Cathy from southern Ontario

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Hello, friend, and thanks for visiting.  Please make yourself at home here.  In the summer, we can chat on the patio with a mimosa and a platter of shrimp.  In winter, we'll cozy up by the fire with some hot chocolate and your favourite liqueur.   I wish you a life filled with wonder.  Stop to marvel at creation.  Make someone smile whenever you can.  And shower affection on all creatures, great and small.  

Arthur, our 4-year-old Maine Coon cat.

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   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Happy Easter to you and your family! Love that pic of your cat. I have a cat too but she is a persistent busybody, annoying loveable mutt of a cat. Was my son's but since he moved out to be a US Marine, we inherited her.
Here's some Easter goodies for you!
21/Mar/08 3:10 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your visit and your kind words, Cathy! And a Hoppy Easter to you, too!
21/Mar/08 3:59 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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How are the cats dealing with all construction chaos? You still seem upbeat about it. Just keep repeating, "New kitchen! New Kitchen!" if it gets to you!
21/Mar/08 1:23 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Happy Easter Cathy and thank you for your very kind and heartfelt words. Muffin was a very loved member of the family. I miss her so much. It is the little things that get to you.
I still find myself looking for her and if there is left over chicken I will suddenly think that "Muffin will like this".
I know that she will live on forever in my heart and I will never forget her or her funny little ways.
Hope your Easter is happy and filled with love, laughter and the company of good friends and family.
Bless you.
22/Mar/08 10:40 AM
   Serena  From Vermont    Supporting Member
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Glad you enjoyed your visit to Stowe. Unfortunately I don't make it to the mountains often. We are in a valley so we are surrounded by them and the view is beautiful from down here. My son is fascinated by the idea of them. He doesn't get that once you are in them it doesn't look that much different.
27/Mar/08 5:35 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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I agree, Cathy. I think having fun is what has kept our marriage strong for 39 years! Laughing and being silly are so much more enjoyable than silence or harsh words, don't you think?
28/Mar/08 4:13 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, thank you for your support. We're trying to focus on all the fun we had with Simon. It gets better day by day.
03/Apr/08 1:46 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cathy, I have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me for my birthday. It really does make your day to find well wishers from all over the world.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
18/Apr/08 9:58 PM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Dear Cathy, I am sorry for the bad news, but like Kathy said that are many different things they can do today, stay positive, just one day at a time. and prayers for you.
19/Apr/08 2:54 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I was sorry to hear of your diagnosis Cathy. Hopefully it is in the early dry stage and you can hold the problem in check with the vitamins and treatment. This seems to be a more prevalent problem in women lately. Chin up and stay positive. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
19/Apr/08 4:59 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Warm thoughts and fervent prayers coming your way, Cathy. Anyone who can use "young" and "53" in the same sentence is going to be OK!
19/Apr/08 5:19 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, good thoughts and prayers coming your way.
19/Apr/08 5:31 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Cathy hope you get some comfort from talking to the people at CNIB. Glad also that your hubby is supportive. Wishing you the very best and will continue to keep you in my prayers and in my heart.
André is slowly getting his energy back but has to have a blood test because the count is low.
Guess we have to keep on looking at the bright side of it all. We are still planing on leaving for our campsite on the 15th of May. We stay there 4 months( without the internet) I am looking forward to the camping but will miss the contact with you and all the lovely people in Sudokuland. Take care and drop by anytime.
19/Apr/08 5:46 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Cathy, so sorry to hear about the diagnosis. I'm thinking about you and hoping that it is slow in it's growth. Have the doctor's said how bad it is? Take care of yourself and much love xxx
19/Apr/08 8:26 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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You sound a wonderfully positive person Cathy...all the best
19/Apr/08 9:37 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cathy, whilst you keep others in your thoughts, I keep you in mine.
All the very best with treatments.
19/Apr/08 10:20 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, how sweet of you to remember Simon in the middle of your so much more difficult news. May you fight it with everything you've got, and may you win.
19/Apr/08 10:30 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Debby; so sorry to hear about the macular degener-
ation diagnosis. However, now there are several new therapies/treatments available. My prayers are that at least one works for you. Hopes, prayers and best wishes heading your way.
19/Apr/08 11:23 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear about your eye problems.. my thoughts and prayers.

How goes it in the new Kitchen department .. is it finished yet..
My ensuite Renovations is coming along.. The Tiler is here this morning to lay Wall Tiles.. he did the floor a couple of days ago.
19/Apr/08 11:51 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello to Arthur...
Hope your appointment at the Institute for the Blind was productive. And yes, we have some wonderful people on this site!
22/Apr/08 4:36 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Cathy, I was at my eye doctor this morning and was mentionning your predicament. She gave me a sample of the Vitamine that they prescribe.
It is called Vitalux AREDS and made for your condition. She sounds very positive about the help of these vitamines. If it is different than what was prescribe, you may want to look into it.
I could mail you the sample that she gave me but it is not necessary if you already have seen those. It seems to be made by Novartis Ophthalmics. Take care!
22/Apr/08 5:04 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Debby, I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis. My MIL has the same problem. Hers started in her 50's also. My prayers are with you. Take care!
24/Apr/08 2:27 PM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Cathy

I am very happy for your good news ,

Good luck .
26/Apr/08 2:38 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, what wonderful, news!! I am so happy for you!
26/Apr/08 2:58 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Hello to Arthur & his friends!
Congrats on diagnosing those pesky freckles! Talk about answered prayers!
Guess what? We are joining the ranks of remodeling/building! We are adding a room to the back of our house! It will have lots of floor to ceiling windows and room for a corner art studio! I won't have to put my painting paraphernalia away every time I want to eat!
26/Apr/08 3:44 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Cathy, what wonderful news. There are a whole lot of meaningful things I could say, but to put it simply - I am delighted.
26/Apr/08 5:19 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Cathy, that is wonderful news... :)
26/Apr/08 7:44 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Oh Cathy, I am so happy for you. What wonderful news.
26/Apr/08 7:59 AM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Cathy: How incredibly awesome that you don't have macular degeneration. I guess it really pays to always get a second opinion on something as serious as MD. I'd still be celebrating if I were you.
26/Apr/08 11:58 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Excellent, excellent news!
Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I am so pleased for you Cathy.
Let's be truly grateful.
26/Apr/08 12:25 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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I've been busy this weekend, and have only just caught up on yesterdays posts.
what fantastic news!
I'm so happy for you, its just wonderful.
27/Apr/08 3:11 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Cathy, I am so glad to have been some comfort during what must have been a very difficult time. I must say though, that I think it is your husband who needs help.
All the best for what must now be a bright future.
27/Apr/08 5:21 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Cathy, just to let you know that our sudoku family came through once again! My niece that so many of our sudokuists prayed for was released from the hospital this evening after 10 days. Oh! How we are blessed with this extended family!
29/Apr/08 11:46 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Almost forgot... Hello to Arthur!
29/Apr/08 11:47 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - I stopped by for an update on the remodeling. (I have kind of been out of it for a while.) Is it close to being finished?
09/May/08 6:56 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - Thanks for the visit! Remodeling isn't fun, but the end results are amazing!!!! Thanks for the update. I hope to see pictures when you are finished!!! I could tell you stories about construction you wouldn't believe! I always said that I should write a book, but they would publish it under Fiction!!!! Those days are behind me and I am thankful for that. If the economy ever picks up, we hope to build a home in Virginia. (Our dream) But.....I dread the day construction will begin. Hang in there Cathy. I see you have a kitchen sink!!!!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Have a great day, Cathy. Thank you for stopping!
10/May/08 9:13 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Many thanks for your lovely and very kind wishes for my Sister.
We thank GOD she doing well now.
Many thanks and wish you a very nice Day and Time.
11/May/08 5:24 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Cathy!!! I have been enjoying the day, told everyone today I'm going by Australian time and tomorrow I'll go by American time. Made numerous excuses to do as I please because . . . !!! You're such a sweetie!! Thank you!
13/May/08 10:59 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Dear Cathy,
Thank you for your support while I have been ill. I never expected such a response from this site, everyone’s concern and caring has overwhelmed me. I can only say that it is the genuine people here who make this a very unique place to share our hopes, dreams, ups and downs. So thank you for being there.
14/May/08 3:29 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Cathy, I did check it out on Snopes & it is a true story.
16/May/08 6:38 AM
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