Cathy from southern Ontario

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Hello, friend, and thanks for visiting.  Please make yourself at home here.  In the summer, we can chat on the patio with a mimosa and a platter of shrimp.  In winter, we'll cozy up by the fire with some hot chocolate and your favourite liqueur.   I wish you a life filled with wonder.  Stop to marvel at creation.  Make someone smile whenever you can.  And shower affection on all creatures, great and small.  

Arthur, our 4-year-old Maine Coon cat.

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bert  From bwi    Supporting Member
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Cathy, Knock! Knock! Anybody home? Have you any room for a little bubbly? Well, then. I will leave this case of Veuve Clicquot Brut. I hope this messsage finds you and your family in the best of health and spirits. You are always a delight on the site. Celebrate the season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
21/Dec/07 10:57 AM
jeb  From ks
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I always enjoy visiting your page. Arthur makes a wonderful greeter and your sitting room looks so cozy. Our Suzy always makes it a point to be first to the door to see who her caller is.
Thank you for the Christmas greeting and accept our wishes to you for the same.
21/Dec/07 2:53 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Cathy.
Thank you so much for the mulled cider. Now I don't have anything quite as wonderful as that but I hope you will enjoy a plate of my homemade shortbreads.
Wishing you and your family a Christmas that is filled with wonder and love, and the New Year brings you everything your heart desires.
21/Dec/07 3:11 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Oops!!! You will find a small tin of sardines in the bottom of the bag and that of course is for Arthur.
21/Dec/07 3:13 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Wish You,
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year.
21/Dec/07 8:43 PM
Lynne  From Kanahooka    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy, Merry Xmas, I hope 2008 is a better year for both of us & a start of new beginnings. I like your suggestion for the extra plate at the table, may you enjoy Xmas day with your family. People never die when they are remembered and what better time to relive all the good times and memories with our families. Love to you all.
21/Dec/07 9:48 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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wishing you and all the family a very merry christmas and happy new year.

use the link below for my christmas card
21/Dec/07 10:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and yours a merry merry and a happy happy!

click or copy and paste to see your Christmas Card:

22/Dec/07 2:44 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the new year!
22/Dec/07 1:42 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Hi Cathy, thanks for the delicious cookies. I bring with me today my fresh baked mini cupcakes and wishes for you and yours to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
24/Dec/07 12:52 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Just dropping in on the strong wind that is pounding our house this morning along with a dusting of snow to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a -- got some catnip in my pocket for your friend - enjoy your day, Mary
24/Dec/07 2:19 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Happy Holidays to you and yours.

I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers for a New Year filled with Happiness, Health, Love and Prosperity.
24/Dec/07 2:09 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy. I have not been to visit you in a long time, but not because I haven't been thinking of you. I am very sure that this first Christmas without your mom was a hard one. My mom died way back in 2001, & I STILL miss her terribly, especially during the holidays when I usually got to be with her, even during the 23 years when we were moving around so often (17 times!) during Rob's Navy career. Some people are just very lucky to be blessed with extra special mothers. I think maybe you & I were two of the lucky ones. My mom was truly my idol, & I will live out my life trying to be as good a person as she was. Anyway, I hope that 2008 will be a better year than 2007 was for you & all your family.
31/Dec/07 2:04 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Stopped by to wish you good cheer
Brought a little bubblie here
May your toast be great
For two thousand eight
May you have a very

Hope your Christmas was blest.
No resolutions to obsess
It is not too late
For to celebrate
Our Lord Saviour’s Righteousness
01/Jan/08 5:03 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Lane Cove)
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Cathy and Family - not forgetting all the well-loved animals!!
Best wishes for 2008!
01/Jan/08 9:06 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Cathy! Cheers!
01/Jan/08 3:26 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Good morning to you, Wanted to drop by and thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I love this site and it lifts my spirits to visit here in the mornings before I start my day. Thanks again and enjoy your day, Mary
Mom told a story on Dad, seems when he came back from the service he took Mom out to dinner and introducted her to a friend - with a different name.... Must of been love -
15/Jan/08 8:32 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cathy, thank you for the birthday greetings.

We have cat who looks very similar to your Arthur but a bit darker grey.
16/Jan/08 9:29 AM
Judy  From San Diego
He he, Cathy! Did you see the joke I posted yesterday on P. 3 of Easy? I know you like to save jokes like that for your friendly parish priest ...
How are you doing??
01/Feb/08 4:24 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Oh, Cathy, I'm sorry to hear about your priest ... and about your brother. Are you SURE you didn't contribute to the former's transfer?? :) I thought about you when I posted the joke. Your brother doesn't live too close by, does he? It's so sad that he never grew up.
You are just not OLD enough to be afflicted with Harvest Gold! It dominated our house when we bought it 31 years ago, and we have managed to obliterate most of it. The color still rears up its ugly head when I pull out some old dish towels or mixing bowls. Enjoy your renovations!
If you want to respond, do it here ... and I'll check back! I've missed you! XO
01/Feb/08 5:08 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Judy, you're a gem above all gems! We inherited the harvest gold fridge from previous owners--the stove and dishwasher bit the dust years ago but the fridge keeps chugging ever onward. Our priest left because certain parishioners just couldn't get over his predecessor and made blatant, unhospitable comments that made his staying with us intolerable. Though I don't know the whole story, I'm mortified beyond words that a Christian community can be so Unchristian! Which brings me to very unchristian thoughts about my brother, who's hollered and blustered and cursed and resorted to every intimidating tactic possible to try and get my sister and I to do his bidding. He's pillaged Mom's estate of most of her furniture--you name it, he's tried it. So what can I say? Along comes my trusty friend Judy with a parrot joke, and any joke with a parrot and clergy in it is a winner. And so are you!
01/Feb/08 5:40 AM
Judy  From San Diego
It's so sad that your brother has taken such evil advantage of your mother's passing. From her pictures and your comments, she seems to have been such a gentle and beautiful woman. She would be very saddened to see this happening.
Yeah, I've met some very uncharitable people in the Christian community, too. Being a believer just can't make a rotten person nice.
Thanks for your kind words. I like you, too, Girl! XO
01/Feb/08 7:08 AM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Nice to see you again, thanks for stopping by. I just got home from work and your hot chocolate sounds like just the thing! We had a nice day here today but are bracing for the weather headed our way for tomorrow. They are calling for snow and possibly a “significant” amount of ice.

Kala’s recuperation is coming along, unfortunately we had a set back with an infection that set in but she is on meds to combat that now so we’re back on the right track. She is a good girl and I hate to see her going through all of this but at least the vet didn’t think it was re-growth so that’s something.

So tell me…how big is Arthur. He is beautiful! Not to snub the other two because I used to have an orange tiger myself but Maine Coons are something else. Take care and keep yourself warm.
01/Feb/08 11:45 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cathy, I hope you will forgive me but I have eavesdropped on your convo with Judy about your brother.
I am so awfully sorry that he has caused you even more grief at this time when you did not need it. I hope the decision you have made will bring you some well earned peace. Best of luck and love to you and your sister.
01/Feb/08 9:34 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston, NY
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Be careful out there Cathy, shoveling can be so much hard work. How much snow did you get, or are you expecting? As predicted we started with snow this morning but it quickly turned to freezing rain with the weather pushing up from the south as it is. I just now got home from work and spread some salt but there isn’t much more to be done here right now as it is still coming down. Tomorrow will be the day to begin work on the ice removal.
02/Feb/08 11:45 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - thanks for visiting my page and my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I'm afraid that I've got out of the habit of visiting people's pages these days.
I'm going along well although quite busy. I'm meeting up with a sudoku member this week who is visiting Albany from Queensland, so I'm looking forward to that.
I also have a trip to Perth (takes about 4hrs)this coming weekend to meet my daughter and grandson from the plane from NZ, then travel down the west coast so see my son and two other grandsons.
I hope you and your family are all keeping well.
Take care
03/Feb/08 1:19 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy - Thanks for your visit and the hot chocolate. It was delicious. No, you don't look fat in your long underwear! We are use to layers around here in the winter! Have you had much snow this winter. Have a great day.
06/Feb/08 12:47 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Cathy, Thanks for the comment about jigsaw puzzles! We started a 1500 piece one today and got it about 1/3 finished.
By the way, your cats are absolutely gorgeous! I have two. One, a silver tabby named Nigel, has diabetes and I have to give him insulin shots each day. He's VERY skittish so we haven't been on vacation since he was diagnosed. We are signed up for two trips later this year. (One to Wales & one to Northern Italy.) Hopefully I will be able to train my neighbor to give the injections, but the cat has to cooperate by not hiding! That's the hard part! My other cat is black & white and named Tuxedo for a good reason. He looks like he's wearing one!
06/Feb/08 11:04 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy - I enjoyed your visit. We have already had more snow this year than the whole winter last year. It is -4 (F) this morning. This cold weather is probably headed your way, if it isn't there yet. We got 8 inches of snow on Wednesday, but I was out of town. I am really looking forward to Spring this year.

Have a great day!
12/Feb/08 1:55 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Happy Valentine'sDay Cathy...I visited your place often because I love your cats but it is the first time I think that I take the opportunty to write and what a better day than today
15/Feb/08 3:29 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Thanks for your good wishes, Cathy ... and I send back to you ... our 70* and sunny weather! Rather than dinner or candy for my birthday, I chose kayaking, and we spent three hours out on a local lake yesterday! It's fun being your occasional partner in crime ... XO
15/Feb/08 5:03 AM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Judy, glad you spent your special day doing something you love--it sounds wonderful. Nothing cliche about you! And that "partners-in-crime" thing has a lovely ring--oh, what an exclusive group to which we belong! Quite the formidable team, I think. Cheers!!!
15/Feb/08 5:38 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Just love visiting your site & seeing Arthur! Your Valentine's meal sounds scrumptious! If you have any leftovers...
15/Feb/08 6:10 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Cathy ... you're one of the connections I would have missed the most. XO

Have fun skiing! And don't break nuthin'!
01/Mar/08 5:38 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Thank you so much for thinking of me. Yes it was almost crazy. Today life is back to normal and I hope your massage make you feel like a new woman. Take care
11/Mar/08 6:33 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy!
Yes, the political "spin" we are subjected to is VERY tiresome. I am mostly annoyed because they seem to feel we are too stupid to realize what is going on. I do feel sorry for the wives (and children)and I do think it is a personal issue.
I would be saying, "Here's a shovel, dig yourself out. I'm not going in front of a camera and be humiliated. We can talk privately, but I'm not going to be your personal prop".
Wishfull thinking, I'm sure. Sigh.
12/Mar/08 4:05 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Just visiting Arthur again.
12/Mar/08 12:54 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy! We are back to our home sweet home after the nine days with our grandchildren. I have never appreciated my nice quiet easy mornings so much! Still in my pajamas drinking coffee at my computer! I'll be following your kitchen remodeling very closely as it's something we need to do here, too. I keep hearing such horror stories from friends, I keep putting it off even though we have already set aside the money to do it. Maybe when you're all done you can give me some suggestions. Did you take some before pictures? Good luck with it. If your job goes smoothly maybe I'll be inspired.
18/Mar/08 1:39 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - I am just stopping by to wish you a "Good Day." I hope all is well with you.
19/Mar/08 5:41 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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How nice of you Cathy to take the time to stop by and wish us a Happy Easter! I take the opportunity to wish you also a Great Day since it is the MOST important day of the year for us. May your day be blessed with friends surrounding you and Peace all around.
21/Mar/08 2:54 AM
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