Cathy from southern Ontario

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Hello, friend, and thanks for visiting.  Please make yourself at home here.  In the summer, we can chat on the patio with a mimosa and a platter of shrimp.  In winter, we'll cozy up by the fire with some hot chocolate and your favourite liqueur.   I wish you a life filled with wonder.  Stop to marvel at creation.  Make someone smile whenever you can.  And shower affection on all creatures, great and small.  

Arthur, our 4-year-old Maine Coon cat.

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   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Thank you Cathy for making my birthday a special one.
Many sudoku friends from around the world coming to visit me and wishing me a Happy Birthday have overwhelmed me.
My Husband and sons took me out to dinner to a Chinese Restaurant, and on the Sunday, we had a delicious Roast Dinner at MIL’s.
22/May/08 1:11 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Oh, Cathy! I am so sorry to hear of your renovation woes! And at this point of the game! A POX on him!
We are on day 3 of our room addition. The deck has been removed and the footings are dug. I hope I'll like it after all is said & done! The cats are very puzzled when they look out.
Hello to Arthur ...& his Pals! (Can't leave them out, you know.) I have one cat that actually gets jealous if you pay attention to the other one!
23/May/08 6:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Oh Cathy, I just read about your kitchen renovation woes.. oh dear..
mmm sounds like you should have employed my husbands Cabinet Making Company. sorry am no help am I?
BTW our Enusite Renovations, finished last week and looks great.
23/May/08 10:17 AM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Dear Cathy,
Thank you so much for your very caring message after Mum's death. Having so much love and support from everyone on this wonderful site has been amazing and very much appreciated, it really did help me through a rough patch.
27/May/08 11:03 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Cathy, You certainly added towards making a good birthday great, by adding your wishes for my day. Its always nice to be remembered, and you always seem to be one of the first in remembering folks...You are a very special lady.
28/May/08 4:43 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Taking the time to say thank you for your message of love and support through the tough times with my mum, and her death. My heart has been lifted by the warmth and love shown to me here.
05/Jun/08 12:03 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Hi Cathy

I was born in Toronto, but we left Canada shortly after I was born. My parents say the reason they departed was the weather - incredibly cold winters and unbelievably humid summers.
06/Jun/08 8:22 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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(Hello Arthur, Holmes & Spike!)
Cathy, thank you for the birthday wishes!!! I have stretched my birthday out to the "n"th degree this year!!! (It was a biggie!) I went to the Indy 500 on my birthday, to Meijer Garden in Grand Rapids for my birthday wish with the whole family the next weekend and to a birthday tea with a friend on Tuesday! So, you are not late at all!
How is your kitchen? Have you gotten a new counter man, yet?
Today I have one wall on my new room!!!! It's the curved window wall (5 floor to ceiling windows)and so far, so good! Not going to be too fond of the plastic wall when they tear the old bay window out on Monday to put the side walls in, though!
Nigel, my diabetic cat, seems to be handling construction pretty well. He's lost a little weight by not nibbling all day, but he has actually come out from underneath the bed and watched them at work pounding! Whew!
06/Jun/08 11:15 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - I am just stopping by to see how the construction is coming along? Are you getting this heat over your way? Have a great day.
07/Jun/08 4:43 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Thanks for the wine - I'll drink a little at a time. I know snow is beautiful, but I'm glad it doesn't snow where I live. We hardly even get frosts. I'll send you some honey and coffee... enjoy!
07/Jun/08 3:13 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Dust??? I've resigned myself to ignore it for the duration and do a major "clean" when finished!
How much further for YOUR project??? Are you getting anxious for it to be finished?
We have three walls, a newly flattened (no more bay window) existing wall and they are framimg in the roof now (pound-pound-pound). It's not an easy roof since it has five facets of roof on the 20 foot wide bay end, plus the two side roofs. (Imagine a giant horse shoe, laid flat with the ends next to the house & the "toe" away from the house.) It'll look rather like a conservatory or gazebo when finished with all the windows (hopefully!!!) but with a roof.
17/Jun/08 2:15 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - a big from my family and me for your best wishes on the safe arrival of my newest grandson, Bailey.
17/Jun/08 3:54 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Oh, Cathy, an "English looking" kitchen sounds wonderful to me. I have a feeling I would love your house. Saw so many things in your photos that I like! You need to add some more of you & your family & eventually some befores & afters of your kitchen. Do you like antiques? Do you collect anything in particular? I love anything old & wish my house could have more an old feel to it. I always hoped that when Rob retired from the Navy we would go back to VA & buy a colonial style house. Intead we ended up in FL in a ranch style. The colonial look just isn't seen too much here. But I still like antiques & have mixed in some old & new pieces in my house -a very eclectic look to be sure!
25/Jun/08 4:05 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'll believe when I 'see' it Cathy!
Get back to us when the countertops are please.
25/Jun/08 8:02 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello to Arthur!
Yippee! Congrats on the upper cabinets!
Does it help to celebrate each milestone?
Today I am getting insulation. In other words, it's QUIET!
26/Jun/08 1:52 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Cathy, for my dad's birthday wishes. I will call him soon and pass it on to him. I sent him a Sudoku puzzle book and erasable ink pens! He told me the other day he has completed his first "4-star" Sudoku puzzle in the newspaper! Now if we could just get him on the computer..........
26/Jun/08 3:25 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Happy Canada Day!!
01/Jul/08 11:14 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello Arthur!
Hey! Congratulations! ...almost! I guess everyone needs a holiday... too bad it's now! I went to look at carpets today and found a sign that they are closed until July 10th for inventory! Sounds familiar, huh?
I know what you mean about cleaning at the end of the project... My house is covered in dust and I decided not to even try to keep ahead of it since they haven't even gotten to the drywall sanding yet! After they leave, the fun will begin!
And yes, I'm going to have a new grandchild in January!
04/Jul/08 8:28 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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We went shopping for furniture for our room addition yesterday! I ended up selecting something totally different from what I had imagined for the room color-wise, but I have taken a couple of days to make sure I am happy with the choice. It's a bit pricey to be wrong on that one!
07/Jul/08 4:58 AM
   Vici  From California
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Loved seeing your pretty kitties...don't you just love 'em???
11/Jul/08 1:40 AM
   Vici  From California
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Thanks for stopping by my page and welcoming me, Cathy. Your boys look delightful! I'm going to see if my husband will help me with this photo sizing stuff. I sure would like to submit some pictures for the puzzles and spice up my page. We'll see...he's pretty busy. Have a lovely day!
11/Jul/08 2:28 AM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Cathy, thanks so much for your anniversary wishes! We've had a fun 40 years, so a hot and smoky day didn't spoil a thing for us. Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.
11/Jul/08 8:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Cathy, WHAT !! your Kitchen still not completed !!
The Stove doesnt fit ?? .. mmmm
What a pity, we arent closer, you could have had my Cabinet Maker Husband do it !!
And it would have been done properly the first time !!
And well and truly finished by now !!
11/Jul/08 9:17 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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If you don't see me for awhile, drywall sanding begins today. After that is the wood floor sanding. I am dreading this part of the construction. Some of the walls are in my computer room. Since I'm covering my computer completely, I may not be able to use it for a while. Wish me luck! (I'll know more after today.)
22/Jul/08 10:17 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy! Thought I'd stop by & say hi since I haven't noticed any comments been on Easy from yoiu for awhile. Course that might be because I haven't had time to read many lately! Did see that you had a growing list of problems with your kitchen & were feeling aggravated. I'm so sorry. We are inching closer to getting started on ours, & I'm already expecting that it will be quite an ordeal. Right now I'm just feeling overwhelmed with all the choices to be made - yikes! Hope you are all done with everything soon & able to forget the bad parts & just enjoy the beautiful results! Hang in there!
26/Jul/08 11:14 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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(Hello Arthur!)

Cathy, it sounds as if we need to meet half-way for a "Construction Chaos Cocktail Fest"!

I guess that no matter what, things will never go smoothly with renovations. But.... Ya sure wish they would! At least my computer is now out of its plastic drop cloth covering & I am back in Sudokuland.

AND... Our builder is finally back, too! (Almost makes chaos seem nice!) He's been installing the wood floor these last two days. I'll probably have to disapper again when he sands it!

Hang in there, friend!
27/Jul/08 6:13 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Here's the missing "a"!
27/Jul/08 6:14 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Well... it looks like you had a much needed peaceful weekend!
I could do with one after today! Found out this afternoon that the builder seriously under-estimated the cost of one of our requested materials by more than a couple of thousand. Yikes! Saw the color drain from his face! Now what do we do?????
29/Jul/08 1:21 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy! Thank you for stopping by. I am sorry I wasn't home. I hope you enjoyed your iced tea anyway.

How is the progress in your kitchen? Are things moving forward again?

I hope you have a great day! Cheers!
30/Jul/08 7:50 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cathy, a very to you.
I have brought along a bottle of Aussie bubbly, a Choc Mud and a bouquet of roses to help with the celebrations.
Have a truly wongerful day.

Oh, and to hubby
Oh...and Happy Anniversary coming up! PHEW!
31/Jul/08 9:34 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - to you! (And to your hubby, too!) I hope both of you have a very special birthday day this year!
31/Jul/08 10:29 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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"They say it's your birthday..."
(...can't remember who sang that song, though!)
Hope your day is filled with HAPPY SURPRISES!
And a visit from the Finished Kitchen Fairy!
31/Jul/08 11:11 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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to Hubby, too!
You get things over with all at once, don't you!
31/Jul/08 11:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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01/Aug/08 10:36 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary To Cathy and Mr Cathy.
Have a truly romantic day.
08/Aug/08 12:14 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello to Arthur, Holmes & Spike!
I'm so glad you FINALLY got the fridge level! ...Duh! (I'm looking on the positive side...) I am pretty sure we are going to go into September. You started earlier than we did, so I hope very much you are DONE before then!!!!
Sorry about the floor & scratches. I guess there is always risk that you should have done something differently with renovations & additions, but you always hope everything is thought about prior to installation. I see a couple of things I'd have chosen differently if I had known, too.
Friday was interesting. I told my husband that I spent the day "turning a construction site into a B & B"! My uncle passed away last week and the memorial service was held closer to me than any other relative, so I didn't have much choice. Luckily it WAS family and my mother (age 92) is legally blind now and couldn't see the dust!
But... My crazy husband invited a couple to stay overnight this coming Wednesday after going to a baseball game with us. THAT I am NOT thrilled about! We will be in the midst of either sanding the wood floors (dust) or putting finish (fumes)on them. Neither will be too pleasant! I am hoping they change their minds and want to get home late instead!
Good luck in the next few days!
12/Aug/08 4:02 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Cathy - thanks for stopping by! Loved the excuse to come back and visit Arthur, Spike and Holmes! Someone posted about a youtube video about treadmill kittens...oh-sooooo-cute, if you haven't already seen it. Blessings to you, Cathy!
13/Aug/08 12:28 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Thanks for accepting my friendship request, Cathy! Catch you on the that I'll know when you are here!
14/Aug/08 2:12 AM
Koguma  From Ohio
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Cathy! I look forward to the journey! And Arthur is simply adorable!
15/Aug/08 5:24 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Cathy
Thank you very much , every thing is OK thank God ,you are so thoughtful .
20/Aug/08 12:18 AM
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