LynnDee from Jacksonville, FL

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   Karen  From Texas
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LynnDee, I like your second delivery. Unfortunately, we did the adoption thing 3 times and each failed.
The first pregnancy, I know now was so easy. She was 10 days early and ended up being an emergcy C-section. They had me on some wonderful drugs and I did not know what was going on. Now, my husband can give you second by second details. Oh, I do remember smelling burnt pop corn, which I learned later that it was me.
16/Jun/09 12:47 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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LynnDee, Welcome back!

16/Jun/09 1:27 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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LynnDee, I'd recognise you anywhere!

back to .
16/Jun/09 11:43 PM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Well LynnDee, it seems that you have been here before, as I was not aware of that I will just say welcome to another USA'er on this site. Florida is a wonderful place to visit and I am sure to live there too. Hope to see and hear more of/from you in the days to come. Until then take care and be well!

Aimee :)
17/Jun/09 1:55 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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How nice to see you posting
They say moving is one of the most stressful things you can do.
I hope yours was the exception to the rule!
17/Jun/09 2:44 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi the LynnDee....I thought I recognized the name,so have you moved?
17/Jun/09 3:38 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Nice to see you posting again. Looking forward to meeting you in Florida, July will be here before we know it.
17/Jun/09 4:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi LynnDee, I don't think we ever met before but I am a neighbor to the south. I live just outside of Ft. Lauderdale.
17/Jun/09 8:05 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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What a wonderful story, LynnDee. I need a tissue. We had discussed fosterhood, but that is as far as it ever went.
As for the adoptions, all were going to be new borns and by the end of each pregnancy the mother's had changed their minds. We are still in the children's lives and they are wonderful. The oldest is 12 now and then two 8 year olds.
Enjoy, your new role as grandparent. My girl, loves her Grandma's and you see stars in her eyes when her Pappoo is around. You would think she was the first grandchild.
17/Jun/09 8:42 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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rainy day up here near Chicago - home from work and just relaxing, I'm in the mist of decluttering my house and I have to say - I'm on a roll. Enjoy your time on the site, Mary
17/Jun/09 8:44 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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LynnDee, my daughters are 17 and 19 and neither one has been in a relationship yet, actually the 17 year old has yet to go on a date, not that we are that strict or anything, it just hasn't happened yet, your daughter's experience has reminded me that I need to continually reinforce what acceptable behavior is and is not with them, thank you for sharing your story with me, and your daughter must be a very strong woman to break that cycle of abuse, may God continue to bless her, you and her baby. Take care and visit often.

18/Jun/09 4:41 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Looks like it's back to the site!
Hope to 'see' you around!
25/Jun/09 12:31 AM
LynnDee  From Jacksonville, FL
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Hi Tami,

It was great meeting you and your family at FionaFest. Hope we can get together again since we live so close. I really enjoyed getting to know you and talking to your mom. Your boys are very good looking young men. I still can't believe how tall they are for their age!Write back when you get a chance.

27/Jul/09 1:00 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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LynnDee - so nice to meet you on Skype...wish I could've joined you all in Florida at Fionafest 2009...saving my pennies (haha - wish it were that inexpensive!) for my trip down-under in October.
Big hugs to you! Hope Jane puts together the Sudoku-cruise and that we can meet there in person!
28/Jul/09 1:27 AM
   ceecee  From florida
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Hi LynnDee! It was great meeting you. I hope your little grandie gives you a few days to catch your breath before arriving.
Take care,
28/Jul/09 11:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It would be a pleasure to meet you again sometime. Hopefully we can meet somewhere in the middle. If you are ever headed down south, my way, let me know. Good luck with the grand baby. I know you will be as thrilled as my mom was.
29/Jul/09 6:44 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Hey LynnDee, had no clue that you had a little one on the way, so close with Jill and Me. Granted, you are able to roll over at night without having to wake all your brain cells up to do so. Congratulations on your up coming grandparenthood.
As for setting up the guessing page in the forum, Jill did that. You may want to send her a PM, since we are not reliable on being on the site that often as of lately.
29/Jul/09 4:46 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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I was typing away and my post disappeared.

Anyway, as I was typing, Jill and I did not have a clear winner in our baby guessing game, just some close. Our babies came early, Jill had BP pressure problems, which would indicate a small baby, but she had a big one. I had gestational diabeties which would mean a huge baby and I had a small one. When I made the announcement, I just put who was the closes. The only prize was knowing you were right. Though others in the past have made an agreement with Gath to win a free month on the site.
I believe Rose and Lauren did that--but don't quote me.
30/Jul/09 6:44 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Hey LynnDee, just to let you know, I try to clean my room periodically. It is really the only room in my house that I can keep clean. Though I do believe you have been my first post the last two times. Thanks for visiting.
30/Jul/09 2:40 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi LynnDee - Have you started a thread for the baby "guessing" in the Forum? I can't seem to find it. I need some directions please!!! Thanks
31/Jul/09 2:09 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi LynnDee!!!! Thank you for the Birthday Greetings! I appreciate them! Please tell your daughter it isn't too late to make my birthday!!!! She has until midnight!!!!!
11/Aug/09 3:50 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello LynnDee!! - It sounds like this baby wanted a birthday of his own. Lots of luck for a speedy, healthy delivery. I will be waiting to hear.
12/Aug/09 9:42 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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!!! Tell Garrett !
15/Aug/09 3:11 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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LynnDee, My heartiest congratulations to you and your family on Garrett's safe arrival. May his life be healthy and bright.
15/Aug/09 4:04 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Congratulations, LynnDee!

I am glad to hear that mom and baby are doing okay. I am looking forward to seeing some pictures!
15/Aug/09 10:26 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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You think you're in love now? Wait as Garrett grows you'll find the love grows as well!!! Remember we want pics of the little darling! Especially you holding him!
16/Aug/09 6:59 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas


22/Dec/09 11:22 PM
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