Ginger from Calgary

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   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Ginger to your own page! As a welcome gift I am leaving a bushel of our famous steamed Maryland blue crabs for you and your guests to enjoy. Grab a bowl and dig in!
09/May/07 3:29 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Welcome to your own page.
I have left you a bouquet of Iris on the table.
Drop by anytime.
11/May/07 2:13 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi G I N G E R
Congratulation to have Your own page,these beautiful flowers on your table ,I offer it To You for my first visit to your page.

You are To my 'Egyptian Guest House'to enjoy the History of Ancient Egyptians and the Modern Egypt as well.

You are any and every time you wish.

Have a nice Day.
12/May/07 3:16 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Ginger! Just stopping by for a visit. I'll leave my white cowboy hat on the table. Thanks to you, I'm one of the 'good guys' (white hat)
If I ever get to Calgary for the stampede, I'll look like a native
18/May/07 3:58 AM
   bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
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Hello Ginger, and I hope you are well. Ia am leaving some Aussie bubbly for you to enjoy!!

My daughter's boyfriend/partner (never know what to call the young people nowadays) is heading over your way in July and one of his ambitions is to attend the Calgary Stampede. He is travelling with a friend, as Beth, my daughter, has just started a new job and doesn't yet have holidays. His name is Josh, and you can check him out on my Flickr page.
20/Jun/07 2:45 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Ginger, sorry its taken me sooo long to get here. Been so busy page hopping and landed in your page.
I sure hope you like Aussie bubbly because I've brought you some as well! Also brought a plate of nibblies and an invitation to visit my page anytime. Take a walk in the garden, find a seat in the shade and meet my family. Hope to see you there.
17/Aug/07 9:17 PM
   Helena  From Pta, South Africa
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Hey Ginger, I know someone who lives in Calgary and she has red hair??? Welcome to your own page! I leave you some lovely South African SPIER Chenin Blanc and biltong to enjoy. Cheers
21/Sep/07 4:13 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Ginger, didn't realise you had a page, just found it. Wishing you all the best, how are you doing these days? Leaving you some of my darkest chocolate for you to enjoy x
27/Sep/07 3:52 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Ginger, thanks so much for your kind words of condolence. My faith has given me tremendous strength this past week as I've realized that loving my mother completely and fully meant I had to let her journey home. I did what I could to make her last day a peaceful one and am sure she's in a wonderful place and is telling her old friends some terrific stories.
05/Oct/07 9:01 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the day but don't get over stuffed. I brought you a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie and to add to the festivities. If you have some Cranberry Bread, send it my way. Thanks.
09/Oct/07 4:45 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Ginger! I am long overdo in posting a welcome to you. Always nice to see another Canadian posting on the site. I'll leave you (of course) my traditional page warmimg gift of a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy!
19/Oct/07 3:59 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Ginger, how you doing?
Hope this note finds you and yours well.
26/Oct/07 8:20 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Fully excellent response!
Glad you're on the mend.
Don't want to say good luck for the play, that's bad luck, so break a leg!
30/Oct/07 8:10 AM
Ginger  From Calgary
Check out my page
Thanks for the best wishes. The play has been going well - one more weekend to go. My parents are coming one night and my sister and her hubby on the last performance. What fun!
31/Oct/07 2:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday Ginger,
Any new productions leading up to or are you waiting until !
Just dropped in to say all is well in my corner of the globe and I hope it is the same for you and yours.
Just in case I don't catch up with you again beforehand, best wishes for the upcoming festive season,
29/Nov/07 9:37 PM
Ginger  From Calgary
Check out my page
No new productions for now. I think there will be a one-act play festival in the new year, and then in the spring will be a production of Agatha Christie's Mousetrap. Looking forward to that! Here's hoping your Christmas is merry. I'd really love to see it your part of the world sometime. I bet it's pretty different than we have here - weather-wise in any case!
30/Nov/07 12:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Ginger, normally, our Christmas is hot, hot, hot! That's why most of us tend to shun the 'traditional' fare of hot roasts and veg. Our tradition is to have cold ham and chicken with lots of salads. Hubby and I also share a crayfish and some prawns. Luckily, we taught the kids to hate our special seafood!
Although if you check out the photos in my gallery, you will see a different story for last year! A white Christmas in the height of summer! We had the fire going and the next day, we were catering for my extended family. Our initial idea was to have a bbq and salads. We ended up having roasts and veg!
Wonder what this year's weather will be, possibly aircon in the morning and fire at night! No matter, we'll manage either way.
30/Nov/07 9:35 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
In my gallery, there is a photo of the deck all covered in hail. This was in the morning of last Christmas. If you open the whole gallery, I think it's the sixth photo down the left side titled 'Hail'.
I agree whole-heartedly about dark chocolate. We told the kids it was nasty tasting and you don't get to like it till your an adult. Gosh kids are gullible aren't they!
01/Dec/07 7:58 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Christmas Ginger and the happiest of New Years xx Hope all is well xx
17/Dec/07 8:00 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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May you and all you care for enjoy happiness and peace during this festive season and in all days to come! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!
19/Dec/07 11:21 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

20/Dec/07 10:04 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Ginger, Wishing you and your family, health, peace, love, and happiness during this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas! Stella & family
24/Dec/07 2:10 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
Check out my page
Stopped by to wish you good cheer
Brought a little bubblie here
May your toast be great
For two thousand eight
May you have a very

Hope your Christmas was blest.
No resolutions to obsess
It is not too late
For to celebrate
Our Lord Saviour’s Righteousness
01/Jan/08 5:07 AM
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