glad that it was productive and that Ken is okay even though dopey...sometimes that can be a good state to be in. Good to know they were able to blast away at so much and that the next time won't be as long or difficult.
We have escaped the worst of the latest snow storm and simply have snow covered grassy areas to deal with this morning, along with the cold and windy temps..but should rebound in a few days to more normal like spring weather. Looking forward to that. Grooming for Jazz went well since the weather held off and he's quite proud of his handsome self today...smiles. Going to have the final eye checkup today, and then I can just see them yearly...yay...finally getting to the point where I'm not living just to see perhaps with improving health, I can get things in gear and keep them there for awhile.Still a few issues around the gallbladder mess to be cleared up over time...but am once again doing well. Life is much better. Broni, Rolanda, Nola, June and Cynb hope the time spent with J and K has been and will continue to be fun for all. Hugs all around and my hat is certainly off to all of you Aussies in your over the top wonderful welcome of the ladies...we now know just what kind of welcome would be in store for us if we are lucky enough to get there. I do hope however that some of the topsiders will get the chance to see if we are nearly as able to show off our country with the same love, style and fun...I think we are so start saving your pennies so that we can roll out our red carpet. I know we can do a lot. Meanwhile, take care of each other with an extra dose of love and affection for ourselves...just cause we're worth it...Peace.
26/Mar/14 11:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm glad that everything is going better than expected with Ken, June. If they got 70% of it already, do they think they can get the other 30% on the second visit? I believe in keeping to a minimum the number of times a person is put under anesthesia. Sorry that driving home was so hard. Next time you'll remember the pain killers, I guess.
27/Mar/14 12:03 AM
Stevenage UK
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Pleased to hear Ken is through the first part of getting rid of the stone. Hope he feel a bit better after he comes out of the dopey stage. It's a pity you didn't think to take pain killers with you June, but hindsight is a great thing. I would have probably left them at home too. Hope you do not have too much discomfort after your drive.
27/Mar/14 3:53 AM
Stevenage UK
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We have had a fall of snow today, the first and I hope the last for this winter and spring. It didn't last very long and didn't lie.
27/Mar/14 3:55 AM
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I've had two sleeps of nearly 3 hours last night. Better than I have been having. I think I may have to go back and convince my Doc that everything I read says the blood tests for the polymyalgia are not always accurate. I need my sleep. Off to have my first breakfast so I can take some medication..........with food!
Mamacita, hope they get the last of your problems sorted and you get to feel 40 again!
27/Mar/14 5:57 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi All.
June, sorry that you are still having sleep and pain problems. Glad to hear that Ken is doing ok after his op.Hope you can get things better after seeing the Dr again.
Brenda, I was surprised that you have only just received some snow. The US must have got yours.
Wish it would ease up for them as it has caused so many problems.
Mama, yeh for your health improvement.Take care and keep your lovely posts coming.
Heidi, finally, you got another lovely Bull calf.
Pity the snow is still tormenting you and your back at times also.
MizT, wonderful idea to lend your tools to Elmo and get at least 1 job done. It really sounds like you are having fun Too. Good luck as you try to help the male resident with some company. I haven't any suggestions but you already have a few good ones lined up.
27/Mar/14 7:33 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Grandson Ben, celebrated his 12th B/day yesterday at Sizzler.(his choice) The same day, a Great Nephew was born In Newcastle NSW. Too far away for us to visit, but have seen pix.All doing well.
The entire east coast of Australia are getting RAIN.
Such a shame for K & J, but really appreciated after a very hot dry summer.
Greg and I will leave early for Bronis incase we have to stop if the rain gets too heavy to see properly. Thanks Broni, for the offer of a bought salad. See you tomorrow.
27/Mar/14 7:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I thought it was very nice of J and K to bring some needed rain to the east coast.
I hope everybody has a great time at Broni's.
27/Mar/14 8:56 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all - a lovely day was had by all at Australia Zoo. I must admit that I had never been there because of silly personal bias but I was so impressed with it. The Irwin family has indeed carried on Steve's legacy. It is certainly a commercial enterprise but the big message is conservation and preservation of endangered species. It's as interactive as possible and K&J got have their photos taken holding koalas - and petting kangaroos. We saw the croc show and the tiger show. Got to touch an alligator, albeit a baby one.
Great place - anyone who comes here to Brisbane, I'm happy to take you there!!
27/Mar/14 9:24 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Weather worse today, we are still hoping to get to the Gold Coast and the top of the Q1 building this afternoon after Broni has finished work.
June - I hope your pain eases by the weekend and that Ken is feeling better.
27/Mar/14 9:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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A re-post from FB, for those who do not go there or see everything I put up there.
my pain is doing MUCH better. The mistep/back/leg thing is gone. Been getting lots of sleep, I think because of the gabapentin making me sleepy. REALLY full busy day today, and I did not have to come home and to bed! I did more today than I could in a WEEK a month ago. Up at 8, out of the apartment by 10 uncovering everything I had covered for our cold, went to borrow my rolinator walker for the day (I had loaned it to friend Myra weeks ago) to go out and shop farmers market for plants, my new friend Marla driving my van. From there to Niki's West for lunch, then go get tires checked and aired up. We had to pay $5 at a tire store cause there are NO full service gas stations anymore that we could find. Good thing we did that, front tires were 10 pounds low! I must get a tire gauge and get someone to check them more often! then we went to Aldi's, and home. I had less than an hour before my scrabble game, played from 3 to 5:30 and only feel sore, instead of pain, tonight. Margially amazing.
27/Mar/14 1:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Wonderful to hear, MizT!!!!
27/Mar/14 4:29 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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At the last minute, I cannot find Broni's address, Please send me via private message again, anyone who knows eg.
Cyn Broni Grasshopper.
Just wanted to put the info into the GPS and suddenly cannot find it.
It is still really pouring with rain here. The grass has miraculously gone from crispy to green.
27/Mar/14 5:26 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Cyn...We had an absolute ball at Australia Zoo when we went.....because of rain. Tour bus's were cancelled and staff were available in case the weather improved.
BIL got pix with Terri and we had So much interaction with staff, needing to keep busy and they gave us 1-1 interaction with the animals.
It had a very poor attendance which we benefited from.
27/Mar/14 5:34 PM
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Greetings to all! Busy time of year trying to get taxes done, so it might be difficult to find time to drop by! Thinking of everyone and sending lots of
and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
27/Mar/14 6:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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JUNE, If you do not mind sharing,what did they do for Ken? The procedure with sound waves through water? Lipotripsy I think is the namethe name??? Or was it with the catch and crush method, with a basket snare on end of a scope inserted through the natural opening in the Urinary tract? It would capture then rush a stone. Neither sound like fun. Just wondering what methods available, now. I know you are tired, and hubby also. Rest up, dear friend, both of you deserve it. What they said on the pain relievers, hope you are much improved now that you have access to them.
Mama, I can just see your sweet pup prancing around showing off his new look. I have seen other dogs do that, it is as if they know, are very aware of their improved condition, somehow. happy for you only snow on grassy areas, hope spring returns for you.
Did I say this before? Or just tell this to a friend? Pardon if a repeat, please. We had white grassy areas yesterday when I went outside. So pretty I had to take a photo. Snow? Nope, the pear tree lost all it's blossoms all at once, covering the patio garden in white!
Mama, Last year I was able to show a small part of Alabama to my Aussie friends, not from the SA group, but from my quilting board. There is a lot to see, and I got to see some things I had not seen before. I enjoyed that as much as I imagine the Aussies are enjoying showing their little corner of the world. It can be such fun!
I am up for intermission, was sleeping so nicely in my recliner till had that call to the littlest room.
June, do you think you do have polymyalgia and had a false negative? Or what? I did not understand your comment about convince the doc, brain not operating full capacity this time of morning. Wishing you good sleep, to get more than two 3 hour sleeps.
I read the rest of the posts, good to see Nola and Brenda post. Forgot most what I read, the problem is me, not the posts, I promise.
CynB, glad you got to the xoo and seem to have changed your mind about it. Sometimes it takes seeing for yourself. It sounds like a fun place, even if a bit commercial. I hope you get to see some other sites between rain showers. I will NOT wish you sunny dry weather, know how much you need rain. Nola, good idea to allow extra time to get to the gathering with the rain. I understand your rains can be what we call frog stranglers, lots all at once.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Mar/14 6:23 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH DEAR, Nola, I do hope you get the address in time to leave as early s you wnted! sometimes we more mature individuals will loose something important like that. I really hate when that happens, as I know you do too. I know you are younger than many of us, but still, the mileage adds up at times hehehe.
27/Mar/14 6:33 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Just lost a long post. I wont go into the saga again about Sonny the dog, catching a waterlogged baby bird, it dying from probably fright and him chasing toads and frogs which have come out in their droves after this sudden wet spell.
The rain has been so grateful after a hot dry summer.
The complete opposite here, to what you have been experiencing.
Hope someone gets back to me before tomorrow morning with the address.
Take care everyone.
27/Mar/14 6:49 PM
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MizT, for ken they went up through the natural opening and the stone was treated with a lazar. Richard (Doc)used the lazar for 1 hour 50 minutes which is much longer than normal(it was going to be about 50 minutes). They have put in a stint between the kidney and the bladder. They were able to break up 70% of the stone so he will now probably only have two more visits. It does mean that he has to make frequent and hurried trips to the bathroom. It will be interesting tomorrow when we have to go to the city by train for an appointment. Protection will be necessary.
27/Mar/14 7:21 PM
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The operation can be done by coming in through the side but being such a big stone and if they had hit a vein there was a problem that they could damage the kidney.
27/Mar/14 7:22 PM
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I haven't read, hopefully I'll get on my laptop tomorrow.
I've downloaded a bunch of free books to fill in time while waiting for work and have discovered a major ( for me) problem with digital books, even the ones I've paid for. They seem to bypass editors so you get 'bored of', 'James and me' my friend that' and also people waving things around that 2 paragraphs before had been zipped into a bag... The story lines are okay, but... I'm a pedant I guess.
27/Mar/14 8:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Dragging along.... I hate sinus infections.
28/Mar/14 8:41 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Nola, I just sent you Broni's address in case no-one else had. Hope you've got it one way or another.
Yesterday was a complete and literal washout - it bucketed down all day. Broni came home from work not feeling well. We decided that going up to the top of a building in poor visibility was futile, so K&J and Col and I still drove to the Gold Coast in driving rain and heavy traffic. We had dinner in a revolving restaurant on the 26th floor of a hotel there. Fortunately the buffet dinner was excellent - but the view - there was none! We could just make out the ocean in the first few minutes then as it got darker, even the bright lights of the city were barely visible.
Fortunately the ladies enjoyed themselves and laughed about the weather!
Not much improved this morning, still grey and drizzly but not heavy. Unless there is a major improvement we will not be doing anything until the gathering tonight.
I'm hoping Broni feels okay this morning. She seemed to think she would. Will check soon.
28/Mar/14 9:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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THAT was exciting!!! I was just out tagging another bull calf, and Sandy (one of the Collies: Angel's daughter) decided to join me. Just as I was reaching out my hand to get hold of the calf, she appeared out of nowhere at my side, and a normally placid cow went ballistic! I had to get away fast, and try to convince Sandy to do the same. Once Sandy got distracted by an afterbirth about 50 meters away, I was able to check and tag the calf. What concerns me is that she found her own way out of the calving pasture and back into the yard. If she can do that, she can go back out there at will.
28/Mar/14 10:53 AM
Mamacita 2
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Heidi...Sorry about the sinus infection grabbing you around...been there and it's not the place to be...but it seems your place by your normally placid cow wasn't the place to be either...glad all ended well...except perhaps the new gained knowledge that the dog can get into the calving pasture at will,,,,,but I know some changes will take place soon.
Tricia...seems we both have gained renewed knowledge about feeling good...glad to find that it can still happen and do hope the feeling will spread to others and last all of us for a long long go girl...keep being pedant...someone needs to uphold our prior academic standing...long time since I heard a sentence that wasn't being pretentious using that word correctly. I too have found that the free or cheap copies of books have not been properly edited...but since I've spent so much time on FB and seeing my own typos in print for austerity...I've become more forgiving and since the price is right I deal with it quite easily...and enjoy knowing why the books are offered so cheaply. Nola, hoping you got Cyn's message in a timely fashion and are able to make the meet-up...sorry the rain has thrown you a curb in the ability to do what you planned, but it does give the ladies a chance to relax in good company and recharge their its said...into each life some rain must fall...and we know how much you guys needed the enjoy! be careful as you drive thought...roads can become inundated quickly and we need you to be safe. have had a chance to enjoy showing off Alabama to the Aussies..I look forward to showing a bit of Pennsylvania to everyone...Topsiders who may come this way as well as any from outside of our country who may wish to see one of the 13 original states of the USA and the Cradle of Liberty and to be able to enjoy the same pleasure you did. Loved hearing about them driving in Alabama...they had moxy...don't know how many would have that courage, but it added to their adventure and that was good....Have a great day/night where you hang your hats...Peace.
28/Mar/14 12:34 PM
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