Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Believe those you love will always be with you.
15/Oct/11 6:26 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Twice I tried posting a different quote from my little book and it would not go. Changed the quote and 'bingo'!
15/Oct/11 6:27 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hubby has fallen asleep on the love-seat - legs and feet hanging over the one end - I am still chuckling.

I have x-rays for my cervical spine, chest and right shoulder scheduled for Wednesday next week. My hips, legs, low back, right shoulder and arm have been really aching the last few days. I don't know if it's the rain or not.

I forgot to bring the computer back to the grandie, so I've decided to hang onto it until they call.
15/Oct/11 7:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good morning dear friends xoxo

I have just had a phone call from if stress could be a number out of 10, she'd be about a 20! I have no idea why she should be so stressed, I think she has it all planned down to the last detail...but I really don't think she put her mother being crook into the equation :(
She said to say hi, and let you all know she wishes you were there to help :)
Thinking of you Rolanda ♥
15/Oct/11 9:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Gail, I was talking to her via PMs on facebook about her mother and I reckon the amount of time she spent feeling guilty she could have been to the hospital to see her mum!!

June, he's even uglier now! But he can still belt out some big notes. There was a superstar joke in the show which I had to explain to hubby and Alie, to which hubby answered - oh that explains the meatloaf joke too. I'd missed that one!

15/Oct/11 10:42 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - yes, thinking of you, Rolanda! And MizT and Al, and anyone else needing good soothing thoughts.
I read the last few pages, got a phone call and have now forgotten everything!
Lousy weather here today, woke up to a thunderstorm and heavy rain, about 40mm all up. Still overcast with more to come. Why do these things happen when there's things to be done - like washing the dog and mowing the lawn!
15/Oct/11 10:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh yes - it must have been a night for old rockers, Suzy. You saw Jon English - I met him once too at Twin Towns, Tweed Heads after a concert years ago and also saw him in Pirates of Penzance. And Amelia went to see Normie Rowe at her local club - told her to scream for me!! Hehehe!
15/Oct/11 10:47 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Evening all. Just stopping in on my way to bed. Watching tv with the family and then going to bed a little early, I hope.

Gail, next time you speak to Rolanda, please let her know that I am thinking of her.

Theresa, I like the dog story. It sounds about right.

Hello to everyone else I have missed. Talk to you all in the morning.
15/Oct/11 11:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just got a text from Rolanda - she's at the rental, having left Peter and the others to keep loading, she's having a cuppa before unloading the car. Told her we're all thinking of her.
15/Oct/11 12:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Poor Rolanda must be exhausted. All that work and stress.
15/Oct/11 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're getting some cool nights now. Autumn is definitely here.
15/Oct/11 2:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forever Archie have their last performances next weekend at the kangaroo valley folk festival. Grace is moving to Sydney. At first she was keen for trying to keep everything going long distance but they've worked out that it wouldn't work (thank goodness). They are all sad, but time marches on.

Alie is now keen to start a rock band now after music camp, and probably jon english and the rock show too..
15/Oct/11 4:10 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am exhausted. Took Laura to the Grannie Smith (Apple) festival. The first Grannie Smith Apple was grown in Eastwood (next suburb to here) by, you guessed it by a lady they called "Granny Smith". They have a festival every year with a parade (we were too late for that), lots of stalls, food, ride, an animal farm (sheep, goats etc). We walked around for about three hours.
I supposed it is good training for next week as it was also quite hot but not as humid as it will get in HCMC.
15/Oct/11 4:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Have been thinking of Rolanda. It is stressful moving without her Mother going to hospital as well.
I have a friend who was at school with Normie Rowe. The teachers told him to stop fiddling with the guitar as it would get him nowhere! (Take note Suzie)
I am back on Hubbies computer as Laura has taken over mine! (and I cannot find his spell checker)
15/Oct/11 4:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friends! Just popping in for a quick read of a page, as it's already past 1:00 a.m.

Suzy, what a relief that you finished with the cleaning of the room before its occupant returned home. Once it's done, there's little that can be done to attempt to return it to its previous state, so that is good!

Tami, I hope the teacher conferences were good and enlightening, though not TOO enlightening!

Rolanda, I hope the move went smoothly and your Mum is feeling better! What a relief that she was in the hospital and under doctor's care, so less for you to worry about.

Heidi, I hope the farrier's visit was uneventful and the horses all got their new shoes! I hope you haven't suffered any ill effects from your fall!
15/Oct/11 5:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I'm glad you were able to whisk the returning Rock Chick off to bed without too much drama! Good that Mr. Suzy supported you! Has there been any response to her cleaned room?

Brenda, sounds like you had a very full day! So glad you could put up your feet and do a bit of knitting before flinging food! I like your TOPP!

Theresa, so sorry that the minor repair turned out to be more involved - and that the workmen weren't capable of closing doors behind themselves. Nope, would NOT be fun trying to encourage cats back from an unfinished basement and crawl space!

I can hardly believe that your D's surgery is approaching so quickly, Theresa! The wait for the first one seemed to be almost forever! Thinking positive thoughts & sending prayers for her - and her doctor - and you!

Tami, I hope Dylan's baseball game went well! So, no surprises at the conference - good news there. Good luck with getting homework completed!

Broni, have I missed the results of your interview? Are you still looking for the just-right employment?

MizT, can't wait to "see" your new glasses! That's totally irresponsible of office personnel to not inform you that you had to pay the full amount at the appointment, even though a good share of it should be paid by insurance! What would they have done if you didn't have your checkbook? I'm glad you were able to find an acceptable replacement for your purse while purchasing supplies for Al! It can be really difficult to find all of the right features in a purse these days! I'm glad you're able to get naps when you're tired, but hope sleep during the afternoon doesn't rob you of sleep at night! Take care!

Hi, Nola! I know what you mean about a black purse - have actually seen a black purse with a bright color lining to help make it easier to find things in the depths! I hope all went well with the 3 boys visiting!

Tami, hooray for the changed schedule! You've had some wild and wooly schedules, so it's about time you get an easier assignment!

Broni, I had guessed that it was the mother of the bride - can be very traumatic and emotional as a D attempts to have the PERFECT wedding! So glad she has her hair worked out. Hopefully she also likes her dress! Not much that can be changed in a week!

Theresa, how exciting that the older grandie is finally liking school this year! (You're allowed to yell about something that momentous!) I wonder if it's the teacher making a difference, or maybe just maturing of your grandie? I enjoyed the dog poem - and the comment about reading!

MizT, I'm glad you finally got Al settled, but at the expense of your sleeping! I hope you are doing better tonight!

Heidi, hooray for a late sleep-in! I'm glad cousin Don's tractor is finally repaired! I hope all went well when you went to pick it up!

Mama, so sorry the changing weather brings on aches, pains and blahs! I've read that it's good to go into the winter with everything having been well-watered by rain, b
15/Oct/11 6:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And I've gone over, so here is the rest:

Mama, so sorry the changing weather brings on aches, pains and blahs! I've read that it's good to go into the winter with everything having been well-watered by rain, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant. Luckily you have had a few days of spectacular weather to temper all of the miserable! I'm so glad that you are enjoying your Skype conversations!

Heidi, I'm glad all went well with picking up the tractor! Also glad that high winds weren't a problem! We had a quite windy day here today, and it sounds like they're headed toward Theresa.

June, I hope you are packed and ready to go! Hopefully the changes in air pressure in the cabin won't cause too much discomfort!

Headed to bed finally (just after 2 now). , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone, whether I remembered to mention you or not. (Page 243 will need to wait until tomorrow!)
15/Oct/11 6:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, hubby got a phone call, me and H are stranded in town can you come and get us? And he's going, all fine by him...
15/Oct/11 6:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Oh! Suzy, I know it is hard but it is important to keep that door slightly ajar as she is still your daughter and hopefully the day will come when things turn around and she is ready to really come back into the family.
15/Oct/11 8:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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It must be the day for phone calls from D's we got one from our problem one. She has a job but she needs some money to buy shoes and white shirts. The call was to Richard who was in London, she needed the money straight away. What did she think he was going to do leave work and go to where she lives just to provide her with money. I was out with a friend for lunch and had to cut that short to go and provide the money. She is 27. I don't think she is ever going to change, Hope Dana does.
15/Oct/11 8:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie posted on FB that she wanted to start a rock band, within an hour she was having to turn people away who wanted to be in it! Can she please take over half of the back room for band rehearsals? AAaaarrrrggghhhh!

Brenda, is this the same daughter who buys herself stuff and then runs our of money and needs it for food?? Mine is heading in the same direction...
15/Oct/11 10:44 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Yes that is the same one. Hopefully she will have enough work now to pay her own way.
15/Oct/11 11:53 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, there is a famous quote about John Lennon. As a teen, he was raised by his Aunt Mimi. She was quoted as saying, "The guitar's all right John but you will never earn your living from it." John had her words engraved on a plaque and gave it to her as a gift.
15/Oct/11 11:57 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. It is a nice relaxing saturday monring. Yeah, right! With the beastie boys around, it is never relaxing. Dylan has a baseball game at 11:00. After the game, the boys need to clean their rooms. We are having a principal's meeting at my school in 3 weeks. I am in charge of the arts and crafts club and they expect my kids to make centerpieces. We designed them yesterday and I have to make a prototype for approval. We meet once a week on Friday morning. I have a few girls who are willing to meet early and come in on Wednesday also. We have a new superintendent and he will be present.
16/Oct/11 12:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, centerpieces sound fun, do post a photo when prototype is made.

Brenda, the shoes and white shirts were for wearing to new job? Any mention of paying you back once she is working?

Suzy, no shed out back for band practice? In the house would get OLD fast for me.

June, the Granny Smith festival sounded fun. Did Laura enjoy it?

Rolanda, hope the move is going smothly. The first cuppa in the rental, that sounds good. Hope the unpacking continues and you find the things needed for first night, forst morning. You know where the kettle and tea are, you are ahead of the game.

I did sleep better last night, thank you. I was up at 4:30 to go to bathroom, and Al needed medicine, water in his moist air machine, and to change his inner canula of trach. Was afraid i would not get back to sleep quickly, but I did, and slept till 8:30. Made up for night before.

Time to get busy here, I think the dishwasher has finished. I need to find something for dinner, Joy will be down this afternoon and she enjoys my cooking. I cook, she does things I have difficulty doing, good trade for me.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

16/Oct/11 1:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have an unpopular suggestion for irresponsible daughters. If they ask for money, say "No". Anything else is enabling them to continue their ways. Hard, yes, but tough love is necessary.
16/Oct/11 3:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have a nasty cold. I think someone here must have shared theirs with me. I'm on maximum strength cold meds, so I can breathe, but my throat is killing me. It really hurts to swallow. It really hurts if I'm not swallowing. I haven't tried to talk yet, and don't want to.
16/Oct/11 3:16 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi we do say no, but she only got the job on Thursday afternoon and started it Saturday morning at 7:30. As I think I said before we don't normally give her money, but during the winter if she runs out of credit on her gas and electric we will put money on that for her. I wouldn't let anyone go cold during the winter. That is one of the reasons she rings Richard and not me as I lecture her and ask questions about her spending. What she doesn't realise is that Richard and I talk to each other and I know every time she asks for money.
16/Oct/11 3:51 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope you feel better soon Heidi.
16/Oct/11 3:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning everyone.
June..glad you enjoyed the Apple festival.Hope the plane trip isn't too uncomfortable with the cold you have.
Brenda..when I was young,Mum & Dad helped me a lot with money,errands ran etc as it is needed at times.It didn't make me irresponsible and I will always be available to help my kids no matter how old they are.I warn them,they may have to do things for us in our old age and they both say they will do their best.I know this to be true as they come and help us now.
Rolanda..hope the unpacking isn't too tiring.Best wishes to your Mum on a speedy recovery.
MizT..glad you got some much needed sleep.Enjoy your visit from Joy.
Theresa...had a laugh at you keeping the computer a bit longer.
Heidi..colds can make you feel so miserable.Get better quickly. must be a nice change to have a cushy job for a change.Enjoy it while it lasts.

16/Oct/11 7:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The grandsons were a little bored because of the rain early in the day,but later,when they could get outside things improved. Renae came out for lunch as well as Judy.I made pea and ham soup and we had a little party.A party to them is chips,dip and help yourself to anything.
We had a violent storm last night leaving us without power from about 10pm until 5am.The sun is now shining and it might be a nice day.
Today I will do some housework.
Catch u later.
16/Oct/11 7:37 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I prefer to give the children 'gifts' when it is of our choosing.
16/Oct/11 10:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, my older brother plays guitar and I can't tell you how many times he would play with his amp at full volume. Luckily we lived in a small apartment so band practice was at someone else's house.
16/Oct/11 11:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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My father told me before I got married that my everyday plate would be broken once I moved out, but I would always have a Sunday plate. Now I could depend on use of their washer if mine were broken or we had a water or power outage. If I was there washing clothes, I often cooked dinner for the family, even if I did not stay to eat. I was much more responsible knowing I had to do it myself, than if I thought I could run to them for every little crisis. Learned to handle my own crisis, I did. Dad was available to work on autos, and to rescue if I got stranded with a broken auto, but I had to pay for all the parts myself.

Enjoyed Joy's visit, an we put up lights around my back porch tonight. Just a string of clear mini lights, but I hate that dark is getting earlier and earlier soon will be at 5 pm, when we loose daylight savings. the back lights cheer me. The ones I had last winter played out about springtime, I found this string when cleaning in sewing room, Joy could help, glad I have it done.

Today has been a much better day for Al, very glad for that. He never took a feeding yesterday and i had to coax him to get water down. He asked for "something to eat", meaning his tube feeding, both times so far today.

Joy got to take some meatloaf home with her tonight, now I will not have to have it 4 nights, only 2. she is a big help that way hehehe.

Other daughter got a kitten, well, it will be home tomorrow, had an overnight at the vet for a good checkup, it had been rescued by a friend of hers. Poor thing was covered in fleas, needed several tests, de worming, kitty shots. She will pick it up tomorrow. Her cat of many years just disappeared, not sure what happened to it. You know, that fact kept her from getting a cat from a shelter?

Time to watch some TV with AL, everyone have a good maEn, wherever you are. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
16/Oct/11 11:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Turning in for the night now. I will see you all again tomorrow. Hugs and extras.
16/Oct/11 2:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still feel cruddy. This must be the Lurgy. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. (Ha... fat chance)
16/Oct/11 2:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Here I sit, lonely hearted... no, don,t carry on with that rhyme Gail!

I am sitting in the car at the University of Melbourne city campus, while Hannah is at some history lectures. We are over an hour from home so it is not worth leaving here I sit...

Feeling smarter already!
16/Oct/11 2:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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btw this placeis so big it has branches of two different banks, a post office and cafes galore!
16/Oct/11 2:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

June, I like your TOPP! Apparently, the page did to, since it accepted it and not the other.

Gail, thank you for the update on Rolanda! I'm a bit surprised that her stress level was high, although, now that I think about it, she may be concerned about a guilt trip being laid on her. We all know that there is NO reason for her to feel guilty, but we also know what families can do. When you speak to her next, please let her know we're thinking of her!

Well, you know I had to check with Mr. Google about Jon English and Normie Rowe. They're actually rather close in age. (About 2 years separates them.)

Suzy, I'm glad the girls realized how nearly impossible it would be to try to keep Forever Archie together long distance! On the other hand, are you ready for a rock band?

June, you're right that the walking at the Grannie Smith festival was probably good preparation for your trip. And now we know that Grannie Smith apples originated in Australia - and quite near you!

Suzy, June is so right about keeping the door ajar! We know it's hard for you to watch her, but she's your D and the baby to come is your first grandie. And your hubby is probably doing what most of our hubbies would do for a daughter - trying to help bail her our of situations and defend her to anyone who questions the way she's living.

Suzy, as for your losing the back room for band rehearsals, at least that give you some handle on what's going on in her life and a bit of control over hours spent, etc.

Tami, it sounds like you had a very busy day today! I hope Dylan's baseball game went well and the boys got their rooms cleaned. I hope the centerpiece prototype turned out well! Hooray for the arts and crafts group! They'll get some recognition for their centerpieces!

MizT, I was also wondering if the shoes and white shirts were for the new job. I'm so glad you slept better, even after having to get up and take care of Al! I'm glad you're able to trade Joy a good meal for some of the things you don't enjoy doing! Enjoy her visit!

Heidi, your symptoms sound a bit more involved than a cold. Nevertheless, I hope you soon feel better! By the way, it wasn't me! Take care of yourself, young lady!

MizT, I'm glad Al has had a better day and asked for "food" - a good sign! What a great idea to put up lights around your back porch! I know what you mean about it getting dark around 5 (or earlier). It gets so depressing and I feel so tired during the winter. Some cheerful little lights will help! So glad to hear your other D is rescuing a kitten! There are so many unwanted pets now.

We still have our older cat - Jordy (rescued by our D her first year of college when someone just dumped off a litter in a parking lot), but won't replace Maxine (the one that died last November}. ("Max" was adopted from a rescue-shelter between D's junior and senior year of college, I think. The kitten was scheduled to be euthaniz
16/Oct/11 2:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Darn; I ran over again!

The kitten was scheduled to be euthanized the next day.) If we ever get another animal, it would probably be through our neighbor who rescues dogs.

Good thing I posted, as there are more comments that posted while I typed.

Gail, I can sense your additional knowledge! Is Hannah enrolled or just taking a course at University of Melbourne? Definitely sounds big! How many students are enrolled there? I hope you at least have a book or music with you to help you pass the time!

Heidi, I hope you feel better by tomorrow morning! Sleep well! You, too, MizT!

Well, it's nearly 11, so I'm going to call it an evening. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers for all! (My smilies aren't working.)
16/Oct/11 3:01 PM
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