Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa I am so sorry you are sick, and a medication that is supposed to make you better is making you feel that way. Any way you could take it at a better time or start with a lower dose? My doc does that with me often, cause I do not do medications well. I hope the medication will soon settle down for you sweetie. Do keep us informed how it goes.
08/Jul/11 6:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.

Washington Irving (1783-1859) American Writer
08/Jul/11 6:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds like Washington Irving understood women pretty well.
08/Jul/11 8:57 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh MizT, that smell!!! I know exactly what you mean!
08/Jul/11 9:34 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning all.

Tricia Al!!

June and Friend (( HUGS )) ♥
08/Jul/11 9:55 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I have been here today to read but have not had time to post.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to all who need or want one.

It seems a lot of people need hugs today so I hope you all remember that even if I don't comment on each one separately, I am thinking of you and I do care about all of you.
08/Jul/11 10:15 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Good morning all! I'm having the day off today. Hubby and I took #1s car to get serviced and then stopped off for brekkie on the way home. It was very pleasant.
Rolanda the house sounds great. I hope you get a good price for your current home.
I'm busy collecting odd bits of furniture for #1 and the girl. There is talk they will move out (not to Japan) in the near future. My boss has just moved into a unit and have spare furniture. I snapped up some dining room chairs as we have a spare table.
08/Jul/11 10:39 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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June, I'm glad your friend was feeling better after the massage.
MizT, that all sounds very positive for Al. At least you know what symptoms to look out for.
Tami, enjoy your holiday - I hope you get some down time soon.
Suzy, listening to your stories makes me very glad I had boys. At their worst they just grunt at you but they are untidy creatures. #2 wouldn't know how to make his bed to save his life. His sheets only get washed when I take them off and remake the bed. Of course, he knows how all this stuff works. He just can't be bothered.
08/Jul/11 10:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Victoria, I am training my boys early. Mitchell, 14, has just learned how to do his own wash. I still have to teach him how to change a sheet and make the bed. Dylan, 10, will learn next. They both help set and clear the table and know how to wipe it off after dinner. Next they will learn to vacuum and mop. I am making sure my future daughters-in-law like me
08/Jul/11 10:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
MizT - glad things are looking good for Al.
June - more hugs!
Tami - good idea, train them, even if they seem to forget during their teenage angst, it will come back. Lucky I trained my son - he is now in charge of a household and is responsible for his daughter's welfare (which includes clean bed-linen etc).
Listening to you all talk of teenagers, the one thing I know is that they are all different. By comparison with some, I got through my kid's teenage years fairly well - but still would never want to do it again. I saw worse (my sister's kids) and better (my brother's kids). Now, 20 or more years later, they are all responsible adults and loving parents. Phew!
08/Jul/11 11:29 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Theresa - I hope you're feeling better soon - I'm glad the weather is good, at least.
Heidi - I was thinking the same, start hassling IH before the account is due. What is wrong with that man?? Don't answer, I know - he's IH!!
08/Jul/11 11:32 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Positive Thoughts for 2.00pm Sudoku Time..
boy has the Interview and Technical Test then.
08/Jul/11 11:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Rolanda - Thinking positive thoughts - but I know he will do well!
08/Jul/11 12:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I hate pupil-free days! This Monday is the first day of the new school semester and is pupil-free. I had already agreed that Lachlan & Madeline can stay Sun night and Monday. Now I hear that vacation care does not operate on pupil-free days (why not? I ask) So I am having Emily as well. That is OK, I can handle 3. But I know Marie will ask me have Hayley and Chloe. I simply am too old to handle all 5 of them alone. And logistically, my car won't fit us all in and I must have transport in the case of emergencies. I feel bad for H & C, and for Marie who will lose a day's pay.
Hey, why am I feeling guilty?????
08/Jul/11 12:45 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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:( Pupil Free Days was always a worry when working!!!
08/Jul/11 12:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Rolanda, I had guessed too, and your new home sounds like it will be wonderful!

Pupil free days don't bother me anymore as if I work at all it's only during school time. Even if I get a full time job and have to do the professional development they do on pupil free days, Alie is now old enough to stay home alone. The teachers here are actually having to work Sunday too as they have a 2 day training thing. That would suck!

MizT, I think that is good news for Al. It sounds healthy and you know all of the things to look for. I'm a bit worried now though because hubby's breath is rotten at the moment, but I think that is because he has a bad tooth and will not make himself an appointment!!

A friend came to visit this morning and I told her a bit of what was going on. She was very reassuring.. Now if hubby would only listen to my friends all would be good.

08/Jul/11 1:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just now getting to this page! Hello, All!

Rolanda, so sorry to hear about Sue's Dad! RIP! Even though she knew it was coming, that doesn't necessarily make it any easier.

Cyn, one of these days we'll meet on this page! (But it would be better to meet in person!)

June, so glad to hear that the massages are helping! While it's understandable that she wants things to remain as normal as possible for Laura's sake, your friend also needs to think about her own comfort. She is doing what she thinks is best for the situation. Sending positive thoughts and {{{{HUGS}}}}!

Suzy, it sounds like a good and therapeutic idea - to write down the things the way they are and react to them (whether just on your notebook or here) and deal with the negative energy in that way, rather than directly with those causing the difficulties. Girls, especially of the teenage variety, can be extremely hard to live with and can make moms feel guilty about every little thing. It's not fair that your hubby blames you (been there, done that with my own hubby on occasion), but you get the blame because he can't possibly blame his own child - or himself, for that matter. Hang in there, kiddo! We've all got your back and understand what you're going through! And you're perfectly right to ask to be treated at least as well as a stranger would be!

Rolanda, I think more than a few of us have read between the lines and guessed at what is happening. Good for you! The plans sound wonderful! When we moved to our current house, we were looking to start down-sizing, but anticipated that MIL would need to come live with us. As it turned out, she moved to assisted living, but we ended up with a house larger than we had planned. (I guess that's a good thing, considering the many guests we'll be having in a few weeks.)

Mamacita, I don't think any of us would consider calling you crass. You have such a wonderful way with words and speak your mind, two very admirable qualities!

Heidi, it's good to have you back with us! June has a great idea to set up a reminder program just before the bills are due for you to start bugging IH. I hope you won't need to deal with storms again tonight!

Theresa, I hope you felt better as the day progressed and also hope the pharmacist is right that the side effects will only last a day or two!

MizT, thinking of you and Al! Guess the doc is right that the best thing to do at this point is wait it out and watch for any changes. The prices of medical tests & medications are so exorbitant, and the insurance companies have decided to control our lives. Thank goodness you have the training and background that you have and can monitor things closely!

Well, the sciatica is truly back and driving me crazy. I can't sit any longer. (Unfortunately, standing and lying down aren't more comfortable right now.) I'm going to call it a night because I can't concentrate. At least I got through 1 page tonight. I hope to see you all
08/Jul/11 2:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, haven't done that in a while. My post was too long, so here's the rest:

I hope to see you all tomorrow, when I'll start reading page 145. Sending lots of prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and to all of you! Enjoy what's left of your afternoon/evening/night, then Sleep Well! Good Night!

Sending positive thoughts for S#2, Rolanda!
08/Jul/11 2:57 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Just got a message from the boy..
"That went very well :D, should hear back from them within a week :D"
08/Jul/11 3:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hello my friends.
Love and hugs to you all.
June, you, your friend and family are all in my thoughts as are all who are struggling at the moment.
Thought things were getting tough for me..
boat needs a lot more work than anticipated grrr,
Poss has injured his shoulder again, probably from his doctor putting him back on full time work and the company is giving him jobs that require him to unhitch & hitch trailers duh!
But then the girl I was filling in for because she had caught shingles had some very sad news, her parents had been knocked down by a motorcycle in Bali and her mother had internal bleeding in her head, they did not have travel insurance and she passed away today.
Take care my friends.
08/Jul/11 4:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OMG Broni - things have been tough for you. How awful for the girl and losing her Mum that way.
And Poss - what happens now? Do they still expect him to work like that? The workplace is tough these days!
You and Poss take care yourselves. Do soemthing nice this weekend, even if you have lots to do on the boat.
08/Jul/11 5:06 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone. :)

Hugs for those who need them ... seems to be a lot of bad news around ... :(

Went out with my sister again - off to the Art Gallery to see Klimt and his friends. Some gorgeous stuff there, and some absolute shockers! And, of course, some tasty treats at the Cafe! - hope I've walked most of it off. :0

Tomorrow is the Miniatures Show ... there goes my year's savings! Lucky I gave up drinking. And smoking ... hang on, I never did those things ... yeh, I can spend all my money on perfect, gorgeous 12th scale goodies! :D
08/Jul/11 5:44 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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***GOOD NEWS ***

The boy has the job !!!
08/Jul/11 6:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Oh Broni that is so sad and awful. :(
08/Jul/11 6:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Nah Cyn, life is good, better than the other option.
Got hit with all this yesterday and freaked, just a bit flat today. Taking the weekend off, will reassess it all next week but have good people around me. Throw some more money around and wrap the broken wing up in cotton wool.
Ironic about Laura's Mum, it was her birthday today, came into this world and left on the same day.
08/Jul/11 6:19 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Congrats to the boy Rola! WooHoo! We need some good news!
Oh! and congrats to you and Mr Rola am thinking of downsizing in the future myself.
08/Jul/11 6:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A good news/bad news page.

Broni, I'm so sorry about Laura's Mum. And to die on her birthday! Was the motorcyclist at least insured so they can bring her home??

Rolanda, congratulations to the boy! Credit to the old block he is a chip off!!

Judy, have a great time at the miniatures... spend all your drinking money! hehe

08/Jul/11 7:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well I have some possible news... It looks like a manager from Warner might be coming to listen to the girls at their gig next weekend! I'm not sure if that's good news or bad news...
08/Jul/11 9:08 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Broni, what an awful time you are having. Please try and relax over the weekend.
How awful for Laura. Indonesia is a Muslim country so I am not sure about cremations and it will be very costly to bring the body home. I cannot imagine travelling overseas without taking out insurance. Actually we have a yearly policy. (Although that is getting harder to get now we are over 70). It also covers us for travel in Australia.
08/Jul/11 9:24 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Great news Zusy! As long as they can have trust account they cannot touch and blah, blah, blah. Who makes the decisions?
08/Jul/11 9:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, this too will pass.
Yes bringing Mum home will be costly I guess, two of the daughters are over there with their Dad, cannot imagine what they are going thru but thankful I have enough experience that I can cover her job.
This weekend is mine and I need it.
08/Jul/11 9:29 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Congratulations to your son Rolanda. Now you can relax over the weekend
Suzy, it would be nice if the girls were just a tad older and a bit more mature, but then the opportunity may not come again.
Thinking of you and Al, Tricia. I really hope the cancer has all gone. My friend is lucky that she has full health insurance cover. There has been times when things were not fully covered, like these lymphatic massages but she is still paying less than half the cost. The Government picks up all the Chemo costs. Also the PET scans (I think).
08/Jul/11 9:33 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We are expecting another frost in the morning so I might go and curl up with a book in my warm bed.
What sort of miniatures do you collect Judy?
08/Jul/11 9:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, really hope you are curled up in your warm comfy bed, that is where I am going and really hope both of us has a good nights sleep.
Love and Hugs to you all.
08/Jul/11 9:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, exactly! This is what she wants to do with her life and it may be her only chance. Success in the music business is as much luck as talent - there are a lot of very talented people out there who do not have record deals because the luck never happened. So, although I would rather it was about 5 years in the future.. I'm not going to get in the way. It still may not happen as they aren't very lively on stage and that's a big part of it all.

I'm so glad the massages are helping. Even though insurance covers most things, I know it gets to the point where every dollar hurts, so every little dollar that is covered helps!

Which reminds me, I made an appointment for all of us to go to the dentist. I chose a new place because I heard their ad on the radio and they said they bill insurance directly so we only have to pay the difference. When they asked about the insurance I found out that they are a preferred provider with our insurance company so they cover a lot of stuff we were having to pay for elsewhere...

08/Jul/11 9:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, my main thoughts are that it is either meant to be, or not meant to be!
I know that sounds simplistic ans silly, but it comes down to that. As Broni says, it is about how they are managed and how they are set up just in case it doesn't work out (I am in no way suggesting this to be the case)
08/Jul/11 10:58 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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June, it's dollhouse miniatures I collect, usually 1/12 scale. I've made quite a few rooms (they're easier to cope with than actual dollhouses) - a 70's student's room, an antique-shop, a few 1860s rooms, a sweet-shop, Brother Cadfael's cabin (medieval apothecary-monk) ... all kinds of things. Tomorrow is the annual show, so I must get my beauty-sleep ... wonder if it will help ... !
Good-night all. :)
08/Jul/11 11:02 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Broni,June, Suzy and MizT especially...but all of you are included in the hugs and free wishes I'll be sending forth for a rested, healing, and rejuvenating weekend and even more days to follow as needed.
BTW...Good Morning comes loaded with hopes that today will be a better day than yesterday, and the knowledge that whatever was/is bothering you won't last forever....Peace.
09/Jul/11 12:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends! I had a good nights sleep last night, even after a nighttime trip to wal mart. Was afraid such a trip would be hurty, and keep me awake, nope, I did fine. Did not need much, but could not tell that at check out total, $$$ just add up so quickly. Compact florescent light bulbs and Ensure nutritional shakes were the big items, and fish, Al has been wanting fish, so I will broil him some today and hope .

Such sad news about the motorcycle accident. I cannot imagine the red tape involved in dealing with a death in a foreign country. Prayers and thoughts to that family, Broni. Sounds like you and Pos need some too. Keep us informed about how his shoulder goes.

JUDY, the dollhouse miniatures sound so nice. I got tickled at you taking your drinking money to go shop hehehe. I started quilting, well first embroidery of blocks for a quilt, when I stopped smoking. I figured how much I had spent on cigarettes a week, and I took that much to buy quilt supplies, tools, and fabric.

Suzy, good luck to Ali and her friends. They can be taught how to move on stage, and do not have any bad habits to overcome. It is the talent, the voice, that is harder to teach.

JUNE, hope you stay nice and warm with the expected frost. Rest when you can, never know when you will be needed again. In 14 months AL will have medicare coverage, and I should be able to get him on the "pays everything" plan that I have, unless the gov makes cuts in medicare and medicaid as they are talking about.

CONGRATS to the boy, Rolanda, I believed he would get this. Congrats on the house too. NOPE, you fooled me, I just thought you were getting all the things done to house that had been neglected, so you could enjoy it. Never crossed my mind you would move. Hope the house sells soon and at the price you want. Living in a house that is up for show is difficult, Have a friend doing that. Says she cannot ever soak a pan, or hang damp towels in bathroom to dry, always much be ready to show.

The sloshy thing has finished so time to hang out, and put undies in dryer. Apologies if I missed anyone. Hugs, thoughts and prayers to all who need them, there were a bunch today, so I am leaving -plenty of extras.

09/Jul/11 12:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good night's sleep last night... no storms but some rain.

Great news about your son, Rolanda. He sounded well prepared, so I thought his chances were good.

Such a nightmare for that family traveling in Bali. I hope that they can at least get the body home.
09/Jul/11 1:43 AM
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