Lauren from Wangaratta

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Our family, Beth, Lauren and Ethan, Taylah, Paul and Jake

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   Lauren  From Wangaratta    Supporting Member
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so i will flick to a new page today...
Greg the ALP is Australian Labor Party ( the party I stood for in the election)

off to hosp I go..... no more tonsils yayayayayayay
   Lauren  From Wangaratta    Supporting Member
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been to the hosp and now home again.....

tonsils gone, lots of jelly, ice cream and being waited on by my beloved......
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Lovely to see you posting again Lauren. Have a wonderful Easter and lots of Easter eggs.How is Taylah doing she looks so lovely on the photo.xx
05/Apr/07 6:07 PM
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hello Lauren,

Just dropping by to wish you and Taylah a safe and Happy Easter
07/Apr/07 9:05 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Thank you very much for all your good wishes today, have had lots of fun.
Missing your and your little one, but can't wait to catch up in June.
03/May/07 8:59 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Lauren. Just dropping by for a quick visit, and wanting to wish you and Taylah well. How are things going?
10/May/07 7:42 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Lauren! Wishing you a
Hope you have a Great Day and coming Year xx
29/May/07 12:47 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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What a lovely message you posted today for your Mom's 50th. I know she probably finds it more special then anyone esle's posts today.
21/Jun/07 9:19 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Lauren! It sounds like you really surprised your Mum! We all wish we could have been there. (Now THAT would have REALLY been a surprise!) We're all looking forward to pics and video of the wonderful time all of you had!

By the way, I think this is my first visit to your page. Here is a bouquet of fresh flowers and a big box of Frango Mints for you to share with your many visitors!
25/Jun/07 6:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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What exciting news, Lauren! A wee new little one! When is it due?
25/Jun/07 3:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops! I got so excited for you that I didn't finish reading the page & see that you told us your due date! Have a healthy pregnancy!
25/Jun/07 3:31 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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is this OK. LOL, let me know
25/Jun/07 10:40 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Lauren, congratulations on the new bundle of joy heading your way in January! Hopefully, the stork will give your baby a smooth landing. (hehe) May you have good health and plenty of rest, may the days fly by and may your summer heat never bother you at the end! Take care!
26/Jun/07 5:30 AM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Lauren, congratulations to you & Paul, what wonderful news!
26/Jun/07 3:10 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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where do I begin. thank you for all your effort to make my BD such a wonderful celebration and in sneaking Em, Billy and Lynne to the party.
thank you for the lovely birthday wishes and gift for my 50th birthday celebrations. I have great memories to keep.
receiving messages from all around the world is very humbling. I love to send the messages to others, but receiving them is something very
we share a lot here on site and I love the feeling of the huge 'sudoku worldwide family'.
To share my family celebration here in Wangaratta with some of my special 'sudoku family' was more than I could possibly ask for.
thank you for a wonderful effort in organising the party.
love mum
water of course
27/Jun/07 5:07 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Lauren. Great news on the impending arrival. Just a little curious though. If you have twins, triplets, whatever, and there is a competition, do we have to guess the time of each arrival? Hope all goes easy for you over the next several months.
29/Jun/07 8:17 AM
Lynne  From Kanahooka    Supporting Member
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Hi Lauren, thanks you so much for inviting me to share your mothers celebration, I was very touched and it was a great pleasure to meet up with you & your family again. Meeting everyone else was truly special, they were all really nice people & I may not have met them if not for you and Col. Thanks so much for a great time, you did a splendid job. I know I said this before on the night but congrats again to you & Paul.
29/Jun/07 8:46 PM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Lauren, trying to catch up on comments, I see you are expecting. Congratulations, to you and hubby. I know you Mom is excited also, what a great birthday gift for her. Take care and keep everyone updated on the baby. Again Congratulations
03/Jul/07 7:31 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Lauren, Hi! Hope you're having a good day! Here are some flowers to brighten it! Loved the joke on Easy re 'Priceless.' Sent it to hubby at work! If you ever want to chat, drop by the SA2 page anytime! Take care!
12/Jul/07 10:52 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Lauren on being pregnant, wonderful news, sorry this was belated I had a lot of pages to catch up on, take care of yourself and peanut xx
25/Jul/07 9:54 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Lauren, sorry its taken me so long to get here. Noice place you have here. Hope the tribe are well. Peanut behaving itself?
I've brought you a bottle of bubbly to toast the bub when it gets here, a plate of nibblies and an invitation to drop into my page anytime. Take a walk around the garden, find a seat in the sun and meet my family. Love to see you there.
12/Aug/07 9:49 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Lauren, great picture of the baby on the way! It will be interesting to see if he/she continues to suck his/her thumb after birth! I hope that your dad and grandparents have a speedy recovery! Take care!
24/Aug/07 1:37 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Lauren, isn't it awesome what can be done today? Great picture of Peanut and hoping the rest of your term goes easy. Take care of the two of you!
30/Aug/07 10:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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How are you Lauren? Back at the motel, I believe!
Look after yourself and your growing tribe.
29/Sep/07 9:27 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well I suppose telling you to take it easy would be a bit superfluous right now! Look after yourself and Peanut, or at least, let someone else do it for you!!!
12/Oct/07 4:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Take care of yourself Lauren. hope all will be fine with baby..
12/Oct/07 4:36 PM
eaa  From Tassie
Best of luck. Take care and stay safe. Cheers.
12/Oct/07 4:52 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Lauren, I've been flicking through the comments. I hope your current stay in hospital turns out as simple as getting your tonsils out, even if you are there for a while.

Up the ALP. Maybe we'll know when the election is on by the end of this weekend.
12/Oct/07 7:25 PM
Karen  From Texas
Lauren I am so happy to see you post. I had been wondering about peanut, but could not remember who peanut belonged to. Sorry about that I will remember now.

I was also wondering if this was your first, but I am assuming the little darlings in the picture above is yours. How in the world are you doing having to stay in bed with those two little ones? Though I bet they want to help you so much.

When I was pregnant my doctor threatened me with bed rest. I gave him "the" look so he threw me in the hospital for a week. I was not a happy camper. Now I could kick myself, what I would give to just have a day in bed or even a morning. My advice to you is sit back and enjoy it. Staying in bed all the time will be hard but you know what is to come.

I have so much more to say but I now have an active 15 month old and at the moment she is very quiet--bad sign.

So I am off enjoy your resting time.
13/Oct/07 12:59 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hey Lauren!hows the bed sitting doing?I saw Karen's post and don't believe her,she wont remember who Peanut belongs to!she can't remember anything...have you been reading her post?LOL
anytime were in the chatroom please come in for a chat,we will behave,we wouldn't want you to ROOBL=roll out of bed laughing!
take care Lauren and roll over often=ROO
15/Oct/07 11:27 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Lauren please do not listen to the crazy woman Nancy. She has AAS really bad. (Advanced Age Syndrome)
I remembered Peanut and that the bundle of joy was to arrive in January, I just did not remember who Peanut belonged to.
I have thought of some bed activities that you can do. I am sure you have counted all the ceiling tiles by now, and realize they are boring. Let's remodel the ceiling, I am thinking swirl prints in a very light blue. Since blue is supposed to calming and help people sleep.
Have you picked out some names to try out on Peanut when the little bundle arrives?

I do have say Nancy did say one thing right in her comment, come visit us in the chat room. We are crazy at times, serious a few times but always welcoming.
15/Oct/07 11:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday mate, just popping in to see how you are going. hope you've got plenty of pillow fluffer-upperers and a bell. Everyone loves a bell when someone is stuck in bed. Every time they hear that little tinkle, they think fondly of the person they are about to help, so get a bell!
25/Oct/07 9:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Lauren! Wow, what a trying time you have been through. Hopefully the withdrawal is complete and you can regain a bit of weight as you await the arrival of Peanut. Rest up and relax as best you can. We'll keep the prayers going for you!
03/Nov/07 11:26 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Lauaren, sorry to hear about your recent travail. Please keep your spirits up, if possible not drugged up. Glad you have someone to care for you. My prayers as many others are with you and Peanut.
03/Nov/07 3:16 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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bless your heart Lauren,I knew you were having trouble but had no idea to what extent!
your a very brave girl,I hope and pray your pain can be controlled without endone
you and Peanut in my thoughts and prayers
03/Nov/07 5:58 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA
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Lauren, I'm so sorry you have been through such an ordeal. Good news that your little Peanut is well and growing! Blessings to you both
04/Nov/07 4:20 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Lauren, my God girl, what you have been through!
I'm so sorry this pregnancy has been so very hard on you; please don't let it discourage you in the future. From one who has been through withdrawal to another--it is the pits. Doesn't it make you wonder how drug user's willingly do this to themselves?!? It certainly can't be worth it; and we had it happen legally! I do hope you are over the worst of it. It's good to know peanut didn't suffer it.
Hang in there, January is not so far away now. Let others continue to care for you so you gain some weight, and let your back recover as well. You are certainly in my prayers as well as many others around the world.
God Bless.
04/Nov/07 5:32 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Lauren - I just want you to know that prayers are going up for you here in Michigan. Hang in there!

Your children are beautiful!
04/Nov/07 11:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Lauren, just popping in to wish Taylah a very with plenty of .
Hope you have a lovely day, Taylah.
15/Nov/07 8:25 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Happy 4th Birthday to Taylah
15/Nov/07 11:29 AM
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