Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June ~ MEN!!!

Gail ~
05/Dec/11 10:42 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Welcome to page 286
05/Dec/11 10:45 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, send my congratulations to Hannah. I am glad she got in where she wanted to.
05/Dec/11 10:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Tami, and thanks to you all for waiting alongside of me for my baby to get home. It was a nervous wait seeing as they have all had their drivers license for like 5 minutes!
05/Dec/11 10:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June..... MEN!!!!
05/Dec/11 11:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to see my dentist. Byeeeee for now.
05/Dec/11 11:56 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends. I am trying hard to find something good about it. Yet another sleepless night, back and hips acting up again, not fun. Perhaps I should get into shower and see if I can melt some of the hurt away.

Out lovely sunchine is hiding today. No rain yet, but know it is headed this way. Damp feeling, and a bit cooler already.

Congrats to Hanna, hope he is happy with her choice.

Heidi, glad you made the welping box escaps proof, waking middle of night to rescue the escape artist was no fun. Hope dentist appointment was uneventful.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Coffee if ready and my shower awaits.
06/Dec/11 2:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Pouring rain outside... it started last evening and is supposed to continue through tomorrow night. It's coming down so heavy that a part of the interstate near us is flooded.

I wish the dental appointment had been uneventful. It was supposed to have been simple... insert the new post and cement the bridge in. Unfortunately, my gum tissue had grown out of control and filled the post hole, so it had to be burned out. Then we discovered that that root was fractured. We did a patch up job, but it'll probably have to be pulled within a year. My mouth on the left side is sore as h*** right now. I'm not supposed to eat on that side for the next 4 days.
06/Dec/11 4:51 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Folks,
Stealing a few minutes break here... My Granddaughter and Ezra are staying with me until she regains her strength... I love having the baby here and am better at keeping the grandie calm generally.Plus, with my hearing aids out, he doesn't keep me awake when he cries...LOL!
They came home late last night and we've been getting them organized ever since...of course I've had a big time holding, feeding, singing and just plain admiring Ezra. His middle name is Alexander, after my father...and one I had been hoping she'd give him....the last name is a hyphenated combination of both parents's was good enough alone!!!
Not sure if I thanked you all for the congrats and well stand out in my mind but not sure who wrote my thoughts so perfectly...but you who wished
for a safe,healthy and more stable life than he had at the beginning was spot on with my wishes and dreams... not too sure it will happen since he seems to have an unhealthy hold on her...much to my dismay....keeping my fingers crossed that she will learn her value and know that she can do bad all by herself and can find plenty of decent men around... So much to hope for, but I can only put them in GOD's hands and hope things get way or the other...meanwhile, I'll enjoy this beautiful little one while I can.
06/Dec/11 7:42 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Cyn...I was so very happy to hear the good news and send healing vibes ahead to Andrew's friend, Katlin?
Suzy...Continued well-done and good luck to Allie as she reaches for her dreams...all things worth having are worth hard work and sacrifice. Fun comes once they reach their goals or do their best trying to get there.
Gail....My congrats to Hannah for seemingly having been accepted to the school of her choice. Wonderful that she is so ready to embark on the dreams she has had...well-done! really made me laugh, but I also felt your pain having to most likely rewash and rehang the others have!!!!
Had more to say, but the thoughts have flown the coop of my I take my leave and in return send my best thoughts, wishes and hugs to all...Peace.
06/Dec/11 7:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, enjoy the new grand baby while you can. I hope that your grand daughter gets to rest and realize that she doesn't need the sperm donor in her life. As much as you are giving the two of them, I am sure you are getting more in return.
06/Dec/11 9:09 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Mama.. Congrats on the new Gr Grand Baby

Cyn.. Glad ths results are great with Kaitlyn.

Raining here too..

Family meeting with the Social Worker at the Transition Care Facility where Mum is this morning.
As to how she is doing.. not as well as she hopes to be, and there have been dramas..not only with Mum, but with other Family Members.
06/Dec/11 9:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh dear :( Thoughts and wishes for resolution are with you Rolanda.

Thank you all for Hannah's good wishes. It is lovely having her home again, I think it is fair to say I was very nervous about her being with an inexperienced driver, but we all had to start somewhere. After she had been with us for about an hour of nonstop chat, we told her it was time for her to have her shower and go to bed...she had exhausted us!
We also warned her that we were going to be having tradesmen in today, and they will be working on fixing our leak problem associated with the combustion stove flue, and that is right next door to the room she is in. She won't wake up, I am sure of it :)
06/Dec/11 10:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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As to her reaction to her room being cleaned - she got home and after a while headed down to her room to dump her stuff, and as she passed the dining table, she saw heaps of piles of clothes, and asked whether I had finally gone through the spare room that had bags of clothes of unknown origins. Mid sentence she stopped when she realised the piles of clothes were HER clothes.
"You went in my room! I told you not to go into my room" :(
As she got even closer, she noticed the piles of other stuff on another table, and groaned in a growly kind of way.
"You went in my room!", she said yet again!
Then she opened the door to her room and was quite speechless. It does look so neat and clean, and I promised her I threw nothing out, it was all in catergorised piles waiting for her perusal. The only stuff I threw out was obvious rubbish, and even then it is all still there if she feels the need to go through it. All she needs to do now is go through it all, return it to proper storage places (not on the floor or under the bed), deal with the unwanteds, and keep it clean...we shall see!
All I have asked of her is that she throw none of her artwork away, or any of the clothes she has made at school for her Textiles subject. To me, even her doodles are precious.
06/Dec/11 10:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all!
Congratulations to Hannah!
Rolanda - hope all goes well at the meeting today.
Heidi - sorry the dental work turned out to be more complicated than you thought!
Mama - glad you're getting time for cuddles with Ezra.
Love and hugs to all!
06/Dec/11 11:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, everything our kids make is priceless.
06/Dec/11 11:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I hear your point Tami, but I really feel no regrets about throwing away the many macaroni necklaces and box sculptures that came home back in the kindergarten days!
06/Dec/11 11:41 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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That stuff I threw out also. There are a few things I have saved. I bought Mitchell a onsie (undershirt with snap crotch) before he was born. It was the only thing I bought early and it said "mommy's little monster" I didn't even know if it was a boy or girl but I had to have that onsie. Still have it.
06/Dec/11 11:48 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!
Glad Katy's surgery was successful.
Heidi: Good luck with the pups.
Gail: Glad Hannah is home safe & sound!
Bean: Extra iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii's for you!! Just kidding!
Got our replacement Cuisinart coffeepot today. Have to send the broken one back. It was under warranty.
That's all I can remember for now. Feel Better MizT & anyone else ailing. Love & Hugs to all with extras.
06/Dec/11 12:24 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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The rain has started here. Temps still unseasonably warm, but that is about to change. Road crews were out today, graded the road, left a lot of loose, uncompacted dirt. By morning it will be slush. NOT good timing on their part. Today's grading ws to try to correct the ruts engraved into road after the last slow soaky rain.

Today I made an appointment with a new doc, have him look at my hips. Sister sees him, says he will inject into the bursa, the covering around a joint. Had that done before and it worked for a couple years. I do hope this can be done next week. It is possible I could have got an earlier appointment if I wanted to make a 45 min tri[ up the freeway, parked in the parking deck, and hiked who knows how far to his office there. But on Tuesdays he is at a small office about 25 minutes from here, country roads, park at the door kind of thing. I figured that would work best for me, since I do not have anyone to drive me and let me out at the door. They once had valet parking at the medical center office, but with downturn in economy, that was discontinued, people could not afford it. NOW I just need to survive till appointment.

Tami, I can see why you kept the onsie, it seems to suit him.

Gail, good luck on Hanna finishing the work you started in her room. With my girls, the piles would be back under the bed and on the floor before I could say NO!

Rolanda, how did the meeting go?? Hope some issues were resolved.

Sister and I have decided not to make the 6+ hour round trip to Georgia for the funeral. With my hips, I am just not able to go. I would be miserable and make everyone within earshot miserable also.

Hugs to everyone, with extras. Till tomorrow.
06/Dec/11 12:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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People will understand about you not going to the funeral, MizT. You have to do what's best for you, now. Your health has played second banana for too long.

IH just asked me what I wanted for christmas, and I not only told him, but I told him where to get it and showed him a map to get to the place. I need the latest software upgrade for my computer, Mac Lion, and it looks like he'll be going to the Apple store to get it for me! Right now I'm operating on Mac Leopard, and I can't access a lot of new stuff on the web.
06/Dec/11 1:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My mouth is SO sore. I'm living on cold drinks and popsicles.
06/Dec/11 1:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just found the most delightful CD. It's an audiobook of the Just So Stories read by Boris Karloff. I'm dying to listen to that deep, gentle voice.
06/Dec/11 3:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everybody! Well, so much for getting here early today. It's after midnight.

I'm a day behind on reading comments, so back on page 284.

Heidi, I love the puppy's names! I can't wait to find out what Gunner's new name will be. Sandy sounds like she already has an established personality! What a cutie!

Tami, I hope Dylan got his science fair project finished! I remember the joys of that with our Ds!
06/Dec/11 5:18 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie, now go to bed!
06/Dec/11 5:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, what a great TOPP for page 285!

June, what kind of puppy did Belinda get? I'm glad Laura is enjoying playing with it! I'm also glad to hear that the foal is still on antibiotics! Wow! That's quite an undertaking! I can understand why she moved it to another location! Five days for the price of one!

It's nice that there are a couple of days per year when you can recycle computer components without cost. If only that were true in all locations! There is SO much outdated digital equipment in many areas!

Suzy, I keep going back to Heidi's kennel name and remain confused. There must be something more we need to know to unravel the mystery.

Heidi, I'm sorry you didn't get a good gift in the exchange. Since IH got a very useful tool kit (and he's unlikely to use it himself), why doesn't he trade with you? It's not too surprising that the gifts you brought were the most popular there! Too bad you can't choose one that you brought!

MizT, I'm glad to hear that you had a do-nothing day! I also like the idea of all of those caps being gifts for Christmas! Do you have gifts ready for the women? I can't imagine being able to find anything very useful for one dollar. Maybe a candy bar?

RIP to your BIL's mother, MizT! I hope you will have a safe and rain-free trip to Georgia for the funeral.

MizT, too bad there is no organized recycling in your area! That certainly makes things difficult for those who want to!

Suzy, our household recycling now goes in one big bin. Outdoor garden recycling is collected in large paper bags from about April to the end of December and one or two weeks in January to collect Christmas trees.

Broni, the socializing is a good thing! So sorry about the fainting, but relieved that nothing was found. Do you think your blood pressure dropped? I hope your cousin's rescheduled surgery goes well on Thursday! All the best to her! I hope Bella feels better each day!

Heidi, your whelping box sounds well-designed! I'm glad you were able to make the adjustment that will allow Angel to come and go, but keep the little ones where you know they are safe! Collies must be very intelligent! How nice that they tend to housebreak themselves! I hope your dentist appointment goes well tomorrow and your bridge will be securely reattached! Hubby and I both have our semi-annual dental hygiene appointments tomorrow!

Suzy, I'm glad you and Alie were able to see the art exhibit, including some of her artwork! That's amazing that the people are coming to hear her sing at her school tomorrow! I don't imagine they can do that for everyone who entered! That's very wise not to say anything about the negatives in case she gets in!

Oh, dear, June, too bad the folded dry clothes went into a wet laundry basket!

Gail, I'm glad Hannah arrived home safely! It seems like the TAFE letter is generally quite positive. I hope you'll know more soon!
06/Dec/11 6:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, I hope a warm/hot shower helps your aches to drop from your body and run down the drain!

Heidi, that's awful about your dentist appointment. In 4 days you should be quite an expert at chewing on one side only! Does anything you take for your back pain help to lessen your mouth and jaw pain! Cold drinks and popsicles for 4 or more days doesn't sound very nutritious. I hope IH doesn't expect you to make meals for him when you can't eat! BTW, you sound very thorough about giving him directions for your Christmas gift! I hope that means you won't get a rake!

Mama, your avatar says it all: Joy to the World! It sounds like little Ezra Alexander is bringing you joy as he and his mommy get to know each other! Blessings to all of you! As Tami said, hopefully she'll be able to get her life in order and find a good man!

Rolanda, positive vibes and thoughts being sent to your Mum in the hopes that she'll see some of the improvement she's hoping for! I hope the family meeting went well and ALL of the dramas go away!

Gail, you are such a good Mum to have sorted, categorized, folded and piled everything from Hannah's room Hopefully after a good night's sleep she will realize how much nicer her room is now and be able to release much of the unwanted and unnecessary things and let you have the clothing and artwork she has made but no longer wants!

Tricia, I hope you can find some pain relief while you wait for the appointment with your new doc! It seems quite sensible to make the appointment at the closer and more convenient office! It's also a very realistic and sensible decision not to go to the funeral in Georgia! Your body doesn't need the wear and tear of a long car trip, and it's wise to take care of YOU!

Broni, I'm going to bed now!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and prayers and for all of you!

06/Dec/11 6:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Tomorrow afternoon, Mum is being removed from Transition Care Facility, and will be living with my Brother and SIL. They will be looking after her till the end of January.
What happens after that..... good question!
06/Dec/11 7:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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It has been Raining ALL DAY non Stop, and at times quite heavy.
Along with Thunder and Lightening ALL DAY non Stop.
06/Dec/11 7:16 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, I hope they do not expect you to take on her care after that.
Suzy I know what Heidi's breeding name is (I know her name from Skype)
Mama, enjoy the new gr grand baby, but don't let your grand daughter put too much of the care on to you, she needs to know what her responsibilities are.
Broni you had better look after yourself we don't want to hear of too many fainting episodes.
Julie, keep on practising, you sound as if you
are making lots of progress in quite a short time on the cello.
Heidi,hope your mouth feels a lot better soon. Nothing seems to go smoothly for you. Hope IH manages to follow your instruction for your xmas present.
Temperature here are COLD, snow has arrived further north wonder how long till we get it.
06/Dec/11 7:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, hubby and I had a belly laugh about you turning off your hearing aid. What a great idea! I agree about the hyphenation. Hopefully there will come a day where she wants nothing to do with the sp. donor. I like the way Ezra Alexander scans though.

MizT, I wish you could have a go in the labour baths I saw today. They are huge! Big enough for the mother and her helper with special pain relieving pulsing things attached to a water hose. They're not meant for having babies in, just easing the pain of labour. I bet you could put it to good use for your hip and back. Since you can't, I hope this new doc can help you.

What a bummer about your road. People will have to get in and out to go to work at least and maybe school. I hope they all make it safely.

Julie, the puppy is a little fluffy thing, kind of like a car is red or white or...

Ouch Heidi!!

About children's art work: photos! Take a photo and then if it's accidentally destroyed or disposed of you still have the memory. I had so many drawings and paintings and every one of them was precious. I stuck them up all over my kitchen wall, took some photos, picked my favourites and tossed the rest. It was the only way as there were so many of them!

06/Dec/11 8:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, your bro and SIL will get what they deserve. If she's not well enough to go home and can't get back into care... well, they've made their bed, they'll get to lie in it.

Brenda, I know Heidi's kennel name now, thanks to a PM. It works so well! I hope your heating is working really well. I remember you had some problems with it icing up last year.

Apparently the names of the successful students (ensemble auditions) will be posted at school tomorrow. Fingers crossed for Alie. I have mixed feelings so I'm not crossing everything, fingers will do.

Today I had an interesting day doing a tour of the maternity ward at the hospital. I have apparently been chosen as the support person. I'm not really looking forward to it (it was tough watching her in pain the other day), but am flattered and will do my best.

Big week this week. After the performances Friday and Saturday night we crashed on Sunday. Tonight was hip hop, tomorrow is Carols in the Park rehearsal followed by a performance at school (they overlap a little so she had to do some negotiating), Thursday she's in Carols at a retirement home. I think that's it until the 17th though. Thank goodness!
06/Dec/11 8:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Question: Has anyone here had an epidural? The nurse at the hospital said that you are paralysed from the waist down when you have one and that's not what I was told in America, they said numb - not that I got to have one...
06/Dec/11 8:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Yes Suzy, I have had an epidural with #1.
06/Dec/11 9:10 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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from Mr Google.
What is an epidural?
An epidural is where painkilling drugs are passed into the small of your back via a fine tube. It is called a regional anaesthetic, which means the drug is injected around the nerves that carry signals from the part of your body that feels pain when you're in labour. The result will be that your belly feels numb, giving you very effective pain relief.

06/Dec/11 9:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So no paralysis and I can tell the nurse where to go when she tries to talk Dana into morphine instead?
06/Dec/11 9:14 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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She will be confined to bed as such.. I had mine around 4.00pm, he was born 6.45pm and by then I was getting feeling back.. around 5.30 I was saying there was pressure..
also the baby did not need forceps to help with the birth, as I was able to push.. and it was painfree!!
06/Dec/11 9:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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When #2 was born, no time for epidural.. had him alla naturale with no assistance.
I was certainly up and about with #2 much more quickly then with #1.
06/Dec/11 9:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Both of mine were without pain killers - not by my choice!!
06/Dec/11 9:20 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello again everyone. :)

Interesting baby talk! It was a long time ago, but I had all four of mine without pain-killers, etc. Have to admit that number 4 was by far the worst, plus every time I fed her I was in agony ... Mother Nature at work, fixing me quickly! And yes, the whole bunch of them were born at home - I was really into the Natural way! Groovy baby!
06/Dec/11 10:03 PM
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