Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship.

Joseph Addison
12/Jul/11 5:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just read online that a woman in Texas gave birth to a 16 lb (7.25 kg) baby. They say things are bigger in Texas but that is ridiculous.
12/Jul/11 6:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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OMG Tami - do you mean natural child birth? If so, OUCH!!!!!

Still thinking of your FIL ...
12/Jul/11 6:19 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It didn't say. I would assume a c-section but I am not sure. Either way, that is a big OUCH.

Still haven't heard about FIL and don't want to call MIL and disturb her, even though I am tempted.
12/Jul/11 6:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just heard from hubby. Surgery on his father went well. That is all I know but I am glad surgery is over. Should know more later or tomorrow after I speak to MIL.
12/Jul/11 6:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great news, Tami!!!
12/Jul/11 7:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just came back from supper at D's. I have to go back a little later as the kids are putting on an art show for me.

Glad the surgery is over, Tami ... waiting is so hard.

I have my heart tests this Thursday. The first one is at 10:45 AM and lasts about an hour. The second one is at 12:00 noon and lasts 3 - 4 hours. What a long day it is going to be.
12/Jul/11 7:43 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, it will be a long day but worth it in the end. Then they will know what we all know, that you have a heart of gold and it is in great shape.
12/Jul/11 8:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Everything crossed for you FIL Tami!

Theresa, I've had scares with heart tests before and they ended up being nothing. I hope your new tests turn out to be a total waste of your precious time - but do them, or you'll worry forever!

About your niece, were these messages posted as a status for everyone else to see? I have a friend who does that, very childish and annoying - only she is older than I am. If I was your D I wouldn't let any rubbish from her get in the way of what I was planning to do!

12/Jul/11 8:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Over the page while I was typing and with good news on the other side! Yay Tami!!!
12/Jul/11 8:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hubby's brother called. He went to the hospital. Spoke to FIL. Surgery went well. FIL can move all his limbs but has a tingling on his left side. Have to wait for the swelling to go down to see if things return to normal. It could just be a result of the swelling, hopefully it is nothing permanent. Could take several months to know the outcome. Thank you all for keeping him in your thoughts. Please continue to do so.
12/Jul/11 8:48 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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No Suzy, they were sent as messages to D and I.
12/Jul/11 8:48 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not quite as bad, but bad enough. I wonder what is up her nose?

Tami, it's hard to get SA people and their families OUT of my thoughts - he will be there
12/Jul/11 9:23 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Theresa, worry is a negative emotion that we don't have enough energy for, please just go with the flow and put things out of your mind as best you can. I am thankful that the tests are happening so soon.
As for your niece, would you like us to slap her upside the head! Because I know I would certainly get some satisfaction from it! I don't blame D for now not wanting to go. After the event, I would tell your sister why D decided not to go after all!
12/Jul/11 10:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I've been thinking about my niece and I think I may have figured it out. She has MS and she will be getting the liberation treatment done some time before the end of the year in Albany, New York. Two Canadians have died since their treatments. I'm wondering if she would like to see everyone before the treatment for fear that things will go wrong.

Thanks for the kind thoughts people. It's easier said than done not to worry though. I will definitely try. I've had a bit of a "poor me" kind of day.
12/Jul/11 11:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great advice, Gail.
Theresa... I, too, have had to go in for those tests, only to hear that I have a very healthy heart. The cardiogram abnormality usually means nothing. You may have had a bit of gas, an itch, or moved a bit during the test.
12/Jul/11 11:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nevertheless, everybody deserves a "poor me" day. You have earned the right to some self pity. You've been through too much for the last half year, and need some good stuff to happen. So sending you some ((((( HUGS ))))) and friendship.
12/Jul/11 11:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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BTW... what is the liberation treatment for MS?
12/Jul/11 11:11 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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That is the controversial new treatment where veins in the neck are unclogged. It is not available in Canada. There has been a fair bit of success with this for some MS patients. My niece is now having difficulty walking and things will only get worse for her, so she is going for the treatment.
12/Jul/11 11:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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You may be right about your niece, Theresa, very compassionate of you.

Heidi, amen re the poor me day, I think they should be mandatory, once a month!
12/Jul/11 11:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, you are a loving soul... My niece also has MS but does not talk about her progress or treatments. Being so far away really sucks!

12/Jul/11 12:02 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Popping in to say good night fore I go to bed. We had errands to run, and I forgot one thing I meant to get at pharmacy today, drats! Oh well, I have to go back to town tomorrow. When we got home there was a message that the book I reserved is waiting for me, it is the last of the "Earth's Children" books, Clan of the Painted Caves.

Al needs to get our auto checked out. It is temperamental, no longer starts first time every time. We need at least one reliable auto, even if they are old, they gotta function. I hope he can take it tomorrow to have sensors tested, see what it needs parts wise.

I have read, but my meds are beginning to work, so I have forg9tten all I read. I hope to review tomorrow and comment then.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
12/Jul/11 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko, Friends! It's late and I should be headed to bed, but doing some quick reading. We're getting some ffuts done around the house each day, but have way more to do than we can get done in 4 weeks. Arranged for 4 weeks of dancing class today. We (of the 2 left feet per person) start tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Great TOPP on page 147, Theresa!

Mamacita and June, hoping you're both feeling better after your tumbles! Please be careful (I say, as I wonder if I can get through 4 dancing classes without an ungraceful tumble).

Suzy, thinking of you and the falling tree branches around your house. We had quite a storm here today with winds of 55-60 miles per hour and about a million "customers" without power some 12 or 14 hours later. Luckily, we didn't notice any damage, though we should get outside and scan all 4 sides and roof of our house. Obviously, we still have our electrical power, though lights flickered for some time during the storm.

MizT, so sorry to hear about your uncle's passing - and without notice to you! May he RIP! The same thing happened a couple of months ago to our family - the last aunt or uncle on my Mom's side. No one contacted us. Luckily, an obituary was written and my brother found it on line - about 3 or 4 weeks after the fact. Both of his D's preceded him in death, so I blame his S's for not bothering to let people know.

Tami, happy birthday to your Dad! Bernie! Hope you had a great day and a yummy cake to share with your family! Also thinking of your FIL Marty and hoping all is going/has gone well with his surgery and recovery! Sending positive thoughts!

I'm sending some of our heat to those in Oz who are experiencing more cold than wanted or enjoyed! I hope it gets there soon!

Heidi, I enjoyed the flat tire story! It's mind boggling that even though he doesn't like to part with his money, he still is not smart enough to do a little work that will save him a lot of money! (Does that make sense?) Anyway, his actions often give us a chuckle!
12/Jul/11 3:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Reading on page 148 now. Suzy, your TOPP seems to describe someone whose antics we read about here! Thanks for a great TOPP!

Mamacita, I hope news from the doctor was reassuring! Fingers crossed that you are feeling much better now!

Vicki, you're right that I was confused about plans for your S's girl! I can imagine that now is not a good time to be living in Japan! I'm quite sure I wouldn't even want to visit there now unless I had family that I hadn't seen for a while. It's no wonder their plans are changing!

June, I hope you are feeling better since your fall! Sending positive thoughts for your friend as well! So glad the special massages are helping!

Broni, what a string of bad luck for Poss! I am so sorry to hear that his sister is not doing well! Please let him know that we're thinking of him! (And, of course, we're thinking of you! It's about time for some good luck and good health to come your way!)

Brenda, I hope the festival didn't keep you awake or cause a lot of inconvenience over the weekend!

Broni, good news about the windfall, whatever the size! Unexpected windfalls are always appreciated! Good for JD and his watching over you!

CynB, so glad to hear that you had helpers with the breakfast preparation! What a delight when your grandies are well behaved and helpful! I hope they're off to a great return to studies in school after the holidays!

Theresa, some good advice on the page to keep positive thoughts and not start the worry process unless absolutely necessary! I'm sticking with Heidi and Tami in thinking this is a false alarm.

Good for your D, Theresa, in telling her cousin to mind her own business. Only you and your immediate family know your situation and your reasons for making decisions. It is not up to your niece to try to intervene. Concentrate on what you and D and your immediate family need to do and don't worry about your niece or her opinion.
12/Jul/11 4:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great TOPP, Tami!

So glad to hear that your FIL's surgery went well, Tami!

Theresa, you may have put your finger on the reason for your niece's message. What great empathy you have! Still, she needs to let you and your D make the decisions about going to the reunion based on what is right for you, not her. Keeping positive thoughts and fingers crossed the the tests are only routine to rule out any problems! Hang in there, Sweetie! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

MizT, enjoy the book. I'm glad you have a reason to go back into town, so no need to feel bad about forgetting something at the pharmacy! I hope everything checks OK on the car when Al is able to check it out!

Thinking of all of you, your families and your friends! Sending , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and positive thoughts in abundance!

And now, I must head to bed! Good Night, Friends!
12/Jul/11 4:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello all - I've just had the horror and stress of not having internet connection for over 3 hours. I am definately hooked - I got so restless until it was sorted. Our router had a glitch - as it has done before, very annoying.
12/Jul/11 4:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - glad you FIL got through the op well - hope that tingling he has clears up as he recovers.
Theresa - like the others, I hope your heart tests go well and show a healthy 'heart of gold' (as someone said). Sorry all got nasty about the family gathering and your niece.
Heidi - I'm still flinching thinking about the ramp incident. Shudder!!!!!
12/Jul/11 4:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OMG - I broke the site!!!! Where are you all?
Oh well, I'll go and watch Masterchef, ciao!
12/Jul/11 7:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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lots of Hugs, Thoughts and Love to all and Sundry.
RIP Tricia' Uncle
HB to Tami's Dad, and good wishes to FIL
Theresa.. you are in my thoughts.. grr to the Niece
12/Jul/11 8:04 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Another busy day at Hotel Rolanda Makeover..
I have had more than enough of this decluttering, sorting, throwing out, packing...
The fun never stops!!!!!
The place smells of Gloss Paint - Doors, Frames were done today by Mr Painterman.
The Bossman is on his way home, so I need to go and tender to this evenings meal - Spag Bols!
12/Jul/11 8:08 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning everyone. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
Thanks for the wishes for FIL. All we can do know is wait. I hope the tingling goes away soon for him.

Tricia, enjoy the book. I have the first book on order at my library. It should be in soon. The library system here will transfer between branches, that is why I have to wait.

Rolanda, good luck with all the decluttering. Think of the end result, a beautiful house that will sell and you can move to a place with less maintenance.
12/Jul/11 8:27 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just read about the giant baby born in Texas. The birth was a scheduled c-section. They were prepared for a big baby due to gestational diabetes, but not 16 lbs. They were expecting a 12-13 lb baby. The baby has been nicknamed "the moose" by the hospital staff.
12/Jul/11 8:30 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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How cruel of the hospital staff to nickname a baby.
When I was in hospital having my eldest a woman had a 13lb baby naturally and without having stitches. It was her first baby too!
12/Jul/11 9:20 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rolanda I would normally say have all your windows open to get rid of the paint smell but you are going through a cold spell so you will just have to grin and bare it. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the long run.
12/Jul/11 9:22 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Roll on August.. then it will all be done, and on the market..
I can sit back and relax, keep the house clean and tidy, not that hard to do with just the 2 of us.
Keep the Garden looking loverly..
Go and visit with friends, which I am missing on doing during July.
12/Jul/11 9:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Snap Brenda - when I had Andrew, my eldest, there was a 13lb girl born. He was 7lb 15oz, so not tiny but when you saw them together (as you did in those days, 1971 - visitors had to look through the glass at the nursery), he looked itty bitty, I can tell you!
12/Jul/11 9:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just thinking - he's 40 now and 6'4" and very solid - I'll bet she's a petite little thing of 5ft!
12/Jul/11 9:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everyone.
We have a sequel!!!
I woke up early this morning to take Challenger for a drive before the heat set in. To my surprise, IH was home. He was supposed to have left for the plant with 5 goats a couple of hours earlier. I asked him why he was still home and he responded that the mechanic who changed the tire last time was unavailable. He explained that a piece of a trailer tire (MY trailer!) was "sticking out" and the trailer was unmanageable. He was looking for George and his helper to change the tire for him. He was about to drive around the neighborhood... WITH the trailer... to go looking for them!!! I told him to change the tire himself. He said that it was too hard to do. Seeing as it is my trailer, I dragged him outside and gave him a 5 minute lesson on how to quickly and easily change a tire. I guarantee that it didn't sink in and he'll be clueless the next time.
12/Jul/11 11:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The problem with the tire? The belt was separating. It was a Goodyear tire that came with the trailer. Goodyears are notorious for belts separating on their radial tires. I'll be replacing it with a different brand.
12/Jul/11 11:12 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello All... I read, I want to comment but am not able to get my thoughts together at the moment...pain pills are messing with my head...
I read bad news, some worrying advise that I agreed with for Theresa, good news re Tami's FIL...and Broni's windfall, and sad news about Poss' sister..funny news about teaching IH to change a tire and thankful news for the good wishes and advice re me...X-rays were very painful and showed a slight fracture..but Not bad over all...gotta go even tho I'm not finished...Peace, hugs and all good vibes....
13/Jul/11 1:49 AM
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