Cathy from southern Ontario

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Hello, friend, and thanks for visiting.  Please make yourself at home here.  In the summer, we can chat on the patio with a mimosa and a platter of shrimp.  In winter, we'll cozy up by the fire with some hot chocolate and your favourite liqueur.   I wish you a life filled with wonder.  Stop to marvel at creation.  Make someone smile whenever you can.  And shower affection on all creatures, great and small.  

Arthur, our 4-year-old Maine Coon cat.

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jano  From Lebanon
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for your wishes , never too late for beautiful and warm thoughts
20/Feb/09 8:01 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for your kind words about Tuxedo. At least he is eating & drinking a bit now, but we are assessing his condition daily for quality of life. I do not like to see him in pain. It's a heartbreaking place to be. I vowed I'd never again have a cat put down, but I may have to change my feelings about that.
21/Feb/09 2:46 AM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Hi Cathy, just stopped by to say hello your comment about the pancakes and maple syrup made me drool, you come from such a wonderful and beautiful part of the world if I win the lottery I shall come and visit, cheers.
25/Feb/09 10:13 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Cathy.
Many thanks for your very kind words.
I miss all of you toooooooooo much.
All my best wishes to you and family.
27/Feb/09 3:49 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thank you for your very kind kitty message. I am very happy to report that Tuxedo must have had one of his nine lives left!
He had been in such pain that having him put down WAS the next step. BUT... After a week of appetite pills & other meds he has had a reprieve and surprisingly is doing much better! He is eating, drinking and walking around again.
We are not sure what's really going on and it may still be cancer, but for now we have him and he seems his old self for the time being.
The vet's cancer prognosis was his educated guess. (I refused to have Tux go through exploratory surgery at his age (15 years) to find out for sure.) The vet had also given him antibiotics as a precaution so Tux may have had something else going on that the drug treated. OR maybe it's my superior cat care! (Ya, sure, Shiela!) But anyway, we still have him for the time being.
Thanks again. Hello to Arthur!
03/Mar/09 3:36 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks so much for asking. Tux is doing much better!
He seems back to his old self. He's purring, jumping in my lap, eating, drinking, etc. He still walks a bit like a little old man, but he doesn't seem to be in the pain that he was in before.
10/Mar/09 4:15 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi, Cathy!
Thank you for your note about my mom's surgery.

It is so nice to have such caring friends in Sudokuland
14/Mar/09 6:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Cathy, guess what you have done to me this morning. You have put a smile on my face, a tear in my eye and love in my heart all in one. How can I ever thank you for thinking of my dear mother last night while you were out. I will have a word with her later about it, and I am sure she will tell me she knows because she was there.
You have made my day...especially seeing as it is laundry day, never a favourite! ♥♥♥
17/Mar/09 8:21 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for checking, Cathy. Tuxedo seems to be holding well.
Let me know if you find out why Spike does this! Tuxedo does this too and he also does it when he drinks water in the night. Not a pleasant way to wake up when you are sleeping and yet you feel so bad for them! (How old is Spike?)
24/Mar/09 2:19 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Just as I say something...
Last night Tuxedo seemed 'under the weather' again. Today he seems fine, but with what the vet diagnosed originally, this may happen on and off according to my sister who works at a hospital. (I guess we were hoping that he was all better for good. Looks like that may not be the case.) But we'll love him while he's here. He loves to lie in my arms like a baby and purr while I am at the computer... a bit hard to type that way!
25/Mar/09 4:03 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Cathy, we look forward to it.
27/Mar/09 7:40 AM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy, Thanks for dropping by with the kind words. Back to a more normal environment. I have missed you all and have been online to play some games but was not taking the time to post or read all the post.
03/Apr/09 8:02 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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just hopping in to wish you a very Happy Easter and a season full of joy!
10/Apr/09 11:58 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy
I'm hopping in right behind Vici to wish you a
11/Apr/09 1:55 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy, Wishing you a
11/Apr/09 12:47 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Cathy - Thank you so much for the smile. I could really use. We have been going through Jeremiah's stuff this week. Sorting and giving away. It has been a rough week. We are trying to reclaim the garage. I will be glad when it is finished.

Did I understand correctly that you will be leaving for the Cayman Islands soon? I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful time.
18/Apr/09 4:23 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy! I just read on 'medium' that you are going to France. Will you be touring the Loire Valley? There are some spectacular chateaus there!
Chenonceau and Chambord are wonderful. Also a beautiful small town, Amboise, on the Loire River has the Royal Chateau. We hired a guide and driver for a day trip to the Valley while we were in Paris.I am so glad we did!
Absolutely loved Paris. It's such an easy city to get around. They have a really good Metro system, very convenient to all the sights. It helped that the Metro was a block from our hotel. We used it exclusively. You're going to love France!
22/Apr/09 1:29 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, your trip sounds wonderful!
I don't think there is a bad restaurant in France, at least we didn't find one! One place we stopped for a quick meal was a chain restaurant called "Hippopotamus" (Paris), not quality French food, but it was good and the prices were reasonable. If you haven't been to the Monet Art Museum (Paris), I would recommend it. Also, the Paris catacombs. The walls are made up of skeletons. A little eerie, but very interesting. There are steep stairs going about 60 ft. down, which was okay, but there were also 60 ft. of winding stairs going back up!! lol
22/Apr/09 4:24 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi, Cathy!
Thank you for your kind words and prayers for my mom's upcoming surgery.
24/Apr/09 2:02 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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HAPPY #500!

Dearest Cathy, so much for your birthday wishes, do you remember them, it was an awfully long time ago! Sorry about taking so long to reply, but the sentiment is no less heartfelt.
My family all rallied around to make this a very special birthday for me, they knew I was going to be a little flat, but they went all out to fill your requirements of joy, memories and laughter.
25/Apr/09 4:28 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Cathy, I left a note on Kathy's page tonight & saw yours about your trip to France! Wow - lucky you! I have been to Paris, but none of the rest of the country. It sounds like you'll be traveling to quite a few other areas. Hope you are having a wonderful time. I'll look forward to seeing some pictures. While you are traveling we'll be starting our kitchen remodel -I remember all the horror stories of your long project. Hope we don't run into as many problems as you had. Aren't you glad you're all done!!!
28/Apr/09 2:42 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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I didn't expect a reply to my previous comment since I thought you had left on your trip already! So it was nice to hear from you & to know you have put in a good word for us with the kitchen gods We decided after our master bathroom remodel that Rob could probably do just as well (or better!) than the contractor we hired for that job. He was a nice guy & did good work himself, but the subcontractors he had do the drywall, tile, plumbing, etc. were terrible. So Rob will oversee the kitchen job himself, & we have chosen all our own people for the various jobs to be done. We were very happy with the cabinets & granite in the bathroom so we will use the same people for the kitchen work, but we have picked different people for the tile, etc. Hope it all goes according to plan (but we know it won't )!! In case I don't get back to your page before May 21, I do wish you a very Bon Voyage!! Oh, which reminds me, have you ever considered posting your pictures on Flickr instead of the Photo Gallery? You don't have to shrink them for Flickr & you can have a free acct. as long as you don't post over a certain nymber of pictures per month. You may want to check into that.
29/Apr/09 10:30 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Thanks for the anniversary wishes! It was truely a wonderful day for us! We had beautiful weather for the day as well. We were outside in the garden at younger son's home. Over 40 friends and family were with us was like icing on our cake of life! And, yes! I'm still in love after all these years!
05/May/09 12:37 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Aw I am overwhelmed by the dearest of birthday wishes! The day will be business as usual but dinner will be out. Told hubby that it was against the law to cook on one's birthday!
13/May/09 11:17 AM
   Shiela  From MI
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Bon voyage, Cathy! We will miss you while you are gone, but not as much as your Arthur and friends will! Have a lovely, lovely time!
21/May/09 1:47 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Cathy, have a wonderful holiday. Bring back lots of photos!
21/May/09 4:25 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Welcome home...should be any day now...I hope!
27/May/09 5:06 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Cathy, yet again you have brought tears to my eyes. I cannot thank you and your husband enough. Knowing that you raised your glasses in our honour makes my heart soar.
It does me no end of happiness to think of our mothers up there cheering us on. I know she was with me today when hubby and I shared a beautiful lunch with my aunt and uncle with reminiscences flying all over the place.
I am glad you had a wonderful vacation, although as I always say, it is nice to get away, but it is oh so nice to get back home again! I would miss my cats too.
Thank you very much for your visit. I am heading off to bed know with a glow on my face and a song in my heart.
Bless you
09/Jun/09 11:11 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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back, Cathy! Bet the cats are thrilled you have returned!
11/Jun/09 1:28 AM
Aimee  From Pgh, PA USA
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Hi Cathy, you need to give yourself more credit, I bet you can certainly tell the difference after all of that yardwork and another gardener could too! Once person who couldn't would be my husband, he is not the most observant guy in the world when it comes to flowers and such. He will water my plants for me when he is off in the summer months (he is a school teacher) but that's about the extent of it. Well, at least he is a good pool boy 'cause we have one of those too. Wisteria is beautiful, is that what grows over your arbour (one of your pics). I am a real novice about gardening, it's pretty much survival of the fitest with me. But for some reason I don't make to many (costly) mistakes. I used to spend a fortune each year on annuals, now I cut back to a few well placed hanging baskets and haven't purchased any new periennals (yet). Well, it was great visiting with you. Hope you had luck finding some good annuals.

Take care,
Aimee :)
11/Jun/09 6:20 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Cathy! Thanks for the message regarding cruises. Unfortunately, my hubby will not go anywhere near a cruise ship! Of course, at this stage in his life, he won't go ANYwhere that involves more than a 4-hour drive! When we were younger, we traveled extensively with our various businesses, and if we were in Europe or South America or wherever for several months, we'd "sneak" in some vacation time. The only trips we ever took that could be classified as true vacations were ski trips - and we did a lot of that!!! We have friends who did a Windstar cruise in France, and they adored it! Anyway, that's why I'm putting "feelers" out. Maybe I can get a bunch of sudokuists interested in a Caribbean cruise!! Welcome back, by the way! It sounds like you had a terrific time. I adore France and am toying with the idea of taking a bike tour of Bordeaux with a couple of friends.
11/Jun/09 11:10 AM
jano  From Lebanon
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Hello Cathy
Thank you for your visit and thinking , we are fine thank God .
11/Jun/09 11:47 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey darlin'!
So nice of you to drop by. Getting busy in the yard means less time in Sudokuland :-(
...what a joy to find your message...thanks so much for thinking of me.
Any big plans for your summer? Mine will be spent in the yard working - lots of projects. But I get to go to Australia in late October for 3 months to visit our friends down-under. Will be staying with Bean - can't wait!!!
Big hugs!
20/Jun/09 9:10 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Ooops! That's 3 weeks in Australia! Ha! My husband would be pretty upset if I left for 3 months!
20/Jun/09 9:11 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi, Cathy!
for the nice birthday greetings for my Mom!

We had our annual optometry appointments (the Dr says she flirted with him, and told him she would find a nice girl for him to marry [he's 30]), then out for sushi (her request).

I had just come back from vacation, but got her a mixed flower bouquet for her room.
21/Jun/09 2:19 PM
   Fiona  From France
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HI Cathy - many thanks for your birthday wishes - I don't know that I celebrated with gusto as you said, but managed a glass of bubbly!
29/Jun/09 6:57 PM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Yea, Classical Gas is one of my favorites, and has been for many years. ~~ Good question you posed.
02/Jul/09 10:52 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Cathy, thank you for my birthday greetings, it was a happy day but unfortunately none of my kids were able to help me celebrate - one attending a seminar, one in the Philippines and one at Cambridge University. Never mind, Anne and I celebrated quietly.
03/Jul/09 5:45 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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for the wonderful birthday greetings. It is so cool to be able to celebrate with all friends from all over the world. Not late at all...I like to celebrate my birthday for at least a week.
You made my day very special! Hugs!
17/Jul/09 12:10 PM
   Linda  From Pioneer
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Happy Birthday, Cathy. I hope you have a grand day!

31/Jul/09 12:05 AM
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