steve from missouri

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   sabina  From brisbane
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Hi Steve,
Welcome to sudoku land, you'll meet lots of great friends, I'm a new member as well and bring a glass of champagne and some lovely Tasmanian brie to welcome you.
18/Jan/08 7:05 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and Steve. Sorry it took me so long to get here, I thought I'd already popped in but it must have been another page.
I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have. Drop in to my page sometime and take a look around. I look forward to seeing you there.
26/Jan/08 9:40 PM
Sheri  From St. Louis, MO    Supporting Member
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Welcome, Steve!
Glad you stopped by my page - I spend a lot of time in Chesterfield - we're at the Valley shopping at least once a week, sometimes multiple times. Been doing these Sudoku puzzles for a couple of years now - keeps the brain working!

08/Feb/08 1:56 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and - you must of came in when I was out - so dropping my to wish you well. I hope you are taking care of yourself this winter - I'm up near Chicago and my son is in Rock Island, IL and getting blasted with - take your pick - snow, rain, sleet, wind. Looks to be a nice day this morning -I hope you enjoy your day, Mary
10/Feb/08 1:12 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Steve, missed you signing on. Please accept my belated to this wacky world.
12/Feb/08 9:49 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Like Broni, please accept my belated Welcome to
Looking forward to getting to know you better. Please drop by over at Foxhaven Resort anytime, the place is open 24/7.

to celebrate !
14/Feb/08 11:45 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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A belated to Sudokuland.

I'm not really a quilter, have done a couple. The one pictured ended up being a comforter - rather than a quilt. It was done from a collection of T-shirt. Using front & backs of La Cañada Flitridge Tournament of Roses T-shirts (had 16 of the first 20 years & patches). The patches were sewn on the blank t-shirt backs, and on the front of T-shirt embroiderwork was done around the designs. Since I can't sew worth a darn, it was all hand done. (I'm a better cook than seamstrees - recipe for the Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie is in the Recipe Forum.)

16/Feb/08 3:49 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Steve, if it weren't for the fact I have a savvy 13yo and a hubby who's an amateur IT expert, I wouldn't have a page like that either!
Had a great time chatting this morning. I hope the rest of your shift is trouble free and your relief turns up.
17/Feb/08 1:10 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Steve, Sorry for the belated welcome. Missed your joining the world of Sudoku. I am leaving a plate of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for you. Where in Missouri are you? Drop by my page anytime.
17/Feb/08 3:32 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Steve, I was born in Lamar many, many, years ago. Moved to Kansas and lived there until I married a military man, have lived many places since. We move to Bartlesville 7 years ago when we retired, my sister lived here at the time. My husband and I both have many relatives in this area, so it is as close to home as anywhere.
18/Feb/08 12:13 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey Steve,what happen to ya in the chatroom? did your boss walk up on ya? stop on back anytime you like ,it was nice to meet you ,catch you later,take care...stop by my page sometime!
05/Mar/08 3:56 PM
   Eri  From St. Louis, USA
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Thanks for the welcome, Steve. With all the worldly Sudoku-ers (or is that Sudoku-ites) here, it's fun to see people closer to home, too.
11/Mar/08 11:23 PM
   Amelia  From Robinvale Aust    Supporting Member
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Steve thanks for visiting, I haven't tried any of the vodka tips silly me I just drink it with orange juice.LOL As a welcome to your page I'm leaving you some grapes from our area and a bottle of wine.
15/Mar/08 10:24 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hi Steve, Thanks for dropping by, glad you enoyed the youtube.
18/Mar/08 2:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hiya Steve, just passing, thought I'd drop in. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Take care,
26/Mar/08 8:22 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Steve! My goodness, I must have missed your move to the neighborhood! Shame on me.
Sooo, a VERY belated to you!
I've brought for your table, and I've cooked up a pot of Maryland Cream of Crab Soup for you and your guests Bon Appétit!
06/Apr/08 1:47 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Hello, Steve. Welcome to the sudoku site.
I lived in Missouri for 28 years, from kindergarden till I was into my 30s, and I'm a UMR grad. To prove I'm from St. Louis, I will ask 'the St. Louis question:
" Where did you go to high school? "
(I went to Kirkwood HS)
Now I live in Jupiter FL, and always go to a few Cardinals spring training games in March.
Go Redbirds!
06/Apr/08 9:59 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Since you volunteer helping the Kirkwood Police Department I thought I would ask you how well the PD and City Hall are doing in the wake of the recent tragedy. Also, I have been unable to find out anything else about the fate of Mayor Swaboda, who last I heard was still in the hospital.
My parents volunteered a lot of time and money to Mudd's Grove and the Kirkwood Historical Society. Dad passed away in 2000 and Mom just last September. Few places in the USA have changed as little as Kirkwood in the last 40 years. While downtown looks a bit different, many of the residential streets look almost exactly as they did in the 60s and 70s, albeit with bigger trees.
I always had fun at the Greentree Festival and Fourth of July fireworks. I recall a particularily hot night on 7/4/78 (79?) when I watched the fireworks in Kirkwood Park, and it was about 98F at 10PM. By the time the fireworks were over, my clothes were drenched in sweat.
Summer in St. Louis!
08/Apr/08 9:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Steve, kind of a late 'welcome to the page' message. Sorry I haven't greeted you before. I have a tradition of leaving a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry as a page warming gift, so enjoy, and have a pint on me as well! Cheers!
09/Apr/08 7:53 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Steve, just stopping by to wish you well with your new page and glad to see that you have joined the ranks of the sudoku fiends!!
10/Apr/08 8:31 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Great news about Mayor Swoboda. I am sure my folks would be thrilled that their friend recovered. Thanks for filling me in. If you hear any more 'insider information' about Kirkwood, I would like to hear about it, I only call my KHS Pioneer friends a few times a year now.
02/May/08 12:04 PM
   Jim  From Jupiter
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Thanks for passing along the news of the Mayor's passing. I read news accounts on the internet which also said his death was the direct result of complications of his wounds. I send my condolences to his family and the entire city of Kirkwood at this solemn time.
10/Sep/08 12:59 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hi Steve,
It may just be my theory, but I have noticed that if I post before I do the puzzle on the easy page and don't refresh the page, it comes up in letters.
22/Nov/08 1:14 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Just stopped by to say hi, Steve.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
30/Nov/08 5:54 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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he he Steve...make it both....LURVE the end product of cocoa beans and can't live without my coffee...
Can't believe I haven't found my way onto your page before now...and you've been a member for almost a year....obviously I am also a very busy little bean... drop in some time...
and now Ciao
11/Dec/08 12:36 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

23/Dec/08 10:00 AM
   fii  From NT
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Hi there Steve,

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas this year

I guess that while we swelter in Darwin you will be experiencing the winter - are you getting snow om Missouri or is it just further north? Whatever and where ever, may it be a lovely celebration for you.

Here’s the traditional

Juice of 7 large lemons
Grated rind of 5 large lemons
1 kg sugar
1.25 litres of water
25g citric acid
1.In a large pan, boil up sugar, water, grated peel and citric acid.
2.Take off and add juice, If preferred, this may be strained.
3.Bottle whilst still hot into clean, sterilised (in oven) bottles

Mix it with gin and soda if you want an alcoholic drink but I prefer straight soda.

May 2009 be a healthy, peaceful, joyful, hopeful, satisfying year for you
23/Dec/08 10:17 AM
   Roni  From MO/USA
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Thanks for the I have been doing these puzzles for years, but I am now in Alaska for a year and like the familiarity this brings me, so I joined up! I actually ive in Cedar Hill, not too far from you it seems. Be seeing you later.
24/Jan/09 9:20 AM
   Fiona  From France
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Hi, thanks for your comment, but why don't you send me an answer to the riddles?! Then you'll get your name in lights - if you're correct of course - and get your fifteen mins of fame!
30/Jan/09 7:47 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Steve - We make it down to Missouri every once in a while. We have cousins that live in Poplar Bluff. We have such a good time when we are with them. (We laugh the whole time till our cheeks hurt!) We have a new baby cousin down there, also. We are always amazed how much warmer it is down there than up here. Especially in the winter. Have a great day!
20/Feb/09 12:38 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Steve - I saw a brief comment from you on easy and realised I hadn't seen you on the site for a very long time. Either that or I just haven't noticed you because I'm not on the site very much and don't get time to read the comments. Anyway, I just stopped by to say hello.
01/Mar/09 10:32 PM
   andré  From england
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Hi Steve, nice to chat with you today. Sorry I had to answer the phone. Look after my half of the brain cell I may need it after the weekend. Will soaking it get rid of the wine and beer? Laughing here. Take care.
16/May/09 2:53 AM
Mari.Oh.USA  From USA
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Thanks for the welcome Steve. I have been enjoying the sudoku and the jigsaws for some time now but I've been drawn in by the friendships that have formed by so many here ... from around the globe.

I've vacationed in Missouri ( the Lake of the Ozarks)the last two summers. Beautiful - just beautiful!
29/May/09 8:57 AM
Mari.Oh.USA  From USA
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Hi Steve
You've been tagged!! in a game started by Glinda on June 12 - 11:12 am
12/Jun/09 10:28 PM
   GannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Glad to hear it Steve. My Steve is good at cleaning the bar b q, thats his baby but as to prep and shopping he'd do almost anything rather than go to the store for food.
30/Jun/09 8:11 AM
   andré  From england
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Hello Steve, hope all is well with you and yours. Are you still working too hard? Maybe catch up soon. Cheers.
02/Aug/09 3:55 AM
   Fiona  From France
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HI Steve, thanks for the riddle answer - I think you're right, but send the answers to my inbox please (private message) as I don't check my page every day - thanks!
10/Sep/09 8:09 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Steve -- Carol of the Bells is one of my all time favorites. Thanks for posting it! Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
28/Nov/09 10:40 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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for the wishes, Steve! Although I am no longer counting birthdays, ANY day that I wake up on the right side of the grass will be a good one! I can remember snow ... white, cold, and miserable, right ? ...
15/Feb/10 1:48 AM
   andré  From england
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Hoisting a beer sounds like a good idea to me. Cheers and I hope all is well. Are you still working hard these days? I'm finally getting a few more bits of work in so the outcome is looking more rosy, lets hope it keeps that way. Take care now and maybe we can catch up one day. Mines a rosé but a glass of ginger beer is a treat as well.
16/Mar/10 5:30 AM
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