DanM from Puyallup, WA

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Sorry, there's not much here other than a few comments which describe how I like to solve Sudoku puzzles on this site.  Maybe it'll be of use to you, maybe not, but you're welcome to read it and comment on it as you see fit.


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   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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Looks like I have a page... but I'm afraid I don't have anything to say at the moment!
01/May/07 1:05 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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Actually, I've changed my mind. Here's how I solve each level of Sudoku puzzle:

EASY: I don't use possibilities. I start with '1' selected, and work across the top row of cells, then middle, then bottom. Continue with '2' on to '9'. Back through the numbers as necessary until all are filled in. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about cleverness in getting a number complete throughout the puzzle, as this seems to take longer than just doing a once-over. Don't know if I explained that well enough, but it works for me.
01/May/07 1:13 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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MEDIUM: Use possibilities, taking advantage of using right-click to enter them (quicker once you get the hang of it, but sometimes seems to be sloppy on cursor placement). Start with '1', top left block, and work across, then second row, then bottom row. I pay some attention to patterns of possibilities such as only occupying one row or column, and I do quick inspections to see if only one block horizontally or vertically occupies a particular row or column. Once I've been through all the numbers, inserting all possibilities throughout the puzzle, I 'unselect' the third checkbox down so that I can use the numeric keypad to enter numbers as I click on cells. This is a much faster way to enter numbers once you know the keypad layout by feel.
01/May/07 1:17 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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HARD: Same as medium, although I don't go directly to keypad after entering possibilities, because often there are few or no Unique Possibilities (UPs), usually harder to find. Some possibilities usually have to be logically removed first. When I see a few (three or more) singletons, I switch to keypad to finish. Sometimes this backfires if the UPs run out, and then I switch back to mouse for a while.
01/May/07 1:20 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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TOUGH: Same as medium and hard for possibility entry. Then I look for singletons, then inspect the two-possibility cells to find locked pairs. If I run out of easy checks, I sometimes do a systematic block-by-block run-through of all nine numbers to see if there are 'hidden UPs' or pairs. Then, if I'm really desperate, I'll do a systematic row-by-row check of all numbers, then column-by-column. These checks tend to take up to three minutes each, so my times are never blazing fast on Tough puzzles. If worse comes to worse, and logic fails me (like forcing chains, etc.), I'll just guess one number of a two-possibility cell and work the puzzle until I see that it's a failure or a success. Often only one or two guesses are necessary. Guessing is not my favorite way but if I'm feeling lazy or I'm pressed for time I'll do it.
01/May/07 1:24 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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Incidentally, I'm curious what others select for their options in the checkboxes. I have the first five selected (automatically remove possibilities, allow incorrect moves, clicking places the number, highlight current square, and grey out used numbers). What selections do YOU use? :)
01/May/07 1:26 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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One last comment: how much time do I take?
EASY: usually around two minutes. Current best is 1:20.
MEDIUM: usually around three minutes. Current best is 2:38.
HARD: usually around three-four minutes. Current best is 3:05.
TOUGH: usually around twenty minutes. Once there was an obscenely easy one that I did in 5:55.

I normally fully populate a tough or hard puzzle with possibilities in a little under three minutes. Systematically eliminating possibilities from a Block, Row or Column, number-by-number, takes about three minutes also. To systematically set possibilities and completely rule them out from a very difficult Tough puzzle takes me something like 12 minutes. And yes, that's very frustrating to me!
01/May/07 1:30 AM
   LK  From MN    Supporting Member
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Welcome Dan, great place you have here. I will leave you with a bottle of our famouse 'Kinda Snockered' Wine, a very nice cabernet merlot, enjoy
02/May/07 12:41 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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Hey, thanks, LK!
02/May/07 1:10 AM
Mindy  From Kirkland
Just wanted to say hi to a fellow Washingtonian
02/May/07 3:05 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Thanks, Mindy. Always good to hear from the neighbors!
02/May/07 6:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, DanM, and a big IL to you here at your new page. Wow, you have been busy! I hope you'll enjoy these tulips and a big box of Frango Mints.
04/May/07 5:58 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page

Thanks! I like those Frangos... how did you get them in Illinois?!?! :)
04/May/07 6:45 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Dan, and welcome to your own page! You're certainly not at a loss of words here, so post more often please. Fancy some dessert? A doublr chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa just for you. Enjoy!
04/May/07 6:45 AM
KarenK  From N RidgevilleOhio
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Hi Dan! Welcome to your own page! (That seems funny to say!) I brought you some wonderful Ohio wine and an invitation to join me for a short cruise around Lake Erie. Several years ago a young man from your state joined us for a two hour ride and thought we had seen all of the lake. How little US geography gets taught in schools today?
04/May/07 11:17 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Congratulation to have Your own page and please accept this small gift .
You are to my Egyptian Guest House any and every time You wish.
and have a nice day.
04/May/07 11:24 PM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Hello, Greg, Karen and Wagdy! Thanks for visiting. Let's all have some dessert, wine, and Sudoku!
05/May/07 12:54 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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to your own page, Dan! I come bearing a big pot of our famous Maryland cream of crab soup for you to enjoy.
Thanks for sharing your puzzle solving tips. I can use all the help I can get
09/May/07 3:36 AM
julie  From arizona
Hi Dan, Thanks for explaining how you solve sudoku. I do them very similar to you, but for easy I start with 9 and work down to 1. Not sure why! I usually do just the hards and toughs since I work full time and try to limit my time on the computer. Otherwise I would not sleep or do any household chores. Here's some nice spicy salsa and tortilla chips and a margarita to wash them down. Cheers!
30/May/07 9:27 AM
Fishing Guy  From Kent, OH, USA
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Hi Dan I'm new to this visiting. I'm leaving you some crappie fillets for a snack.
22/Jun/07 12:10 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Thanks to everyone for visiting... I'm enjoying the snacks and beverages!
22/Jun/07 1:22 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Dan, just stopped by to say Hi! Hope you're having a great day! Here are some flowers to brighten it. Just curious, do you start the timer after you've scoped out the puzzle or entered the possibilities or immediately? Visit my page anytime! If you ever want to chat, you can visit the SA2 page (under Clips conversations). People pop in and out of there at all times. Take care.
17/Jul/07 5:28 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Hi, Stella! Thanks for dropping by!

I start the timer immediately before entering possibilities. It generally takes about 2:30 to 3:00 to enter them, so on Medium, Hard and Tough my best time is probably never going to be much better than 2:30 (currently 2:34, 3:03, and 5:55, respectively).
17/Jul/07 6:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Dan, just thought I'd pop in to meet you. Loved your explanations of Sudoku. My way is very similar to yours though I will admit to deselecting allow wrong moves! The only difference in my method is that I use a clockwise spiral pattern. I start at the top left block, go around all the 'side' blocks then cut into the middle. Does that make sense?
Anyway, brought along a bottle of bubbly and a plate of nibblies to help keep your stamina up for Sudoku!
Drop into my page sometime and leave a message there. I love to have visitors.
24/Jul/07 6:48 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Hey Dan - if you happen to be in town...

Prior notice for the arrival of our most esteemed Jazzy wazzy from way over there, is coming over here…
So brekky it shall be at the CBH (Cottesloe Beach Hotel- obviously at Cott Beach, obviously a(n) hotel (but an old one)).
On Saturday, August 18th at 9.30am (to allow for a sleep-in).
Dresscode is dead cash (hard sounding ‘sh’) but tiara’s are compulsory...unless you’re a bloke – you’re exempt if you have a note from your mum/wife (or some lollies for me).
If you would like to join us please let me know on my page as I shall need numbers to confirm the booking.
Forewarning: this message will be posted several times over the next few weeks, if it gets really annoying – never mind.
Hope to see you there…x
02/Aug/07 8:09 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Dan, just curious about the origins of Puyallup. Here the 'up' ending is an Aboriginal Noongya suffix meaning 'by water'.We have lots of places ending with up, and so we usually identify places ending with up as from Western Australia. I guess you have lots of water too but how did your place get its name?
17/Aug/07 9:26 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
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Hi, Mary,

The 'Puyallup' name is from the local Native American tribe (the Puyallup Indians). At one time I knew the exact meaning but it's either 'friendly people' or 'giving people'. We're right beside the Puyallup River, but I don't think the 'up' ending has the same meaning here as in 'the other WA' :)
17/Aug/07 10:47 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Dan, just stopping by to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
22/Nov/07 12:43 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Wishing you and your family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Hope your day reminds you of all of the wonderful things we have for which to be thankful!
23/Nov/07 3:47 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday Dan, i was just passing, thought i'd drop in! I haven't noticed you around lately but then again, I haven't been reading everything either.
I hope this note finds you and yours well.
Take care,
26/Nov/07 8:50 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Have a wonderful Christmas Dan and the happiest of New Years xx
17/Dec/07 7:54 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Dan, Wishing you and your family, health, peace, love, and happiness during this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas! Stella & family
21/Dec/07 2:38 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday Dan, great to see your smiling face (avatar) back again!
Hope you had a great festive season.
11/Jan/08 4:38 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Dan
Found it fascinating reading how you go about doing a puzzle...how long have you been doing puzzles? Have never used the numeric keypad and I can see that I will have to give it a go. Must confess I haven't worked out what some of those boxes do when you uncheck them! I do uncheck 'allow incorrect moves' because I am forever entering numbers in the wrong square [inadvertantly - I never try to enter a number until I am 100% sure on it] This usually happens when I click on the number I want to use and for whatever reason it doesn't take up... I can see using the numeric pad eliminating this!!
I have found reading your comments very useful - would you mind if I get back to you with any other queries on techniques?
Ciao for now.
04/Mar/08 11:01 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page

Thanks for posting a message!

I have been doing Sudokus since early in 2006, if I recall correctly, and on this web site since not long after that :)

Feel free to send any queries you'd like, and I'll be happy to answer.

04/Mar/08 11:16 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello DanM - I just realized that I have not officially welcomed you and I am sorry for that. I have seen you post many times. Please stop by my place any time. The door is always open.

I have stopped by to wish you and your family a Happy Easter. I hope you have a very Blessed Day.
22/Mar/08 10:51 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Hi Debby, thanks for the welcome! I did indeed have a blessed Easter and hope you had the same! Keep on sudoku'ing! :)
25/Mar/08 3:38 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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DanM, I have never visited your page before!

(Don't you think I should have at least visited your page once before fighting with you over the ownership of the Sudokuland vacation residence?)
A belated to you!
15/May/08 8:14 AM
   Lori  From So Ca    Supporting Member
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Hi DanM, Ejoyed reading how you do your sudokus and the speed at which you do them. i've been trying to figure out how to us numric keypad since it would be much faster. I do them much the same way...athough, on easy and med I peruse to figre out which numbers to start with. I try to only use possibilities with hard and tough. I'll go cheeck out thoses boxes more carefully.I didn't recall having an option with the keypad.thanks...and i'll leave some brownines for you to enjoy.
15/Jul/08 10:46 AM
   DanM  From Puyallup, WA
Check out my page
Hi, Lori,

Thanks for checking in, and thank especially for the brownies! :)
16/Jul/08 1:33 AM
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