Col from Vic

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   Chalkboard  From FL, USA
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Thank you for the birthday wishes. The day was especially nice with the messages from so many generous people.
31/May/07 10:54 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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........just wanted to leave you this

should be interesting to see what happens.
04/Jun/07 3:44 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Caitlin! Hope all of your wishes come true!!
08/Jun/07 4:46 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Wish Catlin happy birthday for me. and a great You Tube to celebrate it. Do hope she gets some Gummie Bears! Catlin!
08/Jun/07 6:10 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Col! Stopped by to wish Catlin a . Was nice to see her cute smiling face when I got here. Hope she had a great day. By the way, is her name spelled Catlin or Caitlin? Seems to me YOU wouldn't misspell it! Hope you're feeling better now.
08/Jun/07 12:16 PM
Ian  From Boston
Col, Attention.....bless you, you made my day with your BBQ comment, saying ''oral'' where the rest of the world would have wrongly said ''verbal.''
09/Jun/07 1:10 AM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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Usage Note: Verbal has been used since the 16th century to refer to spoken, as opposed to written, communication, and the usage cannot be considered incorrect. But because verbal may also mean 'by linguistic means,' it may be ambiguous in some contexts. Thus the phrase modern technologies for verbal communication may refer only to devices such as radio, the telephone, and the loudspeaker, or it may refer to devices such as the telegraph, the teletype, and the fax machine. In such contexts it may be clearer to use the word oral to convey the narrower sense of communication by spoken means
09/Jun/07 12:31 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Hope you had a nice day in Ocean Grove. The weather has not exactly been pleasant lately. I left you some zucchini slice which I made this afternoon. Hope you enjoy it.
10/Jun/07 9:40 PM
Hew  From Hemp
Hi Col hope all is ok. Take care Princess G
18/Jun/07 8:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Col
I'm visiting instead of studying - something I will regret later. I'm leaving you some home made Ferrero Roche....
23/Jun/07 8:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Home Made Ferrero Roche
Small block chocolate
half a cup crushed nuts
half a cup rice bubbles

Melt the chocolate in a microwave. Mix in the nuts and rice bubbles. Spoon a small amount into (mini patty pan, icecube tray sprayed with oil, other small container). Put a dab of Nutella on top. Cover with more of the mixture. Freeze for 20-30 minutes. Note: Keep them refrigerated as they tend to melt. People have suggested adding copha but I think it would spoil the taste!
25/Jun/07 5:03 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Col, I thought I would stop by your place and say Hi! Looks like you guys had a blast! Hope you're having a good day! Here are some flowers to brighten it! Take care! If you ever want to chat, stop by the SA2 page. Cheers!
26/Jun/07 1:44 AM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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hi Col! recovered from the weekend then? Thanks for the birthday message! catch you on the phones one of these days!!
26/Jun/07 6:13 PM
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Col aka split cell
where do I begin. thank you for all your effort to make my BD such a wonderful celebration and in sneaking Em, Billy and Lynne to the party.
thank you for the lovely birthday wishes and gift for my 50th birthday celebrations. I have great memories to keep.
receiving messages from all around the world is very humbling. I love to send the messages to others, but receiving them is something very
we share a lot here on site and I love the feeling of the huge 'sudoku worldwide family'.
To share my family celebration here in Wangaratta with some of my special 'sudoku family' was more than I could possibly ask for. We are lifelong, family friends and I cherish that. I only wish we didnt live so far apart.
water of course
27/Jun/07 3:56 PM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Col (aka Angelina)
Thank you so much for organising Rosies present on our behalf, I know it was not an easy task, trying to co-ordinate us all, but you did a great job even though you had personal matters going on at the same time. It was a great choice! It was a great weekend! Good luck with your knee!
28/Jun/07 9:45 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Col, thank you very much for your birthday wishes. I think you should know that I have already had many, many birthdays, but a few more would be nice. I have passed on your message to Anne who says that we will certainly be in touch when we plan our next visit to my home town (Melbourne).
I guess it is probably time I paid another visit to Ballarat now that you have water in Lake Wendouree - or did you miss out on the recent rain? The last time I was in your fair city I was rowing on the lake in the Victorian Junior Eights competition for a club called Powerhouse. But that was rather more than a year or so ago.
02/Jul/07 7:28 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Thanks Col, it's nice to know that things are returning to normal.
05/Jul/07 10:33 PM
Spellmaster  From Oz
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Hi Hon! Thanks for visiting my page...your message does, however, suggest a severe relapse in attention to linguistic correctness. While you are still exempt from the wrath of Spellmaster, don't push your luck!! (Just kidding...good to see you.).
07/Jul/07 11:40 PM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Just dropping in, but not much of a welcome. Where's the choccy and champers?

And when did you last vacuum clean?? There are cat hairs all over me.

08/Jul/07 4:16 PM
   fraz  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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OK I'll stop whingeing now!

10/Jul/07 5:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Col! I am not sure if I have ever visited your page, but have always enjoyed your comments on Easy. I wanted to thank you for a VERY well stated response to the uproar started by Ian's reporting Susan/Ingham's joke as abusive. We really need to take a WORLD view of things on this site, as members are from around the world. Ian's view was somewhat narrow and stereotyped, as evidenced by many comments from others in the US. I appreciate your thoughtful response! If Ian had a page, I would post it to him there, as I'm not sure if he reads ALL comments for a day. Thank you for your comments!
On a brighte note, I thought I would leave you a fresh apple streudel and fresh apple cider for your breakfast. (Sure hope you like apples!) Have a great day!
11/Jul/07 3:04 AM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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Hi Col. Just realised it is over a month since I last dropped in. How are you? I have been busy working on my flickr photos. Drop in and say 'hi' whenever you feel so inclined. Though you will have to watch out for the cat hair!!!
16/Jul/07 1:17 PM
   Wendy  From Ocean Grove
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We have had a lot of rain lately. Good for the water supplies... I hope. Wonderful photo of Gizmo and your daughter.
16/Jul/07 4:17 PM
   andrĂ©  From england    Supporting Member
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Hello Col just popping in to say hi and thanks for leaving a message on my page. I hear you did so well at the party organising the surprise visitors would love to have been there. Hope all is well in Col world xx
17/Jul/07 6:27 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Col - First of all is this your daughter? She is beautiful!

Second - Please help me with my geography. Are you on the Western side of Canada?.....And it is snowing?

Third - I have a daughter named Angelina! I love that name!

I left a load of firewood on your doorstep to help keep you warm! Have a great day.

17/Jul/07 11:46 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Col - Thanks for your answer. I really need to learn more about Australia. Do you still have snow or did it melt? You must have many climates in Australia. I would like to visit Australia someday. I have really enjoyed seeing the pictures of it.
19/Jul/07 8:46 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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19/Jul/07 10:22 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Col - Thank you for all of your info. I went to the site you gave me and it is very imformative. Thank you!
19/Jul/07 8:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Col, just had a quick flick through your page and realised I haven't yet visited. Lovely looking family you have. Isn't this a crazy place, one minute no water then snow! It was predicted up our way but didn't eventuate.
How is your knee feeling at the mo? It never rains but it pours, how is your daughter? for both of you.
My mother taught me never to go visiting without bringing a gift so here is a bottle of bubbly and a plate of nibblies, don't eat too much dip and bikkies while you're laid up! Enjoy, relax and take it easy.
24/Jul/07 8:26 PM
jeb  From ks
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You had already turned in for the day by the time I read your last post. Back in the day when we had to get up and go to work each day, the radio station we had the alarm set to played 'They're going to take me away' at the same time each morning. I awoke to that silly song for close to a year. Ha Ha He He Ho Ho.
25/Jul/07 12:29 AM
   Karen  From Riesel, Texas
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Col sorry about leaving so abruptly tonight in the chatroom. I got booted and could not get back on for a whole 30 minutes! Nearly gave me a panic attack.
Anyway, hope to chat with you again soon.
25/Jul/07 2:54 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Col! haven't been by to see you for awhile, so thought I'd stop today to bring a get well wish . Hope your knee is getting better day by day. Lots of my tennis friends have had knee surgeries of various kinds & many are able to get back out & play again. It's amazing what they can do with knees these days! Loved your 'foot in mouth' smilie. Some of you gals are just so clever with the cute things you come up with. What grade level are your daughters? I think they might be near the same age as my granddaughters. There - now don't you feel a lot younger!!!
25/Jul/07 11:26 PM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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hope your knee is on the mend,I hope your milking it for all its worth!
03/Aug/07 3:43 PM
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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page 11 just seems to be going on forever - first post was way back on 29th May.

Lollipop for the person who gets me over to 12
03/Aug/07 10:05 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Sorry I mistook Ashley for a girl. It was hard to tell in the ballcaps photo, but now I see in the new photo with his grandma that he's clearly a sweet boy (if he's like the Ashley in Gone With the Wind!!). How's your knee doing? Hope it's improving fast. Oh, and by the way, say hi to Bob for me
03/Aug/07 11:49 PM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Col. It has been a while since I stopped in, but just wanted to wish you my best. Nice to see you actually do get some snow in Oz, but I assume it is rare, and hope it doesn't cause driving problems when it happens. My best to you and yours!
07/Aug/07 5:00 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Just popped in to ask you is it..........

I know it is for moi.

07/Aug/07 2:34 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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dear I see you wanna go over the page..hmmmmm give me a sec and I'll just go and get my wings
07/Aug/07 2:35 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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07/Aug/07 2:36 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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are we there yet...have we arrived safely?
07/Aug/07 2:37 PM
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