Lachie from melbourne vic AU

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   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
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there Lachie..
You cheeky young whippersnipper you!! Saw your comment on Toy Elephants page!!!
Now it is customary to visit bearing gifts and KNOWING how you LOVE chocolate I'd better drop off your favourite type of & wish you an hope you enjoy this wonderful world of sudokumania!!
29/Jan/08 11:36 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia
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Hi Lachie, to this wierd and wonderfull world. You will have fun here! See you on the easy page!
29/Jan/08 11:38 PM
Lachie  From melbourne vic AU
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Damn... comments ALLREADY!!! This is the most loved I've ever felt in my entire life... thankyou so much

And er... thanks mum... but I'd rather not eat virtual food for the next couple weeks...
29/Jan/08 11:46 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Lachie - welcome to our silly world. I'm sure your Mum will see that you get fed properly!!!
Here, you can cook something for yourself on the and don't forget to do your after you. Here's a to finish off with.
30/Jan/08 12:01 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Enjoy this site. We are all friendly and most of us will help if we can.
30/Jan/08 12:31 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Welcome to your site from a Canadian friend. Hope your stay is as enjoyable as mine. I brought you some Popsicles, they are great when it is warm...
30/Jan/08 12:46 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie and a video.

30/Jan/08 12:56 AM
   Denny Taylor  From Shenandoah, Iowa USA    Supporting Member
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Have a good stay as your as welcomed as you can be. I am the Master of The Hounds and we welcome you.
30/Jan/08 1:00 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia
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Hey "Son of Bean",
didn't pick that up before. Have fun here!
30/Jan/08 1:45 AM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Welcome to Sudokuland Lachie.
30/Jan/08 1:48 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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to Sudokuland! Hope you enjoy your stay! I'm leaving a big plate of Chocolate Brownies for you to enjoy!
30/Jan/08 2:04 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Lachie! So you're a chip off the 'old' Bean are you? Your Mum probably forced you to join so that she could indulge in the double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry that I'm leaving you as a page warming gift. Have fun on the site, and only take a few of my comments seriously!
30/Jan/08 4:23 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Lachie - to your own page here in Sudokuland. It is great to have you here with us! I have brought you a bottle of Michigan Cherry Wine. I hope you enjoy it!
30/Jan/08 5:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I swear, I was rolling in the aisles when I realised who you were! Somewhat taken aback by the comment on my page then giggled hysterically when I got here and thought to myself, nah, perfect comment!
Well, Baby Bean, what did you think of your Cyber Aunty Gail, or shouldn't I ask? Thanks for letting us gatecrash your holiday, even though you didn't really have a say in the matter, and that's just the way it should be! Children should be seen, not heard. LOL
Hope your feeling better and all ready for school. Hannah starts tomorrow so today will consist of last minute running around finding this elusive text book!
It was a real treat to meet you, I will never forget the look on your face when we were introduced. Must get together sometime so I can ask you just why you had such a reaction???
30/Jan/08 9:33 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BTW I hope you like toasted sandwiches because apparently that's all my kid's get fed these days!
30/Jan/08 9:36 AM
Dad  From Melbourne Vic AU
G'day Lachie, when you get up this afternoon don't forget to take Jess for a run. She hasn't had one for a few days and must be wondering what those long legs are really for.
30/Jan/08 10:35 AM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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dont nok the virtual food. its not as bad as you think. its all i ate in the first month mum had joined the site.
haha XD
30/Jan/08 10:41 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
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What a lazy day you appear to be having.....
Have you finished the hard [or was it tough] puzzle for today???????
31/Jan/08 4:25 PM
Lachie  From melbourne vic AU
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Of course I've finished it!!!
31/Jan/08 5:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
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Oii - you could at least leave the message on my page....
Another exercise for you from the easy page yesterday courtesy of

Kathy From Valrico, Florida, USA

Here's a little exercise to check your math skills. I got it in three different e-mails yesterday. Anybody else tried it yet? Jamie, maybe your math students could have some fun with this one!!
Here is a little puzzle which will keep your brain thinking:
There are 7 girls in a bus
Each girl has 7 backpacks.
In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.
For every big cat there are 7 little cats.

Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

It is not a trick question and you can check the answer on her page today. [you'll like the dogs that Kathy has on her page]
31/Jan/08 5:16 PM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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first wekk back at school? well, even though it was only 2 days, it wasnt exactly "fun". but then again, when IS school ever fun? XD for one thing, i forgot to bring my lock back to school on the first day, so thankfully i could leave my bag in my friends locker (it weight a ton, i swear XD) but i still had to bring my FULL bag home and back to school again (thankfully i remembered my lock on friday =P).
i also managed to get 2 people tease me on the first day! new record for me! =D
aaaanyways, keep me posted on how school is for you when you get back. imm go catch my cat now, shes running around like mad and its annoying me >( ttyl
02/Feb/08 4:06 AM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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hmm.. school and fun go together liiiike... shoes and um.... yeast? XD
i always remember to grab my lock (although i NEARLY forgot at the end of last year) caus its just... there. i always go to lock it then go "oooh wait!' XD
oh, and the previous record of "lets see how many times hannah can get teased in the first week back at school" was once on the first day and twice on the second, this one was twice on the first day and twice on the second XD
02/Feb/08 3:32 PM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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haha, i DID end up catching my cat btw! although it wasnt easy. i couldnt find her for awhile XD then she ran past me =P
goodluck on catching that sleeping dog! sounds like a great adventure. i think we've found the next indianna jones people!
03/Feb/08 1:34 AM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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hahah, the sleeping ones are always the most vicious XD
no no, its true, i did send one at 1 30 am... and im still up caus... i feel like it? XD haha, its why i love weekends, im up for as long as i can be before i get too tired XD speakin of too tired, i should probably go now XD i ddoooont want to fall asleep tomorrow! haha
03/Feb/08 2:16 AM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA i gots in trouble when mum read that i was on so late ^^;
then she said that you would be in more trouble caus you replied after me! XD
03/Feb/08 9:33 PM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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haha, mum cracke dit at me when i didnt bring my homework home after the second day =P only one thing, but still XD but ugh, HATE. seriously, HATE homework |D

yup, year 9 it is XD its going well. i like having all the year 7's afraid of me >D it means i DONT have to just wait and slowly make my way through the crowds, they just all move to let my year past caus theyre AFRAID =D lol
hows year (12?) going after the first day? =P
04/Feb/08 10:40 PM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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lol, i'll bet, it would be like grade 6 all over again... except BETTER! =D cant wait till im in VCE XD

friday off? lucky son of a... haha

lol, my homework is due in tommorrow aswell, buuut i havent finished it yet! ^^; bout to finish it (ive done most of it now)
04/Feb/08 10:55 PM
   Toy Elephant  From Cockatoo
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you forgot a way ^^

i dont need luck, I NEED AN ATTENTION SPAN!!! =D

that sounds so good, your lucky XD
aaaahaha, i was air guitaring aswell while watching the movie on channel 10, man i love the school of rock XD
04/Feb/08 11:07 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's a Tuesday. Never dessert on a Tuesday!
05/Feb/08 9:10 PM
karla carranza  From united states
can you please help me with sudoku homework?
15/Feb/08 11:10 AM
   Gath  From    Supporting Member
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Hi Lachie,

haha - that was quick! . Nice meeting you too, and good luck with year 12.

12/Mar/08 11:22 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Heya Lachie,
T'waz good to meet you also, so glad your both home safe, and I look forward to seeing you again. I'm sure my girls and you will really hit it off!
Have a great one mate.
12/Mar/08 11:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Good luck with Year 12 Lachie!

What subjects are you taking? What are your plans for next year?

16/Apr/08 6:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Only 4 subjects! How did you manage that? Mind you, it's been a fairly long time since I was in high school so maybe that's normal now...

Army reserves sounds great. We have a parachute training school not far from here and after watching the army guys training on the tower I've been tempted to join up just so I could give it a go!
17/Apr/08 6:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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An invitation to celebrate the visit to Melbourne of
Broni from Brissie

WHO: Any Sudokuists and their family who happen to be in Melbourne at the time!

WHEN: Saturday 31st May 2008 12pm

WHAT: A Buffet lunch
(BYO a fav soup, casserole or curry etc. Some food and accompaniments provided)

WHERE: At my place
(Details will be provided upon confirmation)

HOW: RSVP on my page by Wed 28th May

ps Mum has already said you'll be coming and I know you know the way, this is just a courtesy call.
04/May/08 8:34 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Lachie....
Well it is almost your birthday....
Can hardly believe that it is nearly 18 years since you entered our lives and made us a family. So much has happened since then...some good...some bad...some things I would have preferred hadn't happened but when push comes to shove all the events over the last 17yrs 364days 12 hours...[I'm not going to count the minutes as well] have resulted in a young man that I am very proud to call my son.
30/Sep/08 6:48 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page sure do!!
Lachie...have a wonderful day..
01/Oct/08 12:24 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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PS....I hope that cake will still be there in the fridge in the morning
01/Oct/08 12:26 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hope your special day is filled with happy surprises!
Enjoy your cake before all of the Sudokuists swarm down on it!!!
01/Oct/08 2:00 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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And here comes more cake in case the one in the fridge disappeared overnight!
Have a spectacular day!
01/Oct/08 3:22 AM
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