Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Mama, hope you feel better soon, a small fracture can be painful and troublesome. Please take care of yourself.
I've always had good wear out of Goodyear tyre Heidi. I wonder if they use a different compound in the USA than they do here in the UK.
13/Jul/11 3:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, My, Mamacita! No wonder you wee hurting so much! Unfortunately, there's nothing much they can do to make you more comfy except pain pills (yea!) and telling you to take it easy.
((((( HUGS )))))
13/Jul/11 3:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Goodyear tires here in the US had a major scandal several years ago. They took shortcuts in their production, especially the ones they sold to Ford, and there were a lot of serious accidents and deaths. I've had this trailer for awhile, and hadn't noticed the make of tire on them before. The only tires I, or IH, have had belt separation problems with have been Firestones. That's why I'll only buy Michelins for my truck.
13/Jul/11 3:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got home from the Vet Clinic. I took Hollie. She went very peacefully and comfortably. I'm really going to miss her.
13/Jul/11 3:33 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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((HUGS)) Heidi, you gave Hollie a good life and gave her her dignity by taking her to the vet. I know you will miss her, but the memories of her will last a lifetime.
13/Jul/11 3:59 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, my thoughts are with you. I know it is hard, but you did the right thing. Hollie had a wonderful life, but there was no life left. You let her go with dignity and I am sure she will always be grateful.
13/Jul/11 4:13 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, hope you will be on the mend soon and feeling much better.
Heidi, there is dignity for an animal to be quietly put to sleep. I know you will miss Hollie.
Theresa, hope all your tests go well. Whatever the results, you will know if everything is OK or discovered in time to be fixed.
13/Jul/11 5:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bowled yesterday and Lost! (social game)I needed the practice as playing with Hubby in mixed pairs championship on Sunday (first round).
Then took friend to massage. Between the Chemo and massages she is looking and feeling better than she has for about 6 weeks. After she has had a scan on the heart this morning to make sure the fluid is not building up around there again and I have had my hair cut, she wants me to take her shopping. We will take the wheel chair as she still cannot walk very far.
I notice that she is back spending time on FB as I keep getting messages when she plays my page!
13/Jul/11 5:24 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, take care of yourself!

RIP Hollie. Hugs Heidi.

June, so glad your friend is getting some relief.

Another hot and humid day here ... have not gotten much done today.
13/Jul/11 6:18 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June pleased that your friend is taking an interest in FB, it shows she is feeling a little better.
My new washing machine has broken down fortunately I was nearly finished the weekly wash. Someone is coming on Monday to fix it.
13/Jul/11 7:52 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Mama - hope you're feeling better soon.
Heidi - RIP Hollie, sad to see her go but you did the kind and humane thing. Hugs.
June - pleased your friend is a little more comfortable at present. Hugs as usual.
13/Jul/11 8:39 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My sister and I have to go up to Mum's care home today. Now that she's not mobile any more they want to move her to another ward (same complex). We don't like the idea because, even though she is gaga, we feel that she's comfortable in her surroundings and with the staff and people in her ward. It always seems to be the slippery slope when elderly people are moved from their comfortable surroundings. Our worries will probably fall on deaf ears though because, as the woman in charge who rang me yesterday said - 'it's always been hospital policy to move them elsewhere when they become immobile'. My bro, who can't get there today, wants us to ask what the benefits will be for Mum. None, I suspect!! I just have a feeling of foreboding for her and didn't sleep well last night.
13/Jul/11 8:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
RIP Holly! A kind way to go.. hard to do, especially when you know you will miss her :( How's Timmy by the way? You haven't mentioned him.

Mamacita, I'm so sorry about the fracture and the pain! I hope you feel better soon!!

June, I hope you and friend have a nice day together today. I'm glad she is looking and feeling better - well enough to go shopping!

Theresa, I'm about to spend a couple of hours getting stuff done, then all day sitting around listening to Forever Archie, getting nothing done...

Brenda, don't you hate it when new stuff breaks?? I have a brand new phone, a fancy schmancy one - I'll probably spend today trying to work it out.

Cyn, I hope the move goes easily for your mother. I can understand why they would want to move her, and why you would want her to stay where she is... Very tough on all of you!
13/Jul/11 9:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My news is all good today. I have a new phone, with a warranty that lasts the length of the plan! It even has internet. I've managed to post on facebook, apparently I should be able to come here too, I'll work on that later today.

Forever Archie are having an all day rehearsal here today. I was surprised that they weren't rehearsing every day! Kept my mouth shut though - what will be will be. Now I have to work out what you feed a vegan and an almost vegan who won't touch junk food!
13/Jul/11 9:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I imagine there is a hole in your heart, the place you once held for Hollie. I think it is very hard being Mom to geriatric dogs, and you share your life with so many. Hugs to you, may you always have good memories of her.

Mama, sorry to hear you fractured something in your fall. Be careful with your pain pills, and do not fall again. Sending all great wishes for a speedy recovery and gentle hugs.

13/Jul/11 10:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, glad you asked about Timmy, I was also wondering about him.

June, glad to hear your friend is showing more interest now and feeling some better. yes, take her shopping, a very good sign.

Cyn, Same thing happened to my Mom when she could no longer move about with ease. What was in it for her? More staff, better response time when she needed assistance, generally better care than she wss getting in the ambulatory wing, where she was expected to get herself to dining room for all her meals. AND there happened to be staff that were much more caring, coim0asionate, loving. It worked out well for her. I hope it works out well for your Mum.

13/Jul/11 10:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another hot and humid day here. How humid ws it? I had cotton socks and undies hanging out all day, they are still to damp to fold and put away. It is much too hot to run the dryer. I shall have to 0ut them on hangers and in the bathroom on shower rod over night , hope they can dry inside in the "AC.
13/Jul/11 10:20 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Kind words to Cyn, MizT, I hope that eases her distress ♥

Mama...OUCH! :(

Suzy, good luck with the new phone.

Brenda, grrr to the washing machine!
13/Jul/11 11:09 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, you are a true champion to animals. Hollie could not have been enjoying the loss of control and you were not enjoying it either!

RIP Hollie

{hugs} Heidi
13/Jul/11 11:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, I am so heartened by your comment about your friend. I sure hope she can remain this comfortable for a long while. Have a great day with her today xoxo
13/Jul/11 11:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well that's as clean as my house is going to get - I don't care who's coming!

MizT, miserable weather! I hope the AC helps! It's cold and overcast here today. Only a little windy though.

I hope the improved conditions for your mom prove to be the case for Cyn's mum too! When Alie and Pride performed at the nursing home here the nurses were incredible! I'm sure there were a couple who fit the horror stories you hear, but I saw no evidence of it. I did see a 21 year old girl though. Poor kid has had 2 strokes and is completely incapacitated - and spending a bunch of her time in a nursing home with older people!!
13/Jul/11 11:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Timmy is doing GREAT! He's really fitting in well here, and has become a member of the clan. He's stopped jumping the fence and getting out after he hit the hot wire once. I wasn't talking about him much because he was only supposed to be here for a few days before moving on to the home of our fearless leader and going up for adoption. I think I MAY have succeeded in persuading her to let Timmy stay here permanently.
13/Jul/11 11:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) to June and friend.
13/Jul/11 11:14 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone!
I'm sending loving thoughts, healing wishes and big (but gentle) hugs to all who need them.
Another Ho Hum day at the office. The boss has gone to Bali until Friday week. Lucky bugger!
I'm still waiting for my new credit card to arrive. Did I tell you it had been hacked and was cancelled last week? Someone was trying to buy airfares, computers etc when they stopped it. I wish my new one would turn up as I have a few payments deducted from it each month and I need to let them know the details - eg Health fund, telephone/internet.
13/Jul/11 2:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh wow, Heidi, so pleased that Timmy ay be able to stay with you.
We feel much better about where Mum is going, actually it's only the wing next door, but we went to see it and met the staff and found some of her former chums from her current ward there. Most of the people in this ward aren't mobile so it's open and airy - everything had to be closed in the other one. It looks like she may fit in OK. We were worried that she'd miss the lovely staff from the other ward but they park out behind the new ward and take a short cut through it so Mum will still see them daily. Her room is exactly the same as the other except for the colour. Hope she settles OK. Thanks MizT - I think you may be right.
13/Jul/11 3:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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BTW - the staff at her current wing put off the decision for as long as they could because they didn't want to lose Mum! Isn't that nice?
13/Jul/11 3:35 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi Cyn, that sounds really great for your Mum. I'm glad it all seems to be working out well.
13/Jul/11 3:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That IS good news, Cyn.

Off to bed now.
13/Jul/11 4:01 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in for a few minutes.

Cyn, so sorry to hear about your internet troubles!

Rolanda, seems that much is being accomplished at your place. I hope it will make a difference in how quickly it sells and the price you get!

Tami, were the photos of the baby? Brenda and Cyn, it would seem that large babies are not completely unheard of. I am certainly glad I wasn't the Mom/Mum of such a large baby!

Heidi, thanks for sharing the continuing story! I imagine it will be pleasantly quieter after he leaves.

Mama, so sorry a slight fracture is involved. I hope the pain quickly subsides and you are soon feeling better!

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts and for everyone! I really need to get to bed, so will read page 150 tomorrow! Don't let the bed bugs bite!
13/Jul/11 4:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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After a week of everyone telling my friend how well she looked I walked in today to see her dejected and tears in her eyes. The scan this morning showed 250ml of fluid around her heart and some fluid in her left lung. She was told there was stress on her heart and not to push herself. I was not surprised by any of that news but it it left her feeling dejected. It is also a cold miserable day.
I am just hoping the lymphatic massages help reduce the build up of the fluid in the body.
We did however go shopping using the wheel chair and she got some clothes for her daughter to wear next winter (reduced as they are about to bring in the summer clothes)
13/Jul/11 5:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Oh June (HUGS). Sometimes I think all these tests are sometimes counter productive. Friend is now feeling down, whereas before she was feeling better in herself enough to want to go shopping and showing some interest in FB etc.
13/Jul/11 6:13 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
June, my heart goes out to you and your friend.
Wondering if a pamper package, facial, massage, makeup, manicure would help? I would happily chip in to make her life more bearable and to feel like a woman again.
13/Jul/11 6:17 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Snap! Brenda!
13/Jul/11 6:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Cyn pleased to hear that your mind has been put at rest about the move of ward for your mother. From my experience with my mother she didn't really notice when she was moved to a different part of the home.
Chilly and overcast weather here at the moment longer range forecast is for rain over the weekend. I might have known this would happen once we bought a convertible car. We got the wind deflector last week and it does make a big difference. Now my skirts don't flap around whilst driving.
13/Jul/11 6:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hi Broni, how are things going with you? Any news on Possum's sister?
13/Jul/11 6:22 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - sorry to hear of your friends distress - hope the massage helps. Hugs to you all.
Re my Mum - I think the worry in the back of our minds was that we moved Dad from a dull old RC run care facility to the sister facility, in a different suburb, to the one where Mum's is. We were so happy to have got him in there - but one week later, he slipped getting out of bed and broke his hip. They did a replacement but he never recovered and was gone a week later. An uncle went in similar circumstances. My main worry is that Mum will get so disorientated that she will drop her bundle and, as we know, once an elderly person gives up, that's it. Hopefully the change tomorrow will go smoothly.
13/Jul/11 6:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thanks for the offer Broni but she has never been into makeup and her body is too full on cancer for a beauty massage. She will have another lymphatic massage tomorrow and they make her feel so much better. If she sees more fluid drain away that will be the best remedy.
I am rather tired tonight, after pushing a wheelchair around for 3 hours! I did buy myself an inexpensive pair of slacks and a top.
13/Jul/11 8:09 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is brewing and will be ready in a moment.
Cyn, glad things look good in the new ward. Hopefully the adjustment period will go well for your mum.
Heidi, thank you for the Timmy update. I was also wondering. I am glad you may get to keep him. He has chosen you for his forever home.
June, I agree with Broni. Maybe a special day would help her feel better about herself.
Brenda, sorry about the washer breaking already. Hope it gets fixed quickly. Glad you are enjoying the new car.
Julie, if you google 16 lb baby, you will find pictures.
Tricia, it is always to humid to dry clothes outside in summer down here. I don't know what I would do without a dryer. Mine is in the garage so it doesn't affect the house.
13/Jul/11 8:15 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Vicki, hope the credit card works out for you.
Gail, hello.
Hope I didn't miss anyone.
13/Jul/11 8:16 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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True friends are those who really know you but love you anyway.

Edna Buchanan
13/Jul/11 8:47 PM
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