Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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BIG hugs Rola.. so glad it went well.
I know how awful it feels when it is the other way. xx
01/Mar/12 11:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Rain has gone, fog has taken it's place. I can see house across the street, but it is fuzzy. House stayed very warm overnight, without heat, almost too warm. I turned on fan early AM.

I shall be out and about today, sister and i are going out for lunch, and to pick up a few items at Aldi's, since we shall go past it. It has ben forever since i have been there shopping.

I need breakfast, and to shower and dress, sis will be here fore I know it. Hugs to each of you.
02/Mar/12 12:29 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Morning all,
Overcast and rainy at the moment, but there is expected improvement as the day progresses.
Suzy, enjoy the cuddles....
Rola, glad things went well and now time to rest before having to jump back into the normal flow of life...enjoy the get a way.
Hugs and wishes for more joy than challenges in life for all...yet knowing that you are able to withstand those challenges when they present themselves. Peace.♥
02/Mar/12 2:29 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Where are you??? Come out, come out where ever you are....rain, rain go away so we can all play...or at least chat...I needed to post so you all know that I haven't broken the site!!!
I thought I had a life of sorts..but since I'm the only one here in hours..I guess I don't! :(
02/Mar/12 7:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Shouldn't be here, should be packing my bags.

I'm heading off to mum's today with my brother. We found out yesterday that she has cancer. She is home for a few days but doesn't expect to be home again after that. Who knows what will actually happen, but it is all through her body including her glands...
02/Mar/12 7:55 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH Dear Suzy, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, that is terrible. have I told you all I hate cancer? thoughts and prayers with you, hope you have some good days with your mom, and hope she can be kept comfortable. this is so tragic, and I am so sorry. If you need to talk or rant or vent, I am here and a good listener, and i understand. Huge hugs and love to you, your Mom and your entire family.
02/Mar/12 8:35 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Suzy...I saw some of it on fb...but didn't know the heart goes out to you and your much sadness recently...
I add my voice and of course my shoulder in all that Tricia said. Enjoy the time you have with your mom..say whats in your heart...leave nothing uncovered so that you will have no regrets in what you coulda, shoulda or wished you had will carry you as you travel this difficult road. Hugs as well as thoughts and prayers pave your way. God speed.♥
02/Mar/12 9:19 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Suzy, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. Don't leave anything unsaid - both good and bad - and let her know how much you love her. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
02/Mar/12 10:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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NOW I understand that "Bugger" yesterday. I cannot imagine any news that could be worse, Suzy. Has your mother seen her great granddaughter yet? Will she? Remember with MizT..... it really helped her to talk about all of the details and all of Al's wishes before he got too bad to communicate. I'm so glad that you're going to see her.
02/Mar/12 10:48 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Suzy ♥ ((( Hugs )))
02/Mar/12 10:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Robert and I had a busy day. We went to Lowe's and got a bunch of concrete to set fence posts, and some shrubs: 3 big forsythia and 3 rhododendrons. Then we set 26 posts in concrete. Once we were done, I planted the shrubbery. We also sorted out 7 cow/calf pairs and moved them to another pasture.

First thing in the morning, I'll be heading to the airport to pick up my new finches. After that, I have an appointment with my dentist about my still numb tongue. No work will be done here because it's supposed to be storming all day. Again.
02/Mar/12 10:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Thinking of you. I really don't know what to say other than I am here for you if you need a shoulder or want to talk.
02/Mar/12 11:37 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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More hugs from me, Suzy - I think we're all speechless - and feel helpless.
02/Mar/12 1:56 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!!
Hugs & loving support to Rolanda & Suzy!!!
Re-listing the house tomorrow. Refinance REALLY lowered our payments!! Darrell is not getting overtime right now, so that helps.

Heidi: New birds?? Haven't been here in a while. Will check out your page sometime soon.

Going to see my friend Johnette bellydance on Saturday........should be fun. A lot of booths to buy stuff at & great dancers!!

I promise I will try to be here more often. Sorry!!
Love & Hugs to all with extras!!!
02/Mar/12 2:10 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Kathy!! Enjoy your special day!!
02/Mar/12 2:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy :'( ♥
Some wiser women than me have already spoken and I agree with them on everything.
I feel for you with all my heart, I am so sorry.
02/Mar/12 5:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, thinking of you and your Mum and brother! This is not the kind of news people should need to hear. All the advice and thoughts that have been given already say what needs to be said! We are here for you to give you as much support as we can. Prayers for her and for you. {{{HUGS}}}
02/Mar/12 5:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to Everyone! Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{HUGS}}}} and for everyone!
02/Mar/12 5:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi, we've been here a couple of hours now and found out where things stand. When we first got here she must have just taken some pain pills as she was slurring her words - much better now. She is still almost falling over while walking, but that's the C.
She has a lesion on her brain, another in her lung, her pancreas and her adrenal glands. 6 months at the most with treatment. Tomorrow we are taking her to a hospital in Melbourne - we'll be there until Wednesday probably. Not sure where I'm staying at the moment. She probably won't be able to leave until Thursday so will get an ambulance home - unless they let her out a day early. They are going to cut out the lesion in her brain and biopsy it to see what kind of cancer it is and which radiation and chemotherapy to use.
02/Mar/12 8:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Your thoughts are wonderful and help a lot. I am coping better than I thought I would, though I know it's going to be hard when I'm alone.

02/Mar/12 8:30 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Bugger! Zusy. Everyone else had said it. Just remember you and your family are loved by us and will support you in anyway we can.
Two days working on the boat and at least another day or so to go, so over it.
Have not read past this last page, so love and hugs to you all.
Back soon, just checking in.
Love and Hugs to you all.
02/Mar/12 9:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I wish there were words to say to make it better, Suzy - but I don't know any. {{{Big hugs}}}
02/Mar/12 9:29 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Suzy, keeping you, your mom, and your family in my thoughts.

Don't have much else to say. It is a busy day. Dylan has his first game of the season tonight and can't wait to use his new bat.
02/Mar/12 10:14 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy you've just knocked my socks off..
Like eveyone else befoe me it hurts me to know you are hurting
If there is anything I can do.. run you around, shopping, washing for your mother etc then just let me know. Beans taxi is pretty reliable. I'm also very close to the CBD which is where most things seem to be happening in the oncology world..

I know you have a lot of friends in town who woul feel priviledged to offer you somewhere to stay.. you just need to say the word..

Love & big hugs. Speak to you soon. x0x

02/Mar/12 11:17 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have nothing much else to report that can't wait for another day..
Remembered to make an appointment and actually keep it with my GP..
I am very good at 'forgetting' about things I don't want to do...
Take care everyone.
02/Mar/12 11:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to the airport in about 20 minutes. IH is at the plant, so will remain clueless about the new birds. I guarantee that if I don't point them out, he won't ever notice them. He's completely uninterested in my birds.
03/Mar/12 12:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back with the birds. They're starting to settle in and haven't been introduced to their permanent home yet, or other birds.
03/Mar/12 4:26 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, guess what I saw yesterday at EP (the retirement complex)? In one of the public rooms, there is a glass and wood case, my sister thought it was an aquarium. I checked it out, and it has BIRDS, finches to be exact. I did hear the tour guide, Linda, give name of what kind of finches, but she was across room talking to others, and I did not hear clearly.

There were tiny woven straw baskets along the back wall of the aviary, for nesting boxes? One basket was occupied by FIVE birds, just standing there crowded together at the opening, five pretty little faces. it appeared to me that 3 of them were just a bit smaller, two of them seemed larger and somehow more mature. Was this a family? Perhaps 3 juveniles with parents? these 5 were sort of cream colored with a bit of darker, not quite gold, like a sprinkle of gold dust.

None of the other little baskets were occupied, but were about many more very colorful birds,. they did not have the red tail feathers like your new ones, but more like the G. finches you have, cannot spell that. I do think I heard Linda say that name. the back of the aviary was covered with vines and flowers, the birds flew about and landed on those branches. this was not a large aviary, maybe 40 inches tall, about 22 inches deep, and 4 feet wide, and a Lot of birds living there. the birds were donated to the facility, and someone comes every 3 months to completely re do their environment. I do not know who feeds them , cares for them daily. AND I forgot to take photos, again, drats. I thought it was interesting about the birds.

Daughter said today that they had the birds there about 12 years ago when her grandmother lived at EP. I imagine the birds belonged to a resident, and family donated them when resident moved out. But then, I have an active imagination hehehe.

there are 8 elevator lobbies in building one, and 5 in building 2. building 2 lobbies are HUGE, I would call them a sun room, glass in a semi circular bay at the front of the building. Each I have seen is decorated differently. One I saw yesterday had 4 or 5 round "patio table' with 4 chairs each. Linda said residents could rent that room if they wanted a family gathering too large for their apartment. You could have a NICE party there. another of building 2 lobbies was a small exercise room, had a tread mill, a stationary bike and one other piece. all you need is permission from your doc, and then someone from staff will instruct you in their use. I can see using this on hot summer days when I melt to go outside.

building one lobbies are smaller, but each I have seen is decorated differently. A nice love seat and chair and table in one, beautiful book cases on ground floor, with a LOT of interesting collectibles. Some have a couple of matching upholstered chairs and table. these lobbies have a huge picture window that overlooks the back garden and of course the back side of the apartment buildings across the alley. I am talking really hi
03/Mar/12 4:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heading off to Melbourne in half an hour or so. Staying with a cousin I haven't seen in years! It will be nice. Just a reminder that life goes on and I'd love to know what's happening in yours..

Hugs and wish us luck negotiating the roads. There's a video on facebook of the 400-600 mm deep water (depends on who you talk to) we went through yesterday.
03/Mar/12 8:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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My sister just phoned via her cell. Their power is out, a tree fell on lines just past their house. This just from the high winds we are having in advance of the storms still to come. there has already been one tornado up near the north state line, just saw another warning box for same area, when i checked weather map. this is going to be a long night.

I had dozed in my chair some, so missed lunch, it is 3;30 pm here. I am warming dinner, just in case we loose power. I can have sandwich or something later. I have a small pork roast, bought one already cooked when at grocery.

Our grocery freezes then offers at a sale price, meats that are at their sale by date. I got this one pound cooked roast for $2. heck, any meat at $2 a pound is a bargain, especially already cooked!! and it is very good, this is day 2 for it.

Suzy, good luck on the roads, hope you have an uneventful trip. continued thoughts and prayers for you and your mum.

heidi, what is weather like your area??

Timer says food is warm, I shall go eat. hugs to each of you.
03/Mar/12 8:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was asleep (nap) and IH woke me up to tell me a tornado was a few miles southwest of us and heading here. It must have passed less than a mile from us. We had screaming winds and hail, which seems to precede a tornado. All calm again for a little while. The neighboring counties on all sides have nor had sightings.
As MizT said, it's going to be a long night.
03/Mar/12 9:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Miz Trica and Heidi, keeping you both in my thoughts. Please try to post, if possible, so we know you are OK.
03/Mar/12 9:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Time to fling food. Dylan has his first game of the new season tonight and I am the official scorekeeper, at least for his eteam. We are the visiting team. Home team scorekeeper is the one that becomes official record of game.
03/Mar/12 9:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The reason why I was asleep is that I have been worshipping the porcelain god all day. I hope I haven't caught the 'flu that Robert had last week.
03/Mar/12 9:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... that aviary sounds beautiful. The 5 birds that you described sound like Society Finches. They are usually anywhere from all cream through spotting to various browns. They're unusual in that they're a man made species. They're very social birds and get along great in community aviaries. There are probably also Gouldians, Zebra Finches, Cordon BleuFinches and a few other species, I bet. I would be shocked if there were any Parrot Finches in the group. Too rare. I bet their singing makes the place very cheerful.
03/Mar/12 9:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I do not remember hearing them sing. I will listen for that next visit up there. Of course I thought of you the minute I saw the birds.

tornadoes scattered around us, but none as close as what Heidi witnessed. yes, Heidi, Hail is associated with most tornadoes, it is usually just north and east of the tornado itself. I was caught on the freeway once when there were tornado warnings for the county we were crossing. I was not familiar with the towns discussed in the warning my friend and I were listening to on radio. It got so bad, she had to pull off the road, and then came the hail. I was able to tell her we were not in danger of that tornado most likely, unless the one storm was producing 2 of them, the tornado was behind us. When we returned from our trip, we saw where the tornado had crossed the interstate, and inded it was about a mile behind where we had stopped.

I have my cell phone on my person, fully charged. if the new warnings to phone work as advertised, I should get a text if this address is within the warned area. Knowing that, i have been dozing in my chair without worry. my "escape kit" is at the back door, medicine, cash, snacks, raincoat, flashlight and candles for the dome, just grab it and go. Hummm, might need to add my phone recharger that works in auto,

with so many storms lately, I did ask Linda at the EP what their tornado plan was. she stated that although forecasters suggest lowest floor, their first floor (no basement) had too much glass, there is a 30 foot wall of glass one side of the common room there. their plan is for residents to stay in their apartment away from windows, in the bathroom would be good, or to take a chair into the hall and wait there. there is room for a few on first floor in the library, serving kitchen, but that opens to the common room, and that floor has flooded 6 times in the last 20+ years, so i shall stay up in my hallway for the few minutes we might be in direct path of a tornado. I wonder how many people even think to ask what their plan might be???

I do wish I could type their correctly. I do know how it is spelled, but it is now the work I always typo. fingers go thier every time! Even when I am concentrating on the spelling and typing of it. back now to spell check, why oh why is there not a 'correct all" button, there was on some spell check i had, easy to do them at once that way.

I am happy to say pain levels this storm are under control. Before the new drugs, I would be sitting in a chair rocking back and forth from the pain, and here I am baking a cake, and chatting with my friends. thank goodness for modern medicine.

I hope to return later tonight to let you know how the tornadoes go, I just heard that today already in the southeast, there have been 70 suspected tornadoes. this is a major weather outbreak. And yesterday was the first day of the spring "tornado season"

Let them eat cake, I am off to make a cup of coffee to
03/Mar/12 11:49 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Stay safe dear friends ♥
03/Mar/12 2:00 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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What Gail said...crazy weather all around.
03/Mar/12 3:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Here at the Epworth hotel. I sure hope the rooms are as luxurious as the reception area, and that there are as many staff as at a luxury hotel

I am glad the tornadoes have missed so far, have to admit to feeling sorry for Heidi's poor cows in the hail storm
03/Mar/12 3:06 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Greetings everyone..After last weekend this is a relief.. it is cool.. rain is drizzling steadily which is good..should be soaking in and not running off. Glad I brought the washing in last night.

The puppies have been VERY mischievous.. on possum patrol and v. noisy. Discovered why we have been going through so much toilet paper.. no upset tummies.. it is a great play thing.. found a roll [semi chewed] under the clothes line. Miss Lana was very disappointed when I grabbed it from her.
03/Mar/12 4:16 PM
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