Cathy from southern Ontario

Send Cathy a Private Message

Hello, friend, and thanks for visiting.  Please make yourself at home here.  In the summer, we can chat on the patio with a mimosa and a platter of shrimp.  In winter, we'll cozy up by the fire with some hot chocolate and your favourite liqueur.   I wish you a life filled with wonder.  Stop to marvel at creation.  Make someone smile whenever you can.  And shower affection on all creatures, great and small.  

Arthur, our 4-year-old Maine Coon cat.

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - I hope your neighbours enjoyed the joke. I only get the odd one worth putting on the site and most have probably already been on before.
I hope you're enjoying some nice autumn weather before winter catches up with you.
10/Oct/08 4:26 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Oh, I started a new page for you and didn't even realise it.
So to a new page, Cathy.
10/Oct/08 4:27 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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It's been a month since you mentioned the eBay auction. How did it go?
11/Oct/08 1:47 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Cathy for the well wishes on my page! We are still on the road - and really having a fun and relaxing time.
Looking forward to catching up on everything when we get back. Hugs!
PS(I was so happy to read that your cabinet situation finally got resolved - best wishes for your next step to go smoothly!)
14/Oct/08 1:48 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Cathy, the weather looks good and we will be spending our time with about six other caravans from our local newly-formed Probus Caravan Club. It should be fun.
28/Oct/08 7:10 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Happy Birthday to your cat from Schultz!
31/Oct/08 9:05 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - it was very remiss of me not to thank you for the bottle of Chardonnay last week and return your visit. Well, this weekend I will finally find time to relax, as I'm doing right now.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and the weather isn't getting too cold already.
Anne x
01/Nov/08 11:55 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy, my health was good, the weather was lousy but we made many new friends and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Thank you for your thoughts.
02/Nov/08 3:54 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy. Thanks for stopping by my page with cuddles for Ebony & me. We sure can use them as we are BOTH miserable. I feel so sorry for her. The vet called us to check on her this morning. She suggested doubling up on the amt. of Benadryl we were giving her. Even one tablet makes her very drowsy, so two will really knock her out. But at least she is more comfortable sleeping I guess & then she doesn't keep licking all the sore spots. When she goes outside she rubs her face in the grass to relieve the itching & has rubbed all the skin off her nose until it is bloody. The hair all around her eyes is gone, & they are still practically swollen shut. She is so pitiful looking. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you.
05/Nov/08 5:28 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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I picked up my son Scott at College today -- rainy drive. We stopped by to visit my Mom on the way back. She is back in rehab - working to get her strength back -- she looked good and was feeling better, A lot of her problems before -- dizzy, weaknees -- should resolve with a more regular heartbeat -- she does say she gets tired and thus has a very early bedtime. Thanks for your prayers.. Mary
07/Nov/08 11:47 AM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Thanks for your message Cathy, I'm all packed and rearing to go (my plane doesn't leave for about 6 hours yet)
11/Nov/08 9:29 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Dear Cathy,

I am touched by your expression of caring and want you to know how much it means to me. My brother and I were very close, so it is going to be a difficult time ahead. I am thankful for many happy memories which will help sustain me. I also appreciate your invitation to share my memories of my brother with you, and in this regard, I am sending you (by private message) a link to the article on my brother that appeared in the Chicago Tribune last week. I think the article captures the essence of my brother's love of music and mankind. He had one of the happiest marriages and families I've ever known.

Bless you, Cathy, for reaching out.

♥ Jane
02/Dec/08 6:52 AM
   elsie  From strath
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Thankyou for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day.

Just in case I don't pop back in soon - I hope your preparations for Christmas don't spoilt your celebrations. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
05/Dec/08 10:10 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Thank you for your kind thoughts. They do mean a world to me. I love this site for all the kind caring people I have met. You're a part of that wonderful group. I hope that we may meet in person one day.
06/Dec/08 3:15 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy! I'm slowly catching up on Sudoku after our long trip to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, & Cambodia. Thanks for leaving me a birthday greeting on my page. My 62nd birthday was one of my most exciting ever! It began when we watched the sun rise at Angkor Wat in Cambodia - unforgettable! I have posted only one picture of our trip on my page so far, but I will try to whittle down the thousands of pictures we took to just our favorites & post them on Flickr as soon as I can find time. Meanwhile, Rob & I wish you & your family a very Merry Christmas and Love your picture of the Banff Christmas tree & left a note on it.
15/Dec/08 8:36 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your new kitchen during the holiday season & even have some snow now. Having grown up in Ohio, I find I do miss White Christmases, but I don't miss shoveling! We are just beginning to enjoy our new master bathroom, too. We did not move into it until after we got back from our trip. I still have lots of arranging to do. The layout of drawers & cabinets is completely different! I'll have to work on some pictures to share, too. Despite the agony of all the choices we had to make & the mess ups made by the sub contractors, we are very pleased with the end result. Oh, & you asked about the tigers being so passive - please refer to my comment on the bottom of Page 1, Dec. 15 for an explanation about that. Have a good day.
18/Dec/08 1:59 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thank you Cathy for joining me in my mini memorial service to my Aunt. She was a hoot! She had a lot of fun with life. It was difficult to let her pass without a funeral or memorial service, but that was her wish. Will miss her greatly.
18/Dec/08 10:46 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Oops! Forgot... Hello to Arthur!
18/Dec/08 10:47 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy!
Stopping by to wish you and yours (including that gorgeous guy, Arthur!) a
19/Dec/08 8:47 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Wishing you all the very best for the Festive Season

21/Dec/08 2:43 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Cathy, may the Christmas spirit bless you and your family and the New Year be filled with joy and prosperity! Merry Christmas!

ps: Love the pic of the xmas tree! We got about 22 inches of snow over the weekend. Priming the slopes for skiing!
23/Dec/08 12:03 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy. I hope you didn't get buried in snow down there in Hamilton, but I imagine the ski hills are good! I'm sending my best wishes to you and to all those you care for. Enjoy the festive season, and may today and all future days bring you good health, happiness and peace. Cheers!
23/Dec/08 5:54 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - It is great to hear from you. What an exciting Christmas you will have this year with a new kitchen! Merry Christmas to you and your family, also. May God's Blessings be with all of your this Holiday season and through the New Year, too!
24/Dec/08 5:07 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas to you and your family! Take it easy or you'll look like me !
A toast
to you dear friend!
May 2009 be a wonderful year for you!
24/Dec/08 8:24 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Happy Holidays Cathy! I've really enjoyed getting to know you this past year...
Stopping in with Holiday greetings for you! Wishing you a Christmas full of love and joy ...and blessings throughout the new year!
24/Dec/08 8:44 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and warm memories to be made in your new kitchen!
Christmas hugs to Arthur & his friends!
I got one of my wishes already this Christmas. I always wish that Christmas trees were as tall as I remember them when I was five years old! A 10 foot tall Christmas tree now fits in my new room! Took 3 days to decorate it and it sucked up lots of new ornaments, but it's a beauty!
Jolly good cheer for the new year, too!!!
24/Dec/08 9:07 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Hey, Girlfriend ... I cherish our friendship, too! May blessings and joy be yours during this special time of year.
24/Dec/08 9:12 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy,
Thank you for your Christmas wishes. Anne and I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a bright and healthy New Year.
24/Dec/08 10:24 AM
Kate  From Sydney (Ku-ring-gai)
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Cathy and family!
31/Dec/08 9:55 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Cathy! Wishing you a great new year!
01/Jan/09 9:34 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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and may this one be the best ever.
01/Jan/09 6:26 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Thanks for the Christmas greetings hope you had a wonderful holiday may 2009 be great for you & your family.

PS - my U-tube is what I was working on between Christmas & New & Years - the televised presentation of our Animation Trophy Winner is the second "related" video.
06/Jan/09 9:33 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - a very belated Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your good wishes and I'm sorry I haven't extended mine to you sooner but things were pretty hectic at my place over the Festive Season with family staying with me. I hardly had time to find my computer under the debris!
I had a wongerful Christmas with all seven of my grandchildren together for the first time, so it was extra special.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year.
Take care and best wishes for 2009!
09/Jan/09 4:06 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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(Hello to Arthur!) Thanks, Cathy! Will have my share of cuddling, I sure!
13/Jan/09 2:53 AM
   Linda  From Minnesota
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Cathy, thank you for the well wishes! I don't mind having a couple days off work, I just wish I could do something! Back to work tomorrow so at least I will feel productive again. Have a great day!
16/Jan/09 9:31 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Cathy
Thank you very much for thinking of me , you are so sweet and thoughtful , things are calm here , i pray they stay so
21/Jan/09 6:33 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ah is good to know that I was not alone in shedding MORE than a few tears as I wrote to Kate is extraordinary to think what impact her best friend has had all over the globe.
28/Jan/09 9:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cathy, it has been so long since I have dropped in to say gday. You are often in my thoughts. When I read today about you putting on the coffee machine for a visiting friend, I almost thought of dropping by unexpectedly. Unfortunately, I had a few things to do so I couldn't...maybe next time!
Take care,
05/Feb/09 5:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Dearest Cathy, how can I thank you for your beautiful words? I am sorry it has taken so long to reply, as you knew I would want to, but lately we have had a few other things on our minds. We live in a fire prone area, and have been on tenterhooks for the past week or so. Must admit, I am getting very 'over it'!
Whilst we knew Mum was not a well woman, her passing came a little quicker than any of us expected, though in the end, it was a blessed relief. Her last week was spent in hospital with a beautiful and caring staff who came to idolise her. She still made quite an impression, right up to her last day. Even though all of her children, aside from my brother, live interstate, we were all with her during her last week. I will cherish that time.
I have taken a leaf out of your book and posted about her funeral, which was a wonderful yet sad tribute to her. If you would like to read it, you will find it about halfway down on page 41.
Please do not cry, my father has told us all "No more puddles" (his reference to crying). I am trying to do what I am told, though it is hard sometimes. As you would know, it can be the little things that set us off.
With love,
Gail ♥
11/Feb/09 10:24 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Happy Valentine's Day dear one! A day of love and hugs to you!
15/Feb/09 3:30 AM
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