Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Peace on earth.
26/Dec/11 1:09 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to be accused of breaking the site. The topsiders must be with family and the down unders must be sleeping. I am left talking to myself.

26/Dec/11 5:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We've been out doing farm work. I cleaned out the feedlot (with the tractor), then luring the escaped calves out of the horse pasture and back into their pen with a slow moving roll of good hay. Then Don and Gil fixed the fence so they (hopefully) won't get out again. We have to run them through the chute tomorrow to take fecal samples.
26/Dec/11 6:09 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, you came back and reaired the site, so you are off the hook
26/Dec/11 7:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have to stop in and fix the site so Tricia doesn't get blamed for breaking it
26/Dec/11 9:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning - I have just read 2 pages that I missed, didn't take notes and have forgotten most of it.
We had a great day yesterday but it was exhausting. During our Christmas meal we had a toast in memory of my Mum and Dad and the fact that most of what we were eating was traditional Christmas fare passed down from my dear old Mum, and her Mum. I also asked my family to remember others who had lost loved ones this year including June and Tricia - so we drank another toast to Sharon and Al.
In memory of Christmases past!
26/Dec/11 9:40 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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One thing from Christmas Eve - I got a phone call from our local Lions Club, who set up in our local shopping centre, sell Lions Christmas cakes, wrap presents for a gold coin donation ($1) and sell raffle tickets. They had 5 prizes - first was a wheelbarrow full of Christmas goodies, and one was a money tree. I had won second prize, which was a handmade patchwork quilt and cushion. I despatched Col down there to collect it. It is beautifully made and is in a real country farmhouse style but has chickens (of all things) on it. Because it's so nice, I'll have to deal with the chickens because I want to keep it.
Now that's something you haven't seen in a long time!!
26/Dec/11 9:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh, and just a quick word of warning - don't give a pre-teen (in this case Emily, but the other 2 older girls got some too) nail polish as a gift. She decided to open it on my loungeroom carpet and it spilled, didn't it? Thankfully my daughter, who is more practical than me, got to it and got most of it out. Carpet is due for a clean anyway!
I told the kids that if I never let them take a drink onto the carpet, what made them think that playing with nail polish would be acceptable!!
26/Dec/11 9:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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An hour later and nobody has been here - I must have broken the site!
My sister told me about a Christmas game, sort of pass the parcel, and we played it yesterday, it was fun -
You buy small presents (or find unwanted small items) for the number of guests and wrap them in Christmas paper. On the day, sit guests in a circle and give each a gift (not to be opened yet) to start the game. Then the host/hostess reads the story of the RIGHT family Christmas, which is full of the words RIGHT and LEFT. Whenever you hear either word, you pass the parcel in that direction. It was hilarious and confusing even though I read it slowly for the younger ones and emphasised the words. Then at the end you open the present you're left with and then have to barter with others to swap if you want something else.
I think I'll keep it as a family tradiion now, we all enjoyed it! And everyone was happy with what they got.
26/Dec/11 11:00 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Ok, off to pack up leftovers, drive across town and have lunch with Col's step-Dad. Have a great day all!
26/Dec/11 11:02 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, glad you had a nice Christmas. The Right family sounds like fun. What a nice thought to remember those who have passed on during the year and have a toast to them.
26/Dec/11 11:45 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I like the sound of that game Cyn!

Merry Christmas topsiders xoxo

We had a lovely day yesterday, only 5 for lunch so very quiet and very pleasant. The day was very wet and muggy, but we were lucky here, we only got heavy rain, other suburbs and towns got an absolute deluge with hail thrown in for good measure! Hannah got up early to wrap her homemade gifts for everyone. She likes to make something as she has no money yet and the others always give her gifts and she likes to be able to reciprocate. Last year she made up bags of homemade chocolates and truffles, this year it is a Hot Chocolate pack, including squares of fudge that you stir into hot milk, plus peppermint marshmallows and candy cane biscotti.
This is the first Christmas where I did not get up from the table feeling absolutely stuffed with food, even though there was enough here for you all to come over!
The only slightly low note of the day was that Jed and Nissa weren't with us, though it sounds like they are having the time of their lives over there in the US of A, they have helicoptered over Grand Canyon, and I think they are in Vegas for Christmas. Our home phone died yesterday, so if they have been trying to ring we don't know :( I am sure they would think to ring one of our mobiles...
26/Dec/11 12:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The Right game is how our Lion's Club does the Christmas gift exchange. Everybody brings a gift and a Right and Left story is read. When the story ends, you get the gift that's in your hands then.
26/Dec/11 1:19 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Tami, thank you for fixing the site. Now, can you fix my computer? Yep, it once again will not come on! I am on Al's and the TV computer in living room, the one with the makeshift desk and a keyboard and mouse thqt feel so very different. but, I can get here, that is the good part.

Cyn, to Christmases past, and thank you for including Al in your Christmas toast. I am touched. first tears of the da y. Can you show a picture of the quilt? Quilters love show and tell. Congrats on the win!!

Oh shucks, no spell check tonight, bear with me.

I like the right game, perhaps I shoujld suggest that we use that next year at my family. I have one niece who threatens not to come if we do the gift for everyone again, says "I work full time". As if she is the only one??? My oldest daughter suggested she get $1 bills, tie a ribbon on them and just pass them out hehehe. If she wants to be as obnosious as she is about the other gifts, she could get the dollar coins, stores do not want to take them (no place for them in registar) they do not work in vending machines, the gov pays major bucks storing them, yet gov is minting MORE of them, go figure.

OK, I am averaging 2 typos per line of type, taking longer to correct than to read and write. I shall close for now. Hugs all around, with extras.

26/Dec/11 3:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hugs MizT xoxo
26/Dec/11 3:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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(((Hugs))) to everybody.

Off to bed. My back is at an 8+ on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is when you black out from the pain. But first I have to wake up IH, who forgot to go to his lab 3 1/2 hours ago to tend to his worm larvae.
26/Dec/11 4:36 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Sorry MizT, didn't mean to make you cry. Just thought I should acknowledge those of us who suffered the loss of a loved one this year- there were others too. I will post a pic of the quilt when I can.
If anyone wants the 'Christmas with the Right Family' game, let me know - I have it on a word file and can email it.
26/Dec/11 6:05 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Went to see Col's step-father today, he's 83. He's still living in the house he shared with Col's Mum and it is an absolute pig sty. My sister-in-law and I had to wash up dishes, glasses, cups and cutlery just to serve lunch - which we both brought with us thankfully. Hubby's sisters insisted he stay 'near them', they live nearby, so they could look after him. One of Col's brothers had a granny flat where he could have lived, his wife would have made his main meal and cleaned the flat - but no, the girls wanted him there.
We are all livid and those girls will be getting phone calls about their neglect from their brothers, I can tell you. Col's Mum specifically asked us all to look after him.
26/Dec/11 6:13 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, yes please :)
26/Dec/11 6:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I was wondering if all the other side of Melbourne are OK after last nights storm. Missed it in Point Cook but we were in the plane and got turned back to Sydney when we were about 10 m inutes from Melbourne airport. We landed back in Sydney, refuled and returned to Melbourne. Originally boarded the plane in Sydney at 4,45pm and finally got off in Melbourne at about 9.45pm (normally about 1.20 minutes terminal to terminal). Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
26/Dec/11 6:43 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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OK Gail - I'll wait until tomorrow and see if anyone else wants it, then I'll email all at once.
26/Dec/11 7:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
I'm behind in my posting so I've opened my notepad to help me..

June, what a horrible flight! I hope you have had a nice day today to make up for it.

Heidi, Alie is in the stage version which is a little darker than the movie musical though it is still a musical - everyone gets eaten. Audrey II is being played by a girl who wanted to get the part so she could eat the girl playing Audrey. (That girl was overheard saying she was sure she'd get the part of Audrey as she was the best singer in the school - not the way to be popular!)

Heidi, your dogs would be like children if they played with the box the toys came in!

MizT, your Xmas Eve sounds wonderful. I have been with you in spirit today, did you feel me there. Your niece sounds very familiar. I think I've met a few people just like her. We don't have dollar notes anymore, only coins, and $2 coins too. You can feel broke and find quite a bit of money floating around the bottom of your bag.

The site got quiet for a while there. The holidays do that I guess..

Gail, I love the sound of Hannah's presents.

Alie tried to do that too. She ran out of time to finish them all and I had a few 'emergency' gifts for her to give - a book for Dana, another for Dad, and hubby gave her a face treatment pack for me.. She gave me a painting. A background along the same lines as the giraffe painting with words written on it "I love you forever, I like you for always,
forever and ever, my mommy you'll be". Very touching as for many years that was the song we sang at bed time (except of course I said baby). It's from the book love you forever, except we had to change it as 'as long as I'm living' used to upset Alie. She had a thing about death for a while there, might still have it for all I know.

Cyn, I want a copy..
26/Dec/11 9:08 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone. :)
June, our Christmas was very noisy and quite scary at times! We had a few lightning strikes that were almost on top of us, and the thunder so loud we all thought the house had been hit. But we had a lovely time anyway. :)
26/Dec/11 9:25 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning everyone. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Cyn, I would also like a copy of Right Christmas. It sounds like something fun.

Glad to hear that Christmas was good day for everyone. We had a quiet day at home. In-laws visited to see the boys. Kids played outside with their friends most of the day. New bikes were a gift to several this year.
26/Dec/11 11:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... The puppies would play with the packaging first if I let them. Only they create more than enough messes without letting them have boxes and wrapping paper. They're at the biting, chewing stage now, and can get a little aggressive about it. Last night we went to cousins Don and Barb's place for Christmas dinner. I wore some lovely new pants (super comfy harem pants I got from India). As soon as the puppies saw them, they attacked. All four pups, (Sandy, in particular), went nuts and shredded the pants in seconds. (As soon as I removed the destroyed pants and put on jeans, they stopped the attack like I turned off a switch!) I've learned not to wear loose, baggy pants around them. It's like an invitation to tug and rip.
27/Dec/11 12:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I am sorry about the new pants but I wish you could have taken a video of them. That could be funny to watch. I had a yorkie that liked to chew on the bottom of my jeans, especially if I was wearing them. He would bite and hang on and slide around the tile floor.
27/Dec/11 12:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The closest thing I've seen to the pants shredding is a documentary on a shark feeding frenzy. Even though I lost my pants, it was funny. I don't think the puppies took my reprimands seriously because I was laughing so hard.
27/Dec/11 1:11 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Now THAT I would like to have seen! lol


Ok folks, it's 1.15am and hubby's plugged in but I just have to tell somebody, I'm fit to burst!!!
Chloe and Trent are engaged ♥
She messaged me about 11 asking if we were still up and could we wait up till she gets here. As soon as I saw her I knew something was up, and the Cheshire cat grin on her face was a dead giveaway. The whole time Trent was standing behind us saying "How does she know already?" I didn't know but a mother can sense these things. It sounded terribly romantic and they both looked so happy. Trent apologised for not officially asking us for her hand, but he was trying to keep it a surprise, and Chloe and I are hopeless with secrets! She had no idea. The ring is divine ♥
27/Dec/11 1:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Have they gotten as far as setting a date yet, Gail?
27/Dec/11 1:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, CONGRATULATIONS to Chloe and Trent. You are right, a mother always knows. I think it is sweet that Trent apologized for not asking permission.
27/Dec/11 2:18 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Congratulate Chloe and Trent from us Gail, you'll be looking for a nice hat for the wedding next ((HUGS())
27/Dec/11 3:44 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Hi everyone. It is the resident troublemaker posing as her mom. I am at her house and get her back on line. See you all later.
27/Dec/11 3:58 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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I see I should have proofread the above comment. I am at mom's house and trying to get her back online.
27/Dec/11 4:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We knew what you meant. Tami.
27/Dec/11 5:05 AM
   Trouble's Mom  From Florida
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Heidi, if you are still around, go to Skype. I have just signed up and would like to add you.

Give me time to get used to all this and I can start adding more people :)
27/Dec/11 6:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi All,
Good to hear all have had some really good times to report and very few sick calls....wonderful! Hope we can keep that going.
My Christmas was so special. Both of the great grands here for Christmas morn, as well as their moms of course and my fist born and SIL in later. My A&E team have my dining room filled with toys, clothes ,etc. Angelique wanted a doll house, and G.G.Santa filled the wish...she played with it almost non-stop and was a happy was I... She hasn't even gotten half of the stuff under other trees, but doesn't want to leave the doll house to cute, but she'll soon be looking for new conquest. Ezra is really excited too....not.. almost 1 month old and could care less about all of this stuff that keeps making us much fun and I feel really happy.
BTW... Cyn...please include me in the right game...sounds like fun...
Too much to remember since I'm so full of my own stuff to report, but know that I enjoyed all of your post and smiled a lot...Gail and her happiness leaps out as does some of the annoyances others experienced, but we all seemed to fare pretty well. Heidi, I saw what you gave Gil, what did he give you???? Hope he did something right by you..sending healing thoughts to all who may wish to use them, and lots of hugs too...Peace for now..and always.♥
27/Dec/11 7:22 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Picking my brother up from the airport in 1 1/2 hours. Had a great Christmas and my friend Teresa is going to be a grandmother this July I think.
Love and Hugs.
PS: Cyn I will have a copy too please.
27/Dec/11 8:07 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning all. Cyn, could I have a copy too please?
Yes would love to know what IH got you for chrissy Heidi. Loved the puppies shredding the pants post. Congratulations to Chloe and Trent Gail.
27/Dec/11 9:23 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning - a page packed with good news and funny stuff today!
Congratulations to Chloe and Trent, how exciting for you Gail. I loved being a part of the organising and preparation for Karin's wedding.
Broni - please tell Teresa that I'm so happy for her. Being a grandmother is so special - but is this the daughter who live overseas? How will she see the child? Gotta be able to cuddle and play with it and spoil it.
Heidi, I too am laughing about the puppies and the pants. Sorry they were ruined but it would have been great to capture on video!
27/Dec/11 9:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, wow! What fantastic news!! I was grinning the whole time I read it.

Mamacita, your christmas sounds lovely! I'm glad it turned out so well for everyone.
27/Dec/11 9:48 AM
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