Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.

05/Jun/11 11:31 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Hubby and Mitchell went to a softball game. I will take Dylan to a birthday party a little later. Enjoying my morning cup before it is time to get ready. Have to grade a stack of projects later. Mitchll WILL be helping me.
05/Jun/11 11:32 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Glad to hear that all is good in Sudokuland, except for a few minor injuries. Forgot who hit their head, but hope your head and his arm feels better soon. If I go back to look, I will lose this post

05/Jun/11 11:43 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hey everyone. I promise, I took a shower today. I smell bee-oooo-tiful.

Where is everyone?????
06/Jun/11 12:47 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Had to be up early again, so after hubby went to work, I had a nap. Off to have a second round of coffee.
06/Jun/11 1:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi Theresa, hope you have a great day. Off to a birthday party. See you all later.
06/Jun/11 1:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I hope June is having a good sleep.

Tami, could you sneak me a piece of birthday cake? Hope it's chocolate! I haven't had any chocolate since the last time.

Heidi, nice picture. I hope most of the trail ride was shady with those temps!
06/Jun/11 1:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, late getting here this morning, cause I slept in. Had a sleepless night, so I deserved to sleep till 10 this morning. Just one of those nights. I did have a good book to keep me company though. Glad we made it to library yesterday.

Nothing new here, it is hot, getting hotter. I now have to water flowers daily, the wind and heat is sucking all the moisture out.

Al had not made his cocoa this morning, waiting on me to do it. I imagine the recipe is just beyond him, heat 2 cups of milk, ad 2 of the scoops of Carnation, nix and serve, MEN, gotta love them or else we would flog them.

Good luck on the car sales, trade in's. Gail, I have told Al perhaps we should get a 4 wheel drive for these roads, especially when they flood, but he said they do not come with a crane to get me up and into them hehehe. I do have trouble getting in and out, that is why we have minivans, the easiest thing we found.

Hugs to each of you, catch you again later.

06/Jun/11 2:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The sky has gotten dark, and I'm hearing thunder rumbling in the distance.
06/Jun/11 4:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, can you redirect the t storm here? I know you are just drying out from all your rain. I would be willing to take this t storm off your hands.
06/Jun/11 4:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We have a 60% chance of rain later this afternoon with a risk of a T-storm too. So far it's sunny with cloudy periods, but I notice the clouds coming in from the west are darker. Hubby wants a BBQ when he gets home from work ... I wish him good luck with that. He should be home around 6:30.

Back to swearing ... sigh.
06/Jun/11 5:13 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A good nights sleep, did not even take a pill. If Hubby put the radio on I dd not hear it! I have to brave the early morning traffic today and a 4k stretch of school zone (max speed of 40K)
06/Jun/11 5:23 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, I was given a large piece of MIL's birthday cake to bring home and you can have it. A very rich dark chocolate cake. I am not very keen on chocolate cake. (But I do love good chocolate!)
06/Jun/11 5:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks June, that cake hit the spot. Good luck with getting to all the appointments today without a lot of traffic problems.
06/Jun/11 5:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Just listened to the first installment of Alie on the radio, or should I say Forever Archie on the radio! Not great sound quality but still exciting!!

June, I'll have some of that cake. Yummo! I slept well too, until the alarm went off that is.

MizT, sounds like you are in for a long, hot summer. I'm glad your hose is set up to make watering your plants easier. I have a memory from my childhood similar to your cocoa story. Mum came home from ferrying us around and was a little later than usual, it was Saturday lunch time. When we walked in dad said 'Where have you been? I'm hungry'...

Tami, good luck knocking the marking over in no time at all so you can enjoy the rest of the day!!

06/Jun/11 6:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Glad you had a good sleep June.
Alie is a real celebrity now.I will look forward to hearing a lot more in the years to come Suzy.
MizT,I hope all of your pot plants look splendid after all your hard work keeping them watered.
I cant hang around.I have stuff to take back with me that is scattered through out the house.Toiletries, uniforms shoes etc.If I start now,I am less likely to forget something.
Catch up when I get back on the week-end.Bye
06/Jun/11 7:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, glad other people had cake for you. The birthday cake was cupcakes and there were no leftovers.
Suzy, it is not that easy. I am grading a project and each one is different. There is no answer key, I have to work out each one. Mitchell is helping but it is still slow. Have made a big dent but have more to finish. Just popping in for a minute while flinging food.
06/Jun/11 8:00 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good afternoon, Everyone! I'm trying to get caught up on 20+ pages of comments! Probably won't get it done all in one day!

June, thinking of you and your friend and all of the uncertainty! I hope she has more days where water and food can stay in than days when it doesn't! I agree that you need to have some lighter reading available for nights when sleep eludes you!

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better (still 11 or 12 pages to read, so hopefully you are!) Hopefully the storms are less frequent and you are able to cut the lawn and get some sleep, rather than tend to frightened canines!

Mamacita, I hope your hives have fully gone away and you're finding it easier to sleep! My suggestions were Benadryl (or Calamine) lotion or a bath in Aveeno (very finely ground powder but somewhat similar to oatmeal, as I recall).

Gail and Suzy, thinking of your D's and encouraging them to get school work done. So glad we're past that stage, as it seems I was always the mean parent. Brenda, it sounds like you are still dealing with it a bit at the uni level.

Theresa, wishing for continued progress for your D and hoping older grandie will soon be seeing the specialist!

Rolanda, all the best as S#2 moves so far away!

Vicki, sounds like things are going well right now with your S's and their contributions to the household!

Broni, I hope the get-together was a huge success! It sounds like you were fully prepared!

I have also seen the "test" where the first direction is to read all directions before beginning to answer. Fortunately for me, is wasn't a graded test, as I started answering right away!
06/Jun/11 8:00 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Poss arrived home safe and sound and the car survived the trip. We now have 3 cars, a motorbike, 3 TV's, 2 tumble dryers, etc etc....where am I going to fit it all?
06/Jun/11 8:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH should be home in a couple of hours. Drat.
06/Jun/11 8:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I hear thunder-boomers, checked radar, they are west of us and moving away. Just Pop Up thunder showers, they do not cover a large area. BUT it is cooler out now, close enough to get the cooling effect of the showers. I do wish we would get a bit of rain, we need rain.

Just heard on the evening news, a rather large brush fire in Western Jefferson county, that is about 2 counties up from us. Evacuations of 2 communities have been ordered.

Al was right in one of his food requests. He wanted cream of wheat. I do not remember him ever eating cream of wheat since we married, but this morning, he ate a bowl full! That and his 16 oz cocoa, he packed in some calories. I do hope he has grained some weight, I worry when he is loosing.

It is dark enough for a rain, but still not a drop. Maybe later this week.

Hugs to each of you, I am away to hold down my recliner again, till time to fling food. I hope to be back later.

06/Jun/11 9:11 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about IH's philandering! I would have thought you had enough parc (read backwards) thrown at you over the years! You know we're all here for you when you're ready to talk about it.

Broni, so glad the gathering went well! I hope you will soon feel better!

June, I am so glad that Mary Poppins was a big hit for your family who attended!

Suzy, I hope Alie made it through the breaking up with boof!

Gail, congrats on the spiffy newly-painted room!

Tami, helping you count down the days!

Suzanne, I sent you a message about the Mary Kay. Probably a sale to good customers will help reduce your stock.
06/Jun/11 9:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Projects are all graded. Just have to grade a few final exams but that has an answer key. It won't take long.
Heidi, sorry your peace is going to end soon.
Tricia, we can use the rain also. We are in a drought. Lake Okeechobee is under 10 feet and that is the primary source for south Florida. There is also a brush fire southwest of me, in Dade county.
06/Jun/11 10:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's funny, but tho' the sky was dark and the thunder was rumbling a lot, we didn't get a single drop of rain.
06/Jun/11 10:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nice to see you, Julie.

Our rain didn't materialize. It is humid though - hope hubby can soon install the AC unit.

Broni, glad Poss is home safe and sound.
06/Jun/11 11:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite Nite all. Hope everyone has a great day/night, wherever you are.
06/Jun/11 11:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good night, Tami.
06/Jun/11 11:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Back again, still trying to catch up on ffuts. Not feeling the best though, sore throat, slight headache and slightly runny nose. Should probably be resting to try to nip it in the bud. Someone convince me!!
06/Jun/11 12:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh yes, Suzy - nip it in the bud - plenty of vitamin C, keep warm etc etc...... I'm still dealing with it weeks later, although better than I was.
06/Jun/11 1:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Time for me to sign off, and get ready for bed. Hugs to each of you and a good night to the topsiders.
06/Jun/11 1:37 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Busy few days with RE agent & other stuff going on.
Mom healing well. Dad called, wants Darrell & I to take a trip to visit. All we have to pay is airfare. Trying to plan for my birthday in October. Darrell is able to get the time off then, so it is up to me!! LOVERLY!!! ;-)
Julie: got your message today, thanks, that is what I was planning on doing with my loyal customers. I have a bunch that only buy on rare occasion...Got to make a flyer for a sale.
Allergies acting up, was warm & windy today, have a/c on, eyes & face itchy too. Going to see if my Dr. can recommend a dermatologist.
Hope all is well with everyone, will TRY to check in more often, sorry, can't make any promises right now. Take care all LOVE & HUGS to all! TTFN
06/Jun/11 2:01 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Sent you a PM!!!
06/Jun/11 2:08 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi all...can you keep a secret?
06/Jun/11 6:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I can Gail!!
06/Jun/11 6:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Me too - spill Gail......
06/Jun/11 7:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ok, I will tell you but if you say anything before the big reveal, you will feel my wrath!

Hubby and I went down to town to check out the 4x4 like I said, but when we got there and looked at it, the truth was it was too hard for me to get in and out of, just like you said MizT! I could tell hubby was not really disappointed and we asked the salesman what else he had in the same price range, not too old and only a few k's on the clock. He showed us a sporty little convertible with a hard top, and we took it out for a test drive, but I think our minds were made up when we first sat in it! OMG It is so cute and very economical, we will get to Adelaide on one tank (800km!). We got a great price for my car, much more than I would ever have expected as a trade in, so really we had no choice!
06/Jun/11 7:06 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Come on Gail spill or we will start guessing on what it is.

We sold the Lexus yesterday and got roughly what we thought it was worth.
06/Jun/11 7:06 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Fantastic Gail.

We are going for a convertible hard top too, though not too sure how economical it will be.
06/Jun/11 7:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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The secret is that D#3 was sooo ticked off when we told her we were thinking of a 4wheel drive, she wanted us to have a hot little number to pick her up at school, not a fourby like all the other families! We have not really said anything, but I have hinted that yes, we did look at the 4x4 but we have yet to make a decision... we pick up the cutey on Friday...can't wait!!!
06/Jun/11 7:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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By the way you are talking it isn't only hubby who wasn't sorry that the fourby was difficult to get into. At our age (I know you are younger than me) why should we go for something practical, we can still have fun and love driving nice cars.
We had a D just like your's Gail, depending on which car we were taking her to school in we had different places to drop her off. Soon cured her of that as we would go and pick her up in the oldest tattiest car we had and pick her up outside the school. Funny she started to walk home from school after that (it was only a 15 minute walk)
06/Jun/11 7:17 PM
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