Col from Vic

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   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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should we have a party here in cols room.
do you think she would notice.

   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Just joking,
we wouldnt even think of such a thing Col, that would be awfully rude to party and leave a mess behind while you are holidaying.
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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OK I'm back.........and I'm afraid I wasn't terribly good while gone. Yes we did have take-away and the fresh bakery van DID stop outside my front door EVERY morning (although I didn't indulge every day) and the ice cream man came around 3 (YES - THAT'S THREE) times EVERY day - but I only had one and that was a gelato. really test me .........a lolly vendor came around every evening just after dinner........BIG you think they were trying to sabotage me?

The end result (and I REALLY didn't want to do it) when stepping on the scales this morning:-

Before I left: Loss of 4.4 kg
When I came home: Loss of 4.2 kg

Must have been all that beach walking that kept the increase to a measly .2 kg - it certainly wasn't self control that did it!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Col~ Thank you for your support, it is much appreciated
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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The beach babe is back and hols are always a tester aren't they, but they are meant to be enjoyed complete with treats and more treats. You will soon get it off again. Keep going..
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Col: Good to see you back on site. How were your holidays at the beach? Hope you can continue with your weight loss plan, as long as it doesn't affect your health. Live and enjoy life!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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doing well mate .... a holiday is to enjoy and you managed to keep the weight in check also.
keep up the great work.
water of course
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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you are still doing fine and back on track to work soon and the kids to school.
you will be into karate before no time at all.
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Hey Col, I don't mind if angie passes on my details... I WELCOME IT!!!!

Well, about my husband and I, thank you
He's a great guy, emotionally and otherwise. In fact, on his return flights home he ran into a 12hour delay, and we missed each other so bad, by that time, that we both couldn't stop crying, me at home, and him at the airport.
Because I was greiving alone at home, and him with his family. He was glad he went, but he really, really wanted to come home when the funeral was done.
AND, I wanted him to.
At the airport, when he found out about his delay, he sent me a text msg, saying~ ''I've cried more now in the last 3 hours, than during the whole visit for the funeral''.
It was one of those moments/hours where you just can't take any more.
Thankfully after some extra $$ spending, I got him home, late Sun night.
(Also, he was worried he'd lose his job if he wasn't there monday), which he got a couple of hours of sleep, went to work this morning at 5, came home at 2, and when I left for work at 3 he was sleeping, and he didn't wake up, the whole time until I got home at midnight . SO I spent a little time with him and now he's asleep again, it's 2am, and he'll be up at 4.
That's how it goes, I guess.
At this point in life, with my new job, I am REALLY, just grateful for a little bit of time with him and wish I had more.
WOW~ I am long winded here, well if you got through the whole thing, thanks again for your concern, and friendship, I'll try to catch you on msn sometime...
You're the best
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Let me clarify that, I don't mind if she passes them on to YOU
fraz  From melbourne
...puff puff.... pufff puff... those darned choccy police are so per... bloody... sistent...

fraz  From melbourne
... if someone can hand me a glass of something... thanks... i'll be able to give Col the update she asked me for......

glug glug glug glug


ok ... here we go... andrew has gone back, i'm back at work, i'm desperately packing 19 years worth of stuff to move out of here by settlement date (Feb 20th).... glug glug glug... and worst of all.... everytime I go to the chat room... there's no-one there!!!!!!!!!!

But if the choccy police don't catch me first... I'll have more time when all the moving is done...
.... eeeek..... here they come again.... bye for now xxxx.....................
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.    Supporting Member
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You are beautiful, so full of energy and one funny lady. It's a joy to read your comments. Love you.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Gosh. How can one beat Ed's comments???

How about take care, stay smiling and keep doing your own thing Col! Cheers!
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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OK - here's the deal. Weigh in; Not one lousy measly pound gone! NOT ONE !

BUT..............remember those pants that I bought a size smaller?...........well........they're loose!

Go Figure
   Col  From Vic    Supporting Member
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So I think I'll go have some chocolate to console myself...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .......................................................virtu al of course!

BTW - do they make chocolate flavoured water?...I have a business proposition for Andre I think.
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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I'm here, brought along some jars, some choccy, some tubes and a bunsen burner. Oh some masks (health and safety; like we are going to burn down the sudoku site!!) and 14 million gallons of water.. lets begin.. no Col its not a swimming lesson.. and hands off the chocolate!!!!! (through the night they worked and worked, heat rising, bottle after bottle, and when the wine and chocolate were finished they finally worked out a plan..) Ssssh its our secret Col.. Ha!!! Millions Millions they cried as they nursed their sore heads and rubbed their bellies..
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Col: After 10 pages you have to start over. I think that's why GannieMo (GRannieMo) got scared and has a new page!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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you sure you werent pi ssed when you looked at the scales.
As long as you feel that you are getting healthier and fitter the pounds, ounces, kilos and grams will take care of themselves. Big loss next week.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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OH MY COL.............
I Miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Sun 4 Feb:
Hello Col - I thought it was time I paid a few visits as I've been a bit slack of late.
Here's some for you but I didn't bring any choccies as I didn't think you would appreciate them at present.
I hope this weeks results with be a bit more pleasing for you. After a few weeks with very little exercise I'm trying to get back into the swing of things too.
Judy  From San Diego
No weight loss this week, but the pants are looser ... you know, Col, that can mean only one thing ... it's going into muscle ... can you say, ''Buns of Steel''??!! Way to go!
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Col - I am just stopping to say, HI and to wish you a nice day.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Col! Still waiting to see the after picture. Hope all is well with you! Stay healthy regardless of what ever else!
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Happy Valentines Day Col
I didn't want to miss telling youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
   anew  From utah    Supporting Member
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Col~ Hello! It was me in the chatroom as CUPCAKE, the other night, I was about to tell you, but you left the room
Anyway, just wanted to say hi, I was at work and eating a cupcake from a potluck we had, and I decided to join the room in the fashion I was enjoying
Hope all is well, take care~
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi COLleen aka Angelina, Have a Great Valentines Day with Dean (aka Brad) Chat soon
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Just sending you some smiles and flowers to brighten up your day.
Judy  From San Diego
2-19: Col, your comments on the site today sound very sad. I hope that you are OK. I for one miss your comments and humor. Be happy. XO
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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thank you for the nice comments on my page, I was jacked off with the negativity towards peoples right to comment and could see it was going to deteriorate rapidly.
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Col: Don't stop posting because there are a few idiots on site. Always enjoy seeing your input. We all post stupid things sometimes, but just 'grin and bear it' my virtual friend.
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Congratulations Col & Hubby

A flower for each year.
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Col.
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Col and Dean..just for you!
Happy Anniversary
On this your anniversary go out and celebrate
Think back to years ago when it was your first date
Remember when life was excitement and thrills
Instead of nappies and endless bills
When each time you gazed in each others eyes
You took a trip to paradise
You held hands and cuddled tight
Waiting for each love-filled night
Now when your eyes say 'let's have some fun'
Someone will always call out 'hey mum'
It's much too hot to cuddle tight
And sleep's the only thing you do at night
But forget the kids for just one night
Have a romantic dinner by candlelight
And if the candle has a really dim glow
You'll look like you did all those years ago
   andré  From england    Supporting Member
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Happy Anniversary to you and Dean, lots of love xx
   SpadeScorpio  From Toronto, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hiya Col, nice to meet you. Yes, I have a 93 year old grandmother and my wife's grandmother is 96. The 96 year old is doing better than the 93 year old one now due to the broken hip suffered by the 93 yar old. However she is doing great all things considered. And yes, I do treasure them...We are both very lucky to have such elderly grandparents.
   frazzie  From melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi there young lady. I was bringing you some chocolate cookies but dropped them off on the way at CG's.... thought i'd better not 'lead you into temptation'...

don't know whether you're up to avoiding the occasions of sin!
(What are friends for after all..)
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Col,
Just wanted to say thanks for your kind words today, and you were very welcome
billy  From perth
Colleen dahling - thank you for that beautiful poem - much appreciated. One day I hope to be published with such a poem as that and will dedicate it solely to you...x
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Col aka COLleen aka Colonel Hope you had a peaceful weekend at the beach in your new home away from home
Looking forward to our girls weekend away!!!! NO! I do not like painting, VLS only!
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