Sudokuaholics Anonymous 5

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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CP and Topps too?
07/Sep/08 8:28 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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WOW!!! 1100, CP and a topp.... now I'm outta here!!! Thanks for the opening all...
07/Sep/08 8:29 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Well run, Mama. Didn't even have to use the elbows.
07/Sep/08 8:42 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Fed the calves and the pigs, now have to do nah! you don't want to know.
07/Sep/08 8:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back in from doing the feeding chores, and have started supper. Now I can play on the Pooter for a little bit.
Raleigh (the Post Office kitten) is settling in nicely. He's still scared of the turkeys and chickens, but he'll get confidence as he grows. The other cats are starting to accept him, so that's a major step. I hate cat fights.
07/Sep/08 10:32 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Hi Heidi, How many cows are pregnant.
07/Sep/08 10:38 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Do you use AI, bull or both?
07/Sep/08 10:39 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Well It seems I'm here alone again.
07/Sep/08 10:40 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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So I'm going to go for it. 1111
07/Sep/08 10:41 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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no! 11111
07/Sep/08 10:42 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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07/Sep/08 10:42 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Duh! a blonde moment.
07/Sep/08 10:44 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Well here come the men in white. Everyone knows it now I'm a twit.
07/Sep/08 10:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All but 2 are pregnant, that I know of. Two others haven't been checked. Idiot husband let one escape, and turned the other out before she could be checked. I haven't done a head count lately, but that should be about 40+ calves.

I use a bull, only. I have a fantastic registered Red Angus bull that I bought a year and a half ago at the Kentucky Beef Expo. He's from Iowa. He's as good as and AI bull I've seen. He ended up going as the highest selling Red Angus bull in the history of the Beef Expo, he's so good. A bull is half your herd, so there's no excuse not getting the best you can afford. I've tried AI, and had only 1 calf out of 10 attempts.
07/Sep/08 10:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Here... you can use my strait-jacket.
07/Sep/08 10:51 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Let me get this straight. You bought the bull for a record price or did you sell him for a record price?
07/Sep/08 10:56 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Thanks for the jacket but the arms are to long.
07/Sep/08 10:57 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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As a child I grow up on a dairy farm, when I married, hubby was the manager of a beef/sheep property. The cattle where the black angus, hereford and they cross.There also where a dozen horses and dogs as well as a few sows and boar. Grow out the pigs as pork and cured our own bacon.
07/Sep/08 11:06 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Where's that jacket. Talking to me, myself and I AGAIN.
07/Sep/08 11:08 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Gone but not forgotten.
07/Sep/08 11:10 AM
   mariana  From utah
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hello ladies! even though you all leave when i come for a visit!!
mammacita, i am really praying my heart out for your angelique and her daughter. please let us know what the prognosis is when they get it.
07/Sep/08 11:30 AM
   mariana  From utah
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mizt, you have a big week this week! surgery and 1/4 of the years cake allowance! i'll be sending very positive thoughts your way on tues! and i hope you are feeling well enough share a very happy birthday with mr. mizt.
07/Sep/08 11:35 AM
   mariana  From utah
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broni, visited your page. wow he was way too young! how wonderful though to be included in his families celebration. you must have been very close. in my husbands family we celebrate a passing life with incredible fireworks. when my mil passed, we shot off 400.00 dollars worth of illegal fireworks. the neighbors thought we were crazy, but it was the perfect way to send off an amazing lady. she would have been proud!
07/Sep/08 11:40 AM
   mariana  From utah
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of course i'm jealous vici! i want you to be building that wall in MY yard!
07/Sep/08 11:43 AM
   mariana  From utah
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rena- the house to yourself and you choose to clean!? you can do that when everyone is home. instead you should read a bood and have a snack. how often do you get to do that without anyone bugging you?
07/Sep/08 11:47 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi sweet friends!
Just watched a lovely film (on DVD) titled "Once". It is an Irish film that won a bunch of awards at the Independent Spirit Awards and I think it was up and won for best song at the Oscars this year. I highly recommend it!
07/Sep/08 11:50 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Mariana - I believe we're here together! I loved your idea of shooting off fireworks for someone's passing - what a magnificient tradition!
Broni - I, too, went to visit JD and just love the picture of him. I felt especially close because he and I share the same birth year. My warmest wishes for a lovely gathering for you and yours in his memory.
07/Sep/08 11:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry.... making supper.... gotta go.

Bought, eaa.
07/Sep/08 11:53 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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eaa - you little devil! Congrats on 1111 and congrats to mama on 1100 - lots of milestones here today!
Heidi - what a bunch of BULL!!! hehehe
Brenda - keeping postitive thougths for you bathrooms...I've been picking out paint for ours...the texuring is done and I'll be doing the primer coat of paint throughout the addition this next week (1500 sq. feet).
07/Sep/08 11:55 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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eaa - glad to hear the bunny was a hit!
Heidi - have a nice dinner and I was tickled to hear Raleigh is fitting in with the big kids!
07/Sep/08 11:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone! Had a loverly time at the birthday Musical. One of the older gentlemen brought back good memories of my grandfather and father, playing harmonica. He was good too. Said hormonica is one instrument he is not too old to still play. Does not take a lot of wind (might should change that to breath, although he said wind. that just has a different meaning to the Aussies), can still hold it in his arthritic hands. He sure was having a good time sitting in with the band.

Band is kind of interesting. Everyone there early were old grey headed men, Then just before we left, thier lead guitar and vocoalist arrived, nice young man, and boy could he sang! The oldsters can still keep up insturmently, it was good.

Lots of food on the table, grilled chicken, ribs, and hot dogs and hamburgers. Baked beans, potato salad, slaw and my 3 bean salad, plus chips and dips for nibblers, and sliced tomatoes , and I am sure I forgot something. OH, 2 birthday cakes, but we left fore they wer cut. I do not think anyone left hungry! They were going to play into the night, but Al brought me on home early to get some rest. Two major outtings in two days, well I was wilting a bit around the edges. I did fine till the sun came out and it got hot. I lost count of the times I moved my chair as the shade moved with passing time.

I climbed in my bed when we got home and slept 2 and 1/2 hours! think I needed that nap??
07/Sep/08 11:58 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Wow MzT - that sounded like an authentic southern picnic! Glad you enjoyed yourself. You've been one heck of a busy lady this past week. I'd have wilted around the edges LONG before you did!
07/Sep/08 12:08 PM
   mariana  From utah
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brenda- bathroom stuff is so fun! NOT! i just got done buying all the tubs, sinks and faucets for the bathrooms (and kitchen) new house. i am scared to death that i bought the wrong things. those are rather permanant fixtures so they don't get replaced really. even if you hate them! someday we might get them installed. we are waiting on the doors to be finished so we can run electrical wiring with out fear if the copper getting stolen. after the electrical we can then sheetrock, tape and mud, paint, then install fun stuff. we had to have the valves for the plumber to install. we had to choose the fixtures to get the right valves, so we just got everything at the same time. sigh. someday (the offical finish date) i might actually get to use some of my beautiful sinks!
07/Sep/08 12:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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VICI, your addition is bigger than my current HOUSE! I think we have 1100 something very compact sq ft in this transportable house.

eaa, so you are on a farm also, with critters, good for you! I had enough of critters when we lived on a farm, not ours, just rented some property there when we first moved to "the country". The absentee landloard ran beef cattle there and had a farm hand living on the other side of the property. but if the cows got out, people stoped in where we were to say the cattle were out. Somewhere on this computer I had a nice story written, Black Bull at Midnight, about one of our adventures. Maybe some day I can find it and share.

Mama, so sorry to hear about the problems with your Angielique and her daughter. Child protective services can do a number on a family when a child has some unknown illness, blaming a loving family of neglect and abuse. I have seen what they can put a family through.

My nephew had a very intelegent daughter he was raising alone. He worked late, and slept late mornings. Daughter learned she could get out of the house and wander about before Dad got up. My sister had to take custody of the child for a while till they got that sorted out. She would even get out at grandma's house, but as it was a large property, she did not wander around "in public" and draw attention to the fact. I mean, what can you do? If you lock a child in her room at night, that is child abuse, if she gets out and wanders, that is child neglect. What is a parent to do?
07/Sep/08 12:11 PM
   mariana  From utah
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woohoo vici and getting ready to paint!! that is huge progress.
mizt, that sounds so fun! i love the harmonica. my mil wanted to have the harmonica played at her funeral. i have never heard such beautiful playing. he was amazing. i've loved it ever since. so with that nap are you going to be up all night?
07/Sep/08 12:14 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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It is heavenly music as it is a mouth harp!
07/Sep/08 12:20 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Happy Father's Day to Hubby, and other fathers.

MAMA: Prayers for Angelique and her health.
TRICIA: Happy Birthday to Al.
GAIL: hope Jed is doing ok today, and on the improve.
07/Sep/08 12:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Ahhh, Marianna, the joys of building a house! I am sure you chose loverly things, and hope you soon get good use of them.

Heidi, you would have been at home at the musical picnic, chickens ducks and lady peacocks wander about the place. A funny thing happened, and noone could figure this one out, till I did later. all of a sudden, the fowl became restless, and clucking and squawking and came husteling through the area we were sittiing in our chairs, in the shade. One even flew up to the roof of the building Ruben uses for his music hall, a former abode of some of the birds he once raised. All clean and habitable for humans now, though. Bird went running down the peak of the roof to the other end, then came flying down. a young lady who was about to go into the building started running away, she just knew that bird was going to land on her hehehe. Several commented on whatever could have caused the rucus. Noone had seen anything and guesses included maybe the fox had returned, or a dog strayed onto the property somewhere.

Later in the day, I saw a bored 8 year old boy out with a butterfly net, chasing butterflies, then, he got bored and started chasing the chickens. YEP, earlier it had been him chasing them on the other side of the house where we could not see him. When the boy noticed that grandpa was within sight, and might not like his birds being chased, he went back to the butterflies. I think I was the only one who saw him, and no, did not rat him out hehehe
07/Sep/08 12:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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VICI: Yes,been quiet, Sorry
a) will be gone for 5 days at the end of the week, getting SAers used to not having moi around
b) busy few days last week, am tired as, I think having a cold/flu on and off over the last few months has taken it's toll!!

07/Sep/08 12:24 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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BRENDA: The joys of renovationg !! been there done that.. recently !!
JUNE: Thoughts are still with Sharon, and Laura, hoping you yourself are not coming down with illness.
JULIE: Always noice to see you.. Miss you heaps
07/Sep/08 12:26 PM
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