Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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MizTricia  From Alabama
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Happy Birthday Julie!!
27/Nov/11 2:25 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Julie!!! Hope you have a nice celebration. Enjoy your special day.
27/Nov/11 2:59 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Long couple of days!! Bad technology week!! Laptop hard drive crashed (4 months old!!) Had Dell service tech come out, working fine. Spent most of the day reloading games, programs, purging files, etc! Was under warranty!! Darrell couldn't fix it, tho he did try!!
House decorated (inside & out)... Just weeding stuff out that I don't want to use anymore. My back & legs are protesting all the trips up & down 3 flights of stairs...
Hope all else is well with everyone. Now that I have my laptop back, I'll try to be here more often.
Take care all. Love & Hugs!!
27/Nov/11 3:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody! Here's hoping you have had/are having a good day!

Cyn, there were a couple of toy stores that had "Christmas in July" sales around here about 30 years ago. I haven't seen them in many years. No Christmas cake tradition for our family. My mom would make stollen around Christmas time, as well as a variety of cookies, including pfeffernuesse, cut-out sugar cookies, my maternal grandmother's "Ice Box Cookies," my paternal grandmother's "Fruit Snaps" and others. I hope the mother/daughter/granddaughter lunch was fun for all of you!

Suzy, I hope someone else was able to video Alie's performance! You might eventually be surprised to see it on youtube.

June, your comment smelled wonderful! I haven't had roast pork in far too long! Thinking positive thoughts for Belinda's foal! Good for you for having finished your C cards! I have thought about getting started, but been too busy. We received our first one today.

MizT, I'm glad you will have some ham for meals in the future, but sorry it was difficult to cut! Hooray for Eddie for getting your windshield wipers both functional! They're extremely important this time of year, at least for us further north! I'm glad you worked out something a bit more comfortable for using the computer! We look forward to your posts, but don't want you causing additional pain in order to use the computer!

Heidi, I hope Angel will allow you to use at least part of your pillow in the future. I hope the weaning process goes smoothly for her and the puppies! I hope Angel, the puppies, the budgie parents and the babies are all well!

Mama, we're always glad to hear from you! I'm glad the party with your foyer group was fun! Good for you for being finished with your C shopping!

Wow! My 2-day birthday celebration has begun! Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes, Brenda, Heidi, Broni, Mama, June, Gail, Cyn, Rolanda and Tami!

Heidi, I enjoyed your story about IH and the steel rings that go around the rolls of hay! We need to give him credit for at least planning to do the work involved to do it by hand. I think your approach to buying C presents is a good one, but like a few others, I would probably forget where I put them - or where hubby put them.

MizT, sounds like you had a good day, and Univ. of Alabama won, to put the icing on the cake!
27/Nov/11 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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That's quite a TOPP, Tricia! Thank you for the birthday wish!

Susanne, thank you for your birthday wish! I'm sure it will be a great day!

Susanne, I'm glad you have your laptop up and running again! It must have been something difficult to diagnose and repair if Darrell wasn't able to get it running! No wonder you're tired and sore if you got all your decorating done with multiple trips up and down 3 flights of stairs! Now, sit back and enjoy them! Crossing fingers that someone may come to look at the house, see how "homey" and warm it is, and decide to buy it!
27/Nov/11 5:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Woo Hoo! It's just a few minutes after midnight! Will be heading to bed soon! Please feel free to share any of these positive vibes and thoughts, , prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}! Thinking of all of you!
27/Nov/11 5:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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But first, an avatar I don't think I've ever used needs to be tried out.
27/Nov/11 5:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie!! Hope it's a great one with lots of time for you and the things you want to do rather than have to do...

27/Nov/11 5:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope the foal is still drinking from Mum and that he gets better. I agree while he is drinking he has a chance, not that I know anything about horses, but I also can't imagine giving up too quickly on a foal that grabbed hearts so quickly. Your baking sounds wonderful! I hope the people you shared it with enjoyed it as much as I would have!

Julie, one good thing about the mid Jan get together is you can take advantage of the after xmas sales.

Tricia, I hope your back up computer keeps working just long enough for you to get your computer working again. Very creative of you to find a way to be more comfortable... I love ham, but agree about the smell of roasting pork!

Tami, I'm glad you were able to get your tyres on sale. They can be super expensive.

Mamacita, I hope you had a wonderful time with your church foyer group..

Cyn, I hope you had a lovely time at lunch today. We had 3 spits of rain today.

heidi, I used to buy presents all year round but then worked out when I did that I spent way to much money on gifts. It all ended up over the top. So now I wait until November to start.

Julie, our midyear sales aren't for Xmas in July, you are meant to put the toys on layaway for Xmas, they extend them from 8 weeks to 5 months or so...
27/Nov/11 5:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We are going to my sisters for dinner tonight. A Christmas lunch tomorrow with Probus. Bowls Tuesday so the rest of the week should be a bit easier. I did get the Aussie cards posted (just over 60) but I still have to finish the O/S ones as some of them have calenders as well. After a wet week it was nice to get the washing done and dry. Clean sheets tonight!
27/Nov/11 6:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The foal is improving. One hock is still quite swollen but the swelling is generally going down. Belinda just has her fingers crossed that it does not flare up again.
27/Nov/11 6:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Good news June. I hope he will continue to improve.

I got about a third of my cards done and then ran out of oomph. I'll have to get to it soon or I won't get them out again.

Well no movies, but pictures are going up on facebook.
27/Nov/11 7:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Many many years ago I worked/volunteered on the pilot for a TV show with some friends. We were working with costumes and we got to watch a lot of the behind the scenes stuff. It was fun, though not my type of show. It took a few years to make it onto TV if I remember correctly. I wouldn't have been watching it anyway. Tonight I see it has been remade and is back on TV! Memories...

It's a Knockout by the way.
27/Nov/11 8:36 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, my kids love pfeffernuesse!
27/Nov/11 11:27 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself. Busy Sunday morning. Hubby has softball and is taking Dylan with him. Mitchell has basketball practice so I am going for coffee with one of the other moms. Today is my last day off. School tomorrow
28/Nov/11 1:12 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Tami, the problem with school holidays is they too soon come to an end. Enjoy your last day off.

Suzy, interesting story about the rerun of the show you worked on some years ago. Thanks for sharing.

June, good news about the foal. I HOPE THERE IS CONTINUED IMPROVEMENT.

Suzy, this back up computer needs to work forever!! It is Al's computer, it has so much stuff on it, all the music he downloaded, so many other interesting things. I asked if it all could be backed up, but was asked backed up to what? I think it was decided we would have to buy an external drive of high capacity to do this.

Rain rain rain today, temps will be dropping from mild and comfy and too high for this time of year to frigid and mention of the S word. Yep, snow showers, but none sticking cause the ground temp will be warm still. I have not even had heat for the last 3 days, doors opened mid day. This is gonna hurt.

Time for my coffee, I did not wake early and get my acid blocker as usual. Had to wait the whole hour before I could have coffee. TAMI, smelling your coffee all morning was so tempting, but I have been a good girl and waited my hour. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
28/Nov/11 1:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's raining here, too , and the temperature is plummeting, but they're not calling for snow any more. "They" had been predicting it for most of this week. Now we're just in for cold rain. Good weather to stay inside. The roads will be icy after dark.
28/Nov/11 3:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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GREAT news about the foal, June. It appears to be a fighter and wants to live. Thanks for letting us know.
28/Nov/11 4:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Well! Today is the first day of the new phase of our lives. For the first time in 27 years, we are going to have a week without any children in the house!

28/Nov/11 9:42 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gail, you look way too happy!
28/Nov/11 10:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gaul looks ecstatic.
28/Nov/11 11:09 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Noice Gail
28/Nov/11 11:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail looks ecstatic, too
28/Nov/11 11:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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FFS is SO fun.
28/Nov/11 11:42 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Especially for those of us reading it.
28/Nov/11 11:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite, Nite all. Off to get a good night sleep so I can torture the kiddies tomorrow.
28/Nov/11 12:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The puppies are starting to get the idea of eating from a pan. So far, they're only getting milk replacer mixed with a small amount of softened puppy food.
28/Nov/11 1:33 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Julie: Thanks for the good wishes about the house, no word back from those folks who came by with their agent a few weeks ago.

TTT: Hope you enjoyed your week off! Back to reality tomorrow, good luck. Got a message from my sis Melanie the other night. She's finishing her semester in a couple of weeks. She gave me her #, I gave her mine. Let's see where it goes from here.

Gail: You seem WAY too happy to have no kids in the house!! (just kidding!)

Hello to Broni, Heidi, MizT, Rolanda, Suzy, June and anyone I missed. Take care all, Love & Hugs with extras! TTFN
28/Nov/11 2:17 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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It is raining here again. Temps are still moderate, heat has not come on yet. I think overnight will correct that. Weather site said it is 48*F outside, way cool.

I put the tree together today, lights worked, yeah. Tomorrow perhaps I can decorate it. Cat is lying on back of sofa next to it, a real holiday kind of photo opportunity.

Gail, enjoy your week without children, you deserve it.

Joy tells me my compputer worked at her cousins house, so it must have been the power cord here or something that repaired itself. She will bring it back once it stops raining. Scardy cat daughter will not drive the dirt roads in the rain. they just be muddy and a little slippery, nothing dangerous.

Suzanne, hope things with Melanie work out. You have made a start.

Heidi, I love to watch new puppies trying to eat. They are so funny. Can you take a photo please?

Tami, hope tomorrow is a nice quite, controlled kind of day with the little darlings. Good luck.

I am off to bed. ONLY had 2 naps in my chair today so must catch up on my sleep hehehe. IF I had a comfy computer chair, and a keyboard I did not keep erasing my posts, I might could stay awake more of the day. Besides, weather is making me achy. Get warm and comfy and I fall asleep. My story.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
28/Nov/11 3:33 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - good news about the foal.
Gail/gaul (lol) enjoy your empty nest and remember not to prepare too much food!! Or, hey there's just the 2 of you, go out to dinner!
Tricia - hope your pooter works properly when you get it back.
Julie, love that new avatar!
Hello to everyone else - hugs all around from me.
28/Nov/11 3:40 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Finally, after a week of getting reminders about my membership every time I came back here, it has finally stopped and I am now paid up to 6/12/12.
28/Nov/11 3:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I think dinner out tonight is definitely on the cards for this gaul and her hubby!
28/Nov/11 4:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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i've stuck awful fake nails on that are making it hard to type so I'll copy my post from the other page...

Alie got in the car this afternoon and said "I have to take this note in tomorrow so I can audition for the ensemble." Oh I said. (She'd told me she didn't want to audition.) Her teacher said you have to audition, get me the note tomorrow and I'll fix it all up. (The note was due in 10 days ago and the auditions are the day after tomorrow.) He asked her why she hadn't put her note in and she told him it was because it was expensive. (If she had shown an interest we would have worked that out) He told her not to worry about it, audition anyway and if you can't afford it when the money is due the school will pay. He must really want her to audition!! He chose Don't Rain On My Parade as her audition song.
28/Nov/11 4:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, we've got our first coming up too, all going well. I'm not holding my breath though as all sorts of things could happen between now and then. Enjoy yours! Lots of gails I think
28/Nov/11 4:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not gonna be allowed to live that typo down, I can see.
28/Nov/11 4:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, fellow Sudokuaholics!

Thank you for the birthday wishes, Suzy! Hubby spent most of the day at a "wood show" teaching people how to turn pens with a couple of other guys. He was home by 4, and we went to see The Muppets at a movie theater near us just before 5, then went for a bite to eat at a glorified fast food restaurant which has recently come into the are (called Red Robin). It's probably several steps up from McDonalds or Burger King.

June, I'm so glad Belinda is able to keep the foal drinking from his mother. I hope the antibiotics work! Great news that the foal is showing some improvement!

You're right, Suzy! I'll need to watch the after-Christmas sales for gifts for my "Breakfast Club" friends.

I think the "Christmas in July" sales was just to bring more people into the store during a lower-selling time. It worked out great for us, because one of our Ds was born in July. We really didn't have excess money at the time, so couldn't buy much for Christmas. I would guess that most people weren't putting it on lay-away for Christmas - probably just getting a couple of birthday gifts for family members or possible birthday parties. Our Ds didn't have a lot of toys that "belonged" to one of them - most were shared, as they were close in age. We'd usually buy a couple of the nice Fisher-Price toys or sets (like the "doll house" or "Sesame Street" with the little 3-inch figures.

June, your next few days sound quite busy! I hope you enjoy everything! Good for you for getting 60 C cards done and mailed already!

Suzy, good for you for having some of your cards done! Keep at it, and it won't be long until you're finished! BTW, how interesting to work behind the scenes for a TV show pilot. Did it actually stay in production for long? I guess it must have had a following if they are remaking it.

Gail, do you make pfeffernuesse? My mom would try to make it rather early in December, then store in tins for the flavors to mellow and the cookies to soften.

Tami, sounds like a busy day! Don't you wonder how single parents can fit in everything and get multiple kids to their various commitments?

MizT, maybe Santa will bring you an external hard drive for Christmas so you can back up all of the files! I'm glad you had been having mild temperatures; so sorry that had to change today!

Woo Hoo, Gail! I week with no children in the house! Will we be seeing you here at all this week?

Heidi, hooray for the puppies who are getting the idea of eating from a pan. I bet they're adorable. I also bet Angel is relieved!

Suzanne, at least you and your sister have reached out. As you say, all you can do is wait and see how it goes. It would be nice if you could get some feedback either from people who go through your house or their realtors!

MizT, I hope you sleep well and pain-free! Good news that your computer is working once again! Maybe it just wanted a short change o
28/Nov/11 5:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Looks like I ran over on that comment. Here's the next installment:

MizT, I hope you sleep well and pain-free! Good news that your computer is working once again! Maybe it just wanted a short change of scenery? I hope it continues to work when you get it back!
28/Nov/11 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, I hope all goes well with Alie auditioning for the ensemble! Is this something for the school or a competition? You're right; the teacher obviously wants her to be involved!

Gail, I hope you enjoyed your dinner out! (Hopefully something a bit more upscale than "Red Robin"!

I starting to fall asleep here at the computer. I think I shall wish you all lots of positive vibes and thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}!
28/Nov/11 5:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Would you let anyone else live it down Heidi?

Excuse me, but oh sh1t!! Dana just called me. She ran into the sperm donor today and they were outside the local mall talking. Two blokes came up, punched the sperm donor then threatened to hit Dana in the stomach with a stick until he gave them his phone. He gave it up immediately. he and Dana went back to his place (close by) and called the police. In the meantime Dana starts having extreme stomach cramps and the baby stops moving. The police took her to the hospital and all is good, the baby was just stressed. She is starting to move again now but Dana still has some pain. Now this is the story Dana told me and it is not verifiable, but I don't think even her imagination is that good.
28/Nov/11 5:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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One of the a$$holes is her friend on facebook.
28/Nov/11 5:30 PM
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