Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June pleased to hear that friend is a little more comfortable after the massage.
I think it is an assumption that when we get older we have less to do for our kids and that they should look after us. Maybe it happened in our generation but not now.
15/Jul/11 12:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning all, today's coffee is better than usual. or perhaps it is just that "first cup of the day" thing, but I enjoyed every drop.

Cloudy today, so temps are not up terribly yet, humidity might be a tad better.

GAIL, I am surprised you remember the line from friends, I had forgotten that. It fits the Alie situation though.

Suzanne, yes, hubby went through chemo, last treatment was 5 months ago, The docs say his taste should return as much as it will, in 3 to 6 months. It has been 5. It seems some of the taste buds as they are restored are working overtime, hypersensitive. At the moment, sour is the one, everything that is lest sour and he makes this horrible face. Also, saliva glands are not producing, that affects taste some, saliva begins to break down starches, that makes starchy foods taste sweet in the mouth. Bland foods do not hurt to swallow, only the spicy ones hurt his throat. there are foods he can eat, but still he refuses. His formula plus vita mines and iron, well, it is not meant to replace food long term. Now aren't you sorry you asked???

time for another cup, some breakfast, then shower and dress for doc. I will be back later. Hugs to all with extras.
15/Jul/11 12:42 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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That is twice I should have looked at numbers before posting.

Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.
Aldous Huxley
15/Jul/11 12:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had a delightful drive with Challenger in my Doctor's buggy today. We didn't go far.... only 7 miles, because it was getting pretty hot.
15/Jul/11 4:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Started my day with a smile. Love the guitar comments! :) Alie won't take her guitar to rehearsals because Grace might pick up her guitar and 'she doesn't care and just strums really loud'..Taylor is the guitar player in the group, for the song Alie has to play, she plays Taylor's guitar while Taylor plays her electric.

Sitting here in my fingerless gloves because it is coooollld!
15/Jul/11 6:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Silly cat does not want to eat the tin I opened, I think she wants some steak but it is all frozen! One spoilt cat! Yes it is cool Suzy. A few clouds about so we did not get a frost.
15/Jul/11 6:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I am laughing at the thought of gloves. You are cold and we have a feels like temp of 105 (40.5 c) I just made the boys go outside to play and they were complaining that it was too hot.
15/Jul/11 6:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's better than our feel-like temp of 116℉ / 46.7℃ of yesterday, Tami.
15/Jul/11 7:31 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, perhaps if you make the eating about you rather than him he will try harder. Guilt him into it I mean, his own nutritional needs don't seem to bother him.

June, our cat/kitten is doing the same thing. I just leave it there and don't offer anything else and eventually she eats it.

I have to admit that I would rather be cold than have those feels like temps! At least with cold I can just put more layers on - though I look a bit ridiculous already! I just checked and when I posted earlier our feels like temp was -1C, about 30F I think. I didn't check if we had a frost...
15/Jul/11 7:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I also prefer to be cold than hot. There is only so much you can take off to cool off when it is hot, at least legally
15/Jul/11 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got home about 15 minutes ago - I'm exhausted. Fasting tests consisted of an echocardiogram (fasting not necessary but following tests were), 2 ECGs, 4 injections, 2 cardiac x-rays. The second test lasted 5 hours. Why can't hospitals have comfortable chairs in their waiting areas??? My doctor will get the results in 1-2 weeks, so now we play the waiting game.
15/Jul/11 8:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wow! Forever Archie won't look the same now. The blonde has gone dark brown, and the curly haired one has cut her hair short and has a fringe! Alie still has what we call her Justin Beiber helmet...
15/Jul/11 8:43 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami :-)

Theresa :-( I'm sure the results will be fine. I think the waiting is even harder than sitting in uncomfortable chairs!
15/Jul/11 8:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I agree that waiting is harder.
Theresa, I am sure all will be fine. I know that waiting is not easy, but remember, we are all here waiting with you.
15/Jul/11 9:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wonder why it takes so long to get the results? There's too much bureaucracy in the medical profession these days, and less practicing medicine according to the Hippocratic Oath.
15/Jul/11 9:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I MEANT to say that everything will probably be fine, Theresa. The odds are that they're just being careful (and getting more money from insurance) and nothing is wrong.
15/Jul/11 9:32 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Morning all
Theresa - that sounds exhausting and I, too, wonder why it takes so long to get the results. I know they can't be instant but it's a worrying wait, possibly/hopefully for nothing.
Suzy - is the JB helmet because she likes him? Hayley has a side fringe, which I'm always trying to brush out of her eyes but it's 'a JB fringe, Nanny' Pfffttt!
Cool here this morning but overcast so the temps didn't drop to the levels we got earlier this week. Hope it doesn't rain tonight, Andrew is taking all 3 of his girls to the football (Broncos v Titans, for those who understand) for the first time ever.
15/Jul/11 9:43 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Note to self - just pressing 'enter' on SA won't post the comment. Arrrggghhh!
Mum spent a comfortable night, so that is good news. I was going to go back today if she was unsettled but feel better knowing that so will go in a few days.
15/Jul/11 9:45 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning everyone, hope you're all well.
Sending sympathy and comfort to those who need it ♥
Not much happening here, though we do have a new back fence ... that went smoothly, without any traumas, so now we're looking into getting the others done. That's about it, really.
Have a good day everyone! :)
15/Jul/11 9:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Another laugh here this morning, thank you Cyn. I have to add, no, there is no like button, stop looking for it!

The JB fringe, is because she has this horrible, embarrassing, disgusting high forehead. Showing her pictures of supermodels with the same forehead does not ease her pain!

Heidi, it's more likely backlog in the labs and with the specialists who 'read' the results.

Judy, we are just starting to think about getting quotes for a new side fence, the dogs have found that if they push hard enough they can break the palings and get out of the old one... Since our side fence is over 70m long, we're kind of dreading it..
15/Jul/11 10:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Had to come in by the back door, the link I have to our SA page would not work. I almost forgot how to get here from the page it has been so long. Anyone else have any trouble today?

15/Jul/11 10:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It was a good news/bad news kind of day. the good news was Al could come rescue me today when I had a flat on the way to the doctor. The bad news is the rescue car just died on us in the doc's parking lot. The good news is I had my cell phone with me when I needed to phone AL, the bad news is that the battery ran down before we could call a tow truck. The good news is we were able to find the number of the towing co and use the doctor's phone to call for a tow, who picked up the rescue car and AL to take them back to shop, then across street to where my car had a flat. The bad news is the tire is ruined, a hole as big around as your thumb. The good news is the spare was in working order . . . .It goes on and on like that today, but we are home now, the shop will phone tomorrow with the news on the problem with the rescue car. Still no idea what is wrong with my car that sometimes it will not crank till it is ready. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH can I just scream out my frustration???

Doc is still scratching his head about what is wrong with me. Now looking at tummy since it is acting up and back is a tad better now. fist full of new meds, luckily very cheap meds, all but one, that insurance would not cover. I shall have to phone tomorrow to see what else they can prescribe.

OK, going to sit in my recliner and watch TV a while. OH, I did get one hip injected to see if we could reduce pain levels more. I will probably not sleep tonight, if not I will be back here to bug all of you.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/Jul/11 10:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Tricia, you do not bug us. We enjoy your company. I am sorry that you had such a day but sometimes things like that happen. Hope tomorrow is a better day.
15/Jul/11 10:47 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to tuck myself in early. See you all in the morning with a fresh pot of coffee. Have a good day/night.
15/Jul/11 10:48 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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((((HUGS)))) to all and Sundry
15/Jul/11 11:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I shared that on the other page, but decided to share it in here too.
15/Jul/11 11:52 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Waiting for Alie to get ready so I'm back. We're going to do a gail with hubby..

MizT, that was a very stressful day! And a very optimistic way of looking at it!! Big hugs and I hope we don't see you here during your night, not because you bug me - you do the opposite, but because against all expectations, you slept like a baby!

Tami, Is summer school over yet? Are you free for the longest time since I've known you yet??

Did you know Aussies get 4 weeks vacation a year, then after 5 years some get what is called long service leave, which is an additional block, 5 weeks for hubby. He used to accumulate untaken leave at 2 weeks a year so you can imagine how hard it is for him to take 4!! He keeps getting told he has to take it because he's at the max.
15/Jul/11 12:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That was the kind of day when you wish you'd never gotten out of bed, MizT. You have my sympathy.
15/Jul/11 12:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - we have been lucky with our side fence since we are not in a position at the moment to afford a new one. Our neighbour's recent pool inspection meant that he had to get a better higher fence which he wanted to do in Colorbond. Luckily where Col works they manufacture Colorbond fencing, and even more lucky was that there was just what was required on the scrap heap (returned as wrong size or colour) and third piece of luck - Col got it all for free. Neighbour just has to pay for new posts, we've made our contribution - all is good. Neighbour and Col will do the fence themselves soon - has to be done quickly to keep Jewel in!! The law says we don't have to pay if we don't want to/can't afford it but keeping on good terms with neighbours is important, I think.
15/Jul/11 12:49 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Look at Suzy's link - it's wonderful!!
Oh MizT - what a day!! Hope both cars are fixed soon with minimum fuss and expense.
15/Jul/11 12:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh, I can understand the teenage angst about the forehead, Suzy. I have big ears which were and still are hideous!
15/Jul/11 12:55 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
MizT: That's what I thought about MAY have to make what he feels like eating for a bit longer...if he makes a face, TRY to be tolerant!! Good Luck with that...
Suzy: I remember watching "Tyra Banks show" and she complained about her forehead.. (I have scars on mine, don't even think about them anymore) But Tyra decided to do long, straight bangs on her forehead and they looked GREAT...maybe Alie needs a new hairstyle???
Just trying to help out!!
Take care all, ttfn.
15/Jul/11 1:26 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Heidi: the ride with Challenger sounds like it was fun!!
15/Jul/11 1:26 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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I just noticed it is Vibrant Vici's B-day!!
to you!! Lots of Love on your special day!!
15/Jul/11 1:28 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Not trying for CP tonite, so I'll sign off. TTFN (for REAL this time)
15/Jul/11 1:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi from here to there! I hope all of you have had/are having a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! The following comments refer to page 150.

Mamacita, I hope your are feeling much better! Sending positive healing thoughts and gentle {{{{HUGS}}}}.

Heidi, I'm so sorry about Hollie! So many others have commented eloquently. You gave her love and a home at the end of her life. We know you will miss her. {{{{HUGS}}}}

June, I suspect the retail therapy was good for you and your friend! How discouraging to find out that there is fluid around her heart and in her left lung! I hope she feels better again after the special massage! We're thinking of you both and sending warm healing positive thoughts and lots of gentle {{{{HUGS}}}}.

Brenda, so sorry about the new washing machine quitting. I hope it can be quickly repaired and never again cause you problems!

Cyn, it's very understandable that you had reservations about the move for your Mum. Already, it seems that you are relieved that things aren't as you had anticipated.

Suzy, I hope your new phone is as good as you hope! Enjoy its features - and the Forever Archie rehearsals at your house!

Heidi, thanks for letting us know that Timmy may be able to stay with you. It certainly seems that's what he wants, too!

Vicki, how inconvenient that you had problems with you credit cards - just when you needed them for automatic payments. I hope the replacement arrives quickly and all arrangements can be made to keep your payments current!

Broni, I hope all is going well for you and Possum's sister is stable. Your idea for June's friend is very thoughtful!

Tami, I liked your quote at the bottom of the page!
15/Jul/11 3:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, another great quote for the TOPP on page 151! You're so right about our many sisters here!

Oh, dear, I'm blanking on most of what I've read.

Challenger wants to run around the field instead of taking Heidi for a ride.

Dimmie knocked over Alie's guitar, but Brenda has the PERFECT solution for the problem.

Broni may soon get her life back after spending too much time and energy on an inanimate object.

Tami's FIL had it right about boats: there are a great many pleasures to be had when enjoying the use of the boat, but they are at least partially offset by the hassles and worries of maintaining it.

Timmy is gaining weight because he's eating.

Al is not eating enough, making meal preparation difficult for MizT.

Suzanne and Tami need to sleep better; MizT slept better!

Brenda gave a good description of the wind deflector for the new car.

Mr. Tami and the 3 boys enjoyed a train ride.

Thinking positive thoughts for Tami's FIL and his post-surgery recovery!

Sorry, that's the best I can do tonight. I'll leave page 152 for tomorrow.

Positive thoughts, prayers, gentle {{{{HUGS}}}} and for all!
15/Jul/11 3:41 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends, I have missed you.
Had lots of thoughts as I read but they have all turned to butterflies.
15/Jul/11 5:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Fresh pot of coffee is ready as I promised last night. Enjoy.

Suzy, still have one more week of school but only have 1 student left. The other 3 finished there work already. Next week is last week of school and then I will have 3 weeks off before I return to school. Will have the little boy for 2 of the weeks and 1 week just with my 2.
Cyn, I agree that it is a good thing to be pleasant to neighbors. It can make life difficult if neighbors don't like you.

Don't remember anything else so I will see you all later.
15/Jul/11 8:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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{hugs} and love to you all

Nothing much happening here either. Hubby and I went out and did a bit of shopping today, not for the whole fortnight as time was limited, but we will finish on Monday once Hannah is back at school (YAY!). For those on FB, you have probably seen the photos of Hannah's latest hairdo. For those who are not, or have not seen it, she is now very ginger, with a pixie is never normal around our place :)
15/Jul/11 8:53 PM
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