Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Look to the beauty in everyone you meet.

A nice sunny morning, although they are predicting a change later.
26/Aug/11 6:51 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Nice TOPP, June.

I have been kind of lurking, not feeling much like talking. Day 25 today and I'm still finding it very difficult at times. Plus my stomach is acting up today and I seem to want to sleep a lot - I've had 2 naps so far today. Maybe a flu ....

I never had morning sickness, but I did have evening sickness (I always seem to have to do things backwards). It only lasted a few months.
26/Aug/11 7:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I kind of agree with you about Dana. Maybe she will realize what she is putting Suzy through but I really don't want to wish a hard pregnancy on anyone. Also, Suzy does not need the additional stress.
26/Aug/11 7:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am about to lose another collie. Lady is 15 and has had no illness at all. Her body just decided that it's had enough and has given up. She's just laying on her side, crying. It's time.
26/Aug/11 7:57 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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((HUGS)) Heidi, Lady has had a good life with you.
26/Aug/11 8:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am so sorry about Lady. Will you take her to vet tomorrow? Oh dear, that is Saturday, is vet even open? I know you will do what is best for her. That is the sad problem with giving homes to so many geriatric Collies, you are going to loose them. Not everyone could do whet you do. I admire you for it.

I would not wish a hard pregnancy on anyone, but it does seem kind of poetic justice for Dana, after all she has put her Mum through. I hope she is beginning to see what being a mother entails.

Theresa, come read when you want, but try a little "hello" post, so we know you are OK, if you can. does not have to be long, but we do enjoy hearing from you when you feel like it. I hope you are soon feeling better. Cyber hugs, so you do not share germs hehehe.

June, nice TOPP. You can really find something good in most everyone, if you look. OK a few expections, but still worth looking.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

26/Aug/11 8:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Doctor report, scroll on by if you want, I will never know

Long afternoon at the cardiologist. boy they have an entire wing of the office suite for the testing. The appointment clerk had me come in earlier than needed. She added time before my stress test scheduled time for the other tests. NOPE, not how they do it. there is waiting involved after they inject the radioactive medication. THAT wait time is when they do the other tests, instead of having you just sit in waiting room, as you would if you had no other tests. They were nice, though, since I was there early, they took me back early, so not as long a wait. Nothing to the tests until they gave the medication that stresses the heart. Oh MY, if the pain and pressure I felt after that is what a heart attack feels like, I have never had one! This was like nothing I had ever felt, short of breath, and this indescribable pain/pressure of chest. Only lasted about 2 or 3 minutes but it sure seemed longer. THEN a headache, ouch, still have some of that. They said this is normal. I am glad it is over and I am home again.

Results next week sometimes, I will get a phone call. The technician with the ultrasound of carotids said she did see a tiny bit of plaque in left carotid, but not enough to worry about. I do hope she is correct.

26/Aug/11 8:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, sorry about Lady. Your furry friends are indeed lucky to have you.

Miz T, tomorrow is only Friday for me. Are you really a whole day ahead of me???
26/Aug/11 8:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, sounds like the same test I had, but mine involved a lot of waiting ... 6 hours for the total test. Glad the plaque does not seem bad enough to worry about!
26/Aug/11 8:39 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just found out from the Heart Institute my angioplasty will be Sept 22. Barring unforeseen problems I go home in the evening. Hubby has to be home with me for at least 24 hours to ensure my arm stays elevated for that long - guess we'll have to take turns sleeping?????
26/Aug/11 9:10 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Boat is finished just need to have her surveyed.
Few other problems at the moment, so will pop in when I can.
Luv and Hugs to all.
26/Aug/11 10:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Sounds like today has been a busy day.
Heidi, thoughts to you and Lady. You gave her a good home and she appreciates that. I actually have a student named Heidy this year. Same name, different spelling.
Tricia, glad the tests are over. Try not to worry too much until you get the results.
Theresa, glad that the appointment is scheduled. Less time for you to worry about it. I know that you will be fine.
26/Aug/11 10:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, glad the boat is finished. Hope the rest of your problems get taken care of soon.
Hello to anyone else I may have missed.

I got lucky with Irene but the rest of the East coast is going to suffer. It is not going to be an easy weekend for the people in her path.
26/Aug/11 10:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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26/Aug/11 1:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Viv, you look beautiful in the pictures, and seems like the banquet was quite lovely! Congratulations on your awards! I hope you had a wonderful time!

Judy, what a shame that the finding of a place for your Mum has become complicated! Somehow everyone needs to get on the same page and decide on a course of action quickly and quietly! Good luck! We're thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed that a nearly perfect place is found that all can agree on!

Cyn and Family - and June and Family, thinking of you and hoping things are beginning to return to normal! Remember to take care of yourselves!

Rolanda, I hope the Financing comes through for the young man and his mother quite soon and all goes well with the house sale and the search for a rental property! Happy Birthday to all those who are celebrating!

Heidi, I hope your back is somewhat better today! Sept. 14 is still a rather long way off.

Viv, have you heard an opinion yet from the doctor? I hope your back is better today, as well!

Cyn, wishing your brother a Happy Birthday!

Suzy, I hope Alie got all of her chores taken care of without further ado! Sorry to hear that the morning sickness is so bad for Dana! (I was fortunate - didn't really have morning sickness per se, but had a tough time if dinner was delayed or too "fragrant.") Hopefully for her it will pass. Is she getting prenatal care? A doctor/nurse/midwife might be able to allay some of her concerns and give her some perspective.

June, I'm so glad you had a good lunch and "catching-up" time! Enjoy your hair appointment and off to lunch with friends!
26/Aug/11 1:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - pleased about the boat but not the 'few other problems'. Hope it sorts itself out. I'm only 20 mins away if you need me.
Tami - glad Irene is going to miss you. It will obviously affect many people badly. Even here in Oz we remember New Orleans.
Heidi - sorry about Lady. We hear about these lovely dogs often, it's always sad to hear that one of them has gone/is going. (hugs)
Theresa - congrats on making it to Day 25 - I imagine that by now, even if you feel tempted you'll look at the effort of the last weeks and not want to waste it. Keep strong.
26/Aug/11 1:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It seems that keeping busy is the answer.
Today is one of those days where I had nothing particular to do and those are the days I always went to visit Mum. So it's a bit of a low day.
26/Aug/11 1:37 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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On a brighter but maybe bittersweet note - next weekend 2-4 Sept, my siblings and I and our spouses are having a weekend getaway together at the Sunshine Coast (Coolum - where Saylz visits), north of Brisbane. I guess it will be spent reminiscing, laughing and feeling sad about Mum and Dad.
26/Aug/11 1:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Broni, so pleased to hear that the boat is doing well. On the other hand, sorry that other things are not doing well at the present. Thinking of you!

Heidi, I'm sorry to hear that Lady is probably facing her last days. You have given her a wonderful forever home and she has had mostly good years with you. It's always a shame to realize that the end is nearing. Thinking of you!

Theresa, hooray, nearly a month for you! Keep up the good work! We knew you could do it!

Cyn, I think you're right that keeping busy keeps things at bay, but you can't stay overly busy forever. I hope the time with your siblings and their spouses provides some time for sharing fond memories!
26/Aug/11 2:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I finally had a chance to get to water aerobics today - first time in a month, I think. I rushed to get to the 12:30 class on time and forgot my sunscreen. Well, even though I had a bit of tan from earlier in the summer, I got a sunburn on my back and shoulders. I'm sure we have a bottle of aloe, but we can't find it, so hubby gently "rubbed" ice over the burn. It has helped remove some of the heat. You can bet I won't make the same mistake tomorrow!

I'm hoping to get to bed before midnight, so need to finish here and start my preparations. Hoping each of you has had/is having a wonderful day and that the coming days are an improvement over each of the preceding days! Positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all of you and those you would like to share them with! Good Night!
26/Aug/11 2:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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“Instead of thinking about what you’re missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.” Unknown
26/Aug/11 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill
26/Aug/11 2:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ooops, I have obviously miscounted! Must be later than I thought! Good Night!
26/Aug/11 2:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Julie, I am glad you miscounted. We could use some inspiration in the middle of a page also.

Coffee is ready for who ever wants some.
26/Aug/11 8:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Six hours!!! Where is everyone? Julie - you really broke the site.
Got nuthin' to say - just came back to read but no-one's been here since the last time.
26/Aug/11 8:26 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, what am I chopped liver? I snuck in on you and fixed the site.

Gotta go torture some kiddies. See you all later.
26/Aug/11 9:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today is not a good day.
Lady passed away on her own during the night. At least it was peaceful. Now Dennis has lost control of his rear end. He cannot stand, has no control of his bladder or bowels, and is in pain. This has been coming on for a while... he's had a lot of falls... 3 just yesterday. We're going to have to put him down as quickly as possible because of the pain. That means we'll have lost 2 dogs in just a few hours. Dennis was special, tho'. He was the last dog born here and the last descendant of my 1st Collie- Aggie, who I got 30 years ago. He was quite a character all of his life, which is why he was named Dennis, for Dennis the Menace.
26/Aug/11 10:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, my heart goes out to you as those dogs are your family. Big {{{HUGS}}}.
26/Aug/11 10:56 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh no Heidi - not 2 so close!! {{{hugs}}}

Tami - sorry, didn't even see you there, must have been typing as you posted and since I thought no-one was around, I posted and left without checking. You are most definately not 'chopped liver', my dear.
26/Aug/11 11:18 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Heidi - and according to (Texas) Karen - it is National Dog Day. I feel so sad - Lady and Dennis - 2 dogs that we've heard so much about.
26/Aug/11 11:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, my sympathies on both Lady and Dennis. To loose one of your dogs is heartbreaking, to loose 2 so close is unthinkable. Huge hugs to you sweetie.

26/Aug/11 11:25 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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((HUGS)) Heidi
27/Aug/11 12:55 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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So sorry, Heidi.

"Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives."

(John Galsworthy)

27/Aug/11 1:06 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Heidi, my love to you in your hours of sadness. Thank you for being the person you are with a Mt Rushmore sized heart, who makes a loving home for these furry friends in need. xoxo
27/Aug/11 1:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I talked to the Vet Clinic, and the Vet will be stopping by here on his way home this evening. I lent my truck to IH for the day since his is in the shop, so I cannot take Dennis in.
27/Aug/11 1:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am glad your vet will come out for a house call for Dennis. That says a lot about your vet.

Just got a call from the cardiologist office. My stress test was fine. I knew it would be, but they will not believe me when I tell them. This lady did not know results of the echo cardiogram and the carotid ultrasound, I guess those come from a different department.

Today is a hot day, and sunny, so that makes it hotter inside. Hubby turned up the temp on AC last night, and I did not notice till late in the morning. AC is working hard to catch up now.

I need to go to Walmart, almost out of his Instant Breakfast, and it is so much cheaper there. I also have a couple of coupons, hummm, where did I put those?

Bye for not, leaving hugs for each of you, with extras. Till later.

27/Aug/11 4:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, biggest hugs I can give you are headed your way. I wish I could be there with you. You DO have a heart the size of Mt. Rushmore, bigger I think.
27/Aug/11 7:06 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
Big Hugs coming your way Heidi. A sad day for you.
27/Aug/11 8:03 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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I finally heard from the neurosurgeons office about my ct scans.
After they had lost the file twice she says he has marked it routine which means I cannot get an appt. with him until Nov. 30th.
This means if I need the surgery it will not be till the New Year.
I am cancelling my trip to Geelong this Christmas as I am having so much trouble walking now and some days cannot drive the car.
What a pain in the arse getting old is.
27/Aug/11 8:05 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Bearing in mind that one must look for the good in things, at least that means I will be home for Christmas and can sell heaps of Avon to my customers.
27/Aug/11 8:06 AM
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