Mari.Oh.USA from USA

Send Mari.Oh.USA a Private Message

mAen Everyone, I've been 'lurking' on this site for a few months now.  I stop by most days to play sudoku and work the jigsaw puzzles and when I have extra time I catch up on what everyone is doing.  Today I decided I just had to join so I could send congratulation to Jill.  Only now I am stuck.  I don't know how to put a message onto easy sudoku.  I'm not even sure where this will end up.  And now my grandson is waking up from his nap.  I'll be back ... just not sure when.

Oh, wait, if this is my home page then I want to tell eveyone to make themselves at home. Help yourself to drinks and goodies.  Not much here I know but I wasn't prepared for a party. 

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to Sudokuland, Mari!
I hope you stop by the 'easy' page to say hi to everyone, and join in the chatter. Please visit my page by clicking on the blue "check out my page" next to my avatar. I love having guests, and the door's always open!
I'm glad you've joined us!
29/May/09 6:34 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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Welcome ! Had a Girl's day out with my bowling pals - since bowling is over for the year - we always go to Geneva, IL for a day of shopping and lunch. This year, we got some German Petzel bread and some Chicki - Poo -- that's for the garden. I hope you enjoy your time on the site - Mary Chicago Cubs are playing today and my Son is off to the game -- Go Cubs Go -- take care
29/May/09 6:55 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to the site and to your own page Mari. I'm sure a lot of your questions about the site could be answered if you click on the blue Forum link above and look for a topic called "Members Special Features." Enjoy my traditional page warming gift. a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa, and simply visit the Easy Sudoku page and post a comment in the "Comments" box at the bottom of the page if you want to join in the conversation. Cheers!
29/May/09 7:21 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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to the wide wonderful world of Sudokuland!
Glad you came out of 'lurking'!
29/May/09 8:11 AM
steve  From missouri
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welcome to the site Mari. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It can be interesting reading. Just sitting by and watching. The puzzles seem to be the best part though. have a good one
29/May/09 8:41 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Let me add a welcome from the site's resident sharp-tongued demon. Don't take it seriously (or too seriously) and hop right onto the train. It goes interesting places, and you'll make it more interesting. What part of Ohio?

29/May/09 9:30 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Don't be scared, Mari, just rear up on your hind legs and plant an iron horseshoe on my forehead. And if you don't mind, let me know about any great pieces of Rookwood you run across. My crowd hails from Hyde Park and Western Hills, back in the 20's.

29/May/09 10:31 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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Absolutely right. If several thousand were spent to carefully disassemble that fireplace, it would probably be worth several thousand more. Great skill and care would have to be used. I had a shot once, a long time ago, at a bathroom which was completely tiled in Rookwood, but I had no place to put it.

29/May/09 10:52 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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, to Mari.

I see you need some food for the page, happy to oblige.

29/May/09 10:53 AM
Ian  From Bostοn
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"Who do you mean when you say 'your crowd'? Does that include you?"

Not me personally, a couple of generations ago. But I have lots of friends and relatives in C and Dayton. I get there every couple of years.

29/May/09 10:55 AM
   Judy  From Oklahoma City, OK    Supporting Member
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Mari.Oh! So glad you've joined us and made yourself known. It's a great bunch of people and I know you're going to fit right in!
29/May/09 3:07 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Hi and Welcome! I used to work in a skyscraper downtown Cincinnati. I have a P&G sister in Milford whom we enticed to Cin'ti area when we lived for a 5 year stint in Oakley. We fixed up a house near Aglamesis and made a good return on it and had our firstborn born at St. Elizabeth South in No. KY close to NKU where my hubby went to school.
29/May/09 4:01 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Mari.
You are,
To join our wonderful Sudoku World and to share our best briends of our big One family.
29/May/09 7:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mari.Oh.USA! Where in Ohio are you? I'm in central Kentucky, just a few miles from Abraham Lincoln's birthplace.
This is a really fun site, with great people for the most part. We have a place in the forum section, under off-topics, called Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8, where we just like to chat about day to day goings on in our lives. If one of us has a problem, everyone chips in with moral support and/or advice. We also celebrate all the good stuff, big and small. We'd love to have you drop in and visit. Stay a spell. You are .
30/May/09 12:53 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thankyou for the birthday wishes! I stretched it out as long as I could! Not fond of how the years add up, but like the parties!
03/Jun/09 12:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Mari welcome to Sudokuland
05/Jun/09 10:35 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Mari, know that you have found many caring people on this site. I was glad to see your post and will keep you in my thoughts. Drop by my page for a visit anytime--I'm always ready to receive nice guests and will lend a compassionate ear when you need one.
13/Jun/09 1:25 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Mari, I am so sorry for your loss. It is so true that grandparents grieve twice. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. I am glad that visiting these pages offers you an escape from your pain. Please know that we will always be here for you. This is an amazing group of people who are always willing to listen and give from the heart.
Rest in Peace, little one
13/Jun/09 3:25 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Mari, I just read of your family's loss. I'm so sorry. I have a 4 year old grandson and the thought of losing him is unbearable. I know that no words can ease your pain, but know that I am thinking of you, as are so many people on this site.
15/Jun/09 8:26 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Mari, many thanks for your birthday wishes, it was lovely to hear from so many Sudoku friends.
Unfortunately, I think our days of long overseas travel are drawing to a close. But with luck we may have one more visit left in us - one son at Cambridge University in UK and another leaving for Germany in mid-August is enough excuse for another trip, isn't it?
03/Jul/09 10:19 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the compliment Mari. I enjoy my photography and enjoy sharing it with others. I photograph things that interest me and every now and then one turns up that I would like to share with others. Sudoku is a perfect outlet.
I also have quite a few photos on Flickr but I haven't submitted any for quite a time now. There are some wonderful photographers on Flickr - have a look at nal from Miami's photos (I'll give you the URL in my next comment).
04/Jul/09 5:39 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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It is -

04/Jul/09 5:41 AM
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