Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I am so lonely, but I have no one but myself to blame because I think I broke the site.
07/Sep/11 10:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh-oh, Tami pushed me over.

Welcome to page 209 --- GROUP HUG!!!
07/Sep/11 10:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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07/Sep/11 10:51 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Gail, thanks for the info you posted. I had already been to the SA page but not the adelaide tours page. I was busy checking out the Coorong tours and I'd really like to go there. Of course a lot of what we do will depend on the weather. I'm happy to sit in a car and drive in wet weather but I don't want to be on a boat in the same weather.
07/Sep/11 11:57 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!! 9:45 pm here, tired, feel like I have no energy not sure why. Sleeping well,(for an insomniac) Thank goodness for Ambien!! It really helps. Weather still cool (for September) Nice to sleep at night. Windows open, nice fresh air!!
Hope Heidi, Al, June, and everyone else ailing is better.
Missed 3 pages in one day, not even going to TRY to remember everything. Love & Hugs to all. Stay safe all!
07/Sep/11 1:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It's been a quiet day here.
I've had a better day today having my hair trimmed and dyed (regrowth - otherwise I'd have completely white hair).
Sorry you were lonely Theresa - hope you handled the desire for a smoke positively. Can't give any advice there because that's usually when I cave in, having absolutely no will power. You've got this far - I hope you can keep going.
07/Sep/11 4:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All! Very late for me tonight, so will probably not make it through page 208.

Cyn, your comments matched the day you were having! I like the quote you had intended for the TOPP and hope tomorrow is a much better day! It's usually nice to get an update on the hair-do!

June, I hope your back is feeling much better today! If you haven't had your massage, I hope it is on the agenda for the day!

Have a great day tomorrow, Tami!

Thinking of MizT and Al and hoping all is well and getting better!

Rolanda, the blahs are certainly appropriate for some days!

June, I hope you are feeling much better and your back feels as good as new!

I hope MizT and Al are not getting flooding! Same for you, Brenda! I hope the weather will take a turn for the better!

Theresa, so sorry the day at the outlaws wasn't great. Hopefully it was just a bad day, not an indication that your MIL is going down-hill! How much hair did your grandies get cut off? I bet they look as cute as a button! How are you doing, young lady?

Gail, thanks for the link to the cookbook. Hopefully I'll be able to find it when I have time to look at it!

Rolanda, it's good to know that all is well with the house sale! I hope it goes through! Sleep well!

Heidi, hoping your weather will moderate! Will you be able to get the phone bill paid on time? What will it take to get through to IH? I hope the 8 days wait for the epidural goes quickly!

Nola, so good to see you here, but SO sorry that the gastroenteritis Interrupted your work schedule. I hope all is well now!

Theresa, I hope you made it through the day without giving in! Unfortunately, I have no suggestions for you! I hope tomorrow is easier!

I'm falling asleep, so will call it a night! Good Night, Dear Friends! Positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each and every one of you!
07/Sep/11 4:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Group {{{{{HUG}}}}}, Everyone!

Cyn, I'm sure it will be a better day - and you will feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror!

Good Night, Everyone!
07/Sep/11 4:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Go to bed Theresa, only thing to do is to sleep through it...
07/Sep/11 5:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Decided it might be an idea if I saw the Dr. Now on antibiotics for the cough (and noisy chest), anti inflammatories for the back and other joints, some lotion for the red spots on my head (thanks to the hairdresser for noticing) and some more sleeping tablets in case they are needed (generally for when we are travelling and to help prevent jet lag) Bought out the chemist shop. He also sent me for back and pelvis X-rays.
I am sure I feel better already!!!!
I will have the massage tomorrow.
07/Sep/11 8:19 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.
June, glad you went to the doctor and that you have medication to make you feel better.
Theresa, keep up the good work. Don't cave into the cravings. I know it is hard, but you CAN do it.
07/Sep/11 8:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Read all your posts,sending thoughts to you all but soon off to bed.
07/Sep/11 8:32 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Me too June, goodnight my friends.
07/Sep/11 8:48 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Sleep well June and Broni.
Time to torture kiddies. See you all later.
07/Sep/11 9:02 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Just finished swearing at the clothes. Waiting for a telephone call from youngest D to go and pick her up from the station. She has had a couple of nights away with her BF, in York, for their 2 years anniversary of going out together.
07/Sep/11 9:47 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June I'm pleased you have been to the DR with all your health issues. Hopefully you will feel up to, and have some time for you and Ken to go away for some relaxation.
Broni hope everything is going well for you. I seem to miss you everytime you are on line.
07/Sep/11 9:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This is just a reminder that today is Al's birthday. If anybody wants to send him birthday wishes, the link for the hospital is:
07/Sep/11 10:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH will never change. I remember back in University, when he and I were taking the same graduate Parasitology class (I was an undergrad), he would never even start an assignment until after the due date! The professor was always losing his temper with IH over it. No amount of yelling and lecturing did a bit of good then, and this was from his Doctorate professor! He still works that way and frequently misses deadlines with companies he's doing work for.
07/Sep/11 10:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, back to bed. I just had to clean up poop from the kitchen floor. I don't know which old dog lost control.
07/Sep/11 10:28 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen Everyone.
TTT: Thanks for the coffee (as always).
Hope everyone in the Southeast US is ok from all the bad weather...I was watching our news last night and the only place needing rain (due to wildfires) and not getting it is Texas...
Love & Hugs to all, making pasta sauce in the Crock Pot & have to get back to it. TTFN all!
08/Sep/11 12:28 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Afternoon all. I ache in places I didn't even know I had!!!!
08/Sep/11 4:02 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yesterday was a bad day for me. I couldn't believe that after 37 days smoke-free I would have a day of cravings, strong cravings, that lasted all day. I did go to bed early, Suzy, but I was practically in tears. It just didn't seem fair (poor me). Today it's back to intermittent cravings, thank goodness. If you see a young person starting to smoke, please do me a favour and smack them upside the head!!!!
08/Sep/11 4:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Did you know the saying "God willing and the Creeks don't rise" was in reference to the Creek Indians and not a body of water? It was written by Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. He was a politician and Indian diplomat. While in the south, Hawkins was requested by the President of the U.S. to return to Washington . In his response, he was said to write, "God willing and the Creeks don't rise." Because he capitalized the word "Creeks" it is deduced that he was referring to the Creek Indian tribe and not a body of water.
In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are 'limbs,' therefore painting them would cost the buyer more. Hence the expression, 'Okay, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg.' (Artists know hands and arms are more difficult to paint)
08/Sep/11 6:09 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths only twice a year (May and October) Women kept their hair covered, while men shaved their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore wigs. Wealthy men could afford good wigs made from wool. They couldn't wash the wigs, so to clean them they would carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell, and bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy, hence the term 'big wig.. ' Today we often use the term 'here comes the Big Wig' because someone appears to be or is powerful and wealthy.
In the late 1700's, many houses consisted of a large room with only one chair. Commonly, a long wide board folded down from the wall, and was used for dining. The 'head of the household' always sat in the chair while everyone else ate sitting on the floor. Occasionally a guest, who was usually a man, would be invited to sit in this chair during a meal. To sit in the chair meant you were important and in charge. They called the one sitting in the chair the 'chair man.' Today in business, we use the expression or title 'Chairman' or 'Chairman of the Board.'
08/Sep/11 6:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Personal hygiene left much room for improvement. As a result, many women and men had developed acne scars by adulthood. The women would spread bee's wax over their facial skin to smooth out their complexions. When they were speaking to each other, if a woman began to stare at another woman's face she was told, 'mind your own bee's wax.' Should the woman smile, the wax would crack, hence the term 'crack a smile'. In addition, when they sat too close to the fire, the wax would melt . . . Therefore, the expression 'losing face.'
******************************************** ******************
Ladies wore corset s, which would lace up in the front. A proper and dignified woman, as in 'straight laced' wore a tightly tied lace.
08/Sep/11 6:11 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Common entertainment included playing cards. However, there was a tax levied when purchasing playing cards but only applicable to the 'Ace of Spades..' To avoid paying the tax, people would purchase 51 cards instead. Yet, since most games require 52 cards, these people were thought to be stupid or dumb because they weren't 'playing with a full deck.'
Early politicians required feedback from the public to determine what the people considered important. Since there were no telephones, TV's or radios, the politicians sent their assistants to local taverns, pubs, and bars. They were told to 'go sip some Ale and listen to people's conversations and political concerns. Many assistants were dispatched at different times. 'You go sip here' and 'You go sip there.' The two words 'go sip' were eventually combined when referring to the local opinion and, thus we have the term 'gossip.'
08/Sep/11 6:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, Thanks for the history lesson. I enjoyed reading all of them.
08/Sep/11 7:31 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, they were fascinating, thank you Theresa. Sorry about yesterday, you get that when trying to rid yourself of an addiction. Does it help in any way to be so very proud of yourself for not succumbing?

It would be my pleasure to slap a youngen upside for you...I will start with D#2, but only because D#1 isn't here!
08/Sep/11 7:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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About Al!!!!

"Al got the results from the biopsy and the cancer is back. His ENT is working to get him in to see a surgeon at UAB. In the meantime, he is scheduled to go home tomorrow."

We all wish you and Al. This isn't fair.
08/Sep/11 8:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You could have a few days like this Theresa. I'm not sure since I didn't use the Patch to slowly wean myself off.
08/Sep/11 8:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, I haven't been on the patch for about 2 weeks. I ran out about 2 weeks ago and couldn't get to the drug store. After being without for a few days I decided to try without - until yesterday I was OK.

I am not happy to hear the news about Al. Life can be so cruel and disheartening.
08/Sep/11 8:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gail, I really have just replaced cigarettes with food. I think next week I will try and cut back on the food. And to think when I was younger I was just so cool that I had to smoke. Sometimes youth really is wasted on the young.
08/Sep/11 8:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, loved your lesson too! I've often wondered where the sayings come from! Second best, for obvious reasons, to sleeping is eating! Stuff something in your mouth...and don't feel guilty!!

Tami, no torturing being done here today - teachers are on strike!

I'm taking Alie over town today so she and a friend can go busking. I like it because she's not sitting on the computer or in front of the idiot box!!

08/Sep/11 8:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - except that it's not good at all. So sorry to hear that Al's cancer is back. My thoughts and best wishes to both Al and Tricia.
Theresa - loved the history lesson, sorry about the cravings. Glad they're not as bad today.
I feel that about young people starting to smoke. I tell my grandchildren that they will be in big trouble from me if they do especially after hassling me from when they were little about my smoking. I've told them, if you don't start you won't have to worry about stopping!
08/Sep/11 9:22 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Foxtel man is here - yayyyy! He thinks it's a faulty box - I could have told him that. I don't watch much TV but have missed my few programs that I like to watch, especially Eastenders and Coronation St (Brenda, I may need you to fill me in - probably you won't remember that far back, we are approx 3 months behind the UK).
08/Sep/11 9:26 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, sorry to hear about the strike. What is busking????
Remember, I speak American, not Australian
08/Sep/11 9:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, we have buskers here too. They are the people who are talented in singing, playing music, juggling, doing any kind of performance really on street corners and sides of downtown streets for money.
08/Sep/11 9:39 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, thank you for the translation.
08/Sep/11 10:07 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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You're welcome, Tami. I'm assuming it's the same in Australia.
08/Sep/11 10:11 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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It is Theresa!
My Foxtel is working - all is well with my world - for today anyway!
08/Sep/11 10:13 AM
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