Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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The $$$$'s scared me Zusy.
20/Jun/11 7:38 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Ewewew! Thganks Zusy!
Love 'em while you can. Love you all!
20/Jun/11 7:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, I know what you mean about the prices! I went to all of the cheaper shops first - can hardly walk tonight - nothing even close, not even many dresses because it's the wrong season. I ended up at a Bridal and formal shop, and thought I was lucky to find anything at all! She had better be nice to me for a while! And hubby too!
20/Jun/11 7:43 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi, thinking of Robert and his father for today's surgery.

Julie, how are you doing?

Got the lilacs cleaned out yesterday. Hopefully today I can get at some of the weeds along the fence line. It will be a busy week this week getting ready for my sister-in-law's wedding on Saturday. It will be a very small private civil ceremony in a church with an open luncheon afterwards. I still have things to make for the luncheon ... yikes!
20/Jun/11 8:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready. Help yourself.
Theresa, good luck working on the wedding. I am sure it will turn out perfect.
Suzy, glad she found a dress.
Broni, I know how you feel about 1-time only dresses. I hate having to buy anything fancy. I have been lucky the last few times I have needed a dress. The worst was when I had a black tie wedding when I was 6 months pregnant with Mitchell. Did not want to spend that much money when I would only be able to wear it once. Luckily someone I worked with had a black, beaded maternity dress and let me borrow it. Saved me a fortune.
20/Jun/11 8:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had another "interesting" night of thunderstorms and freaked out dogs. I'm really sick of them. Unfortunately, we're looking at possible storms thru' Friday. I may take some tranks, myself. I enjoy thunderstorms, but my dogs overreact.
21/Jun/11 1:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I would gladly take a thunder storm or 2 off your hands, just send it on down! We have possibilit8ies for Wednesday, I hope we get rain. It is so blooming HOT today.

My kitty cat does well in T storms, she will get under the coffee table, or into a chair that is pushed under the kitchen table. A nice cave with a roof close overhead, and she feels safe.

I need to phone the cancer center and see when we will get results of the PET scan. Al goes tomorrow for blood work, not sure if we will see the doc then or not, might be too soon, no time for both docs to view and interpret the scan. We will see.

Did not sleep last night, hope to find a nap today, as the next 2 days are busy busy.

Heidi, I saw the photo of the sheltie, pretty dog, with that long collie nose.

Suzy, glad you found the dress she needed. It is not fun when they decide what they want fore they see what is available. My girls did that, for dresses I made for them. It was soo comical, what they thought would be easy for me to do was impossible, what they thought was hard and they would not ask, I could do easily.

Broni, good luck with your hunt for the dress for the wedding. Here it is possible to rent dresses needed only once, anything like that down under? A lady bought up prom dresses, bridesmaid and mother of the bride dresses, the ones worn once and advertised for sale in local papers, and she rents them out for about 1/3 the cost of buying one. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Tami, so lucky you found a dress to borrow. My Mom borrowed a dress for me to wear to senior prom. Of course I wanted a dress of my own, but I knew we could not afford anything as nice as the dress she borrowed, so I wore it.

Shoot, cannot remind myself of what was back a page without fear of loosing this. Need to get something done anyway, always ffuts, hugs to each of you, with extras.

21/Jun/11 2:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, if I were there I could help you by keeping the dogs company as I shivered and shaked along with them.

MizT, I was wondering this morning when Al would get his results. Sometimes it seems like the waiting is the hardest part.

Suzanne, I keep meaning to ask you how George is doing.
21/Jun/11 2:43 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I did phone earlier, his appointment tomorrow includes a doc visit. They should have the results now, or by this afternoon latest, so hopefully we know results tomorrow. Fingers crossed please. I am telling myself no need to worry, as Gail says, it is what it is, already decided and on film, so we will deal with whatever we get, somehow.
21/Jun/11 2:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, my fingers will definitely be crossed for you and Al. Hugs, hugs, millions of hugs.
21/Jun/11 2:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Miz T, keeping you and Al in my thoughts. Also have fingers, toes and anything else possible crossed for you.
21/Jun/11 3:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT and Al. I hope it's the best news possible.
21/Jun/11 3:24 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, my friend would bring the disc home and look at it herself. Could pick out any 'hot spots'.I hope Al does not have any 'hot spots'.
I am off to bowls today. I have not bowled for 6 weeks but I had put my name down to play in a 'fours' cometition which starts today. I think it is supposed to be cold and windy. Not ideal for being outside in the elements for about three hours, but I will enjoy the company!
21/Jun/11 4:13 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good luck with the bowls June.
Fingers crossed for good news for Al and MizT
21/Jun/11 4:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
I plan to get some ffuts done today!! Let's hope I succeed.

June, enjoy the company today, the wind has died down here this morning so hopefully it won't be too uncomfortable outside. I'm hoping the winds they are apparently getting south of here (hugs Gail) are not heading north.

MizT, I still have everything crossed for you and Al. Waiting must be so hard.

Heidi, any news about Robert's dad yet?
21/Jun/11 7:40 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well.
Well, we've had a VERY wild night in old Melbourne! I'm surprised to see any leaves left on our trees ... or any branches! Just a leetle bit scary ... Still, our street looks very nicely swept! ;)
21/Jun/11 9:13 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
MizT - Fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for good results for Al.
June - enjoy your day at bowls and enjoy the company and the diversion.
Hugs to everyone - hope your day goes well!
21/Jun/11 9:23 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Money is the root of all evil - lack of it is even worse.
21/Jun/11 10:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I sooo know what you mean. We have been very luck and just received an unexpected windfall in the tax department. Just enough that the expenses Alie is creating right now are doable.
21/Jun/11 10:27 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Fingers Crossed Al and Tricia ♥♥♥

Enjoy the Bowls June.

(((BIG HUGS))) AND ♥♥♥ and then some to all and Sundry
21/Jun/11 10:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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It's windy here now, but only 40kph with 60kph gusts so far. Not at scary levels yet.
21/Jun/11 12:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just heard from Robert. His father is doing much better than expected. He's being discharged already.
21/Jun/11 12:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good night friends, time to call it a day. Hope all is well with you and yours. Big hugs to each of you, with extras scattered about where needed.
21/Jun/11 2:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That's good news Heidi, thanks for the update.

Best wishes MizT and Al

June, how is your friend doing now? Is she home?
21/Jun/11 3:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All! Have had a VERY long day - couldn't find my keys (car & house). I did some major review of my past week, as last time I drove & used them was 6 days ago and we had 3 meetings since then, plus drove to my home town for high school reunion. Thought of about 17 places I'd been to call to see if keys were turned in. Made several calls to some of them. Keys were finally found tonight to my great relief!

Sending warm and positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers and to all of you wonderful people and your families and friends. Tomorrow I really must get the minutes from one of the meetings done, but hope to do some catch-up reading here, as well! Good Night!
21/Jun/11 4:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Where were they found Julie? Fascinated to know!
21/Jun/11 5:04 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yes Julie, inquiring minds and all that!
Good Afternoon my friends!!!!
Extra love and hugs to June, MizT & Al and plenty spare for the rest of you.
Glad I don't work at the shiplifts full time....boring, not enough work to keep me busy so am becoming a clock watcher.
21/Jun/11 5:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all
Julie, glad you found your keys, I haven't found mine! Where were yours, maybe it will give me a clue about where to look for mine ... I hope you don't have a long drive to pick them up!

Very early in the morning where you are MizT, so I hope you are sound asleep saving up energy for your big day today. Even though all of the signs are positive I believe it must still be a worry until the doc confirms for you. Hugs, everything crossed and ♥

June, after a promising start it turned into a cold, windy, miserable day. I hope you still managed to have some fun at bowls even in this weather. At least it bodes well for the planned trip if it comes off - they are expecting a good snow fall.

Broni, no internet access to keep you busy? Though there's only so much of that you can do too.

Gail, what have you been up to, apart from poking I mean?
21/Jun/11 6:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I would love to sit in your sunroom and look out at the storms - magic! Full view but fully protected!
21/Jun/11 7:09 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. I woke up at 4:00 this morning to the strong odour of skunk. Managed to get back to sleep. When I fed the feral colony this morning, there was a strong odour in the feeding station. There must have been a disagreement overnight ... little stinkers!

Coffee is ready ... yahoooooooo.
21/Jun/11 8:21 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Skunk-flavored coffee, that will be a first
Heidi, thanks for update on Robert's dad. Glad to hear he is doing better.
Julie, where did you find the keys? You told us the story but left us hanging.
Tricia, hugs to you and Al. Hope all you hear is good news. Have fingers, toes, and anything else I can, crossed for you.
Suzy, glad you are able to cover the extra expenses. That is why I work over the summer, to try to get a little ahead, but it never works.
21/Jun/11 8:39 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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First day of summer ... bring it on!
21/Jun/11 8:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Not a lot Suzy, we are being bone idle, and have been for weeks, cannot get back into any sort of routine. Medically all is well, but we are becoming sloths! Hubby has been talking about putting in central heating, which in a house the size and configuration of ours, is a large task. At the moment though, we are all living in our rooms with tiny little heaters gobbling up lots of electric$. We haven't even bought any wood this year, so being in the main part of the house is for gnikooc and yrdnual only, both unpleasant, mess makers, and it's too cold in there...
21/Jun/11 8:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'd love to know where the keys were, too, Julie. It couldn't have been stranger than where Jane lost her car keys during Fionafest. They were lost during an oceanside picnic the first night, and we spent several hours searching and had to get several police officers involved. It was actually a lot more fun than it sounds. The keys magically appeared the next day under the leftover fried chicken in the refrigerator!
21/Jun/11 9:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We lost the bowls but it was a good game.
We are off to the snow tomorrow. It is snowing a lot closer to home but that is probably just a 'light' snow fall (within 2 hours drive). It will take us about 5 hours to get to the ski fields. She asked the Professor if she should take oxygen but he said she should be OK if she takes things very easy. She will sit inside while we play with Laura in the snow. Ken hates the cold and it is probably still snowing down there. We have waterproof jackets but will just take a change of warm trousers. We will not be skiing. I bought some ski pants for Laura in the sale at Aldi a few weeks ago so she is OK. Also bought boots for us all.
21/Jun/11 10:05 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My sister lost her keys and found them several days later in a bucket of dirty water. All the remotes were history!
Pleased the tax man was good to you Suzie. I hope you get plenty of work next term.
21/Jun/11 10:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy morning getting up and neat and clean fore our appointment today. I am having my second cuppa, so dropped in for a minute here. Thank you for all the crossed fingers and hugs, they are most welcomed here.

another hot one, possibly a stray shower today, more likely tonight and tomorrow. It is cloudy, that does keep my house a bit cooler. Hot sunshine on the roof radiates right on through, yuck.

SUZY, I was asleep early AM, slept well last night, would have slept another couple hours if the alarm had not rang. It takes hubby so long to get awake mornings fore appointments, and I must get wake him. Now why cannot I coordinate better? If I have to have sleep less nights, why not nights I must get up early anyway?

I read, but no time to comment today, I hope to catch up later.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
22/Jun/11 12:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Where were the keys?? I do need to know.
22/Jun/11 12:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've been laughing at Robert. I asked him to hook up the finish mower to the little tractor and mow the front pasture. He's always liked the little tractor more than the big tractor, but he's forgotten how to drive it. He immediately got the tractor hung up in a pile of old, wet hay and panicked. I came out and put it in 4WD and the tractor drove out easily. He got back up in the seat and the tractor wouldn't move for him.... he forgot to put it in gear. He's very embarrassed now.

I had another nightmarish night with Hollie. She spent the night acting panic stricken, and pooping all over the house... and there was NO thunder or lightning. I ended up tranking her. Her brain isn't working right any more.
22/Jun/11 3:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If anyone wants to know... the finish mower cuts an 8 foot ( 2.44 meter ) swath. That'll mow 12 acres quickly.
22/Jun/11 3:03 AM
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