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Melbourne Vic AU
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Gail...he isn't being lazy!!!
He's been busy approving 9 smilies for me and 2 avatars!!!!
Waiting to get three back....should I give him a break tomorrow???
10/Aug/08 4:25 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Wow...without even trying!!
10/Aug/08 4:26 PM
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Only 9 Bean? I lost count of how many I submitted lol
Have my tiara now so just added that to the list. lol
10/Aug/08 4:34 PM
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gail are you part of the menu planning for cynb's party? if so i would love to come!! my husband has been out of town since the 1st of june so i don't put forth much effort in the kitchen besides cleaning. i would enjoy some great cooking! the kids seem to like it all equally well, gormet or kraft- so i won't invite them. my 6 year old son said "mom, i want something to eat.. something NOT healthy."
so anyway, if i come i will clean up. that is something i am really good (obsessive) at.
10/Aug/08 4:44 PM
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ok, since i seem to have the stage to myself i am going take advantage of it!!
i want to talk about the trill of the smily business. i find it a pain to alway be searching for the right one. and it is soooo slow! however, a picture is worth a thousand words so maybe it is worth the effort.
10/Aug/08 4:51 PM
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now since this seems to be the place to organize ones thought about the obligations of their day, i will join in.
besides watching the olympics i clean and do laundry all day. i also taxi kids to tennis, piano, track practice, ballet, scouts, church stuff, friends, basketball, and swimming. the 6 mo. old dog also requires me to untrain him of all the bad habits the kids teach him. and, like all of you i too do lots of shopping. i have school shopping for 5 children to get done. i hate to shop and am not looking forward to it.
10/Aug/08 4:57 PM
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you thoght i was done. didn't you? sorry. we are also in the process of building a house. when i say "we are building a house" i mean it very literally. every inch of cement and every nail has been driven by mostly my super macho, husband or by yours truly. i will have to post a pic of it on my page. my main job is to do the picking out of important stuff like fixtures and flooring etc. i am very indecisive and i get very stressed about possibly choosing the wrong kind of tub or somthing. the next big project for "the house" is installing the plumbing and laying the fake, slate roof tiles. this will happen as soon as bret (the macho husband) returns from his extended business trip sometime in october. aside from the house not getting done in his absence- i really, really, miss him!! and now, as you might have guessed, i am exhausted. thanks for letting me organize my responsibilities on your shoulders and off the the couch i go. an other story for tomorrow perhaps. good night!
10/Aug/08 5:11 PM
Qld, Australia
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Thanks Gail, my brain is still in neutral, we will calling you the 'puter guru next!
Mariana want to come over to my place could do with a good clean. PS can I eat with your 6yo?
10/Aug/08 5:11 PM
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Wow mariana! No wonder picking smilies makes you feel impatient - every second is precious!!! How many kids doing all those activities?? I have 2 so I only have singing, choir, netball, gymnastics, ten pin bowling and baseball. Oh, and dealing with the school when the bullies attack!!!!
We could do with a new roof, think you could pop over and fit that in before hubby gets back and you get back to working on yours???
10/Aug/08 6:09 PM
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MizT - it's Ee-bob. It's not her real name, it's her 'I'm at high school and no one can be called their real name at high school' name. She did tell me where it came from, but I've forgotten... I think she had extra motivation to come up with it because Aussies just can't seem to pronounce her name correctly, even after watching China Beach and X-Files....
10/Aug/08 6:13 PM
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Rolanda - think I'll hop into the car from Harry Potter and fly over to Gails and meet you there....
Vici - your lounge looks very relaxing!
Rena - have a wonderful time with your niece!!
10/Aug/08 6:14 PM
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Gail - snow!!!! Even if it doesn't hit the ground it's still blasted cold!!!!
Bean - Ally insists her eye is a lot better now, mostly because I said she had to stay home! She didn't need pain killers today so it must be a little better, but it isn't looking better!
10/Aug/08 6:16 PM
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Boy, it's so busy in here at the moment that I have to do a CP just to say what I want to say about everyone's posts!!!!
Just as we were walking out the door this morning a text message came through cancelling baseball training. I was REALLY disappointed....
Ebob and I delivered the pamphlets instead. I felt it in my legs so I think it might be an exercise success! Very very glad I wasn't trying to do it in Cockatoo with those temps!
10/Aug/08 6:21 PM
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Broni! I missed Broni! Sorry, have to do a CP+1... Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend catching up with yourself and sleeping lots and lots.
10/Aug/08 6:27 PM
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Bean : I know what you mean about the smilies, I go thru all the rigmarole of finding what I think is a good one only to find I have to shrink it, or it is a Gif and not a jpg. Nevermind keep persevering, there are some grat ones out there.
Marianna How do you find the time for all these posts ?
10/Aug/08 7:45 PM
Sth Gippsland
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Hmmm looks as if I've missed all the fun since there's been no posts for four hours, but at least I know why I'm cold unless I sit on top of
and practice my ROFL's
10/Aug/08 8:18 PM
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Maen All! (Monday for DUGS - sorry
...Sunday for
- siders - Yippee!)
10/Aug/08 10:29 PM
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Rolled off my fab chaise (thanks MzT and thanks for the compliments gang) and donned my swimming goggles! Off soon to drive half the day to my bro's. Will check in from there. I'm already pretty exhausted just reading about Mariana's days!
10/Aug/08 10:31 PM
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CynB - glad the festivities will start a bit later...did the math (so I could be completely off!) and figured I need to be ready to join in at about 2 pm (PDT) on 8/14. I have a hair trim just before that, so the timing is perfect! I think we'll all look so grand!
10/Aug/08 10:33 PM
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grabbed a cuppa since I don't see our coffee queen, Tricia, yet.
I'm not fond of shopping (except food!) but have been having a blast shopping for the party. Must be because I can have anything I want without spending a dime!!! (only time!
10/Aug/08 10:35 PM
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Suzy - thanks for the eeeebob explain...was curious, too.
Broni - what's your plan this week? Still taking it slow I hope.
Gail & Bean - GMTA...glad we're all in pink...maybe we could perform a Mama Mia number for CynB - of course, Rola would HAVE to join us!
10/Aug/08 10:39 PM
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Hiya Viv, Dino (great smilies!), Rena (I'm so excited for you and Amber!), Jonjo, and Heidi (sounds like the horse show was a hoot!)
10/Aug/08 10:42 PM
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Viv - great pictures!!! You have such a great outdoor area for parties. Do you get to keep Ethan's project? Looks like you could use it with all your fabulous baking!!!
10/Aug/08 10:47 PM
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Viv - ...and that PHONE! ohmygod!
10/Aug/08 10:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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I forgot to come make coffee! so here I am, and coffee is on, now off to read everything I have missed! I see Vici has a new avatar, cute kitty hehe
11/Aug/08 1:05 AM
Alabama, USA
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LOVE the green Bean, nice avatar there girl hehehe,
Now was i supposed to make you a name and did not get a round to-it? I have not been remembering stuff lately, so if I forgot anything else, everyone please let me know !
11/Aug/08 1:08 AM
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great timing, Tricia! I'll take a second cup while I get to the puzzles...then I'm in the car and off to my brother's.
11/Aug/08 1:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I know about the high school nick names. daughter Tanya became TAY, becaue sspanky and the gag was popular with the kids then. someone on there was always saying O-TAY for OK, and Tanya could mimic it very well. It has stuck all these years. Thanks for letting me know how to say it, I guesses correctly.
11/Aug/08 3:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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VICI, just for you, I followed my kitties around with the camera this morning. I had some wonderful shots framed nicely and the camera would take that moment to malfunction! Hubby says it needs batteries. I took them out, cleaned contacts and put them back in a different order and i think I got a few shots.
11/Aug/08 3:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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JONJO, a really good graphic that is a GIF file can be converted. Click on the graphic with the RIGHT button, the one on your mouse you do not use and maybe even wonder what it is for. You should see a SAVE AS or Save Picture AS option. Click on that. Now there should be a drop down box, and amougst the options you will see JPEG. click that and you have a graphic in the correct format. You can then take that to to either make an avatar or a smilie sized graphic. Even the antimated ones will stop motion and become a JPG or JPEG, same thing.
Clear as mud, hey? Do not try to think about it, just do it, and it will work, promise.
11/Aug/08 3:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hi Everybody!
Tho' my 'pooter is different, and I do not even have right and left click buttons, I find that automatically changes all graphics to the jpg format. I don't have to worry about the format of the original graphic. In other words, it's MAGIC!
Then, of course, there are times like now when the site here claims that I have no smilies of my own, so I need to go over to "manage smilies" right now. Toodles.
11/Aug/08 4:16 AM
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my computer is in the kitchen so i have easy accees. i also tend to post at night when i get a hour or so of me time.
suzy here it goes, 1 in ballet, piano, track and guitar, 3 in tennis, 2 in scouts, basketball, and swimming. it helps that the kids can bike to alot of these activities. i get most busy during game, meet and match seasons. i just have to go watch.
11/Aug/08 4:19 AM
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broni, i usually suggest an apple or a carrot so that is why he wanted something not healthy. silly boy.
11/Aug/08 4:21 AM
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also, to save time i don't use capitol letters. but, for the record i DO know where they should go! i also refuse to go back and point out my mispellings. there are a few but i'm sure you all can see past them. right? got house pics up on my page should you care to take a look at my pic gallery.
11/Aug/08 4:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Great Weekend... just lazing about. I am going to have a chaotic 2 weeks coming up... I'll be showing at the KY State Fair, which starts on Thursday. Just 1 chicken and 2 fish.
But I'll have to go there (1 hr. drive each way) every day to feed my critters.
Please wish me luck?
11/Aug/08 6:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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GOOD LUCK Heidi, on your critters you are entering. a saft trip on all the driving to feed and care for them while there. I hope you win blue ribbons for all entries. All that driiving will take a chunk out of your day for sure.
11/Aug/08 6:25 AM
Alabama, USA
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I have not found my curise wear, or my tiera and boa. I looked, could not make up my mind, did not save any of the sites, I hate to shop, ever cyber shopping. I have an old stretched out bathing suit (bathers, cossie?) here somewhere and several pair of capris and T's, I do have my straw hats, to Keep out of the sun. I am hoping there is no need for sunscreen and long sleves on a cyber cruise!
11/Aug/08 6:29 AM
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Morning every one!
Wow! First time in a while I haven't come in to three pages of comments in the morning... Everyone must have been getting ready for the week last night.
11/Aug/08 7:11 AM
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Heidi - good luck! Baseball is over an hour from here so I can empathise about your dread..
MizT - cyber hats feel like you're not wearing them and make you feel very glam.
Mariana - you have one who is very different to the others based on her/his choice of activities. I too don't bother correcting most typos (unless I've accidentally been rude) as I mostly don't notice them in other people's until they correct themselves. Think it's that first and last letter thing..
11/Aug/08 7:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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When I make typos, and we all know that is not often, I am so far from the word I have to correct them! Being Dyslexic, I can type the correct finger, different hand which makes for some doosies of typos. It would take me longer to leave out the capitals than to put them in, typed for so long. Same goes through for all the new fangled short cuts, i can type in four before I can rthink about reaching for a number key hehe, I guess it is all what you get used to.
suzy, I do not mind the hat, it is the long sleeves and that yucky sun screen that is a bother. I put on my new lime green straw hat just to go to th email box yesterday, cause i had on the lime green shirt hehehe. If you have it, gotta wear it!
11/Aug/08 7:29 AM
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