Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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"Accept the love and support of friends."
That is what I am doing.
I enjoy this little book of inspiration.
19/Jun/11 9:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I don't know why they married June, apparently it's from a movie, I don't know what movie..
19/Jun/11 10:17 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Theresa, my sympathies for your coffee maker. There are some things that you should not have to live without, and coffee is one of them. I have a pot already brewed for you. Let me know when I need to make you a fresh one.
Suzy, don't let Dana get to you. We all know that you are not scary.
Everyone else, even if I forget what I have read, you are all in my thoughts.
19/Jun/11 10:41 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - I love it - must copy it for Lachlan, he'll love it!! That's, of course, if he knows the tune to Teddy Bear's Picnic!?!? (My favourite when I was little.)
Nite all - sleep well, June, if you can. You're all never far from my thoughts.
19/Jun/11 11:44 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got back from Walmart with a new coffee maker. Coffee is brewing as we speak ... thanks for the temporary coffee, Tami.

Hubby has gone to his parents for Father's Day, but I decided to stay home. I don't think my tailbone can tolerate over an hour one way in the car and then the rest of the day sitting. I will spend some quality time with the hot water bottle.

Weather is beautiful here, so maybe later on I can spend some quality time outside.
20/Jun/11 1:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, glad you got a new coffee maker. Enjoy your day of quiet. I am sure you need it.
20/Jun/11 1:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'd offer to rub it for you Theresa, but I think we will both find it awkward!
20/Jun/11 1:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... If you DID scare Dana, maybe she wouldn't lie. That sounds like a massive pile of bull patties to me.

In a couple of hours, I'm loading up 2 heifers that I decided to sell, and taking them to the sale barn. I have a large fertilizer bill due on Tuesday (which IH told me about yesterday) and this sale will cover it.
IH has stopped complaining about my house purchase since I told him that the entire purchase price is tax deductible.
20/Jun/11 2:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This week, I'm adding another Rescue dog to the family. He's a 12 year old neutered male..... but he's NOT a Collie! He's a Sheltie. It's just that there's no Sheltie Rescue in Kentucky that will take a geriatric. They all want young, adoptable dogs. We'll see how this works out.
20/Jun/11 2:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now I have this picture in my head of Gail massaging Theresa's sore tailbone. Thanks a LOT, Gail!!!
20/Jun/11 2:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, try ice on the aching tailbone, alternate it with heat, might help a bit. 20 minutes heat, 20 minutes nuttin, 20 minutes ice, then nuttin again. It helps my arthritis in lower back. I have a rice sock for the heat, rice in an old sock, warmed in microwave, it can fit inside your waistband and is portable.
20/Jun/11 2:56 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!! TTT called me & told me there was confusion about my parents anniversary. Just to set the record straight: My parents got married when I was 2 and a 1/2 because my mom got divorced from my bio dad when I was 8 months old. My step-dad Harry (I hate that term) is more of a dad than my sperm donor. He wanted to adopt me when he married my mom, but my sperm donor fought it! So, when I turned 18, I legally changed my last name to Harry's.
20/Jun/11 3:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A wonderful story Suzanne. How you must love your parents and what a wonderful way to show your appreciation by taking his name.
20/Jun/11 6:12 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, don't be so sure how wonderful it is. Suzanne took her stepdad's name because it was easier to spell than her sperm donor's name
20/Jun/11 6:14 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Great story and fitting tribute to your Dad on our Father's Day, Suzanne.

June, hope you are feeling better rested today. Thanks also for asking Suzy about the song ending with a marriage of the had me wondering too as I read it and I wasn't tired...just slow.
I'd like you ladies to let your hubbies know that I honor them as the good fathers most of them seem to be from your post, on this, our Father's Day, as well as all of the other days where they may feel left out.
Remember to treat yourselves are worth it and you show others how it should be done! Peace.

20/Jun/11 6:24 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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D#1 and I took Richard out for father's day today. We went to Nando's but went to MacDonald's drive through for a thick shake for pudding.
20/Jun/11 6:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gail, what can I say - you've got me blushing and you've poisoned Heidi's mind. I think I would probably pass on such an offer, but thanks for thinking of me ... I guess.

MizT, I will try your method, including rice in a sock - how long do you leave it in the microwave for? That sounds simple enough to make and much cheaper than store bought warming thingies. Thanks for the suggestions.

Heidi, a Sheltie - they are so cute. I hope it works out with the other furry friends. Thank goodness there are people like you out there who will come to their rescue.

Suzanne, awwww, that is so sweet.
20/Jun/11 6:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, the time is so variable, depending on your microwave, how hot you like it, and how much rice is in the sock. I do my high powered microwave on hi with one pound of rice one minute and 20 seconds. If I were you, I would start lower, like 40 seconds and do again if it is not hot enough, cause it takes a long time to cool down.
20/Jun/11 7:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thanks MizT. It never would have occurred to me to use rice - I guess I figured it would burn. I've heard of buckwheat.
20/Jun/11 7:59 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I too hope the Sheltie fits in with your family. If I were closer I would take it on. The dog I had before Callie and Indi was a Sheltie, I loved her dearly but didn't dare get another one incase I compared them too much. A photo would be nice.
20/Jun/11 8:04 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Suzanne, that is basically the way my brother's family came to be, except sperm donor never married my SIL, challenged paternity, didn't pay child support, then refused the adoption. He finally signed away parental rights when his tax return was taken for child support. My SIL and bro said they would sign whatever needed to be signed saying he didn't have to pay any more if he let my bro adopt her - I think she was 14 or 15 by then. She is as much my relative as all of my other nieces and nephews!
20/Jun/11 8:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I love your topp! When things were really bad after Dana left the first time, I sent a text that I couldn't make it to coffee one Friday afternoon. My friends called and when I said I couldn't go, they surprised me and showed up with coffee!! They knew I needed them. Friends are wonderful things!

Theresa, I have made rice ones with fancy embroidered covers. I often put a drop or two of essential oil on them though, just for the pleasant smell. Depending on your microwave and how much rice, between 1 and 3 minutes should do it.

20/Jun/11 8:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I too hope the Sheltie fits in and is a wonderful addition to your family. At least Gil told you about the bill before it was due and not after..

Theresa, I see MizT already answered your question - sorry!

Aside: My niece has had my bro's name all through school even without the adoption. All they had to have was a letter from a Chamber Magistrate saying she was known by that name. The same Chamber Magistrate who married all 3 of us wrote the letter... he's almost a part of the family now isn't he?

20/Jun/11 9:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll post a picture of the Sheltie.
20/Jun/11 9:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Done. I don't know his name yet.
20/Jun/11 9:43 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Going on a dress hunt..
20/Jun/11 10:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hope you're shopping for yourself, Suzy - you deserve it!
20/Jun/11 10:46 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, what are you hunting with: a gun or a bow and arrow???
20/Jun/11 10:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I hunt with plastic myself hehehe
20/Jun/11 11:37 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good one, MizT - you gave me a chuckle.
20/Jun/11 11:40 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's gonna be a nice, quiet day here tomorrow. IH will be gone for the day, and Robert won't be here. His father is back in the hospital and having surgery tomorrow.
20/Jun/11 12:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thinking of Robert and his dad tomorrow...

I wasn't dress hunting for me, I don't wear dresses. Alie has 4 performances coming up, 3 at school, and she has to wear a formal type dress. She drew me a picture of what she wants, which is of course impossible, especially with only a week to find it in. I found one the colour she wanted mildly resembling the style for $160. Then I found another one in completely the wrong colour but as close as I think we're going to find to the design for $80. Guess where I'm taking her after school today?
20/Jun/11 12:54 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!!
TTT: NOT FUNNY!! (even tho it's true!!) Harry was ALWAYS more of a dad than Frank was...Frank didn't come back into my life until I was almost 15...Met him (with my mom) at a restaurant AFTER asking Harry if it was ok with him! Told him if it wasn't, wouldn't do it...Saw my sperm donor(Frank) 2 more times in person and called him after my Uncle Tony died and after I got married...Haven't spoken to him SINCE!!
By the way, got a photo from the Red Hat ladies the other day, Rose looks like she's doing better after her stroke! Please say prayers for her.
Heidi: I'll pray for Robert & his dad...keep us posted!!
Hugs, Love & Prayers to all who need them!! TTFN
20/Jun/11 1:12 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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It seems Suzy & I posted at the same time, her post shows as the last (on the Forum) but my post is after hers...????
20/Jun/11 1:25 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Read your comment, June, thanks!!! My dad (Harry) means the WORLD to me!!! He & Darrell get along well, they BOTH have a warped sense of humor!! I just wish Darrell could have met my granddad (who we called PopPop)...His sense of humor was much like my dad's is!!!
20/Jun/11 1:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzanne - my grandchildren have had little or nothing to do with their real Grandfather (my ex) - his choice, not anyone elses, he was and is always welcome. The only grandfather they have ever known, on our side of the family, is Colin - he is their beloved Poppy and always will be. Col was always prepared to take a step backwards in favour of their real one, but he never bothered, now I'm afraid it's probably too late for him. His loss! In the case of my son's girls, I am the only biological grandparent who loves and is interested in them - isn't that sad?
20/Jun/11 2:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, everyone! It's late, so I'm just popping in.

Suzy, sending {{HUGS}} I agree with Brenda and others, let the girls sort it out fiasco! Hopefully your hubby is beginning to "see the light!"

June {{HUGS}}, is so good to hear that your friend is more comfortable and able to make her wishes known to those in charge!

Heidi, congrats on the 'Employee Bunk House'! I hope your ear is feeling much better!

Broni, it sounds like you're pleased with the new job! Cute picture of Bella and Bella!

Falling asleep at the computer, so should head to bed. {{{{HUGS}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers and for everyone!
20/Jun/11 3:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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No to the $80 dress, told her the $160 one was out of the question, we weren't even going to look at it. Got one for $95. Nothing of it!!
20/Jun/11 4:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Scared everyone away again! I should stop posting!
20/Jun/11 7:36 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Evening my friends.
EEEk! Zusy, have to get something for Teresa's daughter weeding (hehe!) and so not going to spend on a one time thingy! Oh you know what I mean.
Posting before I lose this.
20/Jun/11 7:37 PM
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