Col from Vic

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   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Wow I just realised it has been about a month since I last dropped in to say 'Hi'. Hope you are keeping busy and happy. I had hubby home for two weeks and then just last week my nephew in hospital with Pleurisy and tomorrow (13th) is my birthday. Getting way too old to keep counting but I guess it is better than the alternative. I have left you a bottle of bubbly to open and enjoy for my birthday tomorrow. Bye.
12/Aug/07 8:52 PM
Chrissy  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hey old friend, how's it going? Thought I would drop you a line or ten, but darn it, Aiden has just woken. Wanted to say I miss you. That georgous little girl in the photo above must be yours. She is ultra cute.
Karen is moving out to Royalla, a rural area just over the NSW border. They sold their home here on Friday night and it is all happening so fast. I imagine they will be in there in about a month. I will have to commute as it is about 20kms each way.
The broom closet over this side of town is proving a good place to reside as it would have been a heck of a long drive had I still been living with you-know-who. Will catch you soon. Chrissy.
13/Aug/07 10:05 AM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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ok = just posting to get rid of Mr Rowland Agu's message who wants to give me 30% of his 10 million
17/Aug/07 8:50 PM
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thanks so much for dropping by at my page Col. So lovely to have a visitor. The pleasure has been all mine!
17/Aug/07 10:43 PM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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I am glad you are still around. I thought you were still doing the recovery thing.

Have ever had someone on your continuously and don't know why? Well, you have been on my mind for the last couple of day and I don't know why. So I thought I would ask.

Have a great day and hope to chat with you soon.
17/Aug/07 11:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Col
Just been chatting to myself. The chatroom was empty again. Of course I should have been working on the assignment due next week, not looking for a distraction in the chatroom!!
Leaving some homemade Ferrero Roche for you. Oh, and some spiders I have made for today's visitors.. Enjoy!
18/Aug/07 5:02 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I have been away for two days and got back home to more celebrating with family. No one on Sudoku has my email as apart from the messages I don't know anyone.
19/Aug/07 9:19 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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OMG - Just love oooooooo aaaaaaahhh, he has amazing ball control....
23/Aug/07 11:53 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Sending you a pm
24/Aug/07 12:18 AM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hi sexy lady just stopping by to see how you are as I rarely see you post now. Hope the old leg well knee is healing well for you and that you will be back on the old skateboard sometime soon. Much love xx
24/Aug/07 8:16 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Sorry for starting this mess today Col.
29/Aug/07 11:21 AM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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hmmmmmmmm last message was 29th August and today is 24th September!

Nobody loves me - everybody hates me - I'm gonna eat some worms..........etc (see Rosemary for full version!)
24/Sep/07 4:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh snookums is pouting.
I was out and about today and saw your light on so I thought I'd drop in and have a glass or two with you. Do you drink bubbly? No matter, its a magic bottle and it becomes whatever you want it to be!
After the morning you've had today, I thought you might like these camellias to brighten your day.
27/Sep/07 6:49 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. It was great meeting you and Angie. So good to be able to put a face to the name. Hey I love your new avatar. Nice one. Looks like you. Let me know when you are going to be down again and we can catch up for coffee or whatever.
02/Oct/07 10:26 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Finishing off the last of the Midori, couldn't sleep, so thought I'd pop in and say G'day and Thanks for a great weekend
03/Oct/07 3:13 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Yes I do drink but very very rarely. I am mostly the designated driver. I won't drink and drive but have nothing against drinking.
If I drink beer, it is basically about half a glass and either Boags or Cascade from memory.
I prefer Midori or Baileys or shots or Cointreau. Oh yeah and I love Butterscotch Schnapps.
04/Oct/07 1:17 PM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi how are you? I see from above that you hurt your leg... hope it's better.

How's everything else?
05/Oct/07 5:13 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Col - I hope you have an absolutely fabulous day with your family and friends.
Enjoy it to the max!
06/Oct/07 12:33 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Happy Birthday, Col! May each year be even better than the last!

I am very glad that I ventured onto your page, because I got to see your children. They are GORGEOUS! Wow!
06/Oct/07 12:52 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you
to you
dear Col
to you

Have a great day - celebrate to your heart's desire.
06/Oct/07 1:55 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Col! Enjoy your day!

I agree with Judy, what beautiful kids! (and a very handsome cat, too)
06/Oct/07 3:58 AM
arlie  From nashville
hey there col, how ya doin dear. i miss you and your words of wisdom..... no i'm not laughing... i had a small relapse a couple weeks ago but have been good since then. send me an email an/or i will send you one too. i really miss you.. xoxo
06/Oct/07 4:00 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Col! I hope your day is filled with family, friends and lots of love and good times. Happy birthday, and enjoy countless more in the future! Cheers!
06/Oct/07 5:42 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Col, just dropped by to wish you a after checking Rosemary's list. I hope you have a great day.
06/Oct/07 7:02 AM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia
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You’ve been banned from having birthdays
A new rule has been made
Signed ,sealed and delivered
By the local Fire Brigade!
They say that all those candles
Would create such a blaze
They’d have to come and put it out
And stay around for days !
So, I guess you’ll have to party
Without the birthday cake,
Perhaps light one candle
Just for old time’s sake ,
Hmmmm Those firemen ! So fit and strong,
Such handsome looking men -
Whose birthday is it, anyway ?
Let’s light them all again !

Have a Great Day, Angelina
06/Oct/07 8:18 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and Col - I love the picture of the young girl with her cat. Well, It's fall here near Chicago but quite a warm humid day - the leaves are just starting to change - Oktoberfest is going on downtown - lots of dancing - beer, apple cider, and caramel apples will be available - I hope you enjoy your special day, once again, Mary
06/Oct/07 9:51 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Col, Have a fabulous, party, party
06/Oct/07 10:37 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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~~~~~~~~~~ col!

I hope you have a great day! the large center box is a chippendale dancer,I'm not sure if he's blond or brunette,Jaz has one of them!
06/Oct/07 12:42 PM
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Hope you have a wonderful day Col, lots of cake and all things alcoholic xx
06/Oct/07 5:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Col, a very to you. I've brought you a Choc Mud and a bouquet of camellias from my garden to help you celebrate.
Sorry I didn't get here earlier, today was the dreaded fortnightly shopping day! Oh yay!
06/Oct/07 5:34 PM
   billy  From Perth    Supporting Member
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In case you missed it today on easy as you might be inspecting the grout on the tiles...

If you thought Jaz’s ode was unspectacular – this could be worse…here comes another verse…
Happy Birthday Col my sweet
Hope you’re in for a birthday treat
How many VLS’s have you in store?
Just don’t end up on the bathroom floor
Sipping thru straws is the thing to do
Black ones are best – I have some for you
I know you think I’m a fool,
But that’s okay, to me you’re waaay cool
Put on your boa and your favourite crocs
Cos col, me mate, my friend – yous rocks

Hope you have/had a great
06/Oct/07 6:24 PM
   Mon  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Thanks for sending me birthday wishes Col. I really appreciate it a heap. All the noice thoughts have meant a lot to me!
08/Oct/07 10:15 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Belated . Hope it was one of the best.
09/Oct/07 1:44 PM
appy  From india
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Hello Col..havent been at home this week end and so couldnt greet you on your B' accept my belated b'day greetings.Trust all is well with you. How is the knee?? hope its getting better. Havent seen you for ages. keep in touch
09/Oct/07 6:00 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Belated birthday, I'm getting too old to remember these things on time, sorry, but then again you ARE older than me and you remembered, hum, maybe I can not use that excuse.
10/Oct/07 5:08 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Thanks for the birthday wishes
10/Oct/07 5:13 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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9 years to plan the big party, is that enough time, we deserve the best where did that one come from
10/Oct/07 5:16 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Col, hope everyone is doing well. Miss our chats.
19/Oct/07 1:36 PM
Susan  From Ingham
Hey Col, it wasn't bog they were talking about re the offensive word!! I can't remember whose post it was, but it was something about teaching a foreign language and a made up word was used for phonic analysis, and it turned out to be a naughty word in that language.
Absolutely gorgeous photo!!!!!!
26/Oct/07 10:52 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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dropping in to say HI
29/Oct/07 11:37 PM
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