Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.

Robert Hall
09/Sep/11 8:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wonderful day so far. (We really need a sarcasm font). IH woke me up to tell me that there was dog mess in the kitchen. So I got up to clean it up, and the phone rang. It was IH telling me that the young bull had gotten out and was on the road. So I had to rush outside to get him back in, then move the whole herd to a different pasture. Then I came back inside and cleaned up the dog mess. IH then walked in the door, and down the hall, and screamed that a dog had vomited on the carpet. I suspect that all his yelling is upsetting the dogs and causing these accidents. I now have a splitting headache, too.
09/Sep/11 11:07 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi, any chance that IH will move into his new office house?
09/Sep/11 11:36 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thought I had better sign in before you sent out a search party.
Heidi, what can I say? Congratulations on your fortitude! Maybe you too Viv.
I understand how Tricia and Al are feeling. My heart goes out to them.
We had a fashion parade at the bowls club today. I made a couple of date and walnut slices and some scones for morning tea. I bought a new pair of black slacks. The club made about $1000.
09/Sep/11 11:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My computer is getting slow. Ken asked Sharon to organise a new one for me. She worked it all out, got quotes through a contact and spent the last week or so before she went into hospital trying to contact him, leaving messages for him to ring her etc. She was still trying the day she went into hospital but he never rang back so it looks like I am stuck with this one. We have a laptop (bought from Aldi some years ago) and then nearly three years ago I decided to use some money I had been given and buy a note book for when we were going to Egypt. I have lost it to Hubby who takes it overseas whenever he goes. It has Skype so I do get to talk to him when he is away.
09/Sep/11 11:52 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Talking of going overseas, Hubby probably is going to Vietnam in about mid October and if he does I will go as well. We will probably also visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia. I love Vietnam and the food there. There are some lovely inexpensive resorts where it would be nice to spend a few days as well. Mil goes home at the end of this month so we will be free to get away.
10/Sep/11 12:00 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Just signing in to touch base...much to catch up on and pretty stormy weather here off and on, so not sure I'll get to post again today or not...A wonderful musical trip, but much drama also incurred during my time away..but all is well...more later...Peace.
10/Sep/11 12:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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FINALLY got signed up for the parade!
10/Sep/11 2:58 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi broke it!
10/Sep/11 6:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ummmm... no comment.
10/Sep/11 6:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Yep I am shouting for the world to know and share my happiness at having it back. My sweet hubby has done it, even though it was a problem, he kept at it. I will pretend he did that just for me, but we all know how important his internet games and movies are to him.

We came home yesterday afternoon. It took a long time between time doc discharged us and we got to leave, waiting for home supplies to arrive, waiting for visiting nurse to come to room an get us signed up for visits.

Neighbor teen came almost as son as we got in, to cut our grass, " cause it really needs it and Mr Al can't do it now". He told me he would be in charge of keeping my yard and doing any little chores I needed help with. He brought in our suitcase and bags, moved a fan out to storage, eager to do more. Nice to see a troubled teen doing something like that.

Today I got my ducks in a row, set up all Al's care and feedings on a 9, 1, 5 and 9 schedule, so we both have some down time between. The visiting nurse today chuckled cause in the lists of things to do for AL,, there were ALL CAPS notes for when I should eat, take my meds and cook. I was getting so busy while he was in hospital and last night, forgetting to do the things I needed.

Thank you each and every one for the e-mail cards while we were in hospital. Al really enjoyed them, showed them to everybody. Mr B has to stop spending his birthdays in the hospital.

Many thanks to Heidi for passing on updates on AL. It is so much help to me, esppically this time when internet was down for so long. Longest time ever without internet, but for last 11 days, we were kind of busy anyway.

Sorry I have no time to read noow, perhaps when things settle down. I will look for Julie's summaries if she has time to do those now, and catch up, soon, I hope. Hugs and love to each of you, with extras.

I have not had time today to read anything,
10/Sep/11 8:42 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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((HUGS)) Tricia and Al, please that you are home and have internet. Take care.
10/Sep/11 9:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT is back!!!!
10/Sep/11 9:28 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Welcome back MizT - we missed you. So pleased you have Internet back. You and Al have been in our thoughts daily. Pleased you have got yourself so organised, so quickly and what a nice young man your neighbour is to help out like that. It could be just the thing to help a troibled teen get on track again - for him to think of others. {{{big hugs}}}
10/Sep/11 9:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Another big Scout function on this afternoon - finally Col gets re-invested as Scout Leader. Even though he started this process in February and was a Scout for 20 years - it takes so long for training and to get a Blue Card (ability to work with children - they do a Police Check on the person). Anyway it's finally on and what he doesn't know is that Lachlan and Madeline are coming to help with the process. He will be surprised. They belong to a different Scout Group.
10/Sep/11 9:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi Just saw your post about Al could not stand more chemo and radiation. The plan (for now, things change you know) is Al will not be doing more radiation and chemo. He is going to see an EarNoseThroat specialist (specialty within a specialty) at a teaching hospital, in hopes of being a candidate for surgery. It would be a radical surgery, removing the voice box among other things, do not want to get too graphic, but needs a big teaching hospital with a big budget to have the needed equipment and docs trained to do this. Please, good thoughts and prayers that he can get this surgery there. It is what he has decided he wants, and we are all supporting him 110%.

This hospital is about an hour or hour and half away, de0ends on traffic. Further drive, up the freeway, and downtown driving, not my favorite thing. Guess I need a new pair of big girl britches, I have pulled mine up so many times lately, the elastic is shot!

Al is in very good spirits, untill he tries to tell me something, he can speak some, and I cannot understand, Frustrates him to no end, and he acts out a bit. I can understand where it comes from, but he must learn he cannot dump his anger on me. Part of the learning process with this.

Theresa, how is the no smoking going?
Nola, I saw your name up, have you got your certificate or whatever yet?

Tami, thanks to you for calling when I was absent too long. Nice to know someone noticed hehehe.

I told one of the nurses who was teaching me trach care, 68 is a bit old to be doing a refresher course in nursing.
10/Sep/11 10:36 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I have a question about scouting for any of you involved with it, here or there. My neighbor wanted to enroll her grandsons in scouting, but could not, because they did not have a father or grandfather to attend functions with them. "Scouting is now family oriented." I thought scouting would be a wonderful place for a boy without a father figure, you know?
10/Sep/11 10:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, we have missed you. Today is day 40 of not smoking. I'm still finding it somewhat difficult - but I am determined. You and Al are in my thoughts daily as well. Hugs ....
10/Sep/11 10:47 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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That just doesn't sound right, MizT.
10/Sep/11 10:48 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Miz T, that does not sound right about scouting. It would suggest that they let the leaders know why they are trying to get into scouting.

Theresa, keep going girl, you can do it.

Hello to anyone else I might have missed.

I had an interesting evening. I spent an hour on the phone with a cousin in New York. We have never met and hooked up on facebook. I have heard of her before. She will be in Florida in a few weeks and we are trying to arrange lunch as her mom will be with her. Her mom and my mom are first cousins and used to be very close.
10/Sep/11 11:07 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - that's awful about the boy not being able to attend Scouts without a father - he is just the kind of kid who might benefit from Scouts. Yes, they are 'family orientated' - not sure what happens in the US but here both boys and girls can become scouts and their parents can become parent helpers or leaders BUT it is not mandatory. They encourage parental involvement but, for some parents there are factors stopping that - job, younger children, sole parent (even just plain disinterest or laziness) etc. Why should the child be penalised?
Col is horrified and is going to ask his District Commissioner if things are different over there.
10/Sep/11 11:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, maybe the Australian scouts could get the Alabama scouts to let him in.
10/Sep/11 11:31 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hehe Theresa! I doubt they'd have the influence. It sounds to me that the group have their own rules. And, Scout groups, like so many other organisations, can end up being run by dogmatic people who want to make their own rules and forget about what the organisation is based on. Baden Powell would roll over in his grave!
10/Sep/11 1:28 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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We're realising that Col is up against an 'old guard' in this group who are not taking kindly to new blood, to someone who wants the group to move forward and wants more involvement from leaders than just their one night per week. The committee members are even worse, and they are forgetting that Col can choose the committee, hah!
10/Sep/11 1:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, friends!

Past midnight already. The day has slipped by, though I must admit to getting a lot of ffuts done.

So glad some of you have a Kindle. I know hubby wouldn't take a hint. He's not much into presents, so we rarely buy each other a present - just wait until something we need goes on sale and announce that it is the present for the next gifting occasion. Remember, he won't even let us get Skype - and it's free.

Cyn, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your ex-MIL! It's amazing to hear what she and her husband are doing in their 90's, though it sounds like they should think about slowing down or accepting help.
10/Sep/11 3:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm sorry, but will need to leave page 212 for tomorrow. Not sure if I'm getting a cold/flu or just stress. I'm very tight (neck,shoulders) and achey, getting multiple leg cramps and have a scratchy throat. I'm going to put myself to bed.

Positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for all of you! Hoping for some good news to be posted tomorrow!
10/Sep/11 3:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Evening everyone

Noice to see you Tricia.. Best wishes to Al ♥
10/Sep/11 7:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, and thanks for those who commented on the scouts thing. I think perhaps it is like Cyn said, leaders making own rules. I also know in this rea, there are many boys like the one mentioned, with no father figure, maybe they have too many and not enough leaders to guide the ones they have? Who knows, but I was shocked to hear.

I must go for food this morning, will be leaving AL alone for a few minutes, till his brother arrives, not comfortable with that, but brother could not get here by time I must leave.

Gee, I did not have a chance to tell you about my trip to urgent care. Sometime about the time Al went to hospital, I developed a boil on my back. I treated it as instructed before, but something was "sticking me" and lots of pain. Oh my, so easy, even filling out new patient forms, and getting prescriptions filled, getting treatment, I was in and out in under an hour! Even though he had to put packing in to keep it draining, I had Instant relief, it was one of those times I had not known how much I was hurting till it stopped.

OOOPS, must get started on Al's care this morning. Hugs to all. Till later.
10/Sep/11 10:55 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready for those who need a cup.

Tricia, glad they were able to take care of the boil. You must not forget to take care of yourself also. There is an urgent care not far from me and I use them as needed. They are nice and efficient. They make it easy. With my boys (including hubby) someone is always needing a doctor.
10/Sep/11 11:06 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning to anyone else I did not say hello to.

See you all later.
10/Sep/11 11:07 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Glad to have you back MizT, sending prayers & love to you & Al. I went to a bellydance show my friend performed in last night. It was at a Catholic church here in town. Said a prayer for you two!!! I figured I was that close to God, couldn't hurt!!!
Saw that Mamacita was here!!! Hello Mama!! Hugs to you!
TTT: Good morning, thanks for the coffee!!
Theresa, Hang in there!! 40 days is GREAT!!!
Had more to say, still working on getting the caffeine to the brain...Take care all, TTFN
11/Sep/11 12:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... NOBODY said that it was going to be easy. Cigarettes are VERY addictive.

MizT..... That boil sounds painful! Here's a for you.
11/Sep/11 2:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's a perfect 72℉ / 22℃ today. I'm off for a drive in a little bit.
11/Sep/11 2:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I peeked in the lovebird nest box last night. Only 2 of the eggs hatched , but the babies are looking healthy and growing nicely. They should be covered in down in 2 or 3 days.
11/Sep/11 2:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzanne, thanks for saying a prayer in church for Al/ A friend of ours is in Paris, she and her hubby light a candle in Notre Dame for AL. Pretty big church, Al was impressed.

Busy morning, makes me tired to think about what I have done. Yes, Heidi, must take care of Tricia, too. I even wrote notes for taking care of me on the daily plan hehehe. Have to be reminded when it is time to make me lunch and dinner.

I hope to get back and read soon, but so many of family and friends are dripping in now. I put one to work making our lunch, I just cannot add entertaining visitors to my list of duties t the moment. He was glad to make us a simple lunch, he is cook at his house. sometimes ya just have to ask.

11/Sep/11 3:14 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Gidday, eh.

It is so nice to see you back here, MizT. You have people all over the world wishing you and Al well.

We have a beautiful day here too, Heidi, Hubby is working all weekend so I am left to my own devices. If my name was Tami I would surely be getting into trouble!!!!!

And Mama is back!!!!

Well, I guess I better do the puzzles and then do some swearing.
11/Sep/11 3:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Birthday, Broni!
11/Sep/11 3:58 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's not nice for people to get lives without running it past me for my approval first.
11/Sep/11 5:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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If no one is going to talk to me, I'm taking my Etch-a-sketch home
11/Sep/11 7:43 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello All, Have finished wading through many, many pages of life on S.A... let's see how much I can remember, but please forgive me if I forget...I'm old ...and the memory cells aren't what they once were...
Miz T and Al... you both are in my thoughts and prayers..seems as if Al is doing as well as one can expect with the news he received on or near his birthday..and his choice of treatment makes lots of sense to me...I expect all with go well but will continue talking to the one who controls all seeking His assistance! Hang in there, and keep the faith!!
Happy Belated Anniversaries to Heidi and Vi...and to the guys you wed... Awards get handed out for less then what you two have been through...massage for someone is blowing my mind...but you ladies are doing the best to not add to the statistics and that's a good thing. Hang tough and find happiness when and where you can.
CynB, I am so glad you continue your relationship with your former MIL...I have just been able to reconnect with my 1st DIL...she is a real Jewell and has move to the Netherlands, and is happily remarried for almost 13 years. She contacted me when Sully died, and I just wrote her a follow up recently and was welcomed big time...I feel so good because she has always been special to me, and I'm sure your former in-laws must feel the same about you.
Regarding the kindle discussion... I got mine two years ago and love it, but now want an I-pad...may have to wait a bit for that though, because Skype is my next purchase...or a monitor with a camera...I really don't know what is needed but will find out soon enough, and when I get one...I want all watch out.
Teresah...I too enjoyed the history lessons and am sorry you had a really bad day with the cravings...but that is your test... and be proud that you made it pass that w/o smoking and having to start all over again...remember what you've already been through and don't let the devil win you over....YOU CAN DO THIS!! EASY?...NO, BUT KEEP ON MOVING FORWARD!
To the rest of you, good wishes for all that you have faced and told us about but that I can't remember...hopefully bad backs, so so sleeping habits,the blahs, bad weather and looking for work or school strikes don't get you down too much...If it doesn't kill ya, it'll make you stronger...Oh, June, So glad you went to the doctor and hope the meds soon have you feeling better..Julie, thanks for your summaries too...and I'm glad Phanty is back on easy...
That's all for now...perhaps in my next post I'll remember to tell you about all of my drama while I was away... sorry Suzy...not trying to follow the news reports just Peace, joy and care!
11/Sep/11 8:17 AM
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