Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tricia - don't the banks have 24 hour hotlines for lost or stolen cards? Ours do - or mine does and I think it's standard with all Aussie banks. Once you report it, the cards are cancelled and no more transactions can occur. Of course you need to know immediately or much damage can still be done to your savings.
28/Dec/11 1:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Things sure are busy here - because Dana hasn't left yet! Yesterday I deidit the christmas stuff up AND spent 4 hours in town with her!! She loves to shop that girl. The day before was pretty much the same (a little shorter time in town as not much was open, Alie was with us that time) and today, after I'd denaelc up the extra mess from yesterday, Alie's bf arrived. They are playing Texas 42 with hubby and Dana with me giving advice over bf's shoulder, and I'm gnihsaw clothes! I also went to the post office to pick up a parcel for Dana... Dimmie is having a nap at my feet and will be quite upset if I leave so I'm sticking around for a little while.
28/Dec/11 1:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That's the problem Cyn, my bank doesn't even deny transactions if they are for more than you have in the bank. Unless I actually check my balance I wouldn't know anyone had taken anything!
28/Dec/11 1:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's about 9:30 pm, and my back has given up for the night. The little ones aren't happy because they've been put to bed 3 hours earlier than usual. They may get me up during the night, needing to go outside to do their business, then they'll make a racket at dawn so I'll take them outside.
Good night, everybody.
28/Dec/11 1:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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If I remember correctly, Handyman Terry did get someone at the bank, found out he had 73 cents left in his account ( after debit card was denied when family stooped for a quick meal out). I hope they froze the account then, I think what he could not do was find out details about where the money went, and had to appear in person to find what he must do to recover his money.
28/Dec/11 2:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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After second phone call to the AFC, I got the nurse, discussed my symptoms, she talked to doc, who agreed with pharmacist it is probably the antibiotic ( I have taken this before, with no problems) so I am to talk to them again tomorrow, and not take antibiotic till I see if symptoms leave.

My congestion and wheezing are better also, so have not needed the inhaler, head is clearer and not hurting as bad. still taking the cough medicine which is also a narcotic analgesic, that has seemed to help.

So glad things got sorted out, I really was glad to get someone's idea on what was going on, I just could not think. I was also glad she did not say come in, none of my nearby friends are home today. Poor Joy, the closest again, and she getting ready for a date tonight.

OH, did I say she has a new guy she is dating? He seems soo nice, treats her so well,is considerate and kind and funny and fun, intelligent, good conversationalist. even cleaned up her cats puke when he found some in the bathroom. (cat has a problem, he had been warned to watch his step, cat does go to the tile bathroom floor to make her deposit) Joy is not accustomed to this, thinks he is doing too much too soon. I say she has found someone who will treat her as she should be treated. I hope it stays as good as it seems now, and she learns she does not always have to be the giver, can be recipient of attention and affection. .
28/Dec/11 3:03 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I have posted 1 picture of my quilt on my page - if you're on FB, I have posted more detail there.
MizT - most bank ATM's have CCTV so when they check, he will possibly recover his money but that's no help in the meantime.
Yes, Suzy, I keep a close eye on my account too.
28/Dec/11 3:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, I know my bank does, I had a problem a few years ago, the company account was wiped out, and like someone said, even over-drafted when a check I had already written came through.Hackers knew just how much I had, the airline ticket they bought was almost to the dollar.
28/Dec/11 5:31 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Forgot to say, they " expedited" my request to return my money, only took two weeks for them to investigate, to make sure no one had my card (fact it was in my possession was not proof?) and I had not given my number to anyone. Just how do you prove a negative?? , That no one I knew had flown using that ticket, no kidding! Lucky I had another account with a few dollars at different bank. Well I sort of planned it that way.
28/Dec/11 5:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Gosh, all I need is time. No time to read or comment. Haven't practiced cello in almost 2 weeks. Does anyone have any time to spare?

Sending love , positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and hopefully good health to everyone!
28/Dec/11 5:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sure Julie, take some of mine, I'm bored witless!
28/Dec/11 6:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm here and feeling good about myself because I finally know how to make a spinach cob dip! About time!!

28/Dec/11 8:10 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Tricia, glad you are feeling a little better. Please keep resting. Also glad Joy has found a new man. It is about time she found a good one. She does so much for you.

Heidi, hope the back feels better today and the puppies didn't wake you up too much in the night.

Julie, I have a few hours to send you. How many do you need???
28/Dec/11 11:23 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, saw your recipe on the other site. You should post it here also. What is a cob???
28/Dec/11 11:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, a round bread loaf. Hubby doesn't know what you'd call it in America. Kind of a lump of bread I guess. I can't believe you have a few hours to send anyone. You don't stop ever! Though if you have a few hours without anything planned I am not surprised you'd give them away to be used usefully....

I think I'm going insane! I need my quiet time and in school holidays it is hard to find, but usually not near impossible. Now that Dana has decided she's staying for the holidays (at least I think that's why she hasn't gone back yet) I have her talking constantly aaaalllll the time. Or asking can we go to pick up this layby or that parcel... bla bla... It's kind of sad in a way. She'll get some texts and say H is asking me to come and talk to her, then come back in.. she talked for a minute and then asked for money. It must really really hurt her to have her so-called friends do that to her. She's just got herself a new mobile number and isn't giving it to any of the fair-weather friends... As angry as I am with her, I don't want her hurting like that either.
28/Dec/11 11:33 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I don't know what they are called either. I just call them a round loaf
28/Dec/11 11:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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ha ha ha thump
28/Dec/11 11:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... if that's what it takes to open her eyes to reality, then that hurting is good. Now if she'd just open her eyes to her own behavior....

We call them round loaves or bread bowls. I love serving chili in bread bowls.

MizT... GOOD FOR JOY!!!!! She seems to have found one of the few good ones! She deserves the best, she's such a sweetheart.

Julie.... You can use all of my spare down-time. I have way too much.

Sandy has sharp teeth! I'm trying to convince her that she's not to shred my pants, so she's taking it out on my hands. She's broken the skin several times. She's a little terrorist.
29/Dec/11 12:36 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Rena, in case you happen to drop in :)
29/Dec/11 12:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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29/Dec/11 1:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rena. Hope you have a great day.
29/Dec/11 2:36 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rena,have a good day
29/Dec/11 4:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Rena, hope your day is great.
No chance to catch up so I hope you are all well.
My brother is up and we are working on my house from sun up till sun down, hope things will settle down in a couple of day.
Love and hugs to you all.
29/Dec/11 7:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Broni, hope the work goes well.
29/Dec/11 8:50 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All
Hang tough Broni, hope you accomplish all that you set out to do. Great having a good brother helping and enjoying each other's company too.
Rena... Hope you have a very special birthday.
Heidi....Sending feel better vibes your way. The days can't go fast enough for your appointment I bet.
MizT, Good to have folks on this thread so willing to help...all is well thanks to Tami and Heidi. It was a matter importance and I'm happy they both answered the call. Good to hear that you are finding some relief and are taking it easy.Nothing can keep a good woman down.....except a good woman...keep up the rest and enjoy the small breaks as you can. Glad Joy has found some one that seems ready to be all he can be for her...hope it works out for them. was the date? Did you ask or was there no mention made???? Inquiring minds you know...
Have a great day/night where you hang your hat. Peace.♥
29/Dec/11 9:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mamacita, the date is this Friday night. He wanted to take her to lunch. She spoke with her mom and called back and asked about Friday night. That kind of surprised me. I will let you know the results, if I know any, on Saturday.
29/Dec/11 9:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nite, Nite all. See you in the morning. I will bring a fresh pot with me to wake everyone up.
29/Dec/11 12:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My truck is back home!!
29/Dec/11 12:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Casserole in the slow cooker, 3 sdaol on the enil, another in the swishy thing...sehsid done.

Heidi, I think a good chili recipe is the next thing on my list to master. I hope it doesn't take me as long as the spinach dip did!!

Tami, I can only come up with one reason why they wanted it at night rather than during the day - they work and want to be able to spy, or meet Mitchell before they go out.. I am curious about the actual reason...

MizT, I'm so happy for Joy. I don't think cleaning up after a cat is too soon! I think that couldn't be soon enough! I hope he doesn't scare her away...

Broni, hope you hold up to the hard work without too many aches and pains! It will be worth it in the end I'm sure..

29/Dec/11 2:43 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed. I have a full day tomorrow, no matter how bad my back is. As soon as I get up and take care of the puppies, I have to feed hay to the cows. Then Robert will meet me here at 10 am, and we go down to Lowe's to pick up some quick setting concrete. Once we get back, we'll have to grab a tape measure and start marking where to set the fence posts and a gate post. We hope to set at least 4 posts tomorrow, hang a gate, and put up cattle panels. We need to replace about 300 ft of fence as quickly as possible, so we can catch and hold those delinquent calves.
29/Dec/11 3:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just had a lovely, impromptu meet with June and Ken. June rang me to say that she and the family were at the lake in the next town, so I threw on some clothes and got myself straight over there. We chatted like two magpies :)
29/Dec/11 5:14 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Now I must start making arrangements for Suzy's visit. I think a lunchtime gathering in the city sounds the go.
29/Dec/11 5:15 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just sitting here enjoying a hot chocolate, care of Hannah's Chrissy gift to us all :)
29/Dec/11 5:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Sounds lovely Gail - glad you got to see June while she was there.
Tami - the girl's family will also probably be walking around the mall too!
Broni and Bean - if either of you see this, Col and I had lunch today down at the restaurant at Wellington Point where we three went when Bean was up here. I had the best vegetarian risotto I have ever tasted - yummo (pumpkin, spinach and roasted capsicum) - it had an sweet spicy taste that I could not quite identify. I couldn't finish it, I should have asked for a doggy bag. Doh!
29/Dec/11 5:51 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday, Rena!
29/Dec/11 5:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just popping in for a quick Hello! I see that I am about 15 pages behind in reading. I will try to read at least a few pages a day until I am caught up, but probably won't comment on "old" news. Guess maybe I should try to read at least one current page each day, as well!

I hope all of you are well or getting better! Sending positive thoughts and vibes, , prayers and lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for each of you!
29/Dec/11 6:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I've done a quick scan of this page and realize I must have missed quite a lot!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to read that your back is still bothering/antagonizing you! Not sure if you've had an MRI or a course of action has been decided upon. Guess I'll find out as I get caught up with reading. Please take care of yourself and do only what you must do and nothing more.

Cyn, looks like a GREAT quilt!

Thank you for the gift of extra time, Gail and Tami! I know it will help me to get caught up here, with email, with regular mail, and with so much ffuts that needs to be done around the house!

Tami, I'm SO glad you asked what a cob was! Nothing I could think of as a possibility was making any sense!

Suzy, good for you for learning how to make a cob! As for chili, I have made a regular "red" chili and a white chicken chili, but not recently. It sounds like a great idea, as we've been having quite "chilly"/cold temperatures. It would go great in a "bread bowl," as Heidi suggested.

From what I have read on this page, it seems that Joy has begun dating someone who is considerate and understanding. What a find! MizT, I hope you can convince Joy to enjoy being treated as she should be!

Broni, good luck getting as much work done on the house as possible and enjoy your brother's company while doing it!

Happy Birthday Rena! Enjoy your special day!

Heidi, so glad you have your truck back! Please don't over-do tomorrow, though we understand you have much work that needs to be done. I hope you and Robert accomplish what needs to be done.

And now, off to bed for me. Good Night, All! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
29/Dec/11 6:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, forgot to mention: how nice that Gail was able to meet up with June and Ken - and may be able to do the same with Suzy next month! Enjoy for all of us!
29/Dec/11 6:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Next month it might be Julie, but it's also next week!!!! Yay!

Wonderful to have you back! I hope we get to hear where you've been...

29/Dec/11 7:17 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's also next YEAR! :)))
29/Dec/11 7:53 PM
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